SCCT'J.-i rLA::;i, [i.J. 07, OCT 3 0 1997 — Serving Scotch Plains and Fanwood Since 1959 — THE TIMES UUNS of fAKWOOD jcotch Plains — Fanwood Special Election '97 Edition USPS4UM* Published OUR 38th YEAR-ISSUE NO. 44-97 Periodical - rMaft PtM U Scott* fUm, N J. Thursday, October 30,1997 Every Thursday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS TUESDAY'S ELECTION WILL DETERMINE IF DEMOCRATS RETAIN 4-3 MAJORITY Councilman Populus, Mrs. Plante Face Mr. Whitaker, Mr. Trumpp In Races for Two Available Seats on Fanwood Borough Council ; By SUZETTE STALKER Republicans, with Democratic Mayor Specially WrimnforTht Times Maryanne S. Connelly acting as tie Fanwood voters will head to the breaker when necessary. polls on Tuesday, November 4, to fill A victory by both Democratic can- two vacancies on the Borough Coun- didates would give their party a 5-2 cil. The general election will wind majority, while a dual win by their up a campaign season in the borough opponents would give the Republi- which saw much focus on economic cans a 4-3 edge. It would also elimi- initiatives, property taxes and mu- nate the Mayor's tie-breaker role in nicipal services. the event of a party-line vote. If a . There are 4,729 registered voters Democrat and a Republican capture in Fanwood, according to the Union the two vacancies, the status quo will County Board of Elections. The bor- be maintained. iough has a population of 7,1 IS. Councilman Populus, a 27-year Four candidates are vying for the resident of Fan wood, currently serves seats currently held by Democratic as Fire Commissioner and as Chair- Councilman William E. Populus, Jr., man of the council's Administration and Republican Councilman Dr. and Finance Committee. He also is a Chester R. Lindsey. Both vacancies member of the governing body's Pub- WllliamE. Populus, Jr. Joel Whitaker David Trumpp represent full, three-year terms. Patricia Plante lic Safety and Recreation and Com- Democrat for Borough Council* Democrat for Borough Council Republican for Borough Council Republican for Borough Council Dr. Lindsey, who served two non- munity Services Committees. consecutive terms on the council and In addition, Councilman] Populus was a Mayoral contender in 1995, was named in January of 1996 as the ents of three children. ployed as a real estate agent with achieved membership in the National bid for a seat on the governing body. opted not to run for reelection this borough's first representative to the The councilman, a United States Burgdorff ERA in Westfield and Association of Realtors and the New The owner of a Fanwood publishing year, saying he wanted to give others Plainfield Area Regional Sewerage Navy and Air Force veteran, received serves on the Fanwood Board of Jersey Association of Realtors company, he lives with his wife. a chance to participate as members Authority, on which he serves as the Jerry Boryea Award last year in Health. (NJAR), the NJAR's Million Dollar Donna, and their two young daugh~ of Fanwood's municipal government. Chairman of the Engineering Com- recognition of his contributions to She was recently appointed to the Club and the Burgdorff ERA ters on Marian Avenue. Councilman Populus is seeking mittee. recreational programs in the com- Union County Transportation Advi- President's Club. The council nominee served on his second full term on the governing The candidate was originally ap- munity. sory Committee by former Fanwood Mrs. Plante also serves as a volun- the Fanwood Planning Board from body. Joining him on the Democratic As Liaison to the Fanwood Recre- Mayor and current Union County teer for the Brunner Elementary 1981 to 1985, including a two-year pointed to fill a vacancy on the coun- stint as Chairman, and also was a ticket this year is newcomer Patricia cil in 1993, and was elected to his ation Commission during his first Board of Chosen Freeholders Chair- School Parent-Teacher Association two years on the governing body, woman Linda d. Stender. and for the Scotch Plains-Fanwood member of the borough's Downtown Plante. Their Republican challeng- first full term the following year. Development Commission from 1984 ers are Joel Whitaker, who previ- Councilman Populus is the founder Councilman Populus guided the reno- The candidate, who attended Kean YMCA's children's programs. She vation of La Grande and Forest Road College and Union County College, also was a member of the borough's to 1986. ously ran for council three years ago, and President of Populus & Associ- Mr. Whitaker obtained his master's and David Trumpp. Parks. previously worked for the federal Centennial Committee, which orga- ates, Inc., a real estate appraisal firm nized Fanwood's 100th year celebra- degree in journalism from Indiana The Democrats have maintained a in Westfield. He is a licenced New Mrs. Plante has lived in Fanwood Social Security Administration for for nine years, residing with her hus- 18 years, finishing her tenure there tion in 1995. University and his Juris Doctorate 4-3 majority on the governing body Jersey real estate appraiser, Mr. Whitaker, a Fanwood resident from Temple University Law School. .if since 1988. The council currently He and his wife, Marilyn, live on band, Torn, and their young (laugh as Operations Supervisor;'' for 18 years, is making his second CONTINUlOONPAaC*-* includes three Democrats and three La Grande Avenue and are the par- ter on Oakwood Court. She is em- In her present career, she has StreetFest Activities Occur Despite Rain By SUZETTE STALKER He noted that more than 75 people Specially Wrimnfor Thi Times participated in the Five Mile Road Scotch Plains Day/StreetFest '97 Race. Among the other activities did not fall on a sunny day, but area which came off as planned were the residents still turned out to browse Mayor's Civic Awards ceremony, forbargainsandenjoyactivitiesalong during which distinguished residents the Village Green. were honored for their contributions Originally scheduled for last Sat- to the community. urday, the festival, sponsored by the There also was a dance exhibition Scotch Plains Business and Profes- given by members of the Moderne sional Association (SPBPA), was Dance Academie of Fine Arts, and a postponed until the following day fashion show presented by Rosie's due to rain. There was rain again on Treasures Boutique, Look Twice and Sunday, but several events still took BJ's Dressing Room, all of Scotch William A. Burks lor Tht Tknm place. Plains. William A. Burke lor The Times Ray Pardon, the owner of Nuts n' Local merchants also held their CLIMB ABOARD...Rachel Harth gets an assist from her mother as she climbs DANCE FEVER...Students from the Moderne Academy of Fine Arts dance to Plenty on Bartle Avenue and SPBPA the tune "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy or Company B" during an exhibition at on top a pony for a ride during Scotch Plains Day activities. last Sunday's annual Scotch Plains Day. Pictured, left to right, are: Courtney President, reported that in spite of McDonald, Christine Troiano, and Beth Hogan. the weather, "a fairly sizeable" num- ber of people still attended the down- town celebration, which pays hom- age to the community's heritage. School Superintendent Explains Deficit in Budget A Special Edition For Our Readers During Presentation to SP-F Board of Education plained, if those claims had been Asa public service, we are distribut- Association (SPFEA), and a handful "The amount we pay for out-of- and Evergreen Elementary Schools. ing The Westfield Leader and The Times By SUSAN M.DYCKMAN incurred later in the year, the board's- Specially Written for The Times of parents. district placement," Dr. Choye said, To these debts were added insur- of Scotch Plains-Fanwood to all ance assessments totaling $497,554, Medical Trust Account (or Claim- In her October 23 presentation to Councilmen Stuart S. Kline and "is close to the amount we receive Westfield and Fanwood residents as as outlined by E. James Lawton of G. Fund) would have built up sufficient- well as to our regular circulation in the Scotch Plains-Fanwood Board of Martin Marks attended from the Bor- from the state. If we received full funding for special education, it R. Murray Insurance. Mr. Lawton margins to cover the claims on its- Scotch Plains and throughout the re- Education to explain a $700,000 defi- ough of Fanwood and the Township own. • gion. The full coverage of these two of Scotch Plains, respectively. would take a lot of pressure off pro- has represented the district for 23 cit in the 1997-1998 school budget, In addition, given that Cigna pro-: areas is to provide as much local elec- The reasons given for the deficit grams we want to do in special and years. Superintendentof Schools, Dr. Carol cessed nearly 1,000 more claims for: tion information as possible on the are a rise in tuition costs, the modu- regular education." Mr. Lawton broke down the nearly B. Choye, drew an analogy between Scotch Plains-Fanwood employees: candidates who are running for office. lar classrooms, additional appropria- Additional appropriations half-million dollar insurance assess- a checking account and a savings last year, the district paid out: This special issue represents sev- tions and insurance assessments. amounted to $662,814 and included ment into four parts. The first ele- account. $108,179 to cover the rise in claims.: eral firsts for Watchung Communica- The district's 1997-1998 tuition $151,066 for special education tu- ment is a terminal reserve liability tions. One is the borough-wide distri- "Our checking account is in good Under the board's present mini-: costs for special education, Union ition; $294,091 for custodial over- charge of $91,396.
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