VOL. 114 - NO. 33 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 13, 2010 $.30 A COPY Madonna Della Cava Italian Ship San Giusto Arrives in Boston Celebrates Annual Feast Cadets onboard the San Giusto. The San Giusto arrived in cation of young naval officers cadets from the French, Boston on the 10th of August and constitutes their first Moroccan, Ukrainian and for a four day port visit. The experience onboard a ship of United States Naval Acad- ship left Italy on the 12th of the fleet. The Naval Academy emies as part of exchange July and is acting as the Navy complement is composed of programs based on tradi- training ship for the second- 92 midshipmen, including tional cooperation and friend- year Naval Academy midship- 20 women and 3 foreign ca- ship among these countries. A large crowd gathers throughout the feast. men. dets (from Albania, Jordan The ship is open to the pub- The Feast of Madonna Della Cava was celebrated on The overall goal of the cam- and Peru). Additionally, San Hanover Street, North End, Boston on August 6, 7, and 8, paign is to enhance the edu- Giusto will temporarily host (Continued on Page 6) 2010. For additional photos see page 8. Mayor’s Column News Briefs by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston As the Massachusetts legislature con- society become productive members of by Sal Giarratani cluded its 2009-2010 Formal Session, our communities. CORI reform has more than 25 important initiatives from worked in Boston and now it will work Ciccone vs. Gelzinis Right vs. Wrong my legislative package were sent to for the entire state. Recently, too long-time Boston Herald colum- Governor Patrick to be signed into Boston, like many other cities, has nist Peter Gelzinis took on Sarah Palin over a law. While I am proud of all of these been hit hard by foreclosures over the word she made up. She wrote “refudiate” when legislative accomplishments, I want to past few years – forcing homeowners, she most likely meant “repudiate.” Most of us highlight a few initiatives that will tenants, and entire neighborhoods to out in “readerland” knew what she was saying have a significant impact on our city and suffer the impacts. While Boston’s Fore- even if she didn’t catch her own typo. our residents. Working with the legis- closure Prevention and Reclamation Gelzinis took that one word and wrote a whole lature, we successfully advocated for bills Initiative has helped at the city level, column refudiating everything Sarah Palin that will reform our CORI system, pre- additional tools are needed to stabilize stands for. Would I support her for president over vent foreclosures, reduce prescription our neighborhoods. I have been work- any other Republican candidate? That I’m not drug abuse and fraud, and improve ing with community organizations and sure but surely I wouldn’t refudiate her candi- insurance coverage for autism. I con- Boston Reps. Kevin Honan and Liz Malia dacy over a misspelled word or two. gratulate the Governor and legislature on an important housing bill that the I always find it interesting that Gelzinis calls on a successful session and thank them Governor signed into law this weekend. South Boston his home. He has to be the most for their dedication to these important Now, we can ensure that we are able to liberal Southie guy I’ve ever known. Another issues. protect tenants living in foreclosed prop- Southie good guy born and raised in South I was pleased to join Governor Patrick erties, preserve homeownership, and Boston recently had a letter to the editor printed last week as he signed into law a crime revitalize our neighborhoods. “opining against Peter Gelzinis’ opinions.” I bill that includes important reforms to This year, my office and the Boston think John Ciccone speaks for the real South our Criminal Offender Record Informa- Public Health Commission have also Boston. I’ve known John going back to the “Here tion (CORI) system. Boston has long been been working hard to help individuals We Go Southie” days when the neighborhood considered a leader in its hiring poli- and families that have been impacted stood up to the judicial tyranny that destroyed cies for individuals with criminal by prescription drug abuse, which con- the Boston Public Schools. John and I were the records, and many of our city’s provi- tinues to be a significant concern to the young writers in the anti-busing movement. sions are reflected in this legislation. citizens of our city. New legislation Ciccone has been printed in the South Boston CORI reform is not about allowing those passed by the House and Senate will help Tribune as long as I’ve been writing my opinions who commit serious crimes to escape reduce prescription fraud and misuse of in the Post-Gazette. Two baby-booming Italian- the consequences of their actions, but prescription medications by enhancing rather it is about helping those who (Continued on Page 15) make mistakes and pay their debt to (Continued on Page 14) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, AUGUST 13, 2010 Res Publica by David Trumbull To America and Freedom TRIUMPHAL ARCHES Huge free-standing arched A third well known arch, structures placed over road- which is of the one opening ways were called triumphal style, is that of Titus. It was arches. During Roman constructed in the year 81 times, this type of arch was A.D. This arch was erected erected to honor emperors or to commemorate the victo- generals. They had either ries of Titus and Vespasian one or three openings and in the Judean War in the the sides had columns, year 70 A.D. The arch was statuary and reliefs, which completed after the death of told a story about the person structed with materials Titus and dedicated by the or the battle for which the taken from other buildings, Emperor Domitian. It is en- arches were commemo- very skillfully assembled, tirely faced with pentelic rated. They usually had but is considered to be over- marble and is considered to stairs leading to the upper powering and over adorned. be one of the gems of the first portion or attic. Exterior reliefs tell of century. Pentelic marble At one time there were Constantine’s achieve- is an exceptionally high about 38 of these triumphal ments in war and in peace. quality and fine-grained arches erected in Rome but Another well known arch marble, which comes from most have been destroyed. of the three opening styles Mt. Pentelicus in Greece. Commercial Street in The vast majority of us will Probably the most famous is that of Septimius References to “reliefs” Provincetown is the scene, celebrate Thanksgiving and best preserved of these Severous which was built in should also be explained at throughout summer, of a Day with a nod to that First ancient structures is the 204 A.D. adjacent to the Fo- this time. “Relief” is carving daily procession of the most Thanksgiving at Plimoth Arch of Constantine which rum Romanum Magnum. It wherein the figures stand outlandish characters — so Plantation. While — appro- was built in 312 A.D. It was was dedicated to the emperor out beyond the stone they much so that I greeted priate for a nation that en- erected on the Via and his two sons, Caracella were carved from. There are the news that the Pilgrim shrines freedom to speak Triumphalis, near the Col- and Geta, to commemorate three kinds of relief: low or Monument Centennial Pa- one’s mind and to dissent osseum and it was dedicated their victories over the bas (pronounced bah) like rade would pass where we from the majority — some to Constantine’s victory over Parthians. The arch origi- the figures on a coin; sec- were staying with the re- will mourn the decline in Maxentius. nally had a bronze chariot ondly, high relief where the sponse “How can you tell?” Native America culture that The Arch was dedicated to mounted on the summit, figures stand out more fully; Still, I was there, and can followed European coloniza- Constantine by the Roman which contained statues of and thirdly full relief where report that “P’town” did itself tion. Senate, “because by the will the emperor seated between the figures fully stand out proud with this celebration Those who detract from of God and by his own vir- his two sons. The exterior from the stone but are still of local and national history the Pilgrim do, in my opin- tues, he liberated the coun- surfaces of the arch were connected at the base. — the 1620 landing of the ion, miss the point. We don’t try from the tyranny of covered with the usual NEXT ISSUE: Pilgrims and the 1910 celebrate the Pilgrims as Maxentius.” It is mostly con- story-telling reliefs. Pillars of Victory completion of the monument model characters. We cel- to that event. ebrate the hardships they According to Wikipedia, endured founding one of the Jim McKenna Announces Candidacy for Attorney General the Provincetown Pilgrim first permanent settlements Monument was designed by in English North America. James McKenna is aiming six years as an Assistant Willard T. Sears and based Later many immigrants to defeat Martha Coakley District Attorney in the on the Torre del Mangie in from many lands came here in the race for Attorney Worcester County District Siena, Italy (of 1309).
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