Epping Forest District Council NOTICE OF MEETING Committee: Development Date: Tuesday 7 March 2000 Place : Civic Offices, High Street, Time: 7.30 p.m. Epping Room: Council Chamber Committee Secretary: Mrs I Wright (Ext 4245) Members: Councillors R Heath (Chairman), L Martin (Vice-Chairman), S Bames, Mrs M Boatman, P Bostock, Mrs J Davis, J Gilliham, Mrs A Haigh, M Heavens, D Kelly, Mrs M McEwen, R Morgan, Mrs D Paddon, J Padfield, P Pennell, J Pledge, H Taylor, M Wardle, M Welch, M Woollard, K Wright Background papers for an item or report are those documents relating to the subject matter of the report which disclose any facts or matters on which (in the proper officer's decision) the report or an important part of the report is based and have in his opinion been relied upon to a material extent in preparing the report. These are listed at the conclusion of each relevant agenda item and do not include any published work. ' Inspection of background papers may be arranged by contacting the officer responsible for the item. THE CHAIRMAN, VICE-CHAIRMAN AND COMMITTEE GROUP REPRESENTATIVES ARE REMINDED THAT A BRIEFING FOR THIS MEETING WILL BE HELD IN COMMITTEE ROOM 1 AT 6.30 P.M. ON THE DAY OF THE COMMITTEE BUSINESS Part A - Planning Applications and Major Items for Debate 5 . Roydon Lodge Chalct Estate, Roydon - (a) Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance (b) Plots 5 and 6 - Planning Application EPF/1158/99 (See also Appendix 1) 6 . Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy: The Role of Planning 7 . Affordable Housing Target - Supplementary Planning Guidance (See also Appendix 2) 8 . Building Control Policy Statement and Performance Standards (See also Appendix 3) I Civic Ogices, High Street, Epping, Essex. CM/6 4BZ Development Committee 7 March 2000 Part B - Routine Items for Debate 9. Stansted Airport Surface Access Strategy - Consultation 10. Lee Valley Regional Park Authority Deposit Draft Plan - Part Two Proposals 11 . Local Nature Reserves - Designation and Management (See also Appendix 4) 12. Budget Monitoring Report 1999/00 (See also Appendix 5) 13. Building Control - The Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 1998 (See also Appendix 6) 14. Planning Services - Administration Fees and Charges 15. Review of Working Parties 16. Area Plans Sub-Committees 17. Essex and Southend-On-Sea Replacement Structure Plan 18. Major Projects/Proposals - Progress (See also Appendix 7) 19. Progress Reports 20. Representation on Outside Organisations Part C - Information Items 21 . Information Items 22. Any Other Business 23. Exclusion of Public and Press Part D - Consideration in Private Session Nil Development Committee 7 March 2000 PART A - MINUTES, APOLOGIES, PUBLIC QUESTIONS AND MAJOR POLICY ITEMS FOR DEBATE 1 . MINUTES To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on l 1 January 2000 (previously circulated). 2 . APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3 . DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3 .1 (Chief Executive) To declare interests in any item on the agenda. 4. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 4 .1 (Chief Executive) To answer any questions in accordance with Standing Order A51 from members of the public of which notice has been given. 4 .2 Standing Order A51 requires that a maximum of 15 minutes shall be allowed under this item, except if the Chairman exercises his or her discretion to extend the time if a large number of questions need to be dealt with. Development Committee 7 March 2000 MAJOR POLICY ITEMS FOR DEBATE 5. ROYDON LODGE CHALET ESTATE, ROYDON (a) Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance Recommendation : That Members agree the draft Design Criteria set out below for Roydon Lodge Chalet Estate as a basis for consultation and, following amendment, for use as supplementary planning guidance. Introduction Background and History 5 .1 The Roydon Lodge Estate was established before the Second World War as a recreational site for the enjoyment of occupiers during summer holidays and weekends. During the War years, certain of the chalets became permanently occupied, various caravans and unauthorised structures were erected and the Local Planning Authority went to considerable lengths to tidy up and improve the site as a whole. 5 .2 In May 1951 Enforcement Notices were served requiring the removal of all unsightly buildings together with a covering letter dated 18 May 1951 . In 1956 a standard design specification was issued specifying a maximum size for the chalets (14 square metres or 150 square feet), where they should be sited (to the rear of each plot), and even specifying the direction in which the roof pitches should be constructed (at right angles to the railway line). 5 .3 The resultant effect has been to create a very attractive holiday chalet area and in the intervening years, most of the chalets have been well maintained and so have their gardens. The removal of all the old caravans and unsightly shacks in the early 1950's and the construction of well-designed new chalets created an estate of unusual visual quality and the Council have strenuously attempted to retain these features in the intervening years. 5 .4 Subsequently, permissions have been granted for replacement chalets of a larger size as standards have changed, and, on occasion replacing two old chalets on two old plots with one unit on a new single plot. This has resulted in some plots being occupied by larger substantial buildings. This is however limited to a handful of plots at the entrance to the estate on the northern side of the lane. 5 .5 More recently the estate is being occupied not for holiday purposes but as permanent accommodation and the Council has taken enforcement action in respect of several of the buildings on this estate. Coupled with this is the fact that more recent applications have been submitted for large permanent structures which in many instances are bungalows or akin to bungalows as opposed to chalets. Development Committee 7 March 2000 5 .6 These two pressures indicate that it is now appropriate to issue new design guidance for the estate. Members will note that there is another item on this agenda for planning permission for Plots 5 & 6 Roydon Chalet Estate seeking a bungalow of 79 square metres. This is an example of the increasing demand for new building on this estate. The new guidance will therefore seek to exercise stricter control over the development on the estate than has hitherto been the case. Site Surrounds and Location 5.7 The site is located 200m east of Roydon Village, Essex and lies within the Metropolitan Green Belt. It is situated next to the River Stort Navigation and near to Roydon Lock. Roydon is a special historic town (a Conservation Area) and the site lies within a large Special Landscape Area around the River Stort. 5 .8 The main London-Cambridge railway line runs along the northern boundary of the site. The northern boundary has a series of tall mature trees. There is open agricultural land to the south of the site. The site is accessed via a single width unmade track, ending in a cul-de-sac. A public footpath at the western end of the estate, alongside Plot No. 45 crosses the railway and leads to Roydon Lock. 5 .9 The site comprises approximately 45 recreational chalets, mobile homes and caravans ' (privately-owned) on both sides of the track for a distance of 300 metres. The general character within the estate is of a series of well landscaped open gardens, most containing a small "temporary building" or mobile home or caravan . The structures range in size and appearance, from small hutments akin to garden sheds or ' summerhouses to substantial buildings of permanent construction. ', Policy Guidance 5 .10 Essex Structure Plan Policy S9 states that permission will not be given for new dwellings in the Green Belt except in special circumstances and any new development which is permitted shall be of a scale, design and siting such that the appearance of the countryside is not impaired. The main policies relating to the site are set out in the Adopted Epping Forest District Local Plan (January 1998). These are set out below. Policy RST10 5 .11 This is the main policy relating to the site and states: The Council will: (i) allow the construction of leisure chalets; (ii) allow the stationing of caravans and mobile homes; (iii) allow the limited extensions to long-established chalets, in accordance with their leisure function; Development Committee 7 March 2000 (iv) require the design and construction materials of any new or extended chalets, caravans and mobile homes to be in accordance with the character of the estate; and (v) restrict the use of all chalets, caravans and mobile homes to weekends and holidays during the months of April to October inclusive. Policy GB2 5.12 Policy GB2 states that planning permission will not be granted for the use of land or the construction of new buildings or the change of use or extension of existing buildings in the Green Belt unless for the purposes of agriculture, outdoor participatory sport and recreation or associated essential small-scale buildings, for uses which preserve the Green Belt and do not conflict with the purposes of including it in the Green Belt; a dwelling for an agricultural workers, replacement of an existing dwelling and in accordance with Policy GB 15 ; and limited extensions. Policy GB5 5 .13 Policy GB5 states that: Within the Green Belt, the Council will refuse to grant planning permission for non-permanent dwellings, including mobile homes and caravans, except as replacements within the existing caravan sites shown on the proposals map. Roydon Lodge is shown on the proposals map and therefore replacements will be allowed. Policy U2 5.14 The site is located in a flood plain and therefore Policy U2 applies.
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