BUREAU OF EDUCATION, INDIA PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRTEENTH MEETING OF THE CENTRAL ADVISORY BOARD OF EDUCATION IN INDIA Held at Bombay on 9th, 10th and 11th January, 1947 CSL-IOD-ZS 10048532 370.95406 EDU-P, 1947 P r in t e d b y t h e g o v e r n m e n t o f INDIA PRES^ C^bCCITA, mOJU, 1W2 V ^ - o ^ g r ^ L ,( proceedings of the Thirteenth Meeting of the Central Advisory Board of Education in India. P b o c e s s in o s o f t h e T h ir e t b e n t h M e e t in g o p t h e C e n t r a l A d v is o r y B o a r d o f E d u c a t io n i n I n d ia . Held at Bombay on 9ih, 10th and 11th January, 1947. At the invitation of the Bombay Government the Central Advisory Board of Education in India held their thirteenth meeting at Bombay, on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, January 9th, 10th and 11th 1947, The standing Committees of the Board met on January 8th, The following members were p re se n t;— Ch a ir m a n . The Hon’ble Mr. C. Rajagopalacharya, Education Member. E x -O f f ic io . Sir John Sargent, C.I.E., M.A., D.Litt., Educational Advisar and Secretary to the Government of India, Department of Education. N o m in a t e d b y t h e G o v e r n m e n t o f I n d ia . Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, Ph. D., D. Sc., Bar-at-Law. The Right Rev. 6. D. Barne, C.LE., D.D., V.D., Bishop of Lahore. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur. Rao Bahadur Sir. V. T. Krishnamachari, K.C.I.E., Prime Minister, Jaipur State. Gaganvihari L. Mehta, Esq., M.A., Calcutta. Mrs. Renuka Ray, B. Sc., Econ. (London). Dr. (Mrs.) Malini B. Sukhtankai, M.B. B.S., J.P. Lady Premilila V. Thackersey. Sardar Ujjal Singh, M.A., M.L.A. (Pb.) E l e c t e d b y t h e L e g is l t iv e A s r e m b l y . Dr. Ziauddin Ahniad, D.Sc., M.L.A., Vice-Chancellor, Aligharh Muslim University. Satya Priya Banerjee, Esq., M.L.A. Jagaimath Das, Esq., M.L.A. Tamizuddin Khan, Esq., M.L.A. N o m in a t e d b y t h e I n t e r -U n iv b r s it y B o a r d , I n d ia , Jhan Bahadur Dr. M. Haean, M.A., D.Phil. (Oxon.), Bar-at-Law* Vice-Chancellor, University of Dacca. R epresentatives o f t h e P r o v in c ia l G o v e r n m e n t s . Assam. !The Hon’ble Srijut Gopinath Bardolai, M.A., B.L., Premier and Minister for Education. J, A. Lais, Esq., O.B.E.^ Director of PuHic Insturction, Bengal. Khan Bahadur A. M. M. Asad, M.A., Director of Public Instruction. Bihar. Kai Bahadur Ram Saran Upadhyaya, Secretary, Basic Education Board- Bombay. The Hon’ble Mr. B. G. Kher, Prime Minister for Education, E. P. Pat\s"ardhan, Esq., B.A. (Oxon,), I.E.S., Birectoi of Public Instruction. C. P. Berar. The Hon’ble Mr. S. V. Gokhale, Minister for Education. Dr. V. S. Jha, Ph.D. (Lond.), Director of Public Instruction. Madras. The Hon’ble Sri T. S. Avinashillingam Chettiar, Minister for Education. N.-W. F. P. The Hon’ble Mr. Mohd. Yahya Khan, M. A., Minister for Education. Khan Bahadur Shah Alam Khan, M.A., LL.B., Director of Public Instruction. Orissa. 8. C. Tripathi, Esq., M.A. (Cantab.), I.E.S., Director of Instruction. Punjab. G. C. Chatterjee, Esq., M.A. (Cantb.), I.E.S., Director of Public Instruc­ tion and Secretary to Government, Education Department. Sind. Shamaul-Ulema Dr. U. M., Daudpota, M.A., Ph.D., Director of Public Instruction. United Provinces. Rai Bahadur Chuni Lai Sahney, M.Sc., Director of Public Instruction. R epresentatives o f t h e I n d ia n S t a t e s . Nawab Azam Yar Jimg Bahadur, M. A. (Cantab.), Minister of Education H. E. H. the Nizam’s Executive Council, Hyderabad-Deccan Dr. Mohan Sinha Mehta, M.A., Ph.D., Bar-at-Law, Diwan of Bans^v Diwan Bahadur T. C. M. Royan, M.D., Minister for Education and F Health, Mysore. By invitation. Sir A n^s Gillan, K.B.E., C.M.G., Director, Empire Division of British Council, London. , Brig. S. P. P. Thorat, D.S.<®., Secretary, Indian National War MemoriiU Academy, Defence Department, Government of India. P. M. Advaiii| Esq., MiA.* School foj thd Blind, KajacEi, S e c r e t a r x . Dr. D. M. Sen., O.B.E., M.A. Ph.D. (Load.), Deputy Secretary to tlie Government of India, Department of Education. The following members were unable to be present owing to illness or other reasons :— The Hon’ble Mian M. Ibrahim Barq., Minister for Education, Punjab. The Hon’ble Khan Bahadur Saiyed Muazzamuddin Hosain, Minister for Education, Bengal. The Hon’ble Pandit Lingaraj Misra, Minister for Education, Orissa. The Hon’ble Pri Ilahi Buksh Nawazah, Minister for Education, Sind. The Hon’ble Sri Sampurnanand, Minister for Education, United Provinces, The Hon’ble Acharya Badri Nath Verma, Minister for Education, Bihar. Sachivottama Sir C. P. Ramaswamy Aiyar, K.C.S.I., K.C.I.E., LL.D., Diwan of Travancore. Frank R. Anthony, Esq., M.L.A. Dr. J. C. Chatterjee, M.A., D.Litt., M..L.A, Sir Maurice Gwyer, K.C.B., K.C.S.I., D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Chancellor, Delhi University. Sir Mirza Mohammad Ismail, K.C.I.E., O.B.E., President, H. E. H. the Nizam’s Executive Council. Rai Bahadur R. C. Kak, Prime Minister, Kashmir. The Hon’ble Diwan Bahadur Sir K. Ramunni Menon, M.A. (Cantab.), LL.D., Member, Council of State. Diwan Bahadur Sir A. Lakshamanaswamy Mudaliar, B.A., M.D., F.R. C.O.G., F.A.S.C., Vice-Chancellor, University of Madras. The Hon’ble Pandit P. N. Sapru, Member, Council of State. Rao Bahadur Dr. S. R. U. Savoor., M.A. (Cantab.), D.Sc., I.E.S., Director of Public Instruction, Madras. Mr. P. F. S. Warren, B. A. (Cantab), A. M. I. C. E., M. I. E. (Ind.). 2. At the opening of the session, the Hon’ble Mr. B. G. Kher, Prime Minister and ^t^nister for Education, Bombay, welcomed the members of the Board. H e said :— It ia a gemiine pleasure to me to extend to you on behalf of my Government a heart wolcome. to Bombay for your 13th meeting. It was, indeed, fortunate for this Province that your Board accepted its invitation to hold its Annual meeting here. Bombay is the first City of India and it is in this City also that we find the early beginnings of modem education in India. I am sure you will find much here that le new in the field of education and that the Grovemment here will get the benefit of your views and suggestons in its new experiments. Your last meeting was held at Mysore and I am sure you must be carrying happy re­ collections of that beautiful City as I do. It is not too much to say, I believe, that to be in and to go about Mysore ia itself an educative experience. I am afraid you are going to miss sereral of the amenities and conveniences which Mysore could offer you. Indeed, i am conscious of some of the inconveniences to which you might be put in this highly oongested City, but if a warm and cordial welcome from this Government could make up the loss, I assure you you have it in the amplest measure. I hope you will all agree with me if I say that a very bitter ana onarp challenge con ffonta all those nations to-day, the life and Government of whose people is based on essen­ tially democratic values. If we are to meet this challenge which conironts us, a challenge to our whole civilisation, of which the recent war was the symbol and the sad culmina­ tion. it ifl eqwally true that we will have to meet it with ^11 the €^ergy at our coHunand, The proper and the only way to meet this chaDenge la so to faehion our social and national institutions, including our educationaJ system, that they create those cultural Values on tho roalisntion of Trhioh wo have aU eet our heart. Our educational system must be 60 framed as to aid in the task of creating these values. This van be done only if thosd contfemod with education in this country as in others, face this taskwith knowledge, faith and will. Our educational system must provide for the development and utilisation, of all the latent energy in the children and the young people of this country. This, of necessity, implies that there must be a genuine equality of educational opportunities for all. If we are genuine in our support of these principles, as I am sure we all axe, we must bring into existence an educational system which will enable us to create all those values for which wo are striving to-day, but which will not at the same time, be an impediment in the way of our progress.
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