J. Chem. Thermodynamics 54 (2012) 41–48 Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect J. Chem. Thermodynamics journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/jct Correlation and prediction of mixing thermodynamic properties of ester-containing systems: Ester + alkane and ester + ester binary systems and the ternary dodecane + ethyl pentanoate + ethyl ethanoate ⇑ Noelia Pérez a, Luís Fernández a, Juan Ortega a, , Francisco J. Toledo a, Jaime Wisniak b a Laboratorio de Termodinámica y Fisicoquímica de Fluidos, Parque Científico-Tecnológico, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain b Deparment of Chemical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel article info abstract Article history: E E Excess thermodynamic properties V m and Hm, have been measured for the ternary mixture dodecane + Received 25 December 2011 ethyl pentanoate + ethyl ethanoate and for the corresponding binaries dodecane + ethyl pentanoate, Received in revised form 7 March 2012 dodecane + ethyl ethanoate, ethyl pentanoate + ethyl ethanoate at 298.15 K. All mixtures show Accepted 9 March 2012 endothermic and expansive effects. Experimental results are correlated with a suitable equation whose Available online 20 March 2012 final form for the excess ternary quantity ME contains the particular contributions of the three binaries (i–j) and a last term corresponding to the ternary, all of them obtained considering fourth-order interac- Keywords: tions. The fit goodness for all mixtures is good and comparable to others equations taken from the liter- Excess molar enthalpies ature. In this work the dissolution model for the binaries and ternary is analyzed with a special attention Excess molar volumes Ternary mixture to ester–ester binaries whose behaviour is discussed. The application of the UNIFAC group contribution E Alkane model to estimate the Hm yields acceptable results for the binaries (with the exception of ester–ester) and Ethyl ester for the ternary mixture. Correlation Published by Elsevier Ltd. UNIFAC 1. Introduction convenient to analyze these systems, and also those containing saturated hydrocarbons (both in theory and in practice) in depth. Previous work by our group reported the behavior of various Our research group has already made certain contributions on the binary systems of esters with alkanes [1–3], alkanols [4–6] and subject and has proposed a structural model for esters + alkanes that haloalkanes [7–9]. It is especially interesting to quantify the sol- will be checked in this paper. Owing to the extensive database avail- vent capacity of esters with different solutes, since these are often able for ester + alkane binary systems, it has been possible to use present as solutions in some sectors of the chemical industry, such correlation/estimation models that can be applied for both pur- as pharmacology and cosmetics. In some processes it is usual to poses. So far, this model has been widely used to study binary find several esters in the same solution, although studies of the systems [10], but not yet to ternary ones. The introduction of addi- thermodynamics of solutions have not yet focused on ester–ester tional components to a binary system adds a new dimension to the interactions. An accurate knowledge of the solute–solvent interac- complexity of the model and to the structural analysis of solutions. A tions, based on mixing properties, can be used to interpret the complete modeling of solutions would be applicable to multicom- molecular structure of the solution, by defining some of the inter- ponent systems, but there are insufficient data in the literature for molecular relationships that cause effects that are transmitted dur- systems of more than two components. One of our current projects ing the mixing processes, and which also have implications on the is, therefore, to extend the application of the model, so it can be used modeling of their behavior. The first step must consist in a highly in systems with a greater number of components, starting with systematic and quality experimentation, in order to observe the ternaries. Here, we begin with the system (dodecane + ethyl pent- relationships between analogous effects observed for sets of sys- anoate + ethyl ethanoate), electing an alkane of intermediate chain tems with homologous components. and two alkyl alkanoates, H2uÀ1CuÀ1COOCvH2v+1 (with v = 2), differ- There is much interest in research carried out on these systems, entiated by the acid part, with u = 2 and 5. Experimental enthalpy E E especially because of the value of these fluids in some industrial Hm and excess molar volumes V m data are reported and correlated applications, such as the production of biofuels. It is, therefore, for the binary systems, an extension is provided for ternary systems, and valuable up-to-date information on the ester–ester interaction. ⇑ E Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 928 459548. This study also includes an estimation of Hm using the UNIFAC group E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Ortega). contribution method of Gmehling et al. [11,12]. 0021-9614/$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jct.2012.03.011 42 N. Pérez et al. / J. Chem. Thermodynamics 54 (2012) 41–48 2. Experimental cates the possible number of combinations with repetition of three substances taken in the interactional order 2, 3 and 4, in which the 2.1. Materials active fractions of the property studied participate. The active frac- tions zi ofP each compound in a multicomponent system satisfy the The dodecane used was from Fluka with a purity >98% w/w and relation zi = 1 and are related to the composition of the mixture both ethyl ethanoate and ethyl pentanoate were supplied by Al- by the following generic expression: drich, with a purity >99% w/w. Before use, products were degasified ti i 1 xi À with ultrasound for several hours and stored in topaz colored glass tixi t1 k xi zi ¼ P ¼ P ¼ P ð2Þ n n t n iÀ1 bottles on a Fluka 0.3 nm molecular sieve to eliminate any traces of tjxj j k x j¼1 j¼1 t xj j¼1 j moisture. The quality of the products was confirmed by GC and by 1 measuring other properties such as the density q, and the refractive where component 1 is chosen as a ‘‘reference’’. To the ti-value a index nD. The results are in good agreement with the data reported parameter is assigned, which is related to the property studied, in the literature (table 1). The water used to calibrate the apparatus hence, parameter kiÀ1 that appears in expression (2) may have a dif- was bidistilled in our laboratory and degasified before use, giving ferent meaning, according to the property being correlated [16]. an electrical conductance lower than 1.5 lS. All the chemicals were E Hence, when the excess volumes V m are correlated for a binary mix- used with the proper safety precautions. jÀi ture i + j, this parameter is given a specific notation, such as kv , which is the ratio of the molar volumes of the compounds involved 2.2. Apparatus and procedures o jÀi o o in the mixture at the working temperature vm;iðTÞ, kv ¼ v m;j=vm;i. E jÀi The refractive index, nD, of the pure products was measured The enthalpies Hm are correlated with the parameter kh , calculated using a 320 Abbe type refractometer from Zuzi with a precision of from the following expression, see reference [16]. ±0.0002 units. It was thermostatized with a Polyscience 9012 circu- ! jÀi 2=3 lating water bath with a temperature control of (T ± 0.005) K. The k kjÀi ¼ kjÀi v ð3Þ accuracy was first verified by taking recordings for water at the h q jÀi kr working temperature. The densities of both the pure compounds and the mixtures were measured with a DMA 60/602 Anton-Paar where kq and kr are, respectively, the quotients of the surface digital densimeter, with a temperature control of ±0.01 K, and the parameters qi and the parameters of molecular volume ri, obtained aforementioned thermostatic control. The uncertainties in the mea- for each pure substance i by the group contribution method pro- surements of density were ±0.02 kgÁmÀ3. The densimeter was first posed by Bondi [17]. calibrated with bidistilled water and nonane as recommended The mathematical development of equation (1) for a ternary E system, considering the successive contributions corresponding previously [15]. The excess volumes V m were calculated from the density values, as explained in the following section. The mixing to interactions of second, third and fourth order is written as: Â enthalpies were measured directly using a Calvet MS80D calorime- E 2 2 2 M ¼ ½þa12z1z2 þ a13z1z3 þ a23z2z3 a112z z2 þ a113z z3 þ a221z z1þ ter by Setaram (France), at a temperature of 298.15 K, calibrated by 3;4 1 Ã Â 1 2 2 2 2 3 applying a Joule effect as described in previous publications [16], a223z2z3 þ a331z3z1 þ a332z3z2 þ a123z1z2z3 þ a1112z1z2þ estimating an uncertainty in the HE of 1%, and less than ±0.0002 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 m a1122z1z2 þ a1222z1z2 þ a1113z1z3 þ a1133z1z3 þ a1333z1z3þ for the mole fractions of binary systems, and slightly higher values 3 2 2 3 2 2 a2223z z3 þ a2233z z þ a2333z2z þ a1123z z2z3 þ a1223z1z z3þ for ternary systems. 2 Ã 2 3 3 1 2 2 The working procedure used in the experimentation with ter- a1233z1z2z3 ð4Þ naries was similar to that used to measure the densities of the pre- This expression reminds us of the empirical model proposed by pared synthetic solutions, and also for excess molar enthalpies. Wohl [18] to correlate values of Gibbs’s function in multicompo- First, the mixing quantities were determined for the three binary nent systems.
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