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The present invention is 2006/O127475 A1* 6/2006 Makino ................ A61K9/2027 particularly Suited to administering an agent which may be 424/464 released while a subject is sleeping. As well as treating 2006/0177506 A1 8, 2006 Yanai et al. certain conditions by a particular regime, the invention also 2006/0257482 A1* 11/2006 Kumar et al. ................ 424/469 provides novel formulations for a delayed, followed by a 2007/OO98788 A1 5, 2007 Gore et al. 2009.0053308 A1 2/2009 Ishida et al. pulsed release of drug. 2009. O1553.58 A1 6, 2009 Diaz et al. 22 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 1 of 7 US 9,474,719 B2 1OO BO c S 60 8 O) O 40 O C N O - 1 OO O 1OO 2OO 3OO AOO SOO SOO 7OO BOO Time (min) Figure 1 U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 2 of 7 US 9,474,719 B2 O & 80 S 60 S D 40 Ol cs N 2O O - 10 O 1OO 2DO SOO 4D 5OO SOO FOO BOO Time (min) Figure 2 U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 3 of 7 US 9,474,719 B2 1OO 8O s 9. 60 40 S O - OO O 1 OO 2OO 3OO 4OO 5DO SOD O) BOO Time (min) Figure 3 U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 4 of 7 US 9,474,719 B2 100 Sla 80 c) ;s 6O A. E 9 40 O N 2D O -1DO O 1OO 2OO 3OO ADO 5OO SOO FOO BOO Time (min) Figure 4 U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet S of 7 US 9,474,719 B2 O min 120 min 135 min 165 min Figure 5 U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2016 Sheet 6 of 7 US 9,474,719 B2 Zolpidem PK ro-Subject OO1 Subject 002 S r r i ral sess 200 400 SOO 800 1000 1200 1400 15 Time (mins) Figure 6 US 9,474,719 B2 1. 2 PULSATLE DRUG RELEASE art, many Such devices/methods were highly complex and there is distinct advantage in providing a simpler press CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED coated tablet formulation. APPLICATIONS One particularly preferred embodiment relates to treating subjects who wake during the night, but have no or little This application is a United States Application under 35 difficulty in initially falling asleep, commonly termed sleep U.S.C. 371 claiming the benefit of PCT Application No. maintenance insomnia. In a preferred embodiment therefore, PCT/GB2011/000306, filed on Mar. 4, 2011, which claims the formulations of the present invention are for treating the benefit of GBApplication No. 1003766.1, filed on Mar. sleep maintenance insomnia. Such formulations therefore 10 comprise a pharmaceutically active agent for inducing and/ 5, 2010, the contents of each of which are incorporated or facilitating sleep. Typically this may be a sedative or herein by reference. hypnotic agent, Such as a benzodiazepine, chloral hydrate, melatonin and analogues thereof. Zolpidem, Zopiclone or FIELD OF INVENTION Zaleplon. 15 Thus, in a first aspect, the present invention provides a In one aspect, the present invention is concerned with a sleep inducing and/or maintaining formulation agent such as treatment where it is desired that an active agent is designed a sedative or hypnotic agent, formulated as a component of to be released in a pulse at a time point some time after a press-coated tablet for treating sleep maintenance insom administration of the active agent. The present invention is nia, wherein the formulation is intended to be administered particularly Suited to administering an agent which may be immediately prior to a subject going to sleep (i.e. when a released whilst a Subject is sleeping. As well as treating Subject goes to bed at night for a prolonged period of sleep, certain conditions by a particular regime, the invention also such as 6-10 hours and hence is distinguished over shorter provides novel formulations for a delayed, followed by a sleeping periods) and wherein the hypnotic agent is Sub pulsed release of drug. stantially not released from the formulation for a period 25 between 1-8 hours, such as 1.5-4 hours after administration BACKGROUND TO THE INVENTION of the formulation to the subject and thereafter the agent is released from the formulation as a pulse Such that at least Time-dependent release mechanisms of drugs have been 70-90%, for example 80% of the agent within the formula described in the literature for tablet, pellet and capsule tion is released within 5-80 mins, such as 10-45, or 10-30 formulation utilising a wide range of physicochemical and 30 mins. physicomechanical strategies. The common feature of all In a further aspect there is provided a method of treating such formulations is that they are activated by contact with sleep maintenance insomnia, the method comprising admin fluids following ingestion by the patient and the drug will be istering a press-coated tablet comprising a sleep inducing released at the predetermined time after administration.
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