A PUBLICATION OF QUEEN ELIZABETH II HALL PRESS ORGANISATION QUEENUNIVERSIT’SY OF IBADAN CONSULT 2012 THE ART OF SEDUCTION: 12 FACTS OF HOW TO KILL YOUR IRRESISTIBLE WOMEN EX-BOYFRIEND SWEET MOMMA! EAT YOUR WAY TO BEAUTY! TIPS FOR COPING WITH MENOPAUSE 2012 INDUCTEES SITTING (L-R): DUROTOYE TIMILEYIN, OKOROMA LILIAN, SANMI FEHINTOLA AND ADEEKO TOLUWANIMI. STANDING (L-R): OLOYEDE GRACE, BELLA BOLADE, BELLO SHAKIRAT, IDOWU SARAH, SYDNEY ROSELINE AND ADEBAYO ADEROLAKE. QEH PRESS MEMBERS 2 QC 2012 EDITOR’S NOTE fter so many drafts that were written and torn almost immediately, I present to you, THE 2012 AEDITION OF THE QUEEN'S CONSULT MAGAZINE. To be sincere, producing this magazine was not an easy task, and I cannot begin to mention the disappointments I got, the sleepless nights that I spent typing, the puppy fights I had with the publisher, the disagreements I had with some members of my editorial board, and so many other militating factors. However, in the midst of all these, the Queen’s Consult is finally a success. In spite of all the odds, I chose to be like the proverbial postage stamp that sticks to one end until it gets to its destination. For this edition, I had a clear picture in mind. I wanted a magazine that anybody –male or female- can relate with its contents magazine, even though it is the publication of the press arm of a female hall of residence. More importantly, the Queen’s Consult 2012 is not only educative, but one that is also entertaining! To this end, every article in this edition is important, be it the ones on food, the jokes and the poems, the ones on relationships, and even the interviews. I couldn't have achieved this success without the assistance, advice, support and contributions of certain people. My sincere gratitude goes to all members of my family, my friends, my roommates and those members of the Editorial Board who stood by me through thick and thin, especially Bello Shakirat, Durotoye Timilehin, Bella Bolade, Wahab Aisha and Adekunle Omolabake. To every other person who contributed in one way or the other towards the success of this magazine, I cannot thank you all enough. Thanks to those of you who brought me food when I was too busy to even locate my mouth. Thanks to those of you who delivered my letters even though you are not members of Queen Elizabeth II Hall Press Organization. I appreciate you all, more than you can ever imagine. IKEM DEBORAH EVA (Editor-in-Chief 2011/2012) Editorial Board Members IKEM DEBORAH EVA EDITOR-IN-CHIEF OTUN OMOTENIOLA DEPUTY EDITOR-IN-CHIEF AWOSUSI DAMILOLA MANAGING EDITOR ALAWODE TAIWO ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR ADEKUNLE OMOLABAKE TREASURER OJIMBA LAURETHA FEATURES EDITOR NWACHUKWU NANCY GRAPHICS EDITOR ADEYEMI ADEOLA NEWS EDITOR BOLAJI OYINKANSOLA WELFARE OFFICER OJO ABIGAIL CHIEF WHIP Editorial Consultant: Akindele Opeyemi Designed and printed in Nigeria by FRONT ROW (L-R): ADEYEMI ADEOLA, OJIMBA LAURETHA, IKEM litera DEBORAH AND AWOSUSI DAMILOLA [email protected] BACK ROW: BOLAJI OYINKANSOLA AND NWACHUKWU NANCY (234)08050346136, (234)08184520737 Make-up by: Ish and House of Evangeline. www.literaprints.wordpress.com HALL MANAGEMENT From left to right: Dr. Omobola Adelore (PH. D) (Hall Warden), Assistant Hall Wardens Dr ‘Tayo Fashola Dr Fakunle Dr Adetola Jenyo-Oni QEH Press Staff Adviser: Prof. Oluyemisi Bamgbose 4 (DEAN, FACULTY OF LAW) QC 2012 HALL SUPERVISOR'S ADDRESS ince this is the first time that the Queen's Consult magazine will be having the hall supervisor's address included in its publication, I give Sglory, honour and adoration to God, on behalf of the entire press crew of Queen Elizabeth II Hall, for the successful publication of another edition of the Queen's Consult Magazine. The ability of the press Organization to successfully publish a magazine is by God's grace. Queen Elizabeth II Hall is a place where every fresh student will like, and hope, to stay because so many people see Queen Elizabeth II Hall as a kind of heaven on earth (as far as halls of residence are concerned), where beautiful ladies, endowed with grace and intelligence, reside. ANTICLOCKWISE: It is my pleasure to mention Assistant Supervisors that the Hall Management, Mr. Oseni with the assistance of the Mrs Ogunyemi University authority, is doing all they can, and Mrs E. E. P. Stanley trying as much as possible, Mrs Shaba (Hall Secretary) to provide a good living, Mrs E. C. Udofia (Chief Porter) and learning environment. The ICT centre and the Crafts House are also good innovations, geared at producing better students. In fact, the two centres are the first of their kinds, in halls of residence. I pray that God in his infinite mercies, protect all the students, staff, tenants and stake holders in the Hall; and allow them to see, and live, more useful years ahead. Cheers! Mrs. C. B. Orintunsin Hall Supervisor Queen Elizabeth II Hall EXECUTIVE COUNCIL QEH II 2012 STANDING FROM LEFT: KOLA-BELLO ADEFISOLA (FINANCE MINISTER), LAWAL AMINAT (HEALTH MINISTER), ABII-NDOH ARET (SOCIAL MINISTER) AND OYEOLA TITI (P.R.O) SITTING FROM LEFT: ADESEWA ADEDOYIN (SPORTS MINISTER), ADEYEMO AMINAT (HALL CHAIRPERSON), ADAGBADA OPEYEMI (VICE HALL CHAIRPERSON) AND OLADEJO ADEDAYO (GENERAL SECRETARY). QUEEN’S in this edition CONSULT 2012 MOTIVATION + Health+ 8 70 ourlife love QUEENS’ KITCHEN 13 60 FEATURES INTERVIEW+ VOX POP 20 56 HALL OF FAME 27 45 gallery fashiontrends + 35 41 2012 6 QC 2012 QC foretaste TO HIS COY MISTRESS Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime. We would sit down, and think which way To walk, and pass our long Love’s Day. CARTOON Thou by the Indian Ganges side Should'st rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain. I would Love you ten years before the Flood, And you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vaster then empires, and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze. Two hundred to adore each breast; But thirty thousand to the rest. An age at least to every part, And the last age should show your heart. For Lady you deserve this state; Nor would I love at lower rate. But at my back I always hear Times wingèd chariot hurrying near: And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast Eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found; Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing song: then worms shall try That long preserv'd virginity: And your quaint honour turn to dust; And into ashes all my lust. The grave's a fine and private place, But none I think do there embrace. Now therefore, while the youthful hue Sits on thy skin like morning dew, And while thy willing soul transpires At every pore with instant fires, Now let us sport us while we may; And now, like am'rous birds of prey, Rather at once our time devour, Than languish in his slow-chapt pow'r. Let us roll all our strength, and all Our sweetness, up into one ball: And tear our pleasures with rough strife, Through the iron gates of Life. Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. Poem of Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) CONTRIBUTORS Temitope Ojedokun is a pharmacist by Akindele Opeyemi, Creative Director of litera, is a poet, profession. She is an health educator in the thinker, writer and creative artist. He won several awards areas of nutrition and lifestyle. She in campus journalism and poetry including the Okigbo’s currently serves as a corp member in Poetry Performance competition during his ten semesters North Central state of Benue. She shares in the University of Ibadan. He was Senior Editor (Art and with us “Tip for Coping with Menopause” Politics) of PANS Press, and has served as Editorial in this edition of Queens’ Consult. Consultant for the Union of Campus Journalists (UI) and [email protected] Law Press Organisation among others. He is also a pharmacist. [email protected] QC motivation plus ATTITUDE CHECK! As human beings, our attitudes towards particular issues come from the convictions that we already have about such issues. SYDNEY ROSELINE There is no doubt that we all exhibit one negative that person must greet you first? Have you ever attitude or the other: pride, anger, bitterness, anxiety, considered the fact that maybe that person decided not to frustration, and pessimism among others. The Oxford greet you first because he/she is not sure of how you are Advanced Learner's Dictionary (7th Edition) defines a going to respond to his/her greeting? One thing that you Tperson's attitude as “The confident and sometimes should always bear in mind is that those who shun you aggressive behaviour which shows that a person does not may actually be scared of you, or maybe they envy you or care about other people's feelings, opinions and/or even wish to be you! views”. In this context, a person's attitude is more than Another example is the case of those set of people just a person's unique way of thinking, behaving and who know that they have the abilities to do certain things acting. but would never offer to help. They would just sit down As human beings, our attitudes towards somewhere and expect other people to miraculously find particular issues come from the convictions that we out about their capabilities. This is also a negative already have about such issues.
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