4.28 EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. [KELL.Y's ham, North Skirlaugh, Nunkeeling-with-Bewholme, The Eut Riding Lunatic Asylum, in Walkington Ri11e, Bouth, Bowlstone Seaton and Wassand, Siggles· pari!lh, about one mile from Beverley, was et'6Cted ill thorne, Skipsea, Ulrome, Withernwick. I8JI, at a cost of about £43,000, and is an ext&nain Holderness Wapentake (South Division): Burstwick· pile of red brick buildings, relieved by white brick and cnm-Skeckling, Easington, Halsham, Hollym, Holmpoon, stone dressings, in the Italian style; it coven about two Keyingham, Kilnsea, Ottringham, Out Newton, Owtborne, acres, and includes a superintendent's house and a chapel Patrington, Paull or Pagbill, Rimswell, Rybill, SkefHing, in the Gothic style: in tB·B4 a detached Hospital for South Frodingha.m, Sunk Island, Thorngumbald, Wel· Infectious Diseases was built at a cost of [,2,000, and wick, Wine-stead, Withernsea. the building was enlarged in rBgo by the addition of a Howdensbire Wapentake: Asselby, Balkholme, Harm­ new wing to the female side, providing for 40 additional by-on-the-Marsh, Belby, Bell a size, Blacktoft, Cotness, hPds at a cost of £t,3oo, and again in 1893 and r8g6 Eastrington, Gilberdike, Howden, Kilpin, Knedlington, at a total cost of £ rr,ooo, for too additional patients; Laxt:m, Melton, Metham, Newport and Wallingfen, Port­ a new wing on the male side, a general dining and ington and Cavil, Saltrnarsbe, Scalby, SkE>lton, Thorpe, recreation hall. sanitary block &c. were erected in 1902 Walkington (part of), Welton, Yokefteet. at a cost of £z8,ooo; the number of beds is now 626, Ome and Derwent Wapentake :-Barlby,Brackenbolme­ including 25 of each· sex for private patients: att-ached with-W oodall, Deighton, Dunnington, Elvington, Escrick, is a farm of about II3 acres. Mervyn Alexander Arch­ Grirnston, Hemingbrougb, Heslington St. Lawrence, dale M.B., B.S.Durh. medical sup€'rintendent; Edward Heslington St. Paul, Kelfi.eld, Kexby, Langwith, Men­ Swan Simpson M.D., ('h.B.Edin. and Edward Palmer thorpe-with-Bowthorpe, Naburn, NMth Duffield.Osgodby, Harding L.R.C.P .• L.R.C.S. and L.M.I. assistant medical Riccall, Skipwith, South Duffield, Stamford-Bridge-with­ officers; Caroline Fielding, matron; Charles Smith, Scoreby, Stillingfleet-with-Moreby, Thorganby, Water clerk to the Asylum ; Rev. William Allwright Pearman Fulford, WhE>ldrake. M.A. chaplain; C. W. Hobson, Beverh•y, clerk to the Benrley Borough: Hull Bridge, MolPscroft, St. John committee. {lr Be>erlev "\linster with St. Martin, St. Marv with St. • • Nicholas, Storkhill and Sandholme, Thearne, Tickton, l'ARLIXME~TARY REPRESENTATION OF THE EAST Wl'el. Woodmansev.• RIDING . Kingston-upon-Hull Borough and County of the town The East Riding formerly returned two members for the ~f :-Hull (Holy Trinity), Hull (St. Mary), He~sle, North Undivided Riding, but under the provisions of the FPrriby, Kirk Ella, Sculcoates, and Sutton Without. "Redistribution of Seats .ict, r885,'' it returns three York City :-York. members in three divisions The Holderness division compriseg the sessional divi­ The County Hospital, Monkgate, York, was founded in sions of Middle Holderness, North Holderness, North 1740 throug-h a legacy of £soo, bequeathed by the Lady Hunsley Beacon & Sonth Holderness & the municipal Elizabeth Hastings, for the relief of the diseased poor of borough~ of Bevorley & Hull the city and county; the present building, erected in Tht> Bnckrose division comprises the sessional division of 1851, is an edifice in the Italian style, and contains rso Bainton Beacon, Buckrose & Dickering bed$; the number of in-patients admitted in 1912 was 'fhe Howdenshire Di\rision comprises the se~sional 1,325, and of out-patients, ro,grg: the York Institution divisions of Holme Beacon, Howdenshire, South Huns· for Di<:eases of the Eye and Ear, formerly in Aldwick, ley Beacon & Wilson Beacon & Ouse & Derwent (except has now al~o been attached to the Hospital. There are so much as is includf'd in the municipal borough of al<:o. two X-Ray installations. Tempest Anderson M.D., York by the "York Extf'nsion & Improvement Act") U.Sc., B.S.Lond., M.R.C.S.Eng. consulting" ophthalmic sur!!eon; Richard Petch M.D.Lond. & Richard Turner Under the above mentioned Act the representation of Hull was increased to three members in three divi- M.B., C.~.Edin. consulting medical officers; William • HameTton Jalland F.R.C.S.Eng. & Frederick Shann SIOns RA. Camb., M.B.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. surgeons; George Wilfrid Gostling M.B.Lond., L.R.C.S.Edin. Noel ME:.vlBERS OF P_-\RLI.iMENT FOR THE EAST Lockwood Hood M.A., M.D., B.C.Camb. k Gerald S. RIDING. Hugheo; ~I.B., B.S., F.R.C.S.Engo. assistant surgeons; Buckro~e Division. Sir Luke White J.P. 29 Beverley William .Arthur Evelyn M.A., M.D.Camb., M.R.O.S. road, Driffield; & National Liberal dub, London S W Eng. John Stansfield Gayner M.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P. Holderness Division, .Arthur Stanley Wilson esq. J.P. Lond. & George W. Micklethwait M . .i., M.D., B.O. Raywell hall, nea;:- Hull; &... 26a. Davies street W ti medical officers; Peter Maedonald M . .i., ~.D., C. M. Carlton & Marlborough clubs SW & Bachelors' club A herd. & M. Du Bois IFerguson B.A., M.D., B. Oh. W, London B.A..O. ophthalmic surgeons; Waiter Glaisby L.D.S. Howdenshire Division, Henry Broadley Harrison-Broad· R.G.S.Irel. consulting dentist; Leonard Anderson ley esq. J.P. Welton house, Brough, Yorks; &Carlton, Glaisby L.D.S.R.C.S.Eng. dentist; Andrew F. Calwell ConservativP & Roval• AutomobilP clubs 8 W k "lf.B., Ch.B.Edin. house surgeon; Hubert T. Bates B.A., Bachelors' clnb W, London M.B. h(}use physician; Rev. F. L. Perkins M.A. chap­ lain; F'rederick Neden, sec. &; manager; Miss Emily P. 'Tute, lady superintendent. MILITARY. The Castle Howard Reformatory (Farm) School, Wel­ The troops stationed here are under the ~orthern burn, near York, for the North and East Ridings of Command. Yorkshire, the town of Kingston-upon-Hull and the Head Quarters, York. .tity and vicinity of York, was erected in rB55, and is General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Lt.-Gen. Sir H. managed by a committee and supported partly by C. 0. Plumer K.C.B voluntary subscriptions : it is intended for the reforma­ Beverley is the head depot of the Regimental District, ti~n of juvenile nffenders convicted of crime, who receive No. 15 (The East Yorkshire Regiment), which is com­ in<.truction in farming, gardening and various trades: prised of the 1st & 2nd Battalions (15th Foot) ~ the a !'anitary· wing, consiRting of hospital wards, dormi­ 3rd Special Reserve Battalion, the bead qnartere oi toriP'! and usual offices, was added in 1BB7, and a the latter being at Beverley. Full particulars are ~ymJiaqium and lecture hall, capable of seating soo, given at p. 456 Wl!'re built in rgo6: attached is a chapel, erected in the ye~r I 868, and enlarl!ed in 1887; it affords too sittings : TERRITORIAL FORCE. the Reformatory will hold too inmates. Lt.-Col. Colin Yorks (East Riding) Territorial Force Association. D. Jchn<:tone, governor; Rev. Henrv Laurence, chap­ President, Lord Nunburnholme D.S.O. (Lord lain; J. McPhail Dougall M.D., oQ.M.Glas. medical Lieutenant), late 2nd Vol. Battn. East Yorks Begl q:ffiC('l'. Chairman, Col. W. L. White D.L., V.D. late 2nd Fasi St. William's Roman Catholic Training School, about Riding Yorks R.G.A. (Vols) 3 rnilt>s west of Market Weighton, was erected at a cost: Vice-Chairman, Col. A. M. Jackson D.L., V.D. la\e ut of nvf'r £6,ooo, on a site given by the late Sir Edward Vol. Battn. East Yorks Regt Vava~our hart. of Haslewood, and certified July 25, 1856, for 220 boys, whO' are employed on a farm of 700 acres Military Members. eonnef'terl with the building, and also in various handi· Lt.-Col. Sir B. W. Aske, sth (Cyclist) Batm, :.s• rrafb ; attached to the school is a chapel, dedicated to Yorks Regt ~\. Wdliam: the sch.Jol was certified July 25, 1856. Col. G. Easton T.D. late 2nd Northumbrian Brig. II..F.A Bt>v .• :Brother Laurence Blanderfield O.S.F.C. superin­ Lt.-Col. H. G. Falkner, Unattached List (T.F) tPnrn>nt; Rev. Thomas Wright, chaplain; J. Watkinson Majar R. Hall, East Riding R.G.A f'"(}, J3 Lendal, York, secretary and treasurer; Richard Col. W. W. Hall V.D. late 4th ;Battn. East Yorb :legt Hamilton A-s"hwin M.D.Lond. medical officer. Major T. W. Holdich, 4th Batiu. Easl Yorka Regt .
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