Case No. 19/00018/FUL Item No. 02 Location: Harrogate Town AFC, Wetherby Road, Harrogate, North Yorkshire, HG2 7RY Proposal: Installation of 3 no. terraces. Applicant: Harrogate Town AFC Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file Reason for report: This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because following referral by the Chief Planner as the development is considered to be sensitive, controversial and significant. It is also noted that the application was called in by the Councillor Aldred. SUMMARY The football ground is sited within the settlement limits of Harrogate, close to Harrogate town centre with good bus and rail links for both supporters and users of the grounds facilities. This application is for the erection of three terraces to allow the capacity at the ground to increase to 4,000 (including 500 seated), as required by the English Football League (EFL). Work has commenced on site, in order to meet the EFL’s tight deadline of the 31 March, and at the time of writing the report the terraces are nearing completion. The club are aware that development has commenced prior to the gaining planning permission at their own risk. The application has been supported by a Noise Report and Noise Action Plan. Conditions are recommended to ensure that a scheme is submitted prior to the first use of the terraces that specifies the provisions that will be implemented for the control of noise emanating from the development. The approved measures will be put in place prior to the start of the 2019/20 Football Season. The appearance of the terraces are acceptable and will be seen within the context of the football ground. The proposals comply with the guidance set out in the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance, the policies in the Harrogate District Core Strategy (adopted 2009) and the saved policies in the Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, as altered 2009) and there are no material considerations in this instance that warrant setting aside local planning policies. 1.1 RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions 19/00018/FUL 1 19/00018/FUL 2 19/00018/FUL 3 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 2.1 Harrogate Town Football Club is sited on Wetherby Road. The site comprises of a 3G artificial pitch with associated stands, changing facilities, corporate hospitality facilities (wc.'s and catering), and include a bar and events venue. 2.2 To the south-east is St Nicholas Road, a narrow residential street comprising of, in the main, semi-detached properties sited parallel to the road. The exception to this is No. 3A, which is sited to the rear of Nos. 3 and 5 St Nicholas Road. 2.3 To the north-east is the Ambulance Station, which is accessed off Lancaster Park Road. The Ambulance Station is lower than the football ground. 2.4 To the south-west is Heatherdene, which is occupied in conjunction with the hospital, along with and a large ground level car park used by the Hospital 2.5 On the opposite side of Wetherby Road is Tate House RNIB care home. 3.0 PROPOSAL 3.1 This application is for erection of three terraces, comprising of a seated terrace adjacent to the Wetherby Road stand, a large standing terrace on the car park to the north side of the pitch, and a standing terrace to the east behind the goal in front of the existing changing rooms. 3.2 These terraces are currently under construction and, at the time of writing the report, are nearing completion. 4.0 APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING INFORMATION i. Letter setting out proposals and timescales, dated 27 February 2019 ii. Noise Report by Aspect Acoustics dated 5 March 2019 iii. Harrogate Town AFC Noise Action Plan received 14 March 2019 19/00018/FUL 4 iv. Addendum to 2018/19 Travel Plan and Car Park Management Plan by Vectos Transport Planning Specialists dated March 2019 v. Arboricultural Survey by Smeeden Foreman dated June 2017, revised November 2018 5.0 RELEVANT HISTORY 5.1 19/01098/DVCMAJ Variation of condition 2 (Drawings) of planning permission 18/03954/DVCMAJ. Received 12.3.2019 Application Pending 5.2 19/00953/FUL Formation of new grass pitch to be installed over the existing 3G pitch. Received 1.3.2019 Application Pending 5.3 19/00695/FUL Removal of existing 3G pitch and formation of new grass pitch. Received 18.2.2019 Application Pending 5.4 18/04570/DISCON Approval of details required under Condition 14 (Travel Plan) of planning permission 17/04738/FULMAJ. Discharge of Conditions Application Approved 17.12.2018 5.5 18/03954/DVCMAJ Application for the variation of conditions of planning permission 17/04738/FULMAJ to allow for alterations to Wetherby Road terrace design; amendment of Stage One Design Certificate requirement; Update of Tree Survey; Alterations to Travel Plan; Alterations of wheel wash requirements; Amendment to drainage requirements; Alteration to netting requirements (revised description). Approved 17.01.2019 5.6 18/03270/DISCON Application for approval of details required under Condition 21(High Net) of Planning Permission 17/04738/FULMAJ. Discharge of Conditions Application Approved 04.10.2018 5.7 17/04738/FULMAJ Retention of 3G playing pitch, demolition of existing bar, office, changing rooms and corporate hospitality stand, and development of a clubhouse, turnstiles, extension to the family stand, extension to the south stand, new seated terraces to the north east and east, office building, floodlighting scheme and associated access arrangements. Approved 10.08.2018 19/00018/FUL 5 5.8 17/04845/SCREEN Environmental Impact Screening Opinion for Demolition of existing bar, office, changing rooms, entrance building and corporate hospitality stand. Retention of 3G playing pitch. Erection of new clubhouse, entrance building including turnstiles, two seated terraces with bar and classrooms, office building. Erection of extensions to family stand and south stand including floodlighting scheme and access arrangements. Environmental Impact Assessment Not Required 23.11.2017. 5.9 17/00138/FUL Formation of small infill section of terraced seating, erection of new canopy above and installation of a replacement portacabin. Approved 29.03.2017. 5.10 13/00541/FUL Erection of spectator terrace and toilets for the west end of the ground. Approved 02.05.2013. 6.0 NATIONAL & LOCAL POLICY 6.1 National Planning Policy 6.2 The National Planning Policy Framework February 2019 (NPPF) sets out the Government's planning policies for England and how these are expected to be applied. Planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The National Planning Policy Framework is a material consideration in planning decisions. 6.3 Core Strategy Policy EQ1 Reducing risks to the environment Policy EQ2 The natural and built environment and green belt Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact Policy C1 Inclusive communities Policy JB1 Supporting the Harrogate District economy Policy JB3 Land for jobs and business 6.4 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, As Altered 2004) 19/00018/FUL 6 Policy R2 Existing Recreational Facilities Policy R5 New Sports and Recreational Facilities Policy HD13 Trees and Woodlands Policy HD20 Design of New Development and Redevelopment 6.5 Supplementary Planning Documents None 6.6 Other material policy considerations: Planning Practice Guidance 7.0 CONSULTATIONS 7.1 Department Of Community Services - No comments received 7.2 Yorkshire Water - Advise based on information, no observation comments are required 7.3 Environment Agency - Dales Area Office - No comments received 7.4 Economic Development Officer - No comments from an Economic Development point of view 7.5 Environmental Health - See assessment 7.6 NYCC Highways And Transportation - Verbal confirmation of no objections; the Travel Plan for the 2018/19 Season has been received and approved, this application is supported by an addendum. 7.7 Police Architectural Liaison Officer - No objections. Note the Sports Ground Safety Authority has been consulted. In relation to designing out crime, no comments to make 7.8 Sport England - No objection, proposals meet exception E2 of its Playing Field Policy. They advise that the stands must be is constructed in 19/00018/FUL 7 accordance with the FA's Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds 6th Edition This is added as an informative 7.9 Stray Defence Association - No comments received 7.10 Food, Licensing And Occupational Safety Manager - No comments received 8.0 OTHER REPRESENTATIONS 8.1 20 letters received from 13 neighbours, following initial consultation, re- consultation (including new site notices posted 6 March) and the public meeting on the 7 March. i. Proposed stands differ significantly from that previously approved ii. Previous design and construction would have dampened sound and reflected it back to the ground and would have provided an acoustic barrier iii. New scheme does not fulfil the objectives of the previously approved scheme which sought to provide an acoustic buffer between the pitch and the neighbours iv. Steel frame structure will form increased noise v. Larger stand on northern edge on previously approved clubhouse vi. Concern the new facilities promised won’t materialise vii. Residential benefits should be brought forward, e.g. new floodlighting viii. Why is the existing ground not adequate? The existing ground capacity in March 2017 was stated as being over 4,000. ix. 1535 spectators standing on a steel frame. x. Loss of residential amenity, especially in relation to noise from spectators using steel stands, concern about spectators stamping and banging on the steel frame xi. Responsibility placed on stewards to monitor noise xii. Increased capacity will bring issues for car parking in the area 19/00018/FUL 8 xiii. Failure to move the 1919 venue to the previously approved Clubhouse, which causes late night noise disturbance xiv.
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