-- -- IC I-- - ~-- - __ --- --:~1 _ _ r7Y--:-~~----~--:tZ I. Davis' accusation angers Dallas sports writers By JIM DENT know that some teams pay the press and Cowboys for the Morning News, was espe- Times Herald, prepared a statement on the Dally Campus Sp.rts Editor that some kind of arrangements are made. cially upset with the accusation. He said.' matter. An accusation by SMU Athletic Director But we don't do this. We would never'think Davis denied the remark when he con- "It sounds like a case of enter. All somebody talk- Dick Davis that some Dallas area sports- of doing something like that. I know, tactedhim by phone. "You know how those ing before doing much, thinking," Wood- S writers are paid off to cover teams in a though, that it is going on." college kids on college newspapers are," ruff stated. Dr. Jere- "friendly" manner has angered members On learning of the dissension, Davis re- Davis told St. John. "Mr. Davis is a fine gentleman and a 34 Lake- of the Dallas sports media. ponsored' marked, "I apologize for what I said. It "I've never got a' penny from' the Cow cracker jack businessman and we are all In a discussion with SMU students and was my mistake to go on rumors because boys," St. John said. "The funny thing is, pulling for him to bring the fans: back to faculty members last week, Davis said he this is not like me. I would like to retract that as long as I've been at the Morning SMU; Bu i Dick is far off base here. He knew the pay offs were going on. the statement." News the only innuendos of money offers apparently does not know anything about One Dallas sports editor has written itsfirst W alter Robertson, Executive came from someone related to SMU." the newspaper business. The reason the Davis and another has contacted himi by Sports Edi-. ry East. tor of the Dallas Morning News said, "This Cowboys and the Rangers are given more phone to rebut the remark. St. John covered SMU's sports teams isabsolutely untrue. There has never been from 1964-66. He has also covered the -now coverage is because of the interest of the S According to Bob St. John of The Dallas a situation where a Dallas Morning News defunct Dallas Chaparrals, the Southwest reader. Newspapering is a business just' Morning News, Davis at first denied the writer has accepted money for ,stories of Conference, and pro boxing. like football. ,We are selling a product and remark when confronted in a telephone want to make it as 'appealing to the masses any kind. I don't know what Dick was con- "They (SMU) were the only people to conversation. The statement.was printed in as we can. You must give them what they struing when he 'said this: I am personally try to influence me, and of course it didn't last week's Daily Campus. insulted as I'm sure every newspaper man want. Tuesday, however, Davis did not deny it' work," St. John said:. "It should be pointed "I am extremely upset that Dick said in' the city is. I've written a letter to saying "I apologize to anyone I have of- Mr.: out, though, that Dick Davis did not work something like that. There is no truth to U fended." Davis pointing this out." at SMU then." that and Dick should know better." Davis' controversial remark included "I Bob St. John, who covers the Dallas Jim Woodruff, sports editor of the Dallas. .see DAVIS p. 2 were in- the com- ige's day, re than a Hiroshige' ualities of scenes of dense fog, DAIL CAMPUS mpassable THE No. 30 Recycle This Paper Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas, Wednesday, October 23, 1974 -59th Year scape de- imate and' ture to ex- HEW order ate a more -a Search committee smembered Greeks favor prints on owned and Hiroshige's SMU stand Candidates emely pop-. end of the iGogh and on monitoring tists were bjects and By DRU MARSHALL kept secret Daily Campus Staff Writer h their flat Most leaders in the Greek sys- By KAY STEWART Arp said he had received no d lack of tem are supporting SMU's deci- Daily Campus Associate Editor instructions or requests from Ta. to comply with HEW's order Three student members of a turnmthat the faculty members be n exhibition. sion monitor rush for the next two presidential search committee' kept confidential. of Stanley to years, although some question the were announced Tuesday, but fac- l"I'dl'go ahead and release the effectiveness of. such aprocedure. ulty senators and C. A. Tatum, n ames,but I'm bound by' the pass- Minding the chairman of the Board of-Trustees ed resolution," Arp said. Chris' Fowler, Interfiaternity is how the were tight-lipped 'about 'member- Faculty Senators also refused to Council (IFC) advisor, said IFC n an inter- ship of the committee that will "disclose the committee members will collect the required data for probably select the next president they elected, but expressed disap- HEW and "is in the process of of SMU. ' 'pointmnt' that the names were be- s, in May planning programs" to promote ght was in donfidential. Many of the the elimination of discrimination. The 'three student representa- ing kept pport and. tives elected by the student Senate senators were under the impres- an of $750. "We're working on an educa- Tuesday are: Phillip Leach, jun- sion that Arp was instructed to an, Wright tional level,'and education is, un- ior, student body' vice-president; keep the names confidential. ." Marcus fortunately, a matter that takes Sandy Esserman, second-year law' "I see no-compelling reason for d received time," Fowler said. "I have no student, and Rhonda Belt; sopho- the secrecy," 'Joe Jones, assistant way to 'simply control what fra- rned out to more. ' professor of philosophical theol- ternities do. I can just offer ad-, aido series The Council of 'Dean's choice, ogy, said. "But, I wouldn't want vice. A. Lee McAlester, dean of human- See COMMITTEE, p. 2 Fowler said there is now one ities and sciences, arid two Alum- black fraternity on campus, Alpha ni Association representatives,-. " Phi Alpha, and another is in the Ray Hunt, the incominga'alumni .' . process of colonization. He said association president, and J. Ful- **xso 9. - 1 since the IFC regards the elimi- ton Murray, the outgoing alumni ,, nation of discriminating practices president, were reported earlier s as "a, continuing process," black. this wek.. D a silence p fraternities might be "one part of Th Daily Campus has also learn- .+ that process to a final answer." ed the names of.five of the eight.in Daily Campus Staff Photo by Dave Meigs, testim ,October The president of Alpha Phi faculty representatives-Thomas ony Alpha, Robert Butler, questioned Blow your horn! Arp, associate professor of eng- WASHINGTON (AP)-Confront- ly Campus, "what the HEW's monitoring will Mark Fourtier finds playing his tuba In a sitting position saves wear lish, and chairman of the Faculty ed with the realization that the * accomplish." on the feet as fellow band members go through their daily marching Senate; Sydney Reagan, professor Watergate scandal was about to i and chairman of subject area of break open, was made He said, "I don't see how a routines on the SMU Mustang Band practice field. Richard M. Nixon I Greek system can be forced to real estate and regional sciences; sought assurances for John Dean 1 admit people they don't want in." John Deschner, professor of the- that he would not be hurt by Lane Flor- Stephen Stein, president of Al- ology, and Robert Bogomolny, as- what Dean was telling prosecut- pha Tau Omega, said, regarding Students appointed sociate professor of lawi. ors. t should be educational programs his frater- As trustee chairman, Tatum Dean, former White House coun- nity "has not had, in the past, will also be a member of the com- sel, was on the witness stand in 1 hite mums specific programs aimed at spe- to search committee mittee. the Watergate cover-up trial for C was concerned that all three cific groups," and does not plan By CLEVE POWELL The only undisclosed committee the fifth day Tuesday as prose- Daily Campus Staff writer nominees were currently members to narrow their emphasis "from a members are three faculty rep- cutors played the tape of a meet- The Student Senate Tuesday con- of the Student Senate. broad range." one administrator, ing Dean had with Nixon on April firmed the appointment of three However, in response, the chair- resentatives, by the administrative 16, 1973, 10 months after the June "My personal opinion is that students to the presidential search person of the screening commit- selected and nine trustees, who 17, 1972, Watergate breakin. there's discrimination in SMU's committee who were nominated tee, Sally Brenner, noted that the committee, admission process. HEW should are appointed by Tatum. Defense attorneys, who began I by Student Body President Ted opportunity to apply to the search their cross-examination later in look at the percentage of minori- l Campagnolo. committee "has already been well Faculty representatives were the day, had pressed for playing ties on campus before they look at elected by the Faculty Senate in of the tape. In it Dean tells Nix- the percentage going through The students were Rhonda Belt, publicized and further delay is a closed executive session last on: "I think you're still five steps F rush," Stein said.
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