Chronological file NEWS RELEASES JUNE 1969 Date Subject Mailing 3 Summer Session AREA NEWS MEDIA 6 Dean's List AREA NEWS MEDIA Dean's List CHATHAM NEWS, GARY NWS, CARTERET COUNTY NWS ELADEN JOURNAL, COURIER TRIBUNE (ASHEBORO), ALAMANCE N'WS, ELIZAP^TH CITY ADVANCE 10 Dean's List OXFORD PUBLIC LEDGER, MEBANE ENTERPRISE, SUN JOURNAL (NEW BERN), LINCOLN TIMES NEWS, HARNETT COUNTY NEWS, JACKSONVILLE DAILY NEW", HICKORY DAILY RECORD, GOLDSBORO NEWS ARGUS, COMMONWEALTH, COASTLAND TIMES 11 Dean's List STANLY NEWS <k PRESS, ST PAULS REVIEW, SPRING LAKE TIMES, COURIER TTM^S (ROXBORO), YADKTN ENTERPRISE, SANEORD HERALD, THE SANDHILL CITIZEN, SAMBBOIfflN, SAMPSON INDEPENDENT, ROBBINS RECORD, MOORE COUNTY NEWS, RALETGH NEWS & OBSERVER 13 Dean's List LONG BRANCH RECORD, OCEAN CITY SENTINEL LEDGER, TIMES HERALD, DUNELLEN CALL, ELMER TIMES, LOUDOUN TIMES MIRROR, SPRINGFIELD INDEPENDENT, SCARSDALE INQUIRER, SOUTH SHORE RECORD, DEMOCRATIC MESSENGER MONTGOM RY COUNTY SENTINEL 12 Dean's List MALDEN EVENING NWS, WILSON TTM^S, TABOR CITY TRIBUNE 27 Scholarships FENDER CHRONICLE, BLADEN JOURNAL, 30 SCHolarships JACKSONVILLE DAILY NEWS, / METHODIST COLLEGE RELEASE? IMMEDIATE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Ifews Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director June 3, 1969 SUMMER SESSION OPENS AT METHODIST FAYETTEVILLE - Summer school registration closes today (Wednesday, June U) at Methodist College, according to Registrar Samuel R. Edwards. Classes start Thursday, June % and will run through Wednesday, July 16 with final examinations Thursday, July 17. The college lists over UO courses available during the six-week session. Fields of study include: art, biology, economics, education, English, French, history, mathematics, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, sociology, Spanish and speech. Enrollment is open to incoming freshmen, returning Methodist College students, students from other colleges and special students (including public achool teachers. # METHODIST COLLEGE RELEASE: IMMEDIATE Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 News Bureau, U88-7110, ext. 228 Carol M. Ouverson, News Director June 6, 1969 METHODIST COLLEGE LISTS 189 ON DEAN'S LIST ' FAYETTEVILLE - Methodist College lists 189 students on the second semester Dean's List, according to Registrar S. R. Edwards. To attain Dean's List standing, a student must earn at least a 3»0 gradepoint average (on U.O scale) on 15 or more semester hours. p Of the 189 students, seniors led with 103, juniors had hO, sophomores placed 32 and freshmen followed with Ik- Seniors (excluding the May 1969 graduates) include: Fayetteville: Daniel Baluss, Brenda C^ilton, Jean Goss, Belinda Hawley, Susan B. Johnson, Patricia. Phelps, William Vaughan, Billy West, Martha Williamson, and Barbara Wilson. In-state: Margaret Bullard, Autryville; JoAnna Cherry, Charlotte; Merry D. Clark, Oxford; Jan Cranford, Robbins; Linda Eurey, Lincolnton; Frances D. Fincher, Lillington; Paula Gore, Clinton; Theresa Keller, Aberdeen; Priscilla Lambert, Ft. Bragg; Mary McFadyen, Vass; Frances Pearson, Clinton; Miranda Puckett, Robbins; Nancy J. Thomas, Moncure; Terry Wicker, Sanford; Margaret Williams, Ft. Bragg. Out-of-state: Howard Arden, Scarsdale, N.Y.; E. Thompson Herndon, Leesburg, Va.j and Elizabeth Yoder, Little Falls, N.J. Juniors include: Fayetteville: Patricia Alston, .Janice Blum, Ann Darden, Linda Gardner, Patricia Griggs, Larry Hanks, Karen Job, Ruth Jones, Annette Kell, Costa Lampros, Carol McKnight, Linda McPhail, Levan Nguyen, Caroline Norman, Diane Qualliotine, William Readling, Wayne Tryon, Vivian Webb, and Anita Whitehead. MORE ADD ONS-M.C. Dean's List In-state: Georgena Clayton, Jacksonville; Susanne Donnelly, Hickory; Beverly Dornier, Ft. Bragg; Ann DuVal, Pollocksville; Lana Eckard, Connelly Springs; Arlene Eckhardt, Ft. Bragg; Robert Flynn, Roxboro; Brenda Herring, Spring Lake; Charles Jones, Morehead City; Marcella Kissel, Ramseur; Sandra Matthews, East Bend; Roger Simmons, Asheboro; Camellia Sizemore> Clinton; Leta Smith, White Oak; Jonnie L. Stevens, Tabor City; Michael Todd, Yadkinville; and Robert L. Ussery, Rockingham. Out-of-state: Arthur DeMott, Hewlett, N.Y.; Ernest S. Moore, Springfield, Va.; Barbara Schutz, Atlanta, Ga.j Dale S. Seibert, Elmer, N.J. Sophomores include: Fayetteville: Norman Blight, Linda Davidson, William R. Hall, Robert Jordan, Helen Kalevas, Timothy Morton, Gary Mortoro, Kenneth Reeves, Ronald Roegiers, Teresa Szent-Miklosy, Leonard Thagard. In-state: Sharon Allen, St. Pauls; Joe H. Clayton, New London; Susan Connie DeLoach, Asheville; Jacqueline Edmonds, Greensboro; Sara L. Evans, Kitty Hawk; Linda S. Helms, Elizabethtown; Jo Charlene Jones, Elizabeth City; Lynn T. Moore, Beaufort; John G. Roberts, Raleigh; Harriet Rollins, Goldsboro; Teresa Self, Mebane; Sarah Taylor, Durham; Wanda Taylor, Angier; Anne Topping, Charlotte. Out-of-state: John W. Brown, Piscataway, N.J.; Alvin Burgess, Alexandria, Va.; Linda Cherrix, Snow Hill, Md.; Charles Hartman, Maiden, Mass.; Elva Jess, Kensington, Md.; James Martin, Somers Point, N.J.; and Bruce Stevens, Stockton, Md. Freshmen include: Fayetteville: Laura Bill, Mark Chandler, Brenda Combs, Margaret Elizabeth Cook, Patsyjo Hall, James Platania, Nicholas Randall, Deborah Weeks. In-state: Virginia Alexander, Scotland Neck; Juriith Carroll, Gary; Joselyn Evans, Graham; Larry Lugar, Wilson; and William Sloan, Sanford. Out-of-state: John Williams, Oceanport, N.J. # : Os re I ". Ouvprsrn, '*<*vs Erector, !(' ^-7110, ext. ?2fi June 9, 1969 JCURE COED WINS SC-tOL STIC TNOR . ' - rncr J. Thomas of .'' earned academic recc nition on t*<R sec nd semester Methodist College Dean's Li.^t, accbrdir:-T to S, ^. In crder to achieve this honor, a student must earn at least a B average on 15 or more semester h urs. i s "homas, a 196? prad-.ste of J-'ittsboro '-fi r-.h School, is an elemrntarv"- education major and the recloimt of a Prosn^ctlv "s- cher^1 Scholarship. Methodist Coll'. pe vi'Q open for 'ts tenth academic yesr in September • The fO"-r-y sr, liberal srts. institution o.ffrr^ 13 majors arv3 1? n^nors, : ' "TATE Carol'". Ouverson, ?ews Director, ?>8?-?110, ext. ??8 June ?, 196? LOCAL Cu~,D SCHOLASTIC !r FOR E - Judy Carroll of 'Gary earned academic recognition on the second semester Methodist College Dean's List, tccordins; to S. '1. Cdv- l8j registrar, In order to achieve this honor, a student must earn, at least a F averape on 15 or more semester hcurs» Miss C?rroll, a 1968 srad-iBte of Ce.ry f?ip;h Sc^co)., i.s ? recini-nt of a .''ethc<Jist Collcg-e Merit Scholsr^hip, She is thr- dsu^'-ter of "r. ?nd f'rs. Kenneth H.- Carroll of 825 Ralph Driv». Method! rt College will open for -'ts tenth academic yesr in 3er5tei?b«rr, The fo;;r-year, liberal e.rts institution offers \2 m-jors and 1? mincre. : Zv Carol SI. Guvcrson, ??GKS Director, lrf-7110, ext. 228 June Tfc 1969 LOC^L E S i IH SCIDI+iSl'TC H WOES ••'• - Lyrm >ocfe af>-. Choice ?. V'GTP of i'orehead City esraed recc-n tion on c,hc jsecond Gerasst-' r !:el/hC':5J.:-.t Collere Dean's List, according to 3. !'v. v-ds,; registrar. In order to/ achicva' Viis hr-ncr, a student "lust earn at least a B ou 15 or more saraest;-r hc-iirs. /core, a 1967 jgraduate c-f t^.rt Cr.rt-pret High School, is a "'• / religion %:.-;\or ' -. ~ req^pis.nt of a Kritionsl Kstho-iist Scholarship. She • i ^ is • ttye d^pf nter of Mr. ai-.i? . Jobn . 'cere of 1!J' Polloclf. Jontj;$, a 1966 graduate of 'sot Cart-ret H- rh School, is a h-;s',ory • . V i major pl'.rir; n- to sntcr -ihe tsafthin^ profession.- Hr is -.he son o^ 'r, ano' .'rfe. tejl Jones of 29JL3 Arendell Street. i HetHejdist College vc^Il open for 5ts terstb academic year in "ept-.-rber. ' i The Tc r-fe&r, liberal arts institution c'"f&.rs 13 majors and 17 minors, " • t m ^!)T;n ~, Carol if. Guverson, Kews Director, 1-68-7110, ext. 228 June 9, 1969 LOCAL COEDS :;'W SCHOLASTIC HO. FAXETTEVILLL - Linda ?:'.-l"u: c^ I'lizabetbtown snd Lets Smith of '-'hite Oak earned recognition OR the second semrf5t~r .Methodist CollGge Dean' s List, accor ing to S. ':.. •'•::-ds, r?ri"tr"r« In oixJer to achieve this honor, a student -nust earn at Irsst a B . average on If or more semester V , Kiss Helms,a 1?6? jrra^uate c.f Elizabethtown Hi^h School, is an eleaent.r>* education m£*'or». She is t1* ^ns-'-itr-r of . Mrs. Helms. Miss Smith, a 1966 graduate of 'hite Osk Ki.-,h School, is also an • • elementary education'major. is tHe daupht r of vr. ai>d_!'rs. Charles ,• U. Smith of Rt. 1. • Kethodi t Ckjlle^e will open for Its tenth academic yesr in September. M four-year, liberal e,rts instit'Jdcn offers 13 majors and 17 minors. i REL • : Carol Y. Ouverson, NPWS Director, L "-711C, ext. 228 • June 9, 1969 j SIKKOKS VvB'S SCHOLASTIC HGKG3 » FAYITT17ILLE - Soper '!. Sitnraons of Asheboro earned rego^nition -on the second senester Ket;odi,• t College Dean's List, according to S. R. £'.>>:srds, rcr.istr.-r. In order to achieve this honor, a student must earn at lesst ; average on 1? or more semester h1 urs. Canons, a 1966 graduate of Asheboro Hi h School, is an iconomics and Business Administration major, "e is the son of Mr, and Nrs. T-sorpe W. Stenons, Jr. of 203 Sroenlswn Drive. Methodi frt College will open ^or its tenth academic yesr ^n Se.pte-obfr. The fc'.-T-ycsr, libtsrsl arts institution enrolls o ".'-.udent body o^ ab---^t WOO. : ' . v-ol }-'• OurersoR, KPVJE. Director, brc-?110, ext. 22 June 9, 1969 LOCAL COED WIK.S SCH0LA3 '; C -1 LLE - Jocelyn r'vans of jrahsra earned recc-niiioR on the seccrd senscstrr t oct-' rt Osll.-^ De?.r;r3 List, accord? nr to 5. °. !v5vr":~, i ' registrar, In order to icbieve t/b-'s honor, a ^t.fc>>: it ~~m "t average on 15» or more semester hcurs.
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