In support of adopting the recommendations of the judicial task force and Governors task force and in favor of openness to the courts and judicial accountability Christopher Kennedy CT Civil Rights Council 314 Jobs Hill Rd Ellington CT 06029 860-871 -8538 In the last four years I have lost all rights and access to my three children, have been arrested three times, had two protective orders and two restraining order issued against me all related to my complaints against judge Jonathan Kaplan, Edward Graziani, Lawrence Klaczak and Patricia Swords of Rockville court. Judge Kaplan has personally overseen, initiated and influenced each action against me. After defeating each charge and having my record expunged of any negative actions, Patricia Sword terminated all contact with my children with no facts or findings, no allegations of abuse or unfit parenting and without service. Currently Judge Swords has sealed two judicial complaints against her and added them to my family court folder. Enclosed are the following documents: 1. Marked A Complaint to the Connecticut State Police, Major Crime Squad against Jonathan Kaplan, Administrative judge of Rockville court detailing unethical and illegal actions by this judge, influencing prosecutors, submitting fraudulent documents and the most recent event of Kaplan harassing and stalking a father, Christopher Kennedy, at Rockville courthouse. 2. Marked B Arrest Warrant and affidavit from Hartford Criminal Court stating that Kaplan supplied the documents referenced in the arrest warrant, two restraining orders restraining Christopher Kennedy from his former spouse Leanna Putman, a contempt of court against Christopher Kennedy and a criminal case in Enfield court against Christopher Kennedy. 3. Marked C Pages from a transcript of February 26, 2004 of Judge Kaplan affirming that the restraining orders included the mother due to a computer glitch against his orders and Kaplan refused to fix the error or the computer. Kaplan's admission of calling state prosecutor Chris Parakilas and influencing a pending criminal case in Enfield, CT 4. Marked D Second Restraining terminating the contact of Christopher Kennedy and his daughters. No allegations of abuse or children were listed. The mother is again included due to a computer glitch. 5. Marked E Chris Parakilas response to a grievance detailing several phone calls from Judge Kaplan of Rockville court and Teresa Wassenburg of Rockville farr~ilycourt family relations influencing a pending Criminal case against Chris Kennedy. 6. The contempt of court in #2 was reversed by the Appellate court at the time of this affidavit, omitted by judge Kaplan. >(k/tO/r A DPS-630-C Rev. 02/03 STATE OF CONNECTICUT CASE NUMBER: 0600444572 HOME #: 860-871-8538 DATE: 12413108 WORK #: 860-565-0429 --.- TIME STARTED: 121Ohrs CELL#: 860-539-6610 TIME ENDED: /C/zb h5 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATEMENT OF: Christopher Kennedy 1, Christopher Kennedy date of birth, 05/23/67 of 3 14 Jobs Hill Road town / city of Ellington, Connecticut make the following statement, without fear threat or promise. I have been advised that any statement(s) made herein which I do not believe to be true, and which statement is a public servant in the performance of hislher official function, is a crime under C.G.S. section 53a-157. I am at Troop C today to make a formal compla~ntvagainst Judge Kaplan of GA 19 in Rockville. My contact with Judge Kaplan began in January of 2004 when a restraining order was filed against me by my ex-wife Leanna Putman. Judge Kaplan subsequently extended this order for six months, suspending visitation with my son, Sean Kennedy 08/19/88. Judge Kaplan allowed full contact with my son. This decision didn't pake sense to me at the time, Judge Kaplan told me that I could have contact with Sean any&& I wanted, by phone: by email, at school etc. but I couldn't have visitation with him. .The ~rderwas issued under Docket Number FA04-0083356 at the Rockville Family Court. I.' I then filed a motion to re.-eue which was heard, on Fehary 26,2004. I brought up issues that his ruling was incorrect and that he was biased. .lThe~eLwas.notestimony or evidence of abuse. I also brought to his attentionthat theorder that was is~ued~in~ludedthe mother (my ex-wife Leanna Putman) and that was '@&iksthis'cdurt orders at the hearing, this is noted around page 43 of the February 26,2004 transcript., In this! F~bpary;... .26 .transcqipt,,the court clerk confirmed that the mother was included in this ar&r due to a computer error.. In this transcript Judge Kaplan acknowledges that the order issueh by the clerk was i?c,gnect .ad;bat the mother was not to be included, but Judge Kaplan refused ,@fixit. hdge Kaplan .furtherstated that he contacted the Enfield Prosecutor Christopher ~araki1.a~to.inform,him of this: restraining order and to tell him . , that he shouldn't nolle the case as he'had.intended.... , ' ..!. ,. .,a* . , % Kaplan then stated that he contacted Peter Myers, the Supervisor of Family Relations to discuss the details of this case. - 1 6 -. The next issue occurred on March 19,2004. On thiq day, Susan Boyan (Legal Counsel for Leanna Putman) filed a second,restraining order with Judg.e Kaplan. There were no children listed on this application and ther.e weke no allegations of abuse., As a result of this application Judge Kaplan suspended all contact with my-two daughters, The. ,application again included the mother due to the same computer eqo~.,. I ,, . .;';,;I ;; .:' . ! . , , ! .,; ,.,':..,,; Ry affixing my signntllre to this statement; 1 acknowledge that 1 havd fekcI"ii and/or have. had it read to me and it is true to the best ' .i,::.. ,;, . : . Personally appeared t e signer of the foregoing statement and made oath before me to the truth of the matters contained herein: I . :I... If notarized, endorse here: . '' ' '. .'' ' DPS-630-C Rev. 02/03 STATE OF CONNECTICUT CASE NUMBER: 0600444572 HOME #: 860-871-8538 DATE: 1211 3/06 WORK #: 860-565-0429 . --S;aiC,@.. TIMESTARTED:12lOhrs CELL#: 860-539-661 0 TIME ENDED: /C/26 b3 DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATEMENT OF: Christopher Kennedy After this March 19 hearing after being served with the restraining order, I filed a motion to recuse Judge Kaplan. I alleged that Judge Kaplan was violating my civil rights, that he was biased and that he was violating state and federal laws. I based these allegations on his actions in court and his statements throughout the transcripts. He acted improperly on many occasions during this hearing which lasted three days. On January 2 1,2004 Judge Kaplan~n~~t usan Boyan (Counsel for Leanna Putman) and had improper Ex-Parte communicationMmtorney. Kaplan discussed the details of this case prior to the presenting of all the evidence. Susan Boyan stated to her client in the court hallway that she spoke to the ~ud~e'andthe Judge told her how he would rule. This was witnessed by Ellen Kennedy (my mother) Joan Drury (my aunt) and Lisa Dislet (an independent witness who was at court that day). Lisa was the one who first brought this to my attention, I had not met her before that day.. - 1 My motion to recuse Judge Kaplan was never heard and I don't know why. ..... ,.... ..... :.. .. .,<.,,. On April 5,2004 a hearingy& held to extend this resfr,aining order. On this date Judge ~raziki and Judge Kaplan met with:hdge Lawrence Klacztik'prior.:to and during this hearing. Judge Klaczak presided over this hearing., '~tthe. hearing JudgeKIaczak refused to state who I was restrained from, he stated that the;applicati.on was, wortbless that'there were no allegations of abuse. Judge Klaczek however, granted this restrainingiorderli~part, he said, because of statements in my motion to recuse'Judge,Kaplan.. Judge Klaczak explained that he had read my motion to recuse Judge Kaplan and.tnld me that -becauseI: hadsuggested criminal violations by Judge Kaplan that I must be unstable:.: : ,.: !, I . , ., . , ... , . ,.,. ; .sf,i.: ... .......... , ... .I I. At this hearing the clerk again statedihat,the rn~therwas included in the order due to a computer error. This time Judge Klaczak refused to fix it. .I Somctimc in April 2005, aftcr this hcaring Judge Kaplan took both of these restraining orders and drove them to the Hartford Superior Court GA 14 and,submitted them to the state prosecutor. Judge Kaplan did this knowing that these documents included the mother due to a computer error that he had refused to fix. ~ud~eK-aplan requested that av invesGgation be done regarding these two restraining orders and a restraining order that I had filed at Hartford Family court. ............,... :.. ... ., .,. '1 . Throughout this experience at the:~bckvillecourt, I had filed nu&erous restraining orders against my ex-wife and they had all been denied., 1 went.tR.thk,~artfo@,~o,urtto apply for a restraining 1 BY affixing my signature to this statement, 1 acknowledge that I have read it and/or have had it read to me and it is true to the best . qW3 Signature: / Signature: C ...... .... Personally appeared the signer ofthe ....foregbing statement and made oath:&fire me to the truth of the n~atterscontained herein: ...... If notarized, endorse here: '< < , .. DPS-630-C Rev. 02/03 STATE OF CONNECTICUT CASE NUMBER: 0600444572 HOME #: 860-871-8538 DATE:12/13/06 WORK #: 860-565-0429 -- TIME STARTED: 12lOhrs CELL#: 860-539-6610 TIME ENDED: /+t& DEPARTMENT 0.F PUBLIC SAFETY DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATEMENT OF: Christopher Kennedy order because I believed Judge,Kaplan was biased against me and because my ex-wife lived in Hartford County.
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