FISHERIES AND MARINE SERVICE 14-riv.ruy Translation Series No 3170 The dynamics of Populations and growth of fish in some water reservoirs by V.S. Tanasiichuk Original, title: Dinamika chislennosti i rosta ryb v nekotorykh vodokhranilishchakh• Frmm: Trudy Vsesoyuznogo Nauchno-Issledovatel l skogo Instituta Morskogo Rybnogo KhoZyaistva i Okeanografii (VNIRO) • (Proceedings of the Ail-Union Research Institute'of, Marine Fisheries and Oceanography), 83 89-104, 1972 Translated by the Translation Bureau(jW) Multilingual Services Division Department of the Secretary Of State of Canada Department of the Environment Fisheries and Marine Service Marine Ecology Laboratory Dartliimouth, N.S. 1974 21 pages typescript e. • • DEPARTMENT OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES CANADA DIVISION MULTILINGUES Fe-4f g/ 7 te TRANSLATED FROM — TRADUCTION DE INTO — EN Russian English AUTHOR — AUTEUR V«S. Tanasiichuk TITLE IN ENGLISH — TITRE ANGLAIS The dynamics of populations and growth of fish •in so ni e water reservoirs TITLE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE (TRANSLITERATE FOREIGN CHARACTERS) TITRE EN LANGUE ÉTRANGÉRE (TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTLRES ROMAINS) Dinamika chislennosti i rosta ryb v nekotorykh vodokhranilishchakh REFERENCE IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE (NAME OF BOOK OR PUBLICATION) IN FULL. TRANSLITERATE,FOREIGN CHARACTERS. RÉFÉRENCE EN LANGUE ÉTRANGeRE (NOM DU LIVRE OU PUBLICATION), AU COMPLET, TRANSCRIRE EN CARACTèRES ROMAINS. Trudy VN1R0 REFERENCE IN ENGLISH — RÉFÉRENCE EN ANGLAIS Trudy VNIK0 PUBLISHER— ÉDITEUR PAGE NUMBERS IN ORIGINAL DATE OF PUBLICATION NUMÉROS DES PAGES DANS DATE DE PUBLICATION L'ORI GI NAL Not given YEAR ISSUE NO. 89-104 VOLUME PLACE OF PUBLICATION ANNÉE NUMÉRO NUMBER OF TYPED PAGES LIEU DE PUBLICATION HOMBRE DE PAGES USSR DACTYLOGRAPHIEES 1 7 2 83 Not given 21 REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Ell V j ronment TRANSLATION BUREAU NO. 784414 MINISTÈRE-CLIENT NOTRE DOSSIER N° BRANCH OR DIVISION Fi sher i es Serv i ce TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) JW DIRECTION OU DIVISION TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) . ..../. p.. PERSON REQUESTING l r. Dan Ware 0, DEMANDÉ PAR cr> ■ r-;p: ir,..F.c., :-.-:1 ,-.H .,,...; YOUR NUMBER 769-18-14 c ,? VOTRE DOSSIER N° ZD DATE OF REQUEST 31. 5. 74 DATE DE LA DEMANDE S05.20040.6 (REV. 2/68) 7030•21-029.6333 DEPARTMENTOFTHESECRETARYOFSTATE SECRÉTARIAT D'ÉTAT TRANSLATION BUREAU BUREAU DES TRADUCTIONS MULTILINGUAL SERVICES DIVISION DES SERVICES DIVISION MULTILINGUES CLIENTS NO. DEPARTMENT DI VISI ON/BRANCH N° DU CLIENT MINISTÉRE DIVISION/DIRECTION VILLE 7 59-18-14 Environment Fisheries Service :Dartmouth,. N. S . BUREAU NO. LANGUAGE TRANSLATOR (INITIALS) N° DU BUREAU LANGUE TRADUCTEUR (INITIALES) 784414 Russian . JW AUG 21 1974 From: Trudy VNIRO, vol. 83, pp. 89--104, 1972 (USSR) The dynamics of populations and growth of fish • in some mater reservoirs UNEDITED MANSLATION For informaiion one b y TRAL43:710t4 NC*1 V. S. Tanasiichuk informa:iion scuiern-?.at (The Fisheries Research Institute of the Ukraine) UDC 597 - 152.6 Spring flooding conditions in combination with the thermal:regime /89* determines (given a single level of reproduction) the yield of semidia- dromous fish of the Caspian [7, 28,31], Aral [3, 20] and Azov Seas [5, 8] and of the Dnepr-Bug estuary [11] and of a number of other natural water bodies. This also applies to artificial water bodies--large wuterrePer- voirs. The discharge and hence also the flood regime of the southern rivers of the European part of the Soviet Union are relatively synclo-ggus [8, 12 1 . The effect of the water reservoirs situated on these rivers is comparatively small, the total water content of the basin being of decisive importance. Hence the biological processes over a period of several years or even of one year tend in one direction. Thus in 1963 * The numbers in the right-hand margin indicate page numbers of the original (Tr.) SOS-200-10-31 7530-21-029-5332 2 several species of fish had large yields in the Kremenchug [29], Tsimlyan [18] and Kuibyshev reservoirs [19, 32], as well as in the Volga delta. Many investigators have pointed out the importance of the water level regime in reservoirs for fish reproduction [6, 13, 14, 17, 19, 33, and others]. All of them underline the importance of periodic drainage of the shallows. The dynamics of the commercial standing crop (biomass) of fish per unit area* of the three reservoirs in various years of their ex- istence is shown in fig. 1. -C A *— > à 0 -0 r'â t. e r _c • 1 2 3 6 8 3 lo e • Liœ cgurectreoAm.tp gcs0x,DaNa.nui.4 Years water reservoirs have existed Pe.I. lipoYaczoBen. pmÔonDo- zpiT11.13110Cn› Min B pa3nue rozu ix cymec TB0Ea,ligii : Fig. 1. Commercial standing iligrrŒHCKOW 18/ ; crop (biomass) of fish - - KaxoBcRoe; per unit area of the KpemeHtlyrcicoe. reservoirs in various years. Tsymlyan reservoir [18]; Kakhovskoe reservoir; -.-.-.-.-.- Kremenchug reservoir. * Revisor's note: This expression has béén abbreviated to "standing crop" elsewhere in this translation. 3 The standing crop is calculated for the actual average area flooded during the growing season. Figures on tyulka are not included, since they are not being raised in the Tsymlyan and Kremenchug reservoirs. The initial commercial standing crop (for the section of the river before the formation of the reservoir) is calculated for an area of the res- ervoir at a normal backwater level. The most intensive growth of the commercial standing crop was noted in the Tsymlyan reservoir. This reservoir is characterized by a low, water level in winter, by gradual filling in the spring and by early discharge in the summer (fig. 2). Moreover, the high-water mark varies from year to year. Hence a portion of the shallows of the reservoir dries up annually in the July--September period, and sometimes it doesn't get flooded at all and stays dry for a period of one or several years. Subsequent flooding of such areas promotes higher yields of semidiadromous fish [8]. The commercial standing crop in the Kremenchug reservoir increases more slowly (see fig. 1). The water level here changes differentlY: the largest water discharge occurs in February--March, but the reservoir rapidly reaches its normal backwater level after that. The water discharge in the Kremenchug reservoir in summer and fall is slower than in the Tsymlyan reservoir, and the drainage period of the shallows is shorter. The fact that the reservoir annually fills up to the same level excludes the possibility of any sections remaining dry for very long. Initially, the Kakhovskoe water reservoir had the largest com- mercial standing crop, but the catches increased only slowly despite 4 the fact that fishing here was significantly more intense than in the Tsymlyan reservoir [9]. The water level in the Kakhovskoe reservoir, especially recently, has varied only slightly, and the water discharge in the winter--spring period has been insignificant. Given such regime, the shallows hardly dried, which resulted in poor spawning conditions /92 for phytophilous fish. Moreover, the Kakhovskoe reservoir, in contrast to the Tsymlyan and Kremenchug reservoirs, has practically no large tributaries. Our observations indicate that the floodplains of trib- utary rivers play an important role for spawning in addition to the spawn- ing beds in the reservoir itself. Almost all fish in the reservoirs migrate greater or lesser distances fbr the purpose of spawning. Thus A.G. Poddubnyi [25] by tagging identified the so-called diadromous fish-- usually large specimens--among each of the bream populations he dis- covered. Other observations indicate that some fish species ascend the Dnepr for spawning from the Kiev reservoir. Formerly, fish from the Kremenchug reservoir asçended above Kiev, but now some of them ascend into the zone of the future Kanevsky reservoir-which in this region brings them into a vast Dnepr floodplain. The fish also ascend-other tributaries for spawning. When the floodplains become drained, the fry descend and feed in the reservoir. Thus the river floodplains significantly enlarge the spawning area of the reservoirs. As a rule, most fish species give exceptionally high yields during the first years of a reservoir's existence, even though the first generation originates from a relatively small number of spawners (com- pared to later years), whose fecundity in the river is low. Large areas .4 5 CM ! Fig.2. Average 361- water,level in the 3s - . Tsymlyan a „ (a), Il Kremenchug ( 55 s 55 ' and Kakhovskoe (13) 33 1' reservoir: --- F For 1953-66 18 ; _ _ _ _ 1962-64; si to 1 965-67; n //' '45 _-. __,:__.1958--62; e .__XX X 1963-67. 22' 26 /6 . • , • /4 • 1.5 • T if' e v7i Te er • tfecRips/ Months Cpcverl ypoecub euu B lemanucem (a ) , • EpeneuvroXom (o) Kaxoecnom (e) Bozap&-, *sa 1953-1066 / 18 /; za • 1964 oa 1965-1267 195B-12 6e' - Sa rr. • of freshly inundated vegetation, the absence of predatory invertebrates, the low density of fish that prey upon spawn and fry, a rich food supply for young fish--all these help create favourable conditions for their survival. The spawning areas are large enough to accomodate very many spawners. Hence, the greater their abundance in a given reservoir when 6 the latter is first flooded, the more abundant, as a rule, is the first generation appearing in the reservoir. In subsequent years everything changes and a population depression sets in [24]. It is at this time that the shores of the reservoir are being shaped, eroded, and that the decomposition of the inundated vegetation occurs. During the first two or three years there is practically no spawning substratum. During this period the river floodplains become increasingly important as spawning areas. The conditions under which some species of fish form year-classes in the Kremenchug reservoir will be discussed in greater detail.
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