
ThcSmycms ,."..;4 ... 'UI.. ... ' h'th N.or l ~ eV<' r ~ ~ I nd olpj.ro ond pu'>'o yOlJ tOn tI1ln~ 0/, o/I.'i"g Q wide "9"""ion me"", PI"' "eok, r;hi<;Icon, ,,01 & ti<h dish .... E".ryone on joy< dinne, for 1- why no, treot Ir~nd'c:";,;~;";;ro:,;.;" 'ii'm,;m;;.;,;",~,,,;,, ;OC;~' . Gin .~ r.,.. J"h .1J,u.:. -&dnl ~ ..I !HJ Chrrh INJ n~ Edi~ b,,1> !icb!s £11(..1 £7""' ...... 95 Lo'~lO n POOd, [dlnt>o rQ~ ~.1 QAW Til: 01314.4 15844 l" ~ 0151 22'Hr8g supporting the HlV com",unlty tn ScotI;>nd Waverley SCOOO765 Care teapouring, neverboring cakebaking, friend making ribbon pinning, platespinning bucketshaking, recordbreaking helpgiving, goodliving mailsealing, swellfeeling boredombeating, peoplemeeting funloving fundraising volunteers needed Bryce or Karen 013 1 2 26 2 206 "The Bohemians" Lyric Opera ComP:acny'---_ _____ ______ Previous Shows I~IO ,., thu CIwI Chow 1977 Kiss Mo Ute ~- I~l1 uo .... uotte ,,~ TI>i> N.... Moon 1978 500J1Il P.xiIIc , 9'2 r~lka 19~I The G.i<h.I 1979 r_ on tho ~oor '911 N.I '''''Y~'''' 1 9~2 ....QYa r M.IOd~ "00 ",..... M.ldom 1914 PaulJonH 1953 Meme E"'l~ 1991 The P.I",,,,,, c.o"" ,,~ 1920 ~- ". ,., 1M Old GLlMlI 1955"" Tho Quo.k,f Got Igal Guy>""" ~nd Doll< ,,~ {.on{.'ln- Tho[l<!~y.. " ,., ,="" IIlp WIntle 1957 1985 V"" -~~ ill -- ,~ In4 U rile "" 1llmbour The NOw Moo" ,- """'"'"'~ ,m Leo ,m Ooches de ~ "",.- ,w 1916 u_ ,- ....'ll'.f M..oody ,~ ArInoo~-- Go( \'Our Gun ,m '.' MnIe Get \'Out Gun 'm ThoMusic ...... 1928 """""~'" ..... Ro\.otnl ,~ I3<.M1I Uftl ,~ Kiss ~, • .:.,. ,m ,~ ,~, Cd ""- ~m ...- ,,~ -~,~ ,~ O'doIl>omol ,~, {.'II M. "'adom 1911 500Jt~ PoOfk ,~, .... rIo. Dolly! " ~try "'" 'm 1912 The GO;..... ,~ 5ou1ll paciriC 191J ,1-967 "- ,~ 1"",,= '"-"rnII'>g The .. " SO< ."'" 19J4 ". Bless tI>o Sr'do ,- The Pajarno """'" ~-- ,~, - 1915 no., .... d <Jf lIIe MOUIIUlIns 1969 1M "'/0"'" Gam. '9J6 Rio R,W 1910 Guy> .nd 001< ,~, --,~F.:r~ ,9l1 .... w_ ,m ,m Guy>~"; Doll< ,,» W~ ,m - ,,* ...., ,~ ~, ~, """"'-r_ or> tho Roof ,.. "Country GorI 1914 --~~ =- ,., ~~ 'm ~ Get \'Out Gun = ~ iI ,., "'",~of~ 1916 - -~, Bohemians" Lyric Opera Company co COMING Andrew I,l,b" "Tim Rice and the CbriJ! Superstar Now I<g<nd. in Ih.i, own right. the 'Girl of th. Ye.r'. reron;hl twn fif COf'«l'S of I\"drew U(l~ Webber '00 .boir "'''g'. ,nd The I"" w," ;,,,ired Tim Rice h,,'c been indebted to the to wntc • ,ho.t mu,;"l picco for an ....". :esl of J.,U\ Christ Sup.","" /\$ • ~"d-otC(e<O\ <:("",,'1 01' London mu,;.;." "'orkin!; "" hi. ~'n LIoyJ "'h...... 1. "n,. '">lJit W." Ih. "ncl,", of IVcbi>cr h.d a "buming .mbj,;,>!! to whot w," JC>1j".d to be ,,,o,h« box be Rich",j R(~lgcf " white Ri," '1iOf' "t);c'< rriulnph, J()<Cl'h . nd the of ngueiy wamcd to I>c Elvi>", The ,',,,,zing Techn;""lor Orc,m,,,,-, I',i, nlO!"r in 1%5 when Ric." then 11, rUl"'ncled ,,, "n '1'r<,j by Lloyd Afro,. rove ",viow from Sund,y \\'obbcr. 17. for OOITlcone to writ~ Tim". "itic Derek lewdl, a recording 'wil h-it' t}'rics for. mu,ic>1 biogr-.phy w,.. mode ,,(,h. p""I"Won .• od in b.>t.J 011 ' he life of the ('''lOU' 1969 LlO)-d Webb<;, .nd Ric.: Vic!",,;.., I'hil.",hrol'i$t Dr Bam:",!.>. ':xp."dcJ ,hi. «'{:<>rwng fOT. Th, m\l.U:-~I . <"tid",1 Tho! ,;\:'" of p""luc<i",,.( 51 1".,,1', C"hed.. 1. VI.)," YOT 10 be m,de. ~u, it did bd Whi1" h.,." 'hcy "'~, up wi,h ,b. to 'he ..ott of one 01 the mos, fruitful Do.n of St l".ul', .nd (I~<u,<ed ' he collahor::ltion. in mm;,,] hi"o,y_ p<>o'ibility of writing . mu;iCCl.! ,bout 101.%5, Lloyd Wehher md Ri« ",ttl Christ" .ubi«1 th<y h.d h«n toying ,h•• igh" to tho ll.",.. Jo nLu.t,a.l (v, wi'h for lh ... c IX (our mOl"Io" £ 100 <>eh. and wait~d for son1<,h1"ll With nudil~' .nd the ttpre",,,"'ioo of [() h.pre", FO n.11y, in ,be ,ummer of rdigi<x" "gil"" «ill being. 1%7. "'ffi,,hing did, R",. C<"' t "m i<~ " j""" "" 111,- Bri'i,h .uge. H.nn,m.n, ' he Evening SM,d",d', the ide, hchind )<>n' e h';>! SUI":""'" - "JESUS WAS TH E FI RST SOCIALIST TH E FII\5T TO SEE K A BETTER LIFE FOR MANKIND," ~1 ; 1JWIt:_ .... •J ES us C H Rl ST 5 U PE RSTA R IHtOKF MUSICAL FOR M AS TH f. FIRST I:ULL-SCALE. CANTATkSTYlE MUSICAL SINCE G I LBERT AND Sl)LLlVAN; AND ITSHOOK lll llLlCAL PRECEDENT BY SEEING ClIRISr<; LAST SEVEN DAYS ON EARTH THROUGH TH E [YES or HIS BETRAYE R. JUDAS [SCARIOT" would ha,.., beon unthinbbk, ,'C>' li'tone< to como up ",tli hi. replies. If <. rhor when .haw. sucn ~ Hair had he i,. Chri"i:m lot rum an.wer fo.­ be." b.m",,1 for C()<1[a,ning n"d;(j< Chr;,,_ Tho . i"~.r ..)~. 'Oon'( ~., "'. En.. ""'r.~'«llw 1)>< 100", of \h" 0.::.". "'M'g, I " ..Iy ",,, .. I to know', I J. il l.kw.1 Wtfur ."d Rkc J..,,;Jcd to cntitlcJ to "-,,,,~ ""1"-'''''': 1'''''' ,hO><! with the 1m;"..:,. WI,," the ...·or<! ;ng of ,he fin i,h",) work I>",!ly Th< wri';ng of]osu. Ch,j" Sure"'" 'pp",reJ,D:IVid L.nJ, .n impre8";':' i><go" wi,h ,be ' i,lo "'nl:, 'he ",.100), =poruiblc for finan<mg much of for whKh Glme to Lloyd Webber .. Ucrd \\'obh<r,nd Rico'. OM!Ywork, h< was w. 1king down 'ho Fulham "'.. slightly ' Pl"e\,.",;\,t' "AI fi ,,, 1 Rmd "Ole night. ) I. wrote (he t"no ..lmi' I ,.."'", in £'.\'0\1, of tt...1 didn'( J""" on, !'e;tau"",' , ..p kiu; Ri«, io "'·.In' to o/!"oo 21,)",,,1),. So I >uggc"od ,imil. , (""hion, ",Me the 1)-"ic< "jLl>' th" we <cnt mric. to the Onn of~t herorc Sund. y I""c),.t homc". In (he I'o.ul'" ,he 1:>e>o of\V"",m'n"cr.oo r,,,, d",fr .he chon" CQ<l,;,!<~ 'irnrlt the Ar<:hb j,hop of C :lJltort.ury ro rn,kc ()( • rt'!>cri,iM <>f the wo,d. Jesu. ~ Christ,.n dfoot Riwliu..",)( d."" ii><d ...tOO MI> bQrin~, ...",..:;.; 'n,. D.:.<l o( S, I'.ul'" ]\I"'hn Sulli,-.n, repliod .. f"lIuw", -Th, ,,, 'n,o !ini,loN ""ng """"'1~ :>r< rom< l"'OP\c wl~ ) m.), 1>< , hockeJ ,ingk in Octoh,," 1%9 and n:1."."d ~)' llii, "",.... ,1. I O-. k .liem ", li,ten t o) (I>< following mon.h_ N"",,,u':. ;, ."d think "~,jn , his, desperJfo ... k "ing i. u,><l., ,he 'i,l, "y!Cf>PJ cry. Who ore )<><lJc<u; Chri", is the Christ'. the two coll.bo.-.rort b" )' "'K'nt ,nq'''I')', .nd 1 vel')' prop'" one mn,idered calling it '1 aIr W:", .,,, ., ,Iu,.on,e ,<corti prub<, >OIne of Kn""" , bu, ('flatl)-' seuJN otl. 'he .n,_".nd m.h.. >Olnc ·S"J><'>lou'. l "itw .-n.;tim, to the.­ romp";''''''. The on LlS i, o n the rt,-",d " •., f."mc.mk. bu. Ct failed- "W H Y. WHO MAKE S MUCH OF A MIRACLE? I KNOW OF NOTHIN G ELS E IIUT MI RAe l ES ." \V, ltIVIH"",,,, ISI'Hl 'A MAN WHO WAS COMPLETELY INNOCENT, Or-HRW HIMSHf A) A SAC RI FICE For, n l c GOOD OF OTH [RS . INCLUDI N G HIS ENEMI [S. AND BECAM[ Tr rE RANSO/V1 or THI: WOR!.D. IT WAS A PE IU ECT ACT ' .,, ~.~ . c,~ 1>< tho hit that mOllt pcoplo Amork.n poc""g. w., co m l'k td~ ' ''"cip",.d J)i"I'Poimecl and d,fforent because ,bel "'or< tryi ng to d;'«.'lli".g~J . Lluyd Wcbhtr .",! Rice m,k< ;, seem "ory dignifiecllikc. won: prcpanxl tu .I",,,w,, tll"i' t"dili<.lll"r ,,,,"()rrkd op<r •. • At all I""P" md wri« • mu,ic>l "" • Ic'l> <'·<nll, Ihe .Ibum·, ' """e!> trigge«d <;on"o...,,,i.I,,,hjcc< off. I<ne, <.If ton,crl "'uN all o,"cr SU<1don!); flo,,,e,..,<. Ihe ",eor~in~ of ,\morie., whi<:~ ",,,I,'ed itao. lull· ·Supc"'" 1001; "ffin' big WO}· OIl « , Ie <t');I· l' n~luc'in n m<l\mtoJ h~ th, Conti""nt, in Au",.li. , nd . • oo-.~ IWbcrr S';g""'"'" in ~ ,!OC ia """ with 011. " I Am"';,,,. whue i, w., a om.,h the ro;:ordin~ comprn;-. ./I'!CA Jne. hi,.oo ",lJ 100.000 W )"""", • •\1,. p' " . "d hy ,rm,wmCLlt with D"'ld wen: given me 8,,·.hc.d to write the L.nd , 11,e lllilj,l production in ",,, of'h< <>1"''' .'' ' d'M!hlc o!OOm, . Pi tt>hurgh .ltr."t~l ".," 13.6-1() '"'k ,h.T They rompk""i during the peopl. anJ • "~tiono! !our !~!luw".. l. wiDtt! of 1%9no. l\ f'~, " fi ,rrt.:," 1~ with J"'''' eh';" Supe,,'" «:>d,illg m()flth, work .nd O"or 400 noo,", of K.,. York <xacdy 'nrc< m<> " th, )"er, n:cord;ng ",,,ion., tho !ino! p>cb.!J< "P"nin~ Ot th. illorl: Hdlihg<' .... , ""Ulplmd ."d ,eJ ....~ . I.ik< ' ho Th.. "". to . dvan« bookin"... "f urlier ';llg10. it fWcJ tu t:ok< oil j " Sl..JOO.OOO, 0" 12 October 1'01. ,hi, "","my, 00" fC'-Fc wer attributing ifS f.,I"", to ,he (oe, thaI ir ......
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