October 28, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 25287 SENATE—Saturday, October 28, 2000 (Legislative day of Friday, September 22, 2000) The Senate met at 9:31 a.m., on the The Senate will also convene on Sun- to be a large number on our side who expiration of the recess, and was called day at 4 p.m. to consider another con- would wish the same consideration. to order by the President pro tempore tinuing resolution with a vote sched- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without [Mr. THURMOND]. uled to occur at 7 p.m. A vote will also objection, it is so ordered. occur on Monday to continue Govern- Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, I suggest PRAYER ment funding and the vote will occur the absence of a quorum. The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John at a time to be determined. Senators The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: will be notified as Monday votes are clerk will call the roll. Gracious God, we thank You for a scheduled. The legislative clerk proceeded to different kind of continuing resolution. I thank my colleagues for their con- call the roll. You resolve to continue to be with us, sideration as we work these different Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, I ask to bless us with Your grace and Your issues out. unanimous consent that the order for goodness. You have promised Your con- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The as- the quorum call be rescinded. tinued providential care for us as a be- sistant minority leader. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without loved Nation. You have guided us Mr. REID. Mr. President, the House objection, it is so ordered. through the years. We resolve to trust is right now voting on approval of the f Journal. They should vote on the CR You to help us now when we need to TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE momentarily. We should have that overcome our differences and unite to DANIEL PATRICK MOYNIHAN lead the Nation. So our real continuing shortly. I know a number of people Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, the resolution is to call on You, seek Your have asked when we will complete session is winding down. We are at a solutions, end the power struggle, and that. point where we are doing pro forma complete the business of this Congress. On Sunday, they are supposed to vote things. So I sense that Republicans and Demo- on their CR at 6 o’clock that night. I I have neglected to do something I crats would express their yeas and nays hope that is the case. Senator STEVENS think is important to do and that I to a continuing resolution to praise and a number of the members of the have wanted to do. I will take the time You for being sovereign of our beloved Appropriations Committee are meet- available to us at the moment to fulfill Nation. Amen. ing. They met yesterday, hoping to wind up negotiations on Labor-HHS, my obligation. f which will be the last train moving out I wish to pay appropriate tribute to PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE of the station. With the compromise the senior Senator from New York, Mr. MOYNIHAN, on the occasion of his re- The Honorable CHUCK HAGEL, a Sen- that is in the air, I hope we can wrap tirement. I have already done this ator from the State of Nebraska, led up the tax package and the Labor-HHS within the committee on which we the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: bill maybe as early as Monday and Tuesday at the latest. I hope that is jointly sit, but I think at a more for- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the mal setting it is also appropriate. United States of America, and to the Repub- the case. lic for which it stands, one Nation under The PRESIDING OFFICER. The act- I first met PAT MOYNIHAN when I was God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ing majority leader. serving in the Nixon administration. all. Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, we had He was then a member of the White f put the continuing resolution on the House staff. I was serving in the De- desk hoping we could get agreement partment of Transportation. He was RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME with the other side to move imme- the President’s primary enforcer, if The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. diately to accommodate Senators’ you will, of improvements and effi- HAGEL). Under the previous order, the schedules. That is not going to happen. ciencies in the executive branch, par- leadership time is reserved. As I have said, we will wait for the ticularly in domestic departments. We f House to vote. at the Department of Transportation f were a little bit in awe, if not in terror, RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING of the thought of PAT MOYNIHAN show- MAJORITY LEADER MORNING BUSINESS ing up and checking on us to make sure The PRESIDING OFFICER. The act- Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, I ask we were doing things right. ing Senate majority leader. unanimous consent that the Senate I remember one meeting in the White f now be in a period of morning business House where we were outlining what until 10 a.m. and the time be divided in we wanted to do, that which I consid- SCHEDULE the usual form. ered to be fairly bold, and listening to Mr. CRAIG. Mr. President, today the Mr. REID. Reserving the right to ob- MOYNIHAN saying: Well, in a Repub- Senate will vote on a continuing reso- ject, if the CR gets here sooner than lican administration, this is probably lution that funds Government through that, would the Senator agree that we about the best you could expect. He tomorrow. I understand that the House should begin the vote before 10, because wanted us to be considerably bolder will be voting on that resolution at ap- there are people who have come to me than we were. He wanted to go into di- proximately 10 or 10:30. However, it was indicating they have schedules to rections of new initiatives that would our hope that we would have the Sen- meet. I am sure he has the same on his have been very good for the country. ate vote on the joint resolution imme- side. In addition to this, he was one of the diately this morning. We will be unable Mr. CRAIG. I see no objection to architects of Nixon’s program of family to reach an agreement to allow that to that. I think we are here purely de- maintenance which, had it been en- occur earlier. Therefore, the Senate pendent on the House’s ability to act acted over the objections of the Demo- will vote as soon as the continuing res- as quickly as they can. When it arrives crats, probably would have solved olution is received from the House. at the desk, my guess is there is going many of our welfare problems. ● This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:16 Jan 17, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S28OC0.000 S28OC0 25288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE October 28, 2000 Mr. MOYNIHAN was well respected it that Pennsylvania Avenue was President’s figure so we can come to then. President Nixon later used him cleaned up from the pawnshops and the terms and have an accommodation and as Ambassador to the United Nations other shabby architectural edifices get the bill passed. We put $600 million and Ambassador to India. When he was that were there to the monumental av- in that bill—more for education than running for a seat in the Senate, even enue that it is today. Interestingly the President did. And the President though he was a Democrat, I, for one, enough, it was while he was chairman asked for $2.7 billion for school con- was rooting for him to win. of the Senate Environment and Public struction and teachers. It was the view I have just finished reading a book Works Committee, leaning on the pub- of many colleagues that that was not a called ‘‘The Trust,’’ which is the his- lic works side of that environment, Federal responsibility, but we gave this tory of New York City. I was interested where he led the effort within the Con- figure. We put an addendum on that if to find that the editorial board of the gress to see to it that the necessary the local school boards decided they New York Times almost unanimously money was appropriated to build the wanted it for something else, they decided that in that primary they were monumental buildings of which we are could use it for something else, so that going to endorse Bella Abzug for the all so proud. there would be local control, which is Senate seat in New York. Fortunately, So we have a lasting architectural the essence of education in America, the publisher of the New York Times, legacy to the public career of PAT MOY- contrasted with the Washington, DC, Punch Sulzberger, came to his senses NIHAN right here in the District of Co- bureaucratic straitjacket. long enough to dictate a New York lumbia. I, for one, shall miss him. But Notwithstanding that, the White Times endorsement of PAT MOYNIHAN, I look forward to staying in touch with House, his negotiators, wanted every and this body was spared the experi- him as he tells me that he is going to semicolon their own way.
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