NEW OR RARE CHROMOSOME COUNTS OF SOME ANGIOSPERM SPECIES FROM IRAN S. M. GHAFFARI Ghaffari, S. M. 2006 01 01: New or rare chromosome counts of some angiosperm species from Iran. –Iran. Journ. Bot. 11 (2): 185-192. Tehran. Original chromosome observations including 29 species from 19 families are reported. Of these, the chromosome numbers, for 6 taxa including, Cirsium hygrophilum (Asteraceae), Matthiola longipetala subsp. bicornis (Brassicaceae), Dianthus orientalis subsp. nassireddini (Caryophyllaceae), Phlomis bruguieri, Salvia leriifolia, Teucrium oliverianum (Lamiaceae) are new observations. Also, new tetraploid level of n=24 for Asyneuma amplexicaule (Campanulaceae) and new diploid level of n=9 for Euphorbia microsciadia (Euphorbiaceae) are reported here for the first time. Seyed Mahmood Ghaffari, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Tehran. P. O. Box 13145-1384, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected] Keywords. Chromosomes, Angiospermae, Iran. ﺷﻤﺎرش ﮐﺮوﻣﻮزوﻣﯽ ﺟﺪﯾﺪ ﯾﺎ ﻧﺎدر ﺑﺮاي ﺑﻌﻀﯽ از ﮔﻮﻧﻪﻫﺎي ﻧﻬﺎﻧﺪاﻧﻪ اﯾﺮان ﺳﯿﺪﻣﺤﻤﻮد ﻏﻔﺎري ﻣﺸﺎﻫﺪات ﮐﺮوﻣﻮزوﻣﯽ 29 ﮔﻮﻧﻪ ﻣﺘﻌﻠﻖ ﺑﻪ 19 ﺧﺎﻧﻮاده ﮔﺰارش ﻣﯽﺷﻮد. ﺷﻤﺎرﺷﻬﺎي ﮐﺮوﻣﻮزوﻣﯽ ﺑﺮاي 6 ﺗﺎﮐﺴﻮن ﺷﺎﻣﻞ: Cirsium hygrophilum (Asteraceae), Matthiola longipetala subsp. bicornis (Brassicaceae), Dianthus orientalis subsp. Nassireddini (Caryophyllaceae), Phlomis bruguieri, Salvia leriifolia, Teucrium (oliverianum (Lamiaceae ﺟﺪﯾﺪ ﻣﯽﺑﺎﺷﻨﺪ. ﻫﻤﭽﻨﯿﻦ ﺳﻄﺢ ﺗﺘﺮاﭘﻠﻮﺋﯿﺪي n=24 ﺑﺮاي ﮔﻮﻧﻪ (Asyneuma amplexicaule (Campanulaceae و ﺳﻄﺢ دﯾﭙﻠﻮﺋﯿﺪي n=9 ﺑﺮاي ﮔﻮﻧﻪ (Euphorbia microsciadia (Euphorbiaceae ﺑﺮاي اوﻟﯿﻦ ﺑﺎر ﮔﺰارش ﻣﯽﺷﻮد. 186 S. M. Ghaffari IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 11 (2), 2006 INTRODUCTION Tehran University (TUH) or in the IRAN The purpose of this paper and others forth Herbarium (Ghaffari, 1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1988) coming in the same series, is to give information RESULTS AND DISCUSSION concerning the chromosome counts of Angiosperm taxa of the Iranian flora. The Alliaceae interest of the Iranian flora is some unknown Allium asarense R. M. Fritch et Matin and such information would be important in Tehran: Karaj, Asara. 1950m. Ghaffari 574. n = 8. our attempts to understand the richness of the This taxon was described by Fritsch et al. flora and the distribution pattern of the plant (2001) as an endemic species to Iran with 2n = species in the area concerned. In the present 16 chromosomes. Chromosome counts in study, chromosome counts for 29 species pollen mother cells showed eight bivalents at representing 19 families are reported. diplotene stage, which agrees with the above MATERIAL AND METHODS report (Fig. 1). Floral buds of appropriate size were fixed in Apiaceae absolute ethanol: chloroform: propionic acid Cuminum cyminum L. (6:3:2) for 24 hours, transferred to 70% alcohol Khorasan: Mashhad., 970 m, Ghaffari 1672 n and stored under refrigeration until analyzed. = 7, 2n = 14. Anthers were squashed and stained in 2% acetocarmine. Chromosome counts were carried Meiosis in this taxon was regular and out from microsprocytes in various stages of showed 7 bivalents at metaphase I (Fig. 2). meiosis. Chromosomes were studied under oil Chromosome segregation at anaphase I was (7- immersion on an Olympus microscope at a 7) (Fig. 3). Previous report of 2n = 14 (Sheidai magnification of 320x. All slides were made et al. 1996) is in agreement with the present permanent by the Ventian Turpentine (Wilson, count. 1945). Somatic chromosomes were studied in Asteraceae standard Feulgen preparations after pretreatment Callicephalus nitens (M. B. ex Willd) C. A. with a 0.002 M solution of 8 hydroxyquinoline Mey. for 3 h at room temperature. Measurement of Mazandaran: Kelardasht, Roudbarak, 800 m. straight chromosomes were made under the Ghaffari 7577. n = 14. microscope with a high power oil immersion Previous reports for this species is 2n = 28 objective using an ocular micrometer. Somatic (see Fedorov 1974). Meiosis in our sample was chromosomes were classified according to regular and showed 14 bivalents at diakinesis, centromeric positions defined with mean arm which two of them were attached with the ratios (Levan et al. 1994). Voucher specimens nucleolus (Fig. 4). Chromosome count of 2n = were deposited in the Central Herbarium of 32 by (Tonjan, 1968) is questionable. Figures 1-12. Microphotographs of meiotic divisions. Fig. 1. Allium asarense, diakinesis (n=8). Fig. 2, 3. Cuminum cyminum, metaphase I and anaphase I respectively (n=7). Fig. 4. Callicephalus nitens, diakinesis (n=14). Fig. 5. Cirsium hygrophilum, metaphase I (n-17). Fig. 6. Heliotropium suaveolens, metaphase I (n=8). Fig. 7. Fibigia suffruticosa, leptotene, showing synizetic knot. Fig. 8, 9. Matthiola longipetala subsp. bicornis, diakinesis and metaphase I respectively (n=7). Fig. 10. Cleome iberica, diakinesis (n=10). Fig. 11. Dianthus orientalis subsp. nassireddini, metaphase I (n=15). Fig. 12. Silene schafta, metaphase I (n=12). IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 11 (2), 2006 Cheromosome counts 187 188 S. M. Ghaffari IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 11 (2), 2006 Cirsium hygrophilum Boiss. Mediterranean region. My sample indicates the Mazandaran: slopes of Kandavan Mountain. 7 bivalents at diakinesis and metaphase I 2520m., Ghahffari 8767 n = 17. (Figures 8,9). This is the first chromosome Seventeen bivalents were observed at count for this subspecies metaphase I (Fig. 5). Chiasma frequency obtained Campanulaceae from 9 cells were 1.10 per bivalent. This seems to Asyneuma amplexicaule (Willd.) Hand.- Mzt. be the first first chromosome count for this species. subsp. amplexicaule Boraginaceae Mazandaran: Chalus valley, Elika, 1500m Ghaffari 2776. n = 24. Heliotropium suaveolens M. B. Previous report for this taxon is 2n = 24 + 0 Azarbaijan Sharghi: Khoy, 25 km towards – – 1B by Contandriopoulos (1980) from Iran. Salmas, 1460m, Ghaffari 18371. n = 8. We found the new tetraploid level of n = 24 for Previous reports for this taxon are 2n = 48 this taxon. by Murin & Sheikh (1971) and n = 16 by Ghaffari (1996). In the present study we found Capparaceae 8 bivalents at first metaphase (Fig. 6). Cleome iberica DC. Therefore this taxon has diploid, tetraploid and Tehran: Karaj, Asara, 1450m. Ghaffari 16064. hexaploid levels of chromosome complement. n = 10. This diploid cytotype is reported here for the Previous report for this taxon are n =10 first time. (Aryavand 1983), 2n = 20 (Caristrom 1984), Brassicaceae which are in agreement with the present count Fibigia suffruticosa (Vent.) Sweet of n = 10 from new locality (Fig. 10). Tehran: slopes of Sorkheh-hesar Mt., 1450 m Caryophyllaceae Ghaffari 2666, n = 8. Dianthus orientalis Adams subsp. nassireddini Previous reports for this species are 2n = 16 (Stapf) Rech. f. (Aryavand 1975a) and n = 8 (Ghaffari 1986). Loristan: Shoul – Abad, Eushtoran kouh, Chromosome count in this study obtained from 2350m, Ghaffari 6777. n = 15. a new locality and was n = 8. In early prophase This taxon has 9 subspecies in Iran, which 6 synizetic knot were observed (Fig. 7). of them are endemic (Ghahreman & Attar, Matthiola longipetala (Vent.) DC. subsp. 1999). Meiosis in this subspecies was regular bicornis (Sibth. et Sm.) P. W. Ball. and showed 15 bivalents at metaphase I Khuzistan: Dezful, Sardasht, 520m, Ghaffari (Fig.11). My earlier chromosome count for D. 771. n = 7. orientalis subsp. obtusisquameus (Boiss.) Previous count of 2n = 14 was reported by Rech. f. was n = 30 (Ghaffari 1987). The Aryavand (1978) for the species. Also, present and previous works indicates that this chromosome count of 2n = 14 for M. taxon has both diploid and tetraploid levels. longipetala subsp. pumilio (Sm.) P.W.Ball is Silene schafta Gmel. Jun. ex Hohen. reported by Tiniakou (1996) from Figures 13-28. Microphotographs of meiotic or mitotic divisions. Fig.13,14. Convolvulus stachydifolius, metaphase I and anaphase I respectively (n=9). Fig.15. Elaesgnus angustifolia, metaphase II (n=14). Fig.16. Euphorbia microsciadia, metaphase I (n=9). Fig.17. Alhagi persarum, metaphase I (n=8). Fig.18. Astragalus candulleanus, mitotic metaphase (2n=16). Fig.19,20. Vicia sativa, diakinesis and metaphase I respectively (n=5). Fig.21. Phlomis bruguieri, diplotene (n=10). Fig.22. Salvia leriifolia, mitotic metaphase (2n=22). Fig.23. Teucrium oliverianum, diakinesis (n=13). Fig.24. Tulipa montana var. chrysantha, mitotic metaphase (2n=24). Fig.25. Tulipa polychroma, mitotic metaphase (2n=24). Fig.26. Primula auriculata, metaphase I (n=11). Fig.27. Citrus limonum, metaphase II (n=9). Fig.28. Linaria chalepensis, diakinesis (n=12). IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 11 (2), 2006 Cheromosome counts 189 Mazandaran: Kelardasht, Roudbarak, 800m Spergularia marina (L.) Griseb. Ghaffari 1670. n = 12. Khusistan: Dezful, Safidabad, 138m. Ghaffari Meiosis in this taxon was regular and 1464. n = 9. showed 12 bivalents at metaphase I (Fig. 12), Present count of n = 9 agrees with previous which agrees with previous report of 2n = 24 report of 2n = 18 (Amin 1973). This count is (Degraeve 1980). This count is new for the new for the flora of Iran. flora of Iran. 190 S. M. Ghaffari IRAN. JOURN. BOT. 11 (2), 2006 Convolvulaceae Khuzestan: Dezful, 5 km towards Safiabad, Convolvulus stachydifolius Choisy 138m, Ghaffari 764. n = 5. Khuzistan: Dezful, Shayoon, 1450m, Ghaffari Our Previous count for this taxon was n = 6 274. n = 9. from Tehran (Ghaffari & Chariat–Panahi Meiosis in this species was regular and 1985). In this study we found five bivalents at showed 9 bivalents at metaphase I and (9-9) diakinesis and metaphase I (Fig. 19, 20). chromosome segregation at anaphase I (Figs. According to information this taxon has three 13,14), which agrees with the previous report different chromosome complements of 2n = by Aryavand (1980). 10, 12, and 14. (Goldblatt & Johnson 2003). Elaeagnaceae Lamiaceae Elaegnus angustifolia L. Phlomis bruguieri Desf. Markazi: Arak, Toureh, 1870 m, Ghaffari 777. Lorestan: Khorramabad, Keshvar, pass of n = 14. Nojan, 2050 m, Ghaffari 5277. n = 10. Previous reports for this species are 2n = 14 This species was diploid and showed 10 and 2n = 28 (see Fedorov 1974). It seems that bivalents at prophase I (Fig. 21). According to this taxon has two diploid and tetraploid levels the present information, this is the first of chromosome numbers. Our sample showed chromosome count for this species.
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