1h DEVOTED TO—BASE BALL—BICYCLING—GUNS—GUNNING VOLUME 30, NO. 15. PHILADELPHIA, JANUARY 1, 1898. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. _ SAM " Hello! Young Fellow. Happy New Year to you. You seem well equipped for sport." MASTER 1898 <( Yes. I have a Base Ball Outfit and a Bicycle and several Guns and lots of other things, but I want ©Sporting Life,© I©ve called to pay my subscription for the year." FATHER TIME "Ah! How soon they learn in this up-to-date age. It©s only fifteen years ajj| when ©Sporting Life© was a baby. Now it©s a giant." Jan* 1 ripening April 15 there won©t be much time for mium will write us we will do our Southern teaaig trips or spiing exhibition games. best to fu-nish the desired article on What strange -shifts base ball does make! SPORTING LIFE While Cincinnati welcomes Elmer Smith back into reasonable terms. the fold it bids Bill Rhines a second last fare A WEEKLY JOURNAL well. Devoted to Pitcher McPartlin has hgd©a successful opera , P THE PROPER VIEW. tion performed for a tumor in his eye at the BASEBALL, BICYCLING, SHOOT. DESERVING OFJELPFDL SYMPATHY, Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital in New York ING, BILLIARDS, Etc. Mr. Preedinan Favors Modification City. The assignment of the Overman of the Brush Resolution. J. W. Gannon. who was elected captain of the Special to "Sporting Life." I,ehigh team for the coming season, has entered Wheel Company, the famous manu Yale, and will be seen with the Yale team next Trade<|m»rked by the Sporting Life Pub. C* New York, Dec. 30. President Freedmnn, season. Entered at Philadelphia Post Office facturers of cycling and athletic goods, of the New York Base Ball Club, said yes In speeding the "parting guests" the Bal AS Second Class Matter. comes as a painful surprise to the pub terday that he believed the Brush resolu timore scribes are throwing ,a little extract of tion to blacklist ball players who use ob- shoe leather into Jack Doyle. Did Jack abuse Put/ashed by lic painful from the fact that such a soene language should be modified a bit. them, too? Said he: Another Corbett is to make bis debut on house should have been compelled to "It would be unjust to blacklist a ball player the diamond next season. Tom, a brother of THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO, succumb, though but temporarily, to who in the heat of the moment uses some, cuss Joe and Jim, will, it is said, be given a trial 34 South Third St., words, for that is a common fault with many by Baltimore. the stress and strain of these perilous men. But the players who use filthy language President Prank Robison is quoted as saying Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. and spply vile epithets to umpires and fellow times. The Overman Wheel Company players must be severely disciplined. 1 believe that the shut-off of the ticker reports of base that for the first offense of this kind a player ball would increase the receipts at the gate at SUBSCRIPTION RATES: stood for all that was honest, liberal, should be suspended for a week or- even a month. least. §W),000. One Tear................. ............................. *3.00 If lie is not cured by a penalty of that sort Boston will have fewer changes in the per progressive and high-toned in its par and offends a second time, he should be suspend sonnel of the team than any club in the League. ths....................... ..................... 1.35 ticular line of business, hence uni ed for the balance of the season. If after that The pitching department only will be strength le Copy........................................... 5c. he should repeat bis old tricks he should, after ened, if possible. ign Postage, $1.04 Extra per Annum. versal regret not confined to the a trial, be forever debarred from further engage Aneon is playing hand ball and billiards in ment by National Ageement clubs. As far as. Chicago, and declares that he does not care PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. friends and admirers of its noted kicking is concerned. I will say that if the whether he plays base ball or not next year. founder, Mr. A. H. Overman, but umpires, to be selected by President Young are But he does care. ADVERTISING RATES: competent there will be very little disorder on There is a move on among League magnates 1 Insertion.............;............. per inch S3.35 shared even by his closest rivals at the Held. The double umpire system, with compe to resto-ie New York as the permanent placo for tent men ID power, ought to work like a charm." the annual meetings, and to shift about oiily 13 Consec©e Inser©s, each ius " R3.00 the embarrassment of the company the spring mee©ings. 86 Consec©e Inser©s, each ins " S3.75 From Kansas City comes an unsubstantiated 39 Consec©e Inser©s, each ins " S2.5O he organized and made such a bril LOUISYIlTElLUBlLECTION. report that Manager Manning has secured frotn .12 Consec©e Inser©s, each ins " S3.25 liant success. the Pittsburg Club inh©elders llothfuss and Egaa Reading: Notice, per Agftte line .30 Pulliam, Stuckey, Dehler and Fred and catcher Merritt. W« reserve the right to reject any ad That the failure cannot be charged Clark to Run the Club. The Baltimore Club has decided to return Special to "Sporting Life." the Teaiple Cup to Mr. Temple as per the ordar vertisement in which the wording is not to the recklessness and mismanage of the League and the donor. And thus closes deemed satisfactory. ment so common nowadays, but is Louisville, Dee. 30. The annual meeting this chapter in base ball. of the stockholders of the Louisville Base Even the veteran, Henry Chadwick, has simply due to the stringency of the Ball Company was held Tuesday night. forgone his opposition to Sunday ball, and now The financial statement was the best in thinks it should not be discriminated against in times goes without saying. That the several seasons, showing a profit during the these piping liberal times. 24 PAGES 24 crisis will be surmounted, all interests past season, though a deficit still exists Manager Tebeau and his family expect to since the formation of a twelve-olub league. arrive in Cleveland about the 1st of February, amply protected, and the Overman The old Board of Directors was re-elected and will at once move into their new home oo INDEX TO CONTENTS. Wheel Company emerge from the as follows: Thomas Hunt Stuckey, H. C. Beeeber street, opposite the ball park. Pulliam, Charles V, Dehler, Hack Phelps, Pitcher Blue, drafted by Cleveland from Base Ball News.......... Pages 1 to 1O temporary cloud in good shape to re Charles Rlchie, Barney Dreyfus and Cashier Toledo, is a very expert wrestler, like short Hammer. The directors re-elected H. C. stop McKean. There©s a chance for an argu Bicycling Nevys ......... Pages 11 to 14 sume business on a solid basis is also Pulliam president, and Dr. Stuckey, who P -niMim List............ Pages 15 to 18 ment and possibly a match in the future. well assured. has been for a year only a director, was Dr. Brott, who jumped the Wilkesburre Club Shooting News.......... Pages 19 to 24 elected vice-president. last season, will play with Mobile next season. Mr. Overman, by a long career of Barney Dreyfus, who has been secretary- Wilkesburre doesn©t think it worth while to treasurer for years, was succeeded by interfere, as it could do under base ball law. SPORTING LIFE is the recognized official exceptional probity and ability, has Charles P. Dehler. Fred C. Clarke was According to Harry Weklon Cincinnati had sportinjj weekly publication. It lias been again chosen manager. It was resolved to long wanted pitcher Billy Hart, and had the club established fifteen vears, has an immense made thousands of staunch friends, make no more experiments in players, and known that he could have been secured Pitts circulation, is clean, bright, newsy in con who will doubtless come to his assist with the exception of a new catcher the burg would not have been permitted to secure tents, authoritative in opinion, and leader team will not be changed. him. in all lines of sport it caters to, and of ance and help him put the great Buckenberger Is certainly "having his troubles business he established and managed with Ryan, Willis, Eagan and Horton taken which it is the foremost exponent and organ. NEWSTND"COMMENT. away from the Stars, and Lake and Canavan The information which it contains is al wisely and well, in position to resume asserting that they will not play with Syracuse ways compact, accurate, reliable and offi next year, its foremost place in the cycle and Novport has signed pitcher Jack Leeson. cial, as it is the official organ of the great Joe Kelley says he feels at home at third Fred Clarke©s brother, John, will go South base ball federation and is also regarded as sporting goods trade better and base. with the Colonels to their training grounds, and the best authority upon guns, gunning, after their return he will remain in Louisville stronger than ever. The Minneapolis team will do its spring work until Fred has gotten a nice berth for him ill cycling, billiards and all other clean, health at Topeka. Kas. a minor league. ful and legitimate sports. It is absolutely To let such a man as honest and able Jack Stivetts is said to be driving a, brewery Sjracuse is reported as having signed the unique by reason ot the fact that there is wagon to kill time.
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