The Election Edition THE CelebratingH 84 years as the voice ofILL Leon. TOPMay, 2May, 2004004 Leon High School 550 E. Tennessee St. Tallahassee, FL 32308 (850) 488-1971 Vol. LXXXV No.4 Celebrating 85 years as the voice of Leon Should 14 year olds vote? Cali thinks it may be a good idea By Emily Woodruff The idea parallels a legally,” said sophomore Hill Top Features Editor burgeoning youth-vote Waylen Roche. movement both in the U.S. Sophomore Caroline As more and more and abroad. Britain has a Campbell agrees. companies take advantage formal proposal in Parlia- “Most 14- and 15- of the enthusiastic and ea- ment to lower the age to 16 year-olds don’t know what ger work ethic high and Germany is consider- they’re doing. They need schoolers provide at a low ing giving families as many to learn about how the gov- cost, students gain more votes as there are family ernment system works be- and more responsibility, members. Parts of Ger- fore they can become a taking on several aspects many and Austria allow vot- part of it,” said Campbell. of an adult life. They work ing at 16, and Israel’s vot- The Senators of around demanding sched- ing age is 17. California believe they ules, meet challenging With more and more are doing teens a favor by deadlines, and to the dis- countries contemplating increasing their power may of some, pay taxes. As youth voting, this issue may and influence in the high school students take soon turn local. Several of voting process, but the on the duties and respon- The phrase on this t-shirt may be proven wrong if the those who would be in- general consensus seems sibilities characteristic of bill is passed. cluded in the youth elec- to say, “No thanks.” It young adults, they may be “We have apprentice- high schoolers in their tions don’t think it is such seems the students of hankering after some of ships in medicine, journal- state this right. Or at least, a good idea though. Leon High School refuse the privileges that come ism, plumbing, and car a portion of it. They have “I don’t think enough to accept a voice in this along with adult life. A par- driving, why not politics?” proposed a bill that gives kids have a comprehensive country, on the grounds ticularly desirable privi- asks state Sen. John 14 and 15-year-olds a understanding of what’s that the typical high lege that many students Vasconcellos, one of the quarter of a vote and 16 happening in the political schooler is uninformed feel they deserve is the four California senators and 17-year-olds half. world. Voting is a privi- and apathetic. Senior right to vote. who wants to change the The idea is to expose lege. I know how to drive Chris Baker sums it up: Four California legis- state’s constitution to in- kids to the political world. really well, but that doesn’t “We teenagers aren’t lators are trying to give clude youth voting. mean I should be able to exactly rational beings.” Could the draft be reinstituted, taking you out of class? By Carolina Escalera body else. States military is being With all the talk about a Hill Top Writer According to staff mem- stretched thin. The Armed draft Leon students speak up. bers in his Washington, D.C. Forces are not only on active Although it might seem that While, historically, young office, Rep. Charles B. duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, every student would be Americans have been about Rangel (D-N.Y.) only wanted but also in some areas of the opposed to a draft, others the least likely age group to to stimulate a meaningful de- former Soviet Union, South view it in a different light. vote, there is one topic of dis- bate about the war in Iraq. Korea and Europe. “They [the government] cussion that is turning the Rangel officially opposes the In fact, the evidence that should reinstate the draft if it heads of many teens, especially war. the military is overstretched is necessary,” sophomore those at Leon High School: the “There’s not an Ameri- and needs significantly more Amanda Pogo said. “If they possibility of reinstating the can ... that doesn’t understand manpower is growing virtually added women I would most military draft. what we are engaged in to- by the day. likely go, to support the cause” D-NY Charles day and what the prospects The National Guard re- However others view Rangel proposed a bill calling are for the future. Why ported just a few days ago that the situation differently. for a military draft, although the shouldn’t we ask all of our enlistments fell some 10 per- “If the draft were idea of the draft is not to nec- citizens to bear some respon- cent short of their 2004 goal. reinstated, I would not go. essarily boost the ranks of the sibility and pay some price?” However, on Tuesday The Times reported They can’t make me go to military. Rangel, who is against Rangel said. Oct. 5, the bill was defeated Monday that the Selective war, it’s taking my right: my the war on Iraq, knew the bill The bill would have re- 402-2, with even Mr. Rangel Service, which is charged with free choice,” sophomore would probably not pass, but quired all men and women voting against the proposal. overseeing the military draft, Danielle Gross said. he wanted people to acknowl- ages 18-26 to perform a two- Although both parties began updating its contingency Junior Adrianne Carter edge that there are a dispro- year period of national service. have denied the fact that they plans for the draft of doctors, agrees. portionate number of minori- The bill defined national ser- will not reinstate the draft, there nurses and other health-care “I think enough soldiers ties and people from low-in- vice as a “component of has been substantial evidence workers in the event of a have died for oil and they come families serving in the armed forces or in a civilian that points to the issue. national emergency just last don’t need to send anyone else military and it is not fair to ask capacity that promotes na- First of all, there’s no summer. to die” Carter said. them to fight a war for every- tional defense.” question about it: the United November Page 2 Try third parties after 148 years of political monotony This election year, the tic chance of winning. multi-party democracy is Democrats and This has many pros and in present-day Germany, Republicans are both cons. People who defend which operates through slandering each other this system praise its sta- proportional representa- while promoting the bility citing unstabl tion. same causes with their ecoalition governments They also believe in typical diatribe. like Germany where the two-party systems new Nazis gained credibility. ideas are non-influential By Cameron Foltz They also claim it is and often go unheard be- Hill Top Writer easier for the voter to tell cause the party are pro- The amount of if an administration has posed by are not consid- young people, those un- fulfilled its promises; ered legitimate. der 25, who voted in whereas under a coalition Another contention 2000 declined for the of typical Democrats and the Democratic candidate diversity can be blamed is the candidates from third straight decade to Republicans are not ring- Bill Clinton, and the in- for a lack of progress. major parties are ex- 42 percent. In 1972, 55 ing true in an age group dependent candidate Defenders of the pected to run meaning- percent of young people that is, by nature, ideal- Ross Perot, 22 percent of two-party system also less, negative campaign cast ballots. istic. young people voted for say it is less prone to ads instead of discussing These facts raise an Political analysts Perot when he only got coups, civil wars and issues of true importance. important question. Why have pointed out that the 19 percent of the total other forms of political It is more likely that is political indifference youth are more likely to vote. strife. young people would vote growing every year vote for independent or Since 1856, there Proponents of a in higher numbers if the amongst the youth? third-party candidates has not been a U.S. presi- multi-party system rebut United States had a po- Obviously, they feel than older voters. For ex- dent who was not either this by claiming a two- litical system that inte- their voices are not being ample, in the 1992 presi- a Republican or Demo- party system creates a grated more parties than heard or they would not dential election, which crat. America has a two- stable government but just the Democrats and have stopped “speaking.” contested the Republican party system where only not stable democracy. Republicans. The monotonous voices incumbent George Bush, two parties have a realis- Their best example of a Kilmer, Boyd face off in congressional race Canadites bring eral votes’’ in Congress. Subcommittee and the Agri- different strengths to the To really know how culture, Rural Development, table in a lower profile to vote for a candidate it is Food and Drug Administration important to have information and Related Agencies Sub- political battle. about them. committee of the Appropria- By Carolina Escalera Allen Boyd gradu- tions Committee. Hill Top Writer ated from Florida State Uni- Boyd’s issues range from versity in 1969.
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