Murray State's Digital Commons The eN ws Newspapers 9-26-1968 The ewN s, Part 2, September 26, 1968 The ewN s Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn Recommended Citation The eN ws, "The eN ws, Part 2, September 26, 1968" (1968). The News. 833. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tn/833 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eN ws by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. MOEnt aff/11111 968 Page 7 Fulton County News, Thursday, Sept. 26, 1968 ok • AUSTIN SPRINGS — ROUTE THREE By Mrs. Carey Frields Mrs. Aline Williams 'tons and Is Rev. Russell Rogers filled the Saturday evening a few of the pulpit the past Sunday at 13 a. m., girls who work at Martin with Mrs. lgher still serving the church until a new Henson Jones, brought their famil- very pastor has been called. There was ies and covered dishes and had din- an 21 a good attendance and many visi- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Jones and tors were there, Bro. Bobby Cope- their family. Someone brought the land and the missionary from pony and buggy and I understand may We/Ailey County Baptist the Cores churches. children enjoyed that a lot. le t VA —lirr•s.— Mrs. Jones reports a nice time was "Al Alga Watts of St. Louis is the here on a visit with her sister, Mrs. enjoyed by all. tonal Dewey Ainley, and Mr. Alnley. Ricky Hopkins has returned esus- News reached home, after spending his vacation bone relatives here last week of the death of Johnnie Rey- with relatives and friends in De- will be fourteen years old this month. nolds in troit. Mark Mayfield, the husband of thoughtful these days. Many an hour the former Dukie Bynum. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Emily visit- He is very Reynolds was a patient in a local ed with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wil- is spent on the back lawn with watercolors and hospital, but his death came sud- liams a while Tuesday night. pad, mostly thinking or dreaming. denly, due to an apparent heart J. C. McAlister is in Bould Hos- his, and "why," a cer- ailment. The deceased is Boundless curiosity is survived pital in Memphis. We hope for him receives. Be- by his companion and two daugh- a speedy recovery. tain response to every answer he ters, also other swim, golf, read, relatives. Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Everett Williams sides painting, he likes to hunt, services were held in Mayfield, and putter in the basement with test tubes. Only with drove to Memphis Monday and burial there. Profound sym- spent rifles and pathy is the night with Mr. and Mrs. recently, girls have been included with extended to the bereaved Clarence Vickery. family. While there Mr. missile shots as a favored topic of conversation. Williams went through the Vet- Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Yates and erans Hospital for his check-up. He talks about God, too. In his pursuit of their mother, Mrs. Inez Vincent, of Our sympathy goes to Mrs. Nary answers SO the universe, he instigates family Pilot Oak section were here Sunday Bea Garner in the loss of her from ethics to eternity, afternoon on a eon discussions that range visit with Mr. and this past week. Mrs. Grover True. from atoms to apple cores. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howard drove Mr. and Mrs. Sam wonder that I thank God daily for Mathis were to Memphis Wednesday and Mr. It's small hosts to their family dinner the Howard went to the hospital for his His Church and its teachings. Its truths help past Sunday at their Nene near checkup, then visited with answer with assurance the questions Mark State Line their me Road. Those attending daughter, Mrs. Wallace were: Mr. Wisdom, asks in his search for understanding. and Mrs. J. W. and Mr. Medlin. They and son then drove Hal, Rev, T. T. trrr,u on to vint his nother, who Mr. and lives in Mrs. Larry Hawks and Hersande, Mies. Ills Miss sister, from FOE AU.... Margaret *nurn. All report Indianapolis, was also visiting THE CHURCH a nice dinner fad THE CHURCH get-together, as their mellow, who is in her nineties, ALL FOR is their reatezt usual csalken. and I know she enjoyed their visit. 'llte Church is the Heartfelt on earth for the building sympathy is extended Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wisdom also factor to the famify of Rudolph Steven- of character and good citizen- visited with her grandmother, an- storehouse of son, whose death occurred ship. It is a in other nice get-together for all. spiritual values. Without a Dresden the past week. Mr. Steven- Mrs. Revel Moody had a birth- strong Church, neither democ- son suffered a aillake several day dinner in honor of her racy nor civilization can sur- months ago and has been abed, daugh- are four sound ter, Mrs. vive. There ). not able to rally. Be was the old- Mason Works, Sunday reasons why every person week at her est son of the late Mr. and Mrs. home, with the rela- should attend services regu- tives all joining in Josh Stephenson, well-known citi- this wonderful larly and support the Church. affair. (1) For his own zens of District No. 1. He h sur- We liege Peggy has many They are: more sake. (2) For his children's vived by his companion, two sons, happy Wthdaye. Mrs. Nell Winstead and Mrs. sake. (3) For the sake of his a sister and three brothers, also (4)For Aline Williams are enjoying their community and nation. many other relatives and hosts of the sake of the Church itself, 111•111116 new sewing machines friends. The floral tributes bespeak they pur- which needs his moral and the esteem in which he was held. chased last Saturday. We think material support Plan to go Funeral services were held in Duke- some of you girls missed out on a to church regularly and read dom. Anderson Funeral Home had good thing, if you like to sew. your Bible daily. charge of all the arrangements. Mr. and Mrs. Dail Phillips, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cherry Mrs. Adair Cannon and Mrs. and son, Mike, moved from our Mary Cavencier were in Greenfield midst a few weeks ago, locating in last week on business. Fulton, where each is employed at Mrs. Paul Howard had her family the Siegel Plant. in her home last soms to cele- Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Argo and brate the birthday of her sister, Mrs. Harvey Carney. We also wish Caprighl INS children, Chad and Kim, of Hick- • Mrs. Carney many more happy Kriger Adoerltring rest,., 1s man, will be your writer's visitors birthdays. This family always &maws V. as dinner guests tonight (Monday). so many happy They are my grandchildren, the seems to enjoy occasions. little one are my great-grandchild- Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Williams Friday Saturday ren. Sunday \AarkklY Tuesday Wednesday Thursday drove their daughter, Diane, back Psalms Proverbs Proverbs Isaiah John Hebrews Hebrews to Jackson, Tenn., to college Sun- 77:3-15 4:10-19 4:20-27 32:9-20 5:37-47 6:9-20 1019-25 day evening. PIERCE STATION tiii.rtcdPtcSirtCSIVtdPtdIrel t%irl • Chester Bennett is in the Fulton t liSbt diPt e By Mrs. CharleiLewe Hospital for a checkup We hope he will soon be out and on the go Mr. and Mrs. John Hall DeMyer again. left today Mr their home in Lans- Walter Ridgeway passed away in ing, Mich., after a three weeks.visit his sleep Saturday night, He will with Miss Roberta and Bob De- be missed by a host of friends and Myer. relatives. Mr. Ridgeway has lived David Long is home from the in this part of the community for Feature Is Published With The Rope That More People Will Go To Church. Baptist Hospital in Memphis, fol- most of his life and was working This lowing a serious wreck and under- for the bus station in Fulton the going surgery. He is improving past 7 or 8 years. He is the father nicely and will enter school in Mar- of Mrs. Charles Parks. tin for the fall quarter. He will re- Mrs. Essie Mai Kingston and dau- turn to U. T. In Knoxville in Jan- ghter, Wanda, formerly of this It Is Sponsored By Firms Interested In This Community. uary. community, are visiting Mr. and DeWitt Matthews spent Saturday Mrs. Paul Jones Brown and other and Sunday in Lawrenceburg, relatives in this part of the coun- Tenn., visiting old friends and at- try. They have been away for sev- tending Home Coming of the eral days and are from Alberquer- Vaughn Music Company. que, N. M. It's always so nice to WILLIAM WARD STOCKYARD Mr. and Mrs. Bud Stem and son visit with old acquaintances. THE FULTON NEWS Piggly-Wiggly Super Market Mrs. Mary Cavender is in Hill- visited relatives In and near Martin Printers — Publishers Church Street Sunday afternoon. view Hospital. We hope she will South Fulton, Tenn. soon be alright again. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Green of South Fulton 475-2153 Fulton were supper guests of Mrs. Bob Cannon is home, after a Commercial Ave. 472-14Il Christine Pierce one night last couple of days in the Fulton Hos- week. pital. Mrs. Virginia Hay spent the Mr.
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