S3020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE April 27, 2000 EC±8698. A communication from the Na- POM±462. A resolution adopted by the Leg- his sentence be commuted, and that he be re- tional Marine Fisheries Service, Department islature of Guam relative to commuting a leased and returned to Guam; and be it fur- of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, jail sentence and returning Federal lands to ther the report of a rule entitled ``Fisheries of the the original landowners; to the Committee Resolved, That I Mina'Bente Singko Na Exclusive Economic Zone Off AlaskaÐAp- on Energy and Natural Resources. Liheslaturan Guahan respectfully requests portionment of the Initial Reserve of Pacific RESOLUTION NO. 270 that President William Clinton return all ex- Cod in the Gulf of Alaska'', received April 25, cess federal lands to the Government of Whereas, a Dededo lot approximately 29,000 2000; to the Committee on Commerce, Guam as expeditiously as possible; and be it square meters in size, owned by Angel Leon Science, and Transportation. further Guerrero Santos' grandfather Angel Borja EC±8699. A communication from the Na- Resolved, That I Mina'Bente Singko Na Santos, was condemned by appointed Gov- tional Marine Fisheries Service, Department Liheslaturan Guahan respectfully requests ernor Carlton Skinner in 1950; and of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant to law, that the United States Congress allow all ex- Whereas, the above mentioned lot was used the report of a rule entitled ``Atlantic Highly cess federal lands returned to the Govern- as part of the United States military train- Migratory Species Fisheries; Atlantic ment of Guam to be disposed of as the local ing and exercise grounds decades ago, but Bluefin Tuna Catch Reporting; Determina- government determines, including but not has since been declared excess federal land tion of State Jurisdiction'' (RIN0648±AN56) limited to the return of the land to original by the United States Department of Defense (I.D. 012800H), received April 20, 2000; to the landowners and their heirs when possible; for decades, and is not within the boundaries Committee on Commerce, Science, and and be it further of any active federal facility or reservation, Transportation. Resolved, That the Speaker certify to and nor is it fenced or otherwise routinely pa- EC±8700. A communication from the Mass the Legislative Secretary attest the adop- trolled; and Media Bureau, Federal Communications tion hereof and that copies of the same be Whereas, Angel L.G. Santos began living Commission transmitting, pursuant to law, thereafter transmitted to the President of and farming on the Dededo lot in 1992, citing the report of a rule entitled ``Amendment of the United States; to the President of the the fact that the government had not used Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM United States Senate; to the Speaker of the the land in many year; and Broadcast Stations; Lancaster, Groveton and United States House of Representatives; to Whereas, the U.S. military and then the Milan, NH'' (MM Docket No. 99±9; RM±9434, the Secretary General of the United Nations; Federal Government issued notice to Angel 9597), received April 14, 2000; to the Com- to the National Organization for the Ad- L.G. Santos to vacate the lot, and in 1993 the mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- vancement of Chamour People; to amnesty federal government sought and was granted tation. International; to Attorney Antonio Cortez; EC±8701. A communication from the Mass federal court injunction to keep him form to Rosaline Roberto Salas; to the Guam Con- Media Bureau, Federal Communications the lot; and gressional Delegate; and to the Honorable Whereas, a concrete house built by Angel Ê Commission transmitting, pursuant to law, Carl T.C. Gutierrez, I Maga'lahen Guahan. L.G. Santos on the lot was destroyed by the the report of a rule entitled ``Amendment of Federal Government after the Federal Court Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM POM±463. A resolution adopted by the Leg- injunction was granted in 1993, but in 1999 Broadcast Stations; Princeville, Kapaa and islature of Guam relative to a ``Critical Angel L.G. Santos gave notice to the U.S. Kalaheo, HI'' (MM Docket No. 99±139; RM± Habitat'' Designation on Guam; to the Com- military that he would again live on the lot 9402, 9412), received April 14, 2000; to the mittee on Energy and Natural Resources. as an act of civil disobedience protesting the Committee on Commerce, Science, and RESOLUTION NO. 268 resistance of the Federal Government to Ê Transportation. (Be it Resolved by I Liheslaturan Guahan: EC±8702. A communication from the Mass allow excess land to be returned to the origi- Whereas, thousands of acres of land on Media Bureau, Federal Communications nal owners and their heirs; and Guam are designated as ``wildlife refuge'' by Commission transmitting, pursuant to law, Whereas, the U.S. District Court of Guam the Department of the Interior, preventing the report of a rule entitled ``Amendment of sentenced Angel L.G. Santos to federal pris- the rightful and long overdue return of that Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM on for violating its injunction against enter- land to original landowners and restricting Broadcast Stations; Spencer and Webster, ing and using the Dededo lot and for vio- the growth of Guam's economy, in the name MA'' (MM Docket No. 00±8, received April 14, lating its order to appear in court on October of protecting an extremely small number of 2000; to the Committee on Commerce, 8, 1999; and birds; and Science, and Transportation. Whereas, the Federal Government controls Whereas, attorneys for the Center for Bio- EC±8703. A communication from the Mass approximately one-third of Guam's land, logical Diversity and the Marianas Audubon Media Bureau, Federal Communications with 44,000 acres in its inventory of which Society sent a February 3, 2000 letter ad- Commission transmitting, pursuant to law, 12,000 acres is surrounded by a military fence dressed to Secretary of the Interior, the Hon- the report of a rule entitled ``Amendment of and only 6,000 acres of that is actively being orable Bruce Babbit, threatening litigation Section 73.202(b), Table of Allotments, FM used by the military; and and seeking to designate twenty-four thou- Broadcast Stations; Lampasas and Leander, Whereas, the Federal Government has de- sand five hundred sixty-two (24,562) acres of TX'' (MM Docket No. 99±344), received April clared 10,000 acres of land it claims in Guam land on Guam as ``Critical Habitat''; and 24, 2000; to the Committee on Commerce, as excess land and has expressed its intent to Whereas, the designation of the land as Science, and Transportation. return the excess land to the Government of ``Critical Habitat'' would significantly re- EC±8704. A communication from the Wire- Guam, but resists the Government of Guam's strict the Island's tourism industry, placing less Telecommunications Bureau, Commer- expressed intent in local law to return the significant restrictions on inbound and out- cial Wireless Division, Policy and Rules excess Federal land to the original land- bound commercial airline flights on Guam Branch, Federal Communications Commis- owners and their heirs; and by forcing the Federal Aviation Administra- sion transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- Whereas, the Federal Government's hold- tion to ensure that any of its actions, even port of a rule entitled ``Part 90ÐPrivate ing of 44,000 acres of Guam land, more than those taking place outside of the ``Critical Land Mobile Services; Section 90.425 Station 30,000 acres of which have never been devel- Habitat,'' will not affect the habitat in any Identification; Section 90.647 Station Identi- oped, serves to stifle the Island's economy by way; and fication'' (GN Docket No. 93±252, PR Dockets not allowing private land owners to develop, Whereas, a ``Critical Habitat'' environ- 93±144 and 89±553, FCC 00±106), received April farm, or profit from the land, by not allow- mental designation is significantly more re- 19, 2000; to the Committee on Commerce, ing the local government to tax the land, strictive on uses of real property than a Science, and Transportation. and by making land more scarce and more wildlife refuge and could be applied to pri- EC±8705. A communication from the Com- expensive, and thereby driving up the cost of vately owned real property and real property mon Carrier Bureau, Network Services Divi- other goods and services on the Island; and owned by the government of Guam, severely sion, Federal Communications Commission Whereas, the unused federal land was con- limiting the possible economic uses for local transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of demned by a government not elected by the land already in short supply; and a rule entitled ``In the Matter of Numbering people of Guam and is withheld by a Federal Whereas, a ``Critical Habitat'' designation Resource Optimization, Report and Order Government not elected by the people of on privately owned real property would de- and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Guam; and value that real property, causing an adverse (rel. Mar. 31, 2000)'' (FCC 00±104, CC Doc. 99± Whereas, Guam has been colonized and ad- impact to local lending institutions and de- 200), received April 24, 2000; to the Com- ministered for hundreds of years by the velopers that use the value of real property mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Spanish, the United States of America, and for collateral in their financial arrange- tation. Japan, and while the people of Guam are as ments; and patriotic as any other Americans, they seek Whereas, a ``Critical Habitat'' designation f democratic self-determination that has been on real property owned by the government of PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS endorsed by President William Clinton in his Guam would make it virtually impossible to visit to Guam in 1998; now therefore, be it finance projects through the bond market, The following petitions and memo- Resolved, That I Mina'Bente Singko Na and therefore would limit the development rials were laid before the Senate and Liheslaturan Guahan respectfully requests of infrastructure by the Guam Power Au- were referred or ordered to lie on the that clemency be granted for Angel L.G.
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