NICHOLAS M. RATCLIFFE Department of Geology, City College of City University of New York,, New York,, New Yor{ 10031 The Ramapo Fault System in New York and Adjacent Northern New Jersey: A Case of Tectonic Heredity ABSTRACT by Page and others (1968) suggests that the fault may still be active. These observations The Ramapo fault system forms the north- suggest a possible tectonic longevity of some western boundary of the Newark Triassic 700 m.y. for the "Triassic" border fault system basin in New York and adjacent northern New here. Jersey, and is commonly attributed to Mesozoic This fracture system had deep crustal con- crustal fracturing. However, the detailed nections along which basic magma rose toward geology in the vicinity of this fault indicates an the surface in Late Precambrian, Late Ordo- earlier, complex tectonic ancestry, perhaps vician (Cortlandt), and Late Triassic time dating from late Precambrian time. Intense (Palisades sill and Triassic flows). The Ramapo cataclastic effects found in Precambrian to fault also marks the boundary between tectonic Middle Ordovician rocks on both sides of the blocks having different Paleozoic deformational Ramapo fault are absent from the bordering histories. These observations, along with the Triassic rocks of the footwall block. Significant remarkable longevity, suggest that this fault post-Middle Ordovician right-lateral-trans- zone may be part of a fundamental crustal current faulting is recorded by actual offset of fracture system that was operative during distinctive units and by the megascopic fabric formation of the Appalachian orogen. in mylonite zones. The total cumulative offset The ideas presented here require a degree since the late Precambrian on these faults is of tectonic permanence not commonly reported unknown but could be large. Right-lateral dis- in orogenic belts. Activity along this fracture placement of 4 km is indicated for the Canopus system in pre-Middle Ordovician time as Valley area. Intrusive relationships of probable documented here suggests strongly that the late Precambrian to Late Ordovician diorite northern end of the Reading Prong is not plutons and dikes, as well as pegmatites of allochthonous in the sense proposed by Isachsen probable Devonian age, help date the strike- (1964). slip movements as Paleozoic and older. Block faulting along the Ramapo fault in the INTRODUCTION Lower Ordovician affected Middle Ordovician The Triassic basin of New Jersey and New sedimentation and resulted in unconformable York (Newark basin) is a half-graben bordered relationships between a Middle Ordovician on the northwest by a northeast-trending gneiss-boulder conglomerate (Bucher, 1957) system of irregularly developed high-angle and Precambrian gneisses on the upthrown faults (Sanders, 1963; Van Houten, 1969). block west of the fault north of Peekskill, New Although the Precambrian rocks of the foot- York. wall commonly have contacts with the down- Repeated movements of the Highlands dropped Triassic, locally Paleozoic (Cambro- block during Late Triassic time produced the Ordovician) rocks lie adjacent to the border coarse clastic fanglomerates of the Hammer faults on the east (Bayley and others, 1914; Creek Formation adjacent to the Ramapo fault. Drake and others, 1961). Depositional, non- This syndepositional faulting was followed by faulted contacts of Triassic rocks lapping onto post-Brunswick downdropping along the Ram- Paleozoic or Precambrian rocks along the apo fault south of the Hudson River. Recent western and northern margin of the Newark seismic activity along this fault system reported basin have been cited (Drake and others, 1961; Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 82, p. 125-142, 5 figs., January 1971 125 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/82/1/125/3428212/i0016-7606-82-1-125.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 126 N. RATCLIFFE—RAMAPO FAULT SYSTEM Van Houten, 1969; Ratcliffe, 1968a, p. 200). here referred to collectively as the Ramapo Thus the northwestern boundary of the Newark fault system. basin Triassic, although commonly referred to The extension of this fault system from New as the Triassic border fault, actually is com- Jersey across the Hudson River to the north- prised of many closely spaced separate sub- east into the Highlands of New York was sug- parallel faults that commonly trend N. 30° to gested by Berkey and Rice (1919) and appears N. 50° E. This consistency in trend, except to be well substantiated (Bucher, 1957; Paige, where later northwest-trending cross faults 1956; Ohan, 1964). such as those near Flemington, New Jersey, The Ramapo fault system west of the Hud- offset the border faults (Sanders, 1963), gives son River clearly underwent repeated move- the impression of a rather continuous fault on ments in the Late Triassic, as recognized by regional compilations shown at a small scale other workers (Carlston, 1946; Sanders, 1963; (for example, Sanders, 1963, Fig. 7). The term Van Houten, 1969). However, estimates of the "border fault system" will be used to describe maximum dip-slip displacement on the border collectively these various faults that either fault in New Jersey in post-Brunswick time mark the northwest border of the Triassic range from 30,000 ft (Sanders, 1963, p. 510) to sediments or lie close to the depositional edge of 18,000 ft (Van Houten, 1969, p. 328). the basin. Sanders' recent synthesis of Triassic tec- In northern New Jersey and southeastern tonism (1963), which summarizes much of the New York State, the border fault system is earlier work by that author and others, sug- expressed by a fairly straight fault trace gests that Triassic deformation was much more marked by the topographic escarpment of the extensive and complex than previously realized. Ramapo Mountains for which the fault is According to Sanders (1963, Fig. 2), the initial named. The Ramapo fault proper extends from phase of Triassic subsidence extended over a Stony Point, New York, on the Hudson River, single belt 50 to 70 mi wide, covering broad southwest approximately 50 mi to Peapack, areas of southern Vermont, western Massachu- New Jersey (Fig. 1). Banked against the fault setts, western Connecticut, and southeastern are coarse deposits of Triassic conglomerate New York and New Jersey. The single deposi- containing abundant clasts of dolostone and tional basin (the broad-terrane hypothesis) was metaquartzite thought to have been locally modified by longitudinal crustal warping of derived by uplift and erosion of the Paleozoic 30,000 ft and subsequent erosion to produce the cover of the Hudson Highlands during Late now isolated Massachusetts-Connecticut and Triassic time (Carlston, 1946; Savage, 1968). Newark basins. The northern termination of the At the northern end of the Triassic basin near Newark basin at the Hudson River (Stony Stony Point, New York, the Triassic rocks Point) (Fig. 1) was ascribed to the effects of a probably rest unconformably on Paleozoic transverse upwarp known as the Danbury rocks (Ratcliffe, 1968a, p. 200) rather than anticline, said to have 30,000 ft of structural being downfaulted along an east-west fault as relief (Sanders, 1960, p. 129; 1963, p. 510). An shown by Fisher and others (1962) and Savage important corollary of Sanders' hypothesis is (1968). At this point, the Ramapo fault down- that the fault system that produced the initial drops both Triassic and Paleozoic rocks against Triassic graben subsidence and later post- the Precambrian on the west. This fault extends Brunswick faulting should extend northeast- across the Hudson River to the Peekskill ward beyond the present limits of the Newark Hollow area where Paleozoic rocks (Annsville basin along the Ramapo fault. According to Phyllite-Middle Ordovician) rest against Pre- Sanders, Triassic rocks are not preserved along cambrian gneiss (Berkey and Rice, 1919; Ohan, this fault owing to erosion produced by uplift 1964). From Annsville, a complex fracture zone on the Danbury anticline (1963, p. 518). along Canopus Creek extends northeasterly There is considerable evidence cited in the across the entire width of the Hudson High- present paper that the Ramapo fault system lands locally, bringing Paleozoic rocks ("Tren- does extend into the Hudson Highlands east of tonian" Limestone; see Bucher, 1957) or the the Hudson River. However, the differential Poughquag Quartzite of Early Cambrian age movement and igneous activity that took place in juxtaposition with older rocks (Berkey and along this fracture zone appears to be pre- Rice, 1919; Gordon, 1911) (Fig. 1). The Triassic in age. Many of the intense deforma- Ramapo fault proper and its northern extension tional effects along this ancient fracture system into the Hudson Highlands of New York are are here attributed to severe cataclasis along Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/gsabulletin/article-pdf/82/1/125/3428212/i0016-7606-82-1-125.pdf by guest on 27 September 2021 INTRODUCTION 127 deep-seated, right-lateral, late Precambrian any direct evidence of Triassic or younger and Paleozoic transcurrent faults. To what movement east of the Hudson River. In the extent Triassic or younger faulting modified opinion of this author, Triassic movement was the geologic relations along the fracture zone is rather limited along the northern trace of the uncertain. However, there does not appear to be Ramapo fault system. These ideas conflict MAFIC INTRU3VES - PEACH LAKE u " 2-CROTON FALLS 8 - LAKE HOPATCONG 3- CANOPUS CREEK 9- GREENWOOD LAKE 4-ROSETOWN
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