#10I,July2003 BasicHVLP SprayTechniqu l"jfil,'H:T:fjji" sprayingfinishes. 28 TVCabinet 40 Cleverdesign details in a cabinetthat can showcase(or hide!)your 36-in.TV. StainingPine 52 Work magic on economicalpine with this step-by-stepmethod. HVLPTurbineSprayers 56 We chosethe best sprayersfor less than $600.See what featuresmatter. 3-YearIndex 69 Threeyears of. American Woodworker, sortedand groupedfor your reference. lo = page 56 o l N in _o P _.c L 0) (J Contents DEPARTMENTS 10 Question&Answer 's # 6# 16 WorkshopTips :"1i 22 TheWell.Equipped Shop I 64 91 92 94 e6w! page 10 Subscriptions: American Woodworker SubscriberService Dept., PO Box 8148, Red Oak, IA 51591-tl4g, (900) 666-31lf e-mail: [email protected] Artide Index A complete index is available online at wwwamericanwoodworker.com photocopies Copies of Past Aftides: are availablefor $3 each.Write or call: American Woodworker Reprint Center, pO Box g3695, Stillwater,MN 55083-0695,(715) 246-4344,8 AM to 5 PM CST,Mon. through Fri. Visa, MasterCari and f)iscover accepted. Bad<lssuesi Some are available for $5 each. Order from the Reprint Center at the address above. !9mme,$-31-uggotiolti Write to us at: AmericanWoodworker,2gI5 CommersDr., Suire 700, Eagan,MN 55121 Phone:(651)454-9200 Fax (651)994-2250 e-mail: [email protected] Arn crican \\/o oclw<trkcr JULY2OO3 Subseription Questions? Seepage 5 EDITORKen Collier SENIOREDITOR Tom Caspar ASSOCIATEEDITORS Randy Johnson, Iim Johnson, cp DaveMunkittrick Works Vondriska C0NTRIBUTINGEDITOR George ARTDIRECTORS Patrick Hunter, VeIn Johnson COPYEDITOR Mary Flanagan oilgh FACTCHECKING SPECIALIST Nina Childs Johnson Brsakthr PRODUCTIONMANAGER Judy Rodriguez InEnclnn$ablewonHol desi$n le$ y0u cu$0miru youn VICEPRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER, you'll[e U.S.PUBLISHING GROUP Bonnie Bachar shollon fie type ol ulonl d0in0. PUBLISH ER JimSchiekofer ASSOCIATEPUBLISHER Rick Stralace . Mounttools onto quick-change inserts. When you're BUSINESSMANAGER MiKC FIANIiNO readyto work,place the mountedtool you need in the PROM0TI0NMANAGER Andrea Vecchio workstationtop and lock it down. PROMOTIONCOORDINATOR JOANNC NO6 MARKETINGCOORDINATOR Derrick Phillip o Accessoriesare within easy reach with built-in ADVERTISING COORDINAT0R Susan Bordonaro drawers,shelves, blade and bit holdersand more. ADVERTISINGSALES 260 MadisonAve., NewYork, NY 10016; 212-850-7226 o Addon Tool Dock units as your workshop grows. CHICAGOCarl Benson (312) 540-4802, Jim Ford(312) 540-4804, TomVorel (312) 540-4805 Forcomplete delails and an outlet near you: SherryMallit (salesassistan0 (312) 540-4824 WESTCOAST Bonnie Oda (€06) 282-4OO2 NEW YORK DavidClutter (212) 850-7124, www.tooldock.com John0'Donnell (21 2) 850-701I, Il0Ett 0r calltoll{ree: 1-866-866-5362 TuckSifers (212) 850-7197, Ed Silhan (212) 850-7041 The Modular Workshop CLASSIFIEDADVERTISING The McNeill Group, lnc. ClassifiedManager, Jason Mailliard, @2003Waterloo Industries, Inc. Tool DockrMis a trademarkof Waterloolndustries, Inc. Toolsnot included. (215)32t-9652, ext.21 PUBLISHEDBY HOME SERVICE PUBLICATIONS, INC., a subsidiaryof the Reade/sDigest Association, Inc. EDITORIN CHIEFKCN COIIiCT OFFICEADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER AIiCE GATTETI TECHNICALMANAGER Shannon Hooge PRODUCTIONARTIST Lisa Pahl Knecht READERSERVICE SPECIALIST Roxie Filipkowski The ADMI N ISTRATIVE ASS ISTANTS LOri CAIIiStET, ShellyJacobsen CHAIRMAN,CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Thomas0. 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TX 78758 51591-1148.Printed in USA.O 2003Home Service Publications, o,lln,W Inc.All rights reserued. 866-WRK-WOOD Reader'sDigest may share information about you with reputable (toll free 866-975-9663) companiesin orderfor them to offeryou productsand servicesof www.minimax-usa.com interestto you. lf you wouldrather we not shareinformataon, please writeto us at: Reader'sDigest Association, American Woodworker, CustomerService Department, P0 Box8i48, RedOak, lA 51591. Pleaseinclude a copyof youraddress label. EditeduyJan Carf Oue$lon& Anwer Stripping0ptions favoritetable, but its top is a mess'ls there an Q. My grandmothergave me her easierway to strip off the old finishthan usinga messypaint remover? A. For surefiresuccess, go straightto aliquid stripper.It will quickly cut through any clearfinish and take lesstime and createless mess than semi-pastestrippers. Look for one with methylene chloride, the active ingredient in the fastest working removers. If you want to do some exPeri- menting, stripPermay not be Your only answer.Many old finishes will literally melt awaywith alcohol or lacquer thinner. Alcohol dissolves shellac,and lacquerthinner removesmost old lacquer.Furniture refinishersmight also be effective.The problem is that one might be more effectivethan another on a given finish, sincetheir chemicalcompo- srtlon varles. Pour some of the solvent or stripper into a dish.Wipe it over small sec- tions of your piecewith steel wool (0 or 00 works well) or z U if E a synthetic abrasivePad = you will be finishing the z table with a waterborne = product. Scrub away, o @- keeping your work I area wet by redip- F o 5 ping the pad.A gar- a z dener'sspraybottle o a z is a handy applicator, I - especiallyfor vertical z surfaces. lrJ After the finish beginsto break down, wipe away the slurrY with paper towelsor a rag. Repeatthis (L process until your a piecehas an even,consis- Caution: Work in a well-ventilated = tent appearance.DamP rags area.Outdoors is bestWear gloves, E tossedin a pile area fire hazard,sohang them goggles and a respirator with an organic vapor cartridge. o outsideto drybefore you throw them away. trJ 10 American Woodworker JULY2oo3 Question& Answer BetterBrush Gleaning Along with mineral spirits or paint thinner, you ll usea Q. I bought an expensivenatural-bristle brush for var- nishing,but I cant seemto get it completelyclean.The bris- solventcalled "brush cleaner"($8 per qt.) or lacquerthin- tles are stiff after the brush dries.Whatcan I do? ner ($4per qt.).You ll alsouse "brush conditioner"($7 per A. Pros cleantheir brushesin stages,often with special 6-oz.tube).Ordinary mineral oil works aswell ($+ for t0 solventsand conditioners.This techniquewill keep your oz.).Finally, you ll needa specialbrush comb ($8).All are brush soft for years. availableat paint stores,or seeSources, page92. Rinseyour brushin mineralspirits until most tracesof varnishare Repeatthe sameprocess with brush cleaneror lacquer gone.Pour the mineralspirits back into the originalcontainer.You thinner.Comb the brushto straightenthe bristlesand remove can reuseit severaltimes, because the varnishsolids will sinkto all varnishresidue. Let the brush soakfor l5 to 20 minutes,if the bottom. Dry the bristlesthoroughly with a rag. time permits. Vigorouslyclean the brushwith dishwashingliquid and hot Wipe the brush dry with a lint-free rag and applya smalldab of water. Go through at leastfour to five wash cycles.Turnthe brushconditioner or mineraloil.Work it in,thenstraighten the brush upward eachtime so water runs directly into the bristlesonce more with the comb.Wrapthe brush in its original ,bristles.Comb the brushwhen you're done. containerand hangit to dry. t2 American Wo odwo rker .tuLv2oo3 swer StickyDrawer Slides Q. t built a set of kitchen drawers with ball bearingslides l0 years ago.Today, some of the drawers are sticking.Can I relubricatethe slidesl A. Yesyou can, with white lithium greasefrom an auto parts store. ' Assuming you haveruled out mechanicalproblems (loose screws,overloading, etc.), first clean the slide'sball bearings with a cotton-tryp.d swab. Use a plain household cleaner,such as 409 or Fantastik. Scrub the bearings clean with an old toothbrush. When you're done, wipe the slide with a dry rag. White lithium greasecomes in truo convenient forms at auto supply stores.Youcan buy a small tube (about $2) or an aerosolcan with an applicator (about $4.50).If you use the tube, dab a little greaseon the bearings with a clean cotton-tipped swab and rub it in with your finger. Work the slide back and forth a
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