The Arup Journal The The Marina Bay Sands Special Issue Issue 1 2012 The Arup Journal About Arup Arup is a global organisation of designers, Arup’s core values drive a strong culture Printed by Pureprint Group using engineers, planners, and business of sharing and collaboration. their ® environmental print consultants, founded in 1946 by Sir Ove technology. The printing inks are made from vegetable based oils and Arup (1895-1988). It has a constantly All this results in: no harmful industrial alcohol is used evolving skills base, and works with local in the printing process with 98% of a dynamic working environment that and international clients around the world. any dry waste associated with this inspires creativity and innovation SURGXFWLRQGLYHUWHGIURPODQG¿OO Pureprint Group is a CarbonNeutral® Arup is owned by Trusts established for the a commitment to the environment and the FRPSDQ\DQGLVFHUWL¿FDWHGWR EHQH¿WRILWVVWDIIDQGIRUFKDULWDEOH FRPPXQLWLHVZKHUHZHZRUNWKDWGH¿QHV Environmental Management purposes, with no external shareholders. our approach to work, to clients and System ISO 14001 and registered This ownership structure, together with the collaborators, and to our own members to EMAS, the Eco Management core values set down by Sir Ove Arup, and Audit Scheme. robust professional and personal networks The Marina Bay Sands Special Issue Special Sands The Marina Bay DUHIXQGDPHQWDOWRWKHZD\WKH¿UPLV that are reinforced by positive policies on organised and operates. The Arup Journal equality, fairness, staff mobility, and Vol47 No1 (1/2012) knowledge sharing Editor: David J Brown Independence enables Arup to: Designer: Nigel Whale the ability to grow organically by attracting shape its own direction and take a long- Editorial: Tel: +1 617 349 9291 and retaining the best and brightest email: [email protected] term view, unhampered by short-term individuals from around the world – and pressures from external shareholders Published by Global Marketing from a broad range of cultures – who share and Communications, GLVWULEXWHLWVSUR¿WVWKURXJKUHLQYHVWPHQW those core values and beliefs in social Arup, 13 Fitzroy Street, in learning, research and development, to usefulness, sustainable development, and London W1T 4BQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7636 1531 VWDIIWKURXJKDJOREDOSUR¿WVKDULQJ excellence in the quality of our work. Fax: +44 (0)20 7580 3924 scheme, and by donation to charitable All articles ©Arup 2012 organisations. With this combination of global reach and a collaborative approach that is values-driven, Special thanks to Brian Mak, $UXSLVXQLTXHO\SRVLWLRQHGWRIXO¿OLWVDLP Jenny Lie, and Franklin Kwan to shape a better world. for their help in co-ordinating this special edition. Issue 1 2012 We shape a better world | www.arup.com 58086_Arup_Cvr.indd 1 24/02/2012 23:06 4 Singapore’s vision for Marina Bay 6 Introduction to Marina Bay Sands 8 Designing Marina Bay Sands 10 Collaboration with Safdie Architects 12 Geotechnics and foundation design The Sands Hotel and Sands SkyPark 16 The hotel towers 20 Hotel atrium walls 24 The Sands SkyPark The podium The following past and present staff members Sarah Huskie, Philip Iskandar, Mellissa Ismail, Priya Palpanathan, Jack Pan, Kathy Pang, 32 The podium roofs IURP$UXSRI¿FHVZRUOGZLGHDUHDPRQJWKRVH Sha Mohamed Ismail, Anthony Ivey, Frank Jeczmionka, Jack Pappin, Stuart Pearce, Alan Philp, ZKRPDGHVLJQL¿FDQWFRQWULEXWLRQVWRWKHGHVLJQ Steven Jenkins, William Jimenez, Hong Geng Jin, Maggie Puvannan, Chris Pynn, Jie Qian, 37 Podium underslab drainage system of Marina Bay Sands. Matt Johann, Carl Jones, Steven Jones, Virgilio Quinones, Jim Quiter, Nizar Abdul Rahim, Edmond San Jose, Chak-Sang Kan, Yiu-Fai Kan, Mohan Raman, Rey Redondo, Adrian De Los Reyes, 38 Sands Expo and Convention Center Man Kang, Subash Kathiresan, Teng Chong Khoo, Archie Ricablanca, Darlene Rini, Peter Romeos, Joy Aclao, Nur Liyana Ahmad, Ian Ainsworth, Amanda Kimball, Ben Kirkwood, Henrik Kjaer, Ian Del Rosario, Alex Rosenthal, Ken Roxas, 41 Retail areas Graham Aldwinckle, Jarrod Alston, Evan Amatya, Sing Yen Ko, Duraibabu Damodaran Kothanda, Matthew Ryan, Emily Ryzak, Richard Salter, Joseph Amores, Richard Andrews, Christine Ang, Jeyatharan Kumarasamy, Viann Kung, Kin-Kei Kwan, Katherina Santoso, Majid Haji Sapar, Haico Schepers, 42 The casino Ling Ling Ang, Siow Ting Ang, Christopher Anoso, Chris Kwok, Henry Kwok, Nelson Kwong, Andrew Lai, David Scott, Lin Ming See, Richie See, Janice Sendico, Easy Arisarwindha, Mark Arkinstall, Feng Bai, David Lai, Kristin Lai, Otto Lai, Philip Lai, Bee Lian Seo, Kartini Shabani, Henry Shiu, 44 Theatre structures Jaydy Baldovino, Warren Balitcha, Venugopal Barkur, Raymond Lai, Alvin Lam, Clement Lam, Ernest Lam, Margaret Sie, Michael Sien, Chris Simm, Nick Simpson, Rachel Baylson, Dan Birch, Hay Sun Blunt, Joe Lam, Derek Lau, Eric Lau, James Lau, Jeffrey Lau, Kenneth Sin, Alexandra Sinickas, Jimmy Sitt, 46 The event plaza Greg Borkowski, Sarah Boulkroune, Nick Boulter, Tony Lau, Wai-Lun Lau, Henry Law, Michelle Lazaro, Nathan Smith, Andrew Snalune, Penelope Somers, Peter Bowtell, Ashley Bracken, Claire Bristow, Bill Lee, Budi Lee, Cheryl Lee, Chris Lee, Noel Sotto, Charles Spiteri, Jimmy Su, Doreen Sum, 48 The ArtScience Museum Daniel Brodkin, Jessica Cao, Neil Carstairs, Chung Hei Lee, Davis Lee, Francis Lee, Gordon Lee, Joyce Sum, Daojun Sun, Malar Suppiah, Matt Carter, Kartigayen Poutelaye Cavound, Hiang Meng Lee, John Lee, Kin Shang Lee, Muljadi Suwita, Jamie Talbot, Hon-Wing Tam, 54 The Crystal Pavilions Chee Wah Chan, Chris Chan, George Chan, Nicholas Lee, Patrick Lee, Peter Lee, Sebastian Lee, Jonas Tam, Winfred Tam, Kok Yong Tan, Mac Tan, Kam-Lam Chan, Ken Chan, Marco Chan, Serena Lee, Yi Jin Lee, Kevin Legenza, Suan Wee Tan, Vicky Tan, Rajesh Tandel, Johnson Tang, 60 Bayfront Avenue and Michael Chan, Tat-Ngong Chan, Wayne Chan, John Legge-Wilkinson, Steven Lenert, Tino Leong, Joyce Tang, Lim Mei Tang, Willis Tang, Brendan Taylor, Downtown Line 1 Yun-Ngok Chan, Renuga Chandra, Angela Chen, Wing-Kai Leong, Erin Leung, Koon-Yu Leung, Larry Tedford, Sean Teo, Ming Jong Tey, Carrie Chen, Chi-Lik Chen, Melissa Chen, Sam Leung, Stephen Leung, Stuart Leung, Nithi Thaweeskulchai, Andra Thedy, Kia Ling Tho, Harold Cheng, Cecilia Cheong, Joy Cheong, Vivian Leung, Ben-Qing Li, Chi-Shing Li, Lei Li, Helen Tolentino, Michael Tom, Roberto Tonon, Specialist skills Patrick Cheong, Va-Chan Cheong, Kenny Cheung, Shawn Li, Zhuo Li, Alex Lie, Jenny Lie, Keithson Liew, Roland Trim, David Tse, Jeff Tubbs, Mart Umali, 64 The façade systems Henry Chia, Wah-Kam Chia, Reve Chin, Kim Hoe Liew, Christina Lim, Deyuan Lim, Richard Vanderkley, Karthik Venkatesan, David Vesey, Clyfford Ching, Park Chiu, Derek Chong, Keong Liam Lim, Patricia Lim, William Lim, Angie Lin, Henry Vong, Doug Wallace, Delu Wang, Qian Wang, 68 Fire engineering Sok Poi Chong, TS Choong, Henry Chow, Jonathan Lindsay, Brett Linnane, Rudi Lioe, Amy Liu, Ekarin Wattanasanticharoen, Toby White, Garry Wilkie, Hee Kung Chua, Wee Koon Chua, Rene Ciolo, Charlie Liu, Chris Liu, Xi Liu, Franky Lo, Huw Williams, Ashley Willis, Berlina Winata, Ian Wise, 72 Acoustics Richard Clement, Ranelle Cliff, Lyonel Cochon, André Lovatt, Sin Ching Low, Danny Lui, Jack Lui, Alex Wong, Ambrose Wong, Dick Wong, Joseph Wong, Russell Cole, Yimin Cong, George Corpuz, Kwok-Man Lui, Marcellus Lui, Kok Mun Lum, Kin-Ping Wong, Ling Chye Wong, Mary Wong, 76 Blast-resilient design Joseph Correnza, Anne Coutts, Robert Coutu, Malcolm Lyon, Michael Macaraeg, Juan Maier, Ruth Wong, Suman Wong, Tim Wong, Wijaya Wong, Raymond Crane, Josh Cushner, Richard Custer, Alex Mak, Brian Mak, Dylan Mak, Louis Mak, Joanne Woo, Andrew Woodward, Colin Wu, Gin Wu, Yang Dang, Bruce Danziger, John Davies, Louise Mak, Martino Mak, Dexter Manalo, Louis Wu, Tao Wu, Wendy Wu, Xiaofeng Wu, Delivering success Lauren Davis, Ethelbert Derige, Antonio Diaz, Mukunthan Manickavasakar, Anand Mariyappan, Takim Xiang, David Xiong, Jingfeng Xu, Dai Yamashita, 78 Site phase supervision Mike DiMascio, Ran Ding, Nick Docherty, Patrick McCafferty, Sean McGinn, Brendon McNiven, Frances Yang, Zhi-Qiang Yang, Wison Yang, Seven Yau, Graham Dodd, Matt Dodge, Andrew Douglas, Maciej Mikulewicz, Wing Sze Mo, Junaidah Mohd, Mehdi Yazdchi, Yanli Ye, Sam Yeung, Victor Yeung, 79 Leveraging global skills Pierre Dubois, Andy Ellett, David Farnsworth, Martin Mok, Polly Mok, Lydia Mokhtar, Andrew Mole, Wing-Cheong Yeung, Yiu-Wing Yeung, Reman Yick, Garth Ferrier, Kai Fisher, Raymond Fok, Clarice Fong, Rodel Moran, Jon Morgan, Dean Morris, Kek-Kiong Yin, Colin Yip, Alan Yiu, Jack Yiu, 80 Completing the programme Raymond Fong, Vivien Foo, Kathy Franklin, Feng Gao, Samir Mustapha, Vaikun Nadarajah, Bob Nelson, Heng Yong, Jennifer Yong, Lip Bing Yong, Lily You, Chris Gildersleeve, Gina Goh, Gladys Goh, Andrew Neviackas, Derek Ng, James Ng, Jason Ng, Yuki Yu, Zhen Yuan, Matthew Yuet, Carlos Zara, 81 Conclusion Ian Grierson, Ken Guertin, Liana Hamzah, Ka-Yuen Ng, Peck Nah Ng, Andrew Nicol, Hai-Tao Zhang, Jing Zhang, Liang-Liang Zhao, James Hargreaves, Rotana Hay, Donal Hayward, Phamornsak Noochit, Alison Norrish, Ada Oh, Zhi Qin Zhou, Jing Zhuang. 82 Credits Eric He, Zheng-Yu He, Grace Hendro, Kok Hui Heng, Edwin Ong, Janice Ong, Natalie Ong, Khine Khine Oo, Argi Hipolito, Andy Ho, Chong Leong Ho, Don Ho, Kamsinah Osman, Ayca Ozcanlar, Jin Pae, Kent Ho, Stanley Ho, Wee Keong Ho, Peter Hoad, Dennis Hoi, Martin Holt, Anna Hon, Andrew Hulse, 1. 58086_Arup_Cvr.indd 2 24/02/2012 23:06 Marina Bay Sands, Singapore Conceived by architect Moshe Safdie and engineered by Arup, Singapore’s new waterfront resort includes: three 55-storey hotel towers topped by the 1ha SkyPark; South East Asia’s leading MICE (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) hub; two theatres, a casino, shops, two Crystal Pavilions and promenades; and the unique lotus-shaped ArtScience Museum. The Arup Journal 3/2011 3 58086_Arup_Txt.indd 3 24/02/2012 21:29 Singapore’s vision for Marina Bay 1. Singapore Flyer Author 2. Gardens by the Bay Jenny Lie East The centrepiece of our redevelopment of the city is Marina Bay ... It will be a city in our image, a sparkling jewel, a home for all of us to be proud of, a home that will belong to all of us.
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