Marzena Fejdyś, Katarzyna Kośla, Hybride Composite Armour Systems A. Kucharska-Jastrząbek, Marcin Łandwijt with Advanced Ceramics and Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) Fibres DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1196616 Institute of Security Technologies MORATEX, Abstract M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 3, 90-505 Lodz, Poland The aim of the research was to develop a new concept of hybride composite armour systems E-mail: [email protected] consisting of a ceramic and fibrous composite. Depending on the requirements for ballistic protection, armour systems may be designed to various configurations and weights based on the most suitable ceramic materials and backing. The article describes the development of a hybrid ceramic - multi-layered ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) composite armour made from silicon carbide (SiC) or aluminium oxide (Al2O3) of different thicknesses (3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 17.27 and 13.35 mm) and shapes (hexagonal and cylindrical) in combination with a polyethylene fibrous composite. Additionally research work devel- oped a confinement system for the hybrid ceramic - multi-layered UHMWPE composite ar- mour which significantly improves the ballistic performance of composite armour by crea- tion of a uniform compression condition of the ceramic and by reducing its fragmentation upon impact. The ballistic armour strength was tested according to the PN-V-87000:2011, NIJ 0101.04 standard and NATO STANAG 4569 (AEP-55 Vol.1) standard for protection against more than one shot (multi-hit). The hybrid ceramic - multi-layered UHMWPE com- posite armour was combined with basic fibrous ballistic armours which exhibited a ballistic strength compatible with level IIIA according to the NIJ 0101.04 standard and classes K2 and O3 according to the PN-V-87000: 2011 standard. Key words: composite armour, bullet proof vest, multi-hit, non-oxide ceramics, silicon car- bide (SiC), aluminium oxide (Al2O3), ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHM- WPE) fibres. - 8]. Composite armour systems, which tion of the tile or the fragments are not are also known as multi-layered armour retained in place, the multi-hit capability systems, contain frontal plates composed of the armour can become compromised of hard-disrupting materials such as ce- [12]. When ceramic facing is used as a ramics (e.g., alumina, silicon, boron car- single layer covering the entire back bide and quartz) and backing faces com- plate, the ballistic efficiency is higher posed of ductile materials (e.g., steel, due to the greater lateral confinement of aluminium alloy, fibrous composites or the impact area. However, the damage polycarbonate) [1]. Upon ballistic im- caused by the projectile may extend over pact with a projectile velocity > 700 m/s, the entire ceramic surface, whereas with the hard ceramic body can be cracked small tiles, this damage affects only the and broken, but a metal alloy backing adjacent ones [13]. In this case, the back- plate will absorb the remaining kinetic ing plate deformation process absorbs energy of the projectile through plastic most of the energy (approx. 20 - 40%) deformation. In the case of a metal al- from the bullets, while an insignificant loy or fibre reinforced composite, these amount of energy (approx. 0.2%) is ab- can undergo elastic deformation and sorbed by the fracture of the ceramic damage, where a ceramic backing plate plate. As reported by den Reijer [1], pre- must also support post-impact fractur- mature fragmentation of the ceramic tile n ing [9]. On the other hand, ductile ma- reduces its erosive capacity and, conse- Introduction terials convert the kinetic energy of the quently, the ballistic efficiency of the ar- Several new composite materials have projectile into a lower energy form, such mour. The rest of the kinetic energy is been introduced to improve ballistic ar- as heat, through inelastic deformation spent to deform the projectile (10 - 15%) mour performance, including fibrous [10]. The mass of the composite armour and a vast amount of energy is dissipated composites and ceramics. There is an is less than armour made of only ballistic by the ceramic debris ejected [14 - 15]. increasing demand for these materials steel. This is especially appealing when Many modern-day armours are regular- and other multilayer material systems dealing with small-to-medium armour ly subjected to automatic weapons fire, that provide maximum ballistic protec- piercing calibres (e.g., AP 7.62 mm or where multiple bullets are fired towards tion with minimal mass. Over the years, AP 12.7 mm) [10, 11]. When a projectile a single location. Thus for multi-hit pro- ceramics and polymer matrix compos- impacts and penetrates the ceramic face, tection it is necessary to keep as much of ites have found increasing use in armour brittle failure ensues, leading to exten- the ceramic material intact as possible protection systems for improving the ef- sive fragmentation of the tile. However, after each hit. This can be achieved by ficiency of light to medium armour [1 if failure involves extensive fragmenta- reducing the tile size such that if one tile Fejdyś M., Kośla K., Kucharska-Jastrząbek A., Łandwijt M. Hybride Composite Armour Systems with Advanced Ceramics and 79 Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) Fibres. FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe 2016; 24, 3(117): 79-89. DOI: 10.5604/12303666.1196616 has been destroyed by a single projectile, frame significantly reduced damage to its neighbour [12]. In a high performance the area exposed to subsequent strikes the tile, whereas using other supporting scenario, the primary objective should is minimised. Reducing the tile size in- materials of lower acoustic impedance be to reduce the weight of the structure evitably leads to an increase in the num- led to greater ceramic tile damage [18]. for the intended usage, and the effect of ber of interfaces between the tiles for Others have shown that adding steel ra- the target thickness on the ballistic impact a given area [12]. Bless and Jurick [16] dial confinements to ceramics subjected performance becomes an important con- conducted a probability-based analysis to high velocity long rod penetration sideration for further investigations. Riou of such mosaics to determine how multi- also results in greater resistance to pen- [24] performed experiments on compos- hit protection varies with tile size. They etration [19, 20]. The shape and size of ite armours with different ceramic layer concluded that an increase in the number the tile is also important for ballistic test- thicknesses. A significant degradation of of interfaces is likely to influence the per- ing of ceramic materials. Wide reviews the ceramic was observed in a normal formance of an armour system. Protect- on the various techniques for testing ar- impact test (AP12.7 mm), in which frag- ing against multiple impacts requires mour materials are provided by James mentation was caused by tensile hoop a mosaic of small cells. The cell size can [21] as well as Normandia and Gooch stresses and strains induced by the radial be computed from a statistical analy- [22]. There are clear advantages to using motion of the ceramic after impact. sis of the number of impacts accepted small tiles, not only in terms of the cost over a given area. In most cases, inter- of the ceramic but also with respect to The aim of this research was to develop face impacts are very likely; however, that of the backing materials. Therefore it a new concept of hybrid ballistic mate- any effects on armour performance can is advantageous to know the smallest tile rials consisting in a ceramic and fibrous be accommodated for with good design. size that will provide the most accurate composite. The thesis of the research De Rosset [17] examined the protective data for a material’s ballistic resistance. covers the idea of the appropriate se- capacity of composite armours against Michael and Kibbutz [23] described a cy- lection of materials layers for armour automatic weapon fire and showed that lindrical ceramic body for deployment yielding an improvement in the ballistic the armour was vulnerable at the joints in composite armour systems. The hard behavior of the final multilayered, hy- between individual cells. However, to ceramic pellets provide a multiplicity of brid ballistic amour. Suitable selection properly interpret these analyses, one surfaces in the structure and, thus, a mul- of the types of fibrous materials as well must know how the ballistic performance tiplicity of crack initiation sites. Due to as the shape, thickness and confinement is affected by the proximity of the impact the cylindrical shapes of the ceramic pel- of the ceramic should affect the ballistic to the tile edge. Without this knowledge, lets, the cracks could not propagate too properties of the resultant multilayered, only crude assumptions can be made. far within the cylinders (i.e., the cylinders hybrid ballistic armour. There is little published work on the ef- significantly improve energy dissipation fect of tile size and shape on the ballis- upon ballistic impact). In this type of ar- tic performance of composite armours. mour, the projectile always faces a new n Materials However, researchers have studied surface of the hard material [23]. Howev- the effect of applying radial confinement er, in most cost-effective mosaic armour Ceramic materials on the behaviour of a ceramic tile under designs, the sides of the tiles are unlikely For the production of the hybrid ceram- dynamic loading conditions. Sherman to be ground flat. Therefore there will ic - multi-layered ultra-high molecular [18] examined the impact on a confined be little to no intimate contact between weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) com- ceramic tile using a 7.62 mm (0.30”) tiles. Thus in order to evaluate the worst posite armour, hexagonal ceramics were armour piercing projectile and showed case scenario it should be assumed that used made of silicon carbide (SiC) (ESK that the addition of a steel confinement each tile is performing independently of Ceramics GmbH & Co.
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