SATURDAY, APRIL 13. 1957 THE CAROUNA TIMES PAGE FIVE CIAA Honors Jefferson, Picks B«(k>g the first Champion-/ i;hip football team in the his­ Robinson Signs DRIVE TO BUY tory of the school, the two com­ Him To Head Conference mittees feel that it would i}e a ,HAMPTON, Va. with a traveling bag as a gift great boost to future teams if Harry R. Jefferson, Athletic from his colleagues. Dr. Her­ With Fullmer LEHERS FOR some type of recognition could Director at Hampton Institute, man N. Neilsbn, Chairman of CHICAGO, 111. be given to the boys for their was honored with a testimonial the Physical Education Depart­ Sugar Hay Robinson has at and elected Honorary President ment at Hampton Institute, and outstanding ability and display last signed for a return crack at TEAM BEGINS of good sportsmanship on the of the Central Intercollegiate Mr. Henry A. Livas, Chairman his middleweight championship Athletic Association at .the 54th of the HI Athletic Committee, CHAPEL HILL football field during^ tht past which was taken from him by The Athletic Committee of yean annual meeting in Washington praised Mr. Jefferson for his Gene Fullmer Just last January last weekend. services to Hampton Institute. the Lincoln High School and the 2. Athletic Committee of the Lin­ ' Persons who will make a con-* Coach Edward P. Hurt, Mor­ Jefferson, who has been pre­ Sugar will meet Fullmer May coln High Parents Teachers As­ tribution to either should send gan State College Athletic Di­ sent at every CIAA Meeting 1st at Chicago Stadium. Only sociation are sponsoring an ef­ or bring it to Lincoln Higti rector, represented the CIAA since 1930, succeeds J. L. White­ this time the champion will get fort to purchase monogrammed School as soon as possible in or­ and presented Coach Jefferson head ^ of St. Paul’s Polytechnic four times more money than he sweaters for the members of der that the sweaters, which Institute, and C. H. Williams, will cost approximately $250.00 Marciano at the time and says did when he first mot Robinson. the 19S6 Co-Champions of A A m m p m m . retired Hampton Institute Ath­ in football. All patrons, parents, can be ordered by the time the his conversation made him letic Director, as Honorary championship trophies are think the two would get toge­ and friends are asked to make President. effect on July 1. a contribution to this eff0rt. awarded by-the State Athletic ther. This was in spite of Association.' Rockys’ repeated denials he Coach Jefferson resigned would get in the ring with from his Hampton Institute young Patterson, position on February 27, to take Charter members of the Boy James Carrington, William serves as a member of the Dur­ SANITARY AND LIBERTY Scont troop 55 who were Pearson, George W. Cox, Jr„ ham Division advancement com­ hand to help the unit celebrate Henry W, Gillis and George W. mittee and Carrington is advisor C l i a i t e r Its 2Sth anniversary in Durham Logan, Jr. Pearson was tiie first to Explorer Post 55. Troop 55 MARKETS recently are pictured here. assistant scoutmaster of the is sponsored by White Rock 349 WEST MAIN STREET Shown flanking the Troop's an­ troop and Carrington was Baptist church, and N. B. White O a k niversary shield from left to member of the original troop who is lb present scoutmaster 413 NORTH MANGUM STREET right are Ellls D. Jones, Jr., committee. Logan currently has served the troop since 1942. BOURBON CHIHERLINGS . 10 lbs. $1.99 Jackie Pkks Yankees, a BISCU[T^.^^' . ...... can 9c Dodgers To Win Flags NECK BONES lb. 15c PHILADELPHIA, Pa Berra. After the way he beat The New York Yankees and us in the Series last year, 1 re­ Machine Sliced Bacon lb. 29c the Brooklyp Dodgers will be spect him more than any other WILLIAM repeat winners in the American player,” he said Marciano Versus and National Leagues in 1957, “Brooklyn has men like Clem Half or Whole Pork Loin ., lb. 39c former Dodger star Jackie Labine, Don Bessent and £kl 6 YEARS OLD Robinson said today. Roebuck in the bullpen. That’s Patterson Likely, Penn Robinson said the Yankees what makes a baU club,” the WASHINGTON, D. C. are almost certain to win the ex-Dodger observed Home Rendered Lard i lbs. 59c American League title, follow­ Rocky Marciano is very much BLENDED $ 2 2 5 ed by Chicago, Cleveland and While many observers regard likely to leave retirement and FINT Detroit in that order. But he Catcher Roy Campanella as the meet heavyweight champion W HISKEY Lean Ground Beef lb. 29c indicated the success of his for­ main performer in the Brook' Floyd Patterson, so feels Jack mer Brooklyn teammates will lyn attack, Robinson has other Dempsey. Jack revealed his w 4/0 QUART depend on the play of Pee Wee views. "Campy is not the key thoughts at the benefit for Joe Reese and Duke Snider. man; it’s Duke Snider. I base Louis here. He was with Rocky GOODERHAr’ " • nTS, LTD.. PEORIA. ILL. DodFood-Dash can Iflc that on the fact that if Snider The former Brooklyn infield­ hit well last year, we won. er, now a New York restaurant When he was in a slump, we Turnip, Mustard Greens lb. 12V2C chain executive, rates the-Mil-< lost.” waukee Braves and Cincinnati Redlegs behind the Dodgers, he This is the way Robinson sees said in tiie April 13 issue of TV the final standings ii^ both Firm Ripe Bananas lb. 10c GUIDE. Surprisingly, he picks leagues: the Pittsburgh Pirates to finisl^ AMERICAN in iourth place, basing it chiefly NATIONAL Sweet Juicy Oranges doz. 29c on Bobby Bragan’s managerial Brooklyn New York Milwaukee ability. Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland ' cNnnnL KnuM nm nM The Yankees have (dear sail- Pittsburgh Detroit SALE Local Spring Onions .. bunch tOc MUKtfML raWIUNM St. lioui# Boston Robinson b e li^ S ! ‘Tfhey he|pi New York KWaShlngtoif themselves everytime they Philadelphia Baltimore* make a deal. They’re concerned Chicago Kansas City* REPORT OF CONDITION OF about'Mickey Mantle’s knee but *Can finish sixth, seventh or Now..«for the FIRST time Mantle himself doesn’t seem eighth. worried. And don’t forget Yogi MEtHMICS AND FJUIHERS BANK of Durham in the Stale of North (uiroliila at the ele*s<- NYGEN of hiiHineHN on Marrh 14, 1957 OLD STAGG ASSETS Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection $ 689,493.49 KENTUCKY United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 2,214,394.54 Obligations of States arid political subdivisions 422,665.30 STRAIGHT TIRES Other bonds, notes, and debentures 211,062.50 Corporate stocks 700.00 BOURBON prlc«t Loans and discounts 2,719,442.73 Bank premises owned $110,761.50, furniture and fixtures $29,346.60 , _ . 140,108.10 N*w • • • TopI Quality Real estate owned other than bank premises 1,512,00 Other assets ^,712.05 TOTAL ASSETS $6,426,090.71 PINT 2 THI LIABILITIES GENERAL Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $2,413,238.92 5-tTA R GENERAL Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,822,2,933.54 TIRE Deposits of United States Government NYOEN* TIRES (including postal savings) 52, 421.92 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 599, ,678.99 ) • • • world fcmioufl lor Blowout Deposits of banks 14,757.20 TOTAL DEPOSITS $5,940,050.45 / ProtoctloB and Long Mlloogol Other liabilities _____ 52,003.41 TOTAL LIABILITIES $5,992,053.86 B |m • • ii Gtntrors •xclviivt W f l " L | k | ffrongtr-thon-ittti (oril. CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital* .... $ 225,000.00 00UR6ONc//4,^ Surplus .............. 200,000.00 I w ■ 1^ indtsfructiblt matirial Undivided profits .......... ............ ................ ■ ^ m im iif {„f0 I, iifgi 9,036.85 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 434,036.85 HOW ...AT RAYON PR IC Ifl TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $6,426,090.71 *This bank’s capital consists of: Common stock with total par value of $225,000.00 RIPIAT OrPIR Total deposits to the credit of the State of -FREE North Carolina or any official thereof $173,105.73 GENERAL MEMORANDA WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHECK Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities SAP-f-MILIRS and for other purposes $ 783,992.70 CaUer-Camber-Toe-in < a) Loans as shown above are after deduction of reserves of 27,443.15 • (b) Securities as shown above after • Drag Link 75 deduction of reserves of 22,500.00 • Tie Rod EmU *.00 X 1« 1,1.0. FUNDERBURG, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly HUS TAX swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly repre­ 9 King Pins M3« IXCHANOI sents the true state of the several maters herein contained and set forth, to •iXNl the best of my knowledge and belif. I. O. FUNDERBURG Correct—Attest: MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL GAME OF THE WEEK EVERY J. U. WHEELER SATURDAY - WRAL-TV - CHANNEL 5 - RALEIGH CLYDE DONNELL C. C. SPAULDING. JR. •'•'■AOQ. IMS State of North Carolina, County of Durham, t s : sag Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of April, 1957, and 1 hereby certifby that I am @ING01D TRE COMPANY ® not an officert or director of this bank. YOVR TVBELESS TIRE HEADOVARTERS JOSEPHINE S. STRAYHORNB, Notary Public 202 SOUTH GREGSON STREET PHONE 3 ^ 6 4 1 My commitnon expires December 10, 1957. • 6 FtO O F • STAGG DtST. CO.. fM N K rO R T . KV..
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