KYABRAM & DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICES REPORT OF OPERATIONS Our Vision Kyabram & District Health Services (KDHS) aims to be a leading district health service, dedicating our resources, talents and skills to improve the health status of our community. We will deliver comprehensive services, which are high quality, compassionate, efficient, affordable and accessible to our community. We will achieve this vision by leading the development and operation of an integrated health care delivery system embracing acute, aged and community service. Our Mission A commitment to excellence in Health Care. Our Purpose To enhance the, life of everyone in our community through a focus on health and well being. Manner of Establishment and relevant Ministers Kyabram & District Health Services was established on 27 March 1960 and operates in accordance with the Health Services Act 1988. The responsible Minister during the reporting period was The Hon. Daniel Andrews MP until December 2010 followed by The Hon. David Davies MP. Objectives, Functions, Powers and Duties Objectives, Functions, Powers and Duties of Kyabram & District Health Services are described in Operational Practices and By-Laws of the organisation TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Board membership 12 Clinical data 8 and 9 Compliance 13 and 14 Declarations and Attestations 12 Disclosure Index 15 and 16 Highlights 5, 6 and 7 President and CEO report 2, 3 and 4 Organisational Chart 11 Services 10 Workforce Data 9 Front cover photo: Karen Taylor, Midwifery Coordinator; with some of the Mums who birthed their babies in the new Community and Hospital Midwife birthing model at Kyabram & District Health Services . Photo courtesy of Bellies & Babies KDHS 51st Annual Report 2010/2011 Page 1 President and CEO Report Corporate with other health providers and local govern- ment are important. For a number of years, the Following on from last year when KDHS was community of Tongala, working with the Shire of awarded the Premier‘s award for the best rural Campaspe has been building new facilities with a public health service in Victoria, this year has health focus. It is hoped that some mutually seen a consolidation of those gains, achieving a agreeable arrangement can be signed which will balance between access to services, quality im- improve access to community health services. provements and financial sustainability. All three improved. Everyone associated with KDHS Engagement with our Community is important should be congratulated, our Board, management and it is pleasing to report that representatives of team, staff, medical practitioners, volunteers and the Stanhope community are satisfied with the community supporters. The Health Service was continuation of the pilot project of increased awarded two Extensive Achievement ratings community nursing in Stanhope. within the 4 year cycle of ACHS accreditation. Goals set by the Department of Health under the The Board appointments from July 1, 2010 saw Health Service Agreement have been attained the reappointment of Maureen Atkins and Doug and these include WIES targets for private and Crow to 30 June 2013 and the appointment of public inpatients and Home and Community Geoffrey Cootes, Nicole Ryan and Jeffrey Health Care (HACC) targets. Our nursing home, Newham. Sheridan, increased occupancy rates by 7%. It is still placing a significant financial burden upon Ray Tuhan retired on 30th June 2010 after 13 the health service. The Board of Directors is ex- years of volunteering on the Board of Directors. tremely confident that once the refurbishment Ray was awarded the Life Governorship for his program is completed in 2012, persons seeking work over many years, including his passionate residential aged care will find the attractive and tireless representation of the community, amenities and ambience at Sheridan a most ap- especially the Stanhope community. Ray contrib- pealing and charming preference. uted to many of the innovative changes that oc- curred at the Health Service, and has been a val- The Health Service expresses its deep apprecia- ued mentor for new Board members. tion and gratitude for the endless hours donated by so many volunteers in so many different ways. The Board continues to approve Budgets that re- It is indeed a reflection on the ownership felt to- sult in modest operational surpluses to ensure the wards the Health Service by our community that ongoing financial sustainability of the health ser- so many persons are willingly prepared to volun- vice. It is a Department of Health requirement teer and donate their most valuable, and irre- that health services do not operate at a loss. This placeable, commodity - time. Thank you to those approach has allowed new services to be offered, volunteers who share their experience, their life- such as the development of a new wing to house skills, advice, understanding and friendship. As a renal dialysis services. The Board is appreciative Health Service we are indeed most fortunate to of the $237,000 contribution from the Depart- benefit from such community minded support- ment of Health towards the construction costs of ers. the new wing, as well as money to assist training nursing staff. It is a satisfying by-product that 2 of the 3 new renal dialysis staff are existing local staff who have increased their skill base. The Board of KDHS recognises that it operates as part of a broader health system and partnerships Page 2 KDHS 51st Annual Report 2010/2011 President and CEO Report cont. Clinical This year we expanded our elective surgery pro- gram with a DoH allocation of an extra 38 WIES After much planning, and collaboration with all representing an extra $150,000. The number of stakeholders, a new Community and Hospital patients treated increased 2.3% to a record num- Midwifery program started in January. This has ber treated at KDHS. This will increase further allowed women with low risk pregnancies to con- when we treat our first dialysis patients in July tinue to birth in Kyabram. The program has at- 2011 and establish an urology service. The Board tracted media attention and may be a model for is mindful that a resolution to the local medical other health services who are struggling to sustain workforce shortage is not only imperative to the a medical model with the retirement of GP obste- needs of the wider community but also to the tricians. The number of births has dropped by Health Service. The Board does not wish to rely 42% in recognition that not all women are clini- solely on visiting anaesthetists, surgeons and cally suitable for this model. other specialists, thereby severely limiting the This last year was the first full year of a Transi- ability to have community emergencies dealt tional Care Program, which provides older pa- with locally. We do greatly appreciate the work tients recovering from an acute illness the chance performed by our visiting medical officers and to assess whether they will be safe returning to there will always be a mix of work performed by their own homes and caring for themselves. We procedural GPs and visiting specialists. have 2 bed based places and 2 community places Memorial services in Sheridan to remember and and while this program was initially slow to gain celebrate the lives of recently deceased Residents traction, it is now operating at full capacity. commenced during the year. Families have been Hospital admissions at the Urgent Care Centre able to express their feelings in a supportive en- saw a growth of 6.2% this year. This growth is vironment and have found it a really positive part driven by the ageing of our population and the of the healing process. variation in the supply of medical workforce per- Support sonnel in the community. Managing this demand is a major challenge. In line with the rest of the Support visits to Sheridan by the Aged Care Stan- state, most of the presentations are ―non urgent‖ dards Agency resulted in ongoing accreditation. in terms of Department of Health triage catego- The implementation of HealthSmart Information ries. The management team has been seeking to Communication Technology products continues spread the message that to prevent our existing to be problematic. It has caused extra work for GP workforce from burnout, the UCC should only staff. We were the first in the state to use the be used for urgent cases. The free Nurse On Call Community Health module of iSOFT in an inte- service has also been promoted. More broadly grated Health environment. The product initially the Board of Directors has been working with the failed to fully deliver as promised, but now nearly local GPs to assist them bring additional doctors all of the outstanding issues have been resolved. to our Community. We welcomed Dr Tadrous The upgrade of our ICT is occurring in conjunc- and his family during the year, as well as two reg- tion with the Loddon Mallee Rural Health Alli- istrars, Drs Jia Xue and Wil Chong. After a brief ance and we remain an active member of this sojourn we welcomed Dr. Michael McQueen- joint venture. No new rollout of HealthSmart Thompson back into a transitional role and thank products is planned for KDHS for 2011/12 while Michael for his past contributions. We also ac- the government reviews the program and the knowledge the decades of dedicated, skilled ser- structure of the rural health alliances. vice to his patients and to the Health Service de- livered so professionally by Dr. Bernie Moore. The Health Service maintains a constant vigi- Over many years Dr. Moore has provided in- lance and awareness to OH&S risks and accord- formed and knowledgeable assistance to the ingly the medical gas storage and reticulation Health Service, including time on the Board of system was upgraded to remove manual han- Directors and it is hoped that, along with Robyn, dling of large gas bottles, whilst also securing Bernie continues to enjoy his overseas adventures consistency of supply and increasing efficiency savings.
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