Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2B Nikon mmmwm INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1 -X CONTENTS *«<n««; 3 Nomenclature 3 li i;»[; 4 Foreword 14 A^ v^OTBiU olt 5 Mounting the lens 15 f> h-g-^i-tt 6 Focusing 16 7 7-f >y-^^'J-> 7 Recommended focusing screens ..17 Reproduction ratio 18 »»«*(* 8 Focusing at predetermined ft*%-3t»xfr*b«ii-r4i § 8 reproduction ratio 18 «¥#;£* 9 Depth of field 19 &W-. l£Jzm§iT-it 9 To avoid camera shake/At extreme­ ; mm<n ,3ksb7j io ly close working distances 19 TTLHtbtt'tt^^coii-g- 10 Determining exposure 20 TTL«dm"tt#T>i:UJ§-£- II With built-in TTL meter 20 i&m&mmcn Z.-:,±B 12 When non-TTL meter is used ... 21 u > xix$i_h<7) z ;±s 12 Tips on close-up photography .... 22 'tttg 13 Tips on lens care 22 tfiwwmntk 24 Features/Specifications 23 Depth-of-field tables 24 tg'wm 26 Close-up tables 26 2 Aperture indexing post Aperture-direct-readout scale Reproduction ratio scale (Lens only) fs*Ba(PK-i3y >?wmm) Reproduction ratio scale (Lens + PK ring) Distance scale Distance indicator Depth-of-field scale SgSt 'J > 7 Focusing ring m 'J »S Aperture index & ijia Aperture scale Btattansm Meter coupling shoe StbttS»*H' K Meter coupling ridge 3 ttl*«>G *T. 3tfc> TTLKtHIt (F-40I A^ ^^SrPtO iiS»LTr9flM«lJ7t*!'5I *fc, Fftfe2.8£fW*Off>T-77'"f'>"£'—<ftt>Jl*< . t"> t-SfrHfr m&^mW&hni-to&W) v^'PK-13^a^L-a^/f— * — TC-20IS <7)/2;INU>X'T-TO a^^tfJSWott -<7)u>X£-*.*v~Ky-Pftstr«, u>x<7)$xuistit t°>h-£fr-e- mm'J >^?r@LJtQ U>X*#T-(ifc|ifiafr'b0.25m(-(S *(i i : z)iX\ *- vmws >^"PK-i3, *-S>Wi H ^ua ««^COS J«^.J1-(flT\ RUM#tT-t> h-g-^-t+A-'T-# LJT. -a>F3->«; — %** 5i:«2ia«. - =1 >F2 -> 'J — O : t!i?<7)-as*;#^jt.c < < 4- y ir #;ftfflT# s r. ; X»'J-> A/L B C D E SI G2 SJ « HI H! H1W J K/P M R T U ( ) : ( )rt^»ffi^atij*iiEA 'jZ.¥Tr„ o o o o F3, F2 -> 'J -XftWt-roAI A> 5 #7"-f i ~Hffi<7>*"& L |a7 U-3V/<-^-TC-20Dafcli,TC-201S^»®Uc)g-g- IJ. **+F3«roK»r4a*-frfc#«-*R8L.T< /;? K/P U„(K2. B2, EJ^^'J — XJ-^fl-TttK, B, E*:?y— o |W7^a>"<—?-TC-14AS£?giiL/;i§3" W ISj'WL 8 C D E Gl G2 G3 G4 HI H2 H3 H4 J K/P M R T U KIAIT-H] Wi-?-TC-30<k TC-30IS, TC-l4BS£TC-l4(i 7 IS'. ft<7)*# $A;K#l<7>y^i: #(S. tt#ffi mt* i : s i?.c<n t # sgSt >) > ?'±.<ntemB */77'H:fti;;itU<#:Sl.\ U4- l] Lf:£«^ffll-, -> * -J 9 - IJ <r - v*;u u t-istm^t. w^n^sii. COT 2*<7>js*i*'TS6g| ^ A ffi t W-ff C • < ti iT<7) ;±,« t«tt„ 3K«*(P.24)%---Ji< K?U„ 9 m&nfetiyfi E 5 TTUIfitHt#*y9«>»* AI*5t*>7 PK-I1A, 12,13 • » • * ** Al^itflJ'^ HtKX-rt-*- TC-200,2DIS,I4AS M a in * W AI^stA> 5 PK-[,2,3 cia*«r* AI^S»>v TtTtfA K'Jii*** — at * » * "i PK-IIA. 12,13 R'JiiAM as* * * 7 RUilSiK* TC-200,20IS.I4AS — as* * > » PK-1,2,3 H 2* * * * as * * y 9 "40-vC *S'Jii*;««* — &¥ffl T <7 -br-tr- U - Srflfffl *5 «•§- c-as# J§'frco-;M7te«2E<7>ai«»J: ict1) <f. ItMU' <-Srfl1 L_hlffc#SsT\ L- >X/r^-trtMi- R «;&*»! ifci <t U It.. 2)i£**> 7T1S'Jii*Wte£r-r %%&«, * > 7-BIJOTBttl Wait f>t7M±aC;i* LT<f:Jl\ -a>F27=r K7>, 7>*l-Sv:?S, 7*K7?SB, ft. -3V—I-FTN, FT2, EL, fciVELwX-U.9Wj t">5-fi~iLJ%iT-|HILT«#*-r„ 'j:2o, ^3>F7jf /r***M — £15U -il-t£ Silica r -f > y—tDRSMHi* n f> s-+*«aiT-. aupMBMe £'T-_LTW¥ uttfr 10 TTLJ|iatH*#T4v.»»* »i>fi« RHJtt» $i;*-m<* 1/10 1.2 « yam<) ii»L*r. TTL»tt)lt%ffi*3'ai»»#tt. tMBflWcsSUT 1/8 1.3 " A > fttU<7>**B(litt«F«) &#*f *«•»*«* «J ST- 1/6 1.4 " A " * 0)85 IS. »»ftspj<yu_£<7) t # coStbl^SS& J: yjffi U *M 1/4 1.6 " % " (ii*LJt. K;±ifS8£(J. 3**IC J; 'JIt*?nST, 1/2 2.3 „\% » rottifs»=( i +M)2 M : mutism 1/1.8 2.4 ' 1 % " 1/1.6 2.6 ' \A " 2.9 l L^i'&lJ, ->y -y 9 — 7. f- KCStajfSa^A^lt*- tICJ: 1/1.4 » \ A " 1/1.2 3.4 " \% I' utt^-c-?it. ttitf, mmzmxeit#«>•>*^»?- l/l 4.0 a 2 a 4=ji»t>jci; tr. •5lgi:(i, f/4toLhC»<Jiit' (J: lJ »tt<7)* # L^iK'J 5- hit. +'C«*>b^-ffllJ^;B*«C, »#i.7. WS'linl i>i Tlc;i:tL4*!bg<«# *T. i-xJU£ffifflLi • u>XH-^C4SW1"*»#», 'it-tm'ikizu>X* + Lt<t?l'„ U>X>|*i;fcbOf;SSlR*LS-tt, L- ; >Xfcn#^JE**«ftit)-3fcfj< 7—^* f«t?.fcfn 12 it m I*. A S§ m 55mm Iftaftlt I : 2.8 •SJJ ^ * st Macaust IU>X«fiSt 5S6«!; • v 0>h —3 >F ^O > h IBI * 43" • 7';S''y?v'>l-+MX52mm(p =0.75mm) Hg St S SS °o~0.25m, 9.8Bin(ttSe) % Iffi * @ S I : to — I : 2 /i 3 :?- -y h Bi^ttB* "b U- > XSfc PK-l3Wffl<7)i§-£-l : 2~ l : l *H*T), ^rft^70mm US 'J 3 at 2.8-32 7 7<>?-rtRSf 118'J • E ft ^]290g a SS#IB # « SiJ re U HU+l"y7" *—H£W)>7PK-i3 H-5:fcLF-l La 7=-u-a>/<— ?— TC-20IS a fW>/<-*•— TC-I4AS 52mmfel;iA^it7-f;L-?— 52mm^at;i^<^5t7— KHN-3 /\—KU>X<r—XCL.-32S (rtSB^-y>3>«:^-LTiK«nr«l) /\— FU>X-y- ^.CL-33S (F*lSI3:7-y->3>?-y"|-LTPK-13-(t^T-45tt^lHg) V7f"*-—*l%u6l V7I+- *Na62 (PK-l3-(+#T"4Kff3=It&) 13 FOREWORD An updated version of Nikon's reknown close-focusing lens, the Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 features a larger maximum aperture. Thus, the image in the viewfinder is brighter and it's easier to focus when the light gets dim or extension rings or a bellows unit are attached. It has a modified Gauss-type optical design of six elements in five groups and incorporates a floating element system in the rear lens group for improved performance. In fact, this lens produces excel­ lent image quality at high magnification ratios as well as normal shooting distances, because definition and distortion-correction remain virtually unchanged over the entire focusing range. Nikon's multilayer coating on air-to-glass surfaces also provides significant gain in image contrast and minimum flare at wide apertures. With a built-in dual-helical system, the Micro-Nikkor 55mm f/2.8 focuses continuously from infinity down to a reproduction ratio of 1:2 with the lens focusing, ring. And by attaching the optional PK-13 Ring or TC-201 Teleconverter, it goes from 1/2 reproduction ratio down to 1:1 (lifesize). MOUNTING THE LENS Position the lens in the camera's bayonet mount, aligning the mounting indexes on the camera and the lens. Twist the lens counterclockwise until it clicks into place. To remove, depress the lens release button on the camera and twist the lens clockwise. Notes: 1) When mounting the lens on a camera with a lift-up meter coupling lever (Al type), make sure that the camera's meter coupling lever is correctly positioned; when mounting on a camera without this lever (non-Al type), conventiona "manual" maximum aperture indexing is required. In both f> cases, refer to the camera's instruction manual. •2) When the lens is used with the Nikon F-401/N4004*, the camera meter coupling function does not operate and the exposure indicator LEDs do not appear. *The Nikon N4004 is sold exclusively in the U.S.A. FOCUSING Thanks to its fully automatic diaphragm, the Micro- Nikkor can be focused with maximum image bright­ ness on the screen throughout the entire focusing range. The depth of field is also minimized at maxi­ mum aperture, so that the image snaps in and out of focus rapidly and distinctly. To focus, turn the focusing ring until the image on the focusing screen-appears sharp and crisp. Thanks to the internal dual-helical system, the Micro-Nikkor focuses continuously from infinity to 9-13/16 inches (25cm) at a reproduction ratio of 1:2. ^1 16 Recommended Focusing Screens • When the TC-14A teleconverteris attached to this Various interchangeable focusing screens are lens, use the following table: available for F3- and F2-series cameras to suit A/L BCD E Gl GZ G3 G4 Ht H2 H3JH4 J K/PM^J^^ any type of lens or picture-taking situation. Those which are recommended for use with *The TC-301, TC-300, TC-14B or TC-14 telecon­ your lens are listed below. For screens used verter cannot be used with this lens. with Nikon cameras other than F3- and F2- © = Excellent focusing series cameras (e.g., Nikon FA, FE2, FM2 and • = Acceptable focusing FE), refer to the column for F3-series cameras. The image is brilliant from edge to edge, but the For the K2, B2 and E2 focusing screens, refer center area (range-finder, microprism or cross­ to the columns on the K, B and E screens, hair) is dim.
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