Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1975-04-17 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1975). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 2306. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/2306 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ' "\ I i' .;: /.' ··~~ '.:' .~ ~ ~~; r:~.~ : '' ~ : . ' ' VOL. 60 NO. 22 THURSDAY, APRIL 17,-1975 NEWS POTPOURRI SPORTS . Black Awareness Week ... page 2 Athenaeum review ... page 3 Murphy new "quarterback" ... page 4 Editor says goodbye... page 6 OUR MAN FL YNN ... page 7 Womer:-i's tennis ... page 5 News checks on Election dates set fall enrollment by Senate students in the high schools. He is By RON CSERBAK By RAY LEBOWSKI Xnler Newe St•ll Writer also sending letters to students who ll•vler N8We Sllllt Writer The question whether we're in a indicated that Xavier receive their After weeks of search, junior Paul depression or recession may be an SAT scores, yet did not· apply. He Shaffery was nominated by Presi­ academic one. Yet it is academic in­ has also organized faculty members dent Mike McCaffrey to be Elec­ stitutions like Xavier that especially under Dr. Roger Fortin to help in tions Chairman at the April 9 Stu­ feel the brunt of hard times. Unlike . the recruiting process. dent Senate meeting. , the booming '60s when Xavier and Fr. Buschmann explained that Questioning centered around the Xavier can't really expect a big boom other universities wtre being type of ballot and counting m~thods swamped by applications, special ef­ in the ·future because the current to be used. In addition to the man­ forts in recruiting are now needed to population trend shows there are less datory public count, a computer keep the enrollment up to its current college-aged people now than in the . program will be used.for verification level. sixties. He does hope to at least and class breakdowns, at no cost to The News contacted Rev. J. Peter maintain the current level. Although the students. Buschmann, Director of Admissions the College of Concinuing Educa­ No committee has been named and Recruiting, and forty non-senior tion and Graduate Division are yet, but Shaffery said he would dorm students to try and get a pic­ holding their own financially, the "screen for interested students." A ture of what next year's enroll­ Undergraduate-Day division is hav­ systematic ballot, with rotation of ment will be, and why. ing its troubles. Photo by BARB VEREB names, positim;1s, and specialized Unlike previous· recruiting, Fr. The News conducted a random Colorado . Lt. Governor George L. Brown, Chairman of the National class ballots, will be used. Exact Buschmann is going directly to the News to page 8 Democratic ~lack Caucus, spoke at Xavier Friday as part of. tt)e Black · Election to page 8 Awareness Week program. More on the Week's activities can be found on page The be$t way to beat 2. ·ne~t ·year's tuition hike Theolqgy. Dept lets students could we[I be study in ... help pick. new faculty member Europ·e By TRACEY ROBSON Theology faculty. · class about different aspects of X.vler N•wt 81811 Writer In addition, part of each can­ Xavier: the Theology department, sity of Vienna in Strobl, Austria. The Let it be recorded that in the Spr­ didate's interview included a lecture student life, and student interests. By MARY C. HENKEL Fr. Klein described the use of stu­ M81'18111ng Editor program is under the direction of Dr. ing of 1975 Xavier students had a given to a "mock-class" of Xavier role in one decision-making process students. The class consisted of 13. dent evaluations in the selection One student last year spent only Alfred Beige!, Professor of Modern of this University. · undergrads, including Theology ma­ process of new faculty as "not just a $100 over the cost of room, board · Languages. Fr. Leo Klein, S.J., and the jors, Business students, and other token gesture," but rather as and tuition at Xavier; he enjoyed Thirteen students participated in Theology Department have solicited Arts & Science students. Each valuable input. nearly six months in Europe and the first program last year. The of­ the views of ·Xavier undergrads "professor-to-be" gave a lecture on a The deans and faculty have always gained almost a full semester's ficial program at the University of toward the selection of a new topic of his choosing. The "class" had a role in such evaluations but Fr. academic credits iil six weeks. Vienna runs, this year, for six weeks, July 6 to August 16. During this time Theology faculty member. listened to the presentation and then Kelin feels that the students also This student was a participant in have a vested interest in who will be the highly successful Summer students have the opportunity of Prospective candidates for a facul­ . reacted to it. Following the discus­ meeting other students and ty position in the Theology Depart­ sion of the presentation, the students teaching them. For this reason, the Program in Austria, a program st.udent evaluation of each applicant sponsored by Xavier's College of professors from all. over the world ment have been interviewed during asked questions of· each applicant concerning his background, his will be given a good deal of con­ Continuing Education at the U niver- Europe to page 8 the past two weeks. The applicants have been on campus to meet with academic interests, his classroom sideration toward the final selection Fr. Klein, Fr. Francis Brennan, S.J .. methodology, etc. In addition, the and appointment of a new faculty Xavier women Academic Vice-President, and the candidate. was free to question the . member. le·arn self defense By SHANNON FLYNN chological and physical. The . psy­ X.vler Newt' St•H Writer chological factor ii; very important. Women's Self-defense is taught to "It's the woman who responds with a dozen women in theXavier gym on · anger,. not the one who panics, who Tuesday and Thursday nights.-Linda usually survives. Statistics show it is Sattem, an instructor from the Un­ the submissive woman who is vic­ iversity of Cincinnati and a.member timized the most; next is the woman of the Women Helping Women who ineffectively resists-for· in­ organization, has designed a fifteen stance pounding on someone's chest .. hour course in which she instructs But it's the woman who fights who "Statistics show it is the women on how to use their bodies usually comes out all right." submissive woman who is . effectively in the event of assault. The techniques Linda is teaching victimized the most; next is Ms. Saltern also includes discussions are basically the techniques of the woman who ineffec­ on the various .legal and psy­ "street-fighting.~' She combines the . tively resists . it's the chological aspects of assault and unadorned skills of judo and karate rape. as well as how a woman can and basic knowledge of vital contact woman who 'fights who find help in such a situation. points. "What I'm teaching isn't fan- · usually comes out all The aim of the course is to give cy," she explains. Unlike courses right." assaulted women a choice. Ms. women study in judo or karate Sattcm comments, "I'm trying to schools. Linda insists that her. give women an option 'to use self students work in street clothes. She defense ifthev choose to. I'm not tell­ feels street clothes are· valuable ing them tl;ey have to use ·these because in formal judo and karate techniques each time, because it will one learns skills using the lapels of be their life on the line. But women the uniforms.· Also unlike judo and should have a choice." karnte, which are considered sports, At the outset of the course Ms. Linda is trying to give the women a Sattcm stresses that assaults on· defensive and positive "mind-set." , Sta!f_Photo by TOM PETRE women arc illegal. Sl)c tries to instill . ~·You often hear of the black belt Ms. Linda Sattem, self defense instructor for about a dozen Xavier women. il­ confidence in the women, psy- Xavier to page 8 lustrates her point with one of the participants. ,.. Brown, Bennett featured speakers· this.week Black Awareness Week pushes education By DEBORAH GASTON of the tools toachievethatfreedom. Black students. It is to, as said on our. in the news Xnlw Newa llllt Wrltw Black Cultural Day was tormented black flag, 'wake up white celebrated with local poets, Bruce America.'"· compiled by PAUL RANIERI A legacy is anything handed down ·The lack of support by white from the past from an ancestor or Walton, Debbie Brock,. and John Chenault. A group of students from students which was obvious by lack National Food Day Program ends today predecessor. This definitfon was of attendance, was blatantly reflected in this year's Black Merry Junior High School per­ Today. April 17. National Food Day marks the culmination of formed interpretive dance. demonstrated last Friday morning in Xavier's National Food Day observance which is the largest program Awareness Week entitled "Legacy in the burning of the Black flag, and the Black." · Other ·programs of the week were . in the Greater Cincinnati Area. Psychology and the Black Com­ posting of a sign petitioning XU's Capping the four-day event will be talks by Joe Holland, of the .
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