The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page Newly Discovered Facts About the Indian I , v i - i;ii, i . .4.U, ... h-- Princess Whose Blood Flows in .? the Veins of President til' V v x K - f$' )ts - V- Bride-Ele- ct wi- Wilson's - ' . t r . ,, W1 v . announcement that Mrs. for spot at soma distance from the Norman Gait, who ia to be- church in which the tablet to her T come the wife of President memory was placed. Pocahontas was the only Indian Wilson, la a descendant of Poca- Tht woman In England at the time this hontas lends peculiar interest at Sfonr Commrmorairi graveyard was in use. The bones by this time to newly discovered facts PRINCESS POCAHONTAS or METOAKA were accompanied many small concerning that unhappy Indian relics, such as beads, which might princess, DAUCHTCR Or have belonged to an Indian woman. Every native American treasures The Michty amiricab indiah Chup powhattam. The workmen who discovered memories of school days bright- gentle alto humane, she was the friend of the the bones were excavating for the ened by the Fourth Reader ro- earliest struccliiic encuih colonists whom she foundation of a new building near mance of brave Captain John nobly rescued, protected, and helped. the old White Post Inn. A man Smith and tha lovely and heroic digging a hole came upon what daughter of Chief Powhatan. How on her conversion to christianity in 1613, at lirst be took to be a curious Vir- smooth stone. His pick the gallant Knglish officer of a baptism name struck ginia regiment was praised and she received in the rebecca, against it and the second blow honored for his soldierly qualities and shortly afterwards became the wife of drove a hole in it. Then he picked by tho great chief, yet was tried thomas rolfe, a settler in virginia. she visited the object up and found it was a and condemned to death at a coun- enclano with her husband in i6is.was graciously human skeleton. The earth was cil of good carefully removed In Immed- braves for the of the by queen anne i. the confederated tribes; how he calmly received wife of james iate vicinity and the entire skele- bowed his head to receive the blow inthe twenty second year of her ace ton was brought to light. The spot from the savage executioner's club she died at crave send, while preparing to was a few yards to the west of an that was to dash out his brains, revisit her native country, and was buried old path which ran through to the and how the tender and loving near this spot on march xiv 1617. Lennox road, and the body had lain Pocahontas rushed from her fath- on its face with the feet to the er's side and laid her own head northeast, and close to a very old upon that of the condemned officer hedge. barely In time to stay the fatal Mr. Hotter, of the firm of Clem- stroke and save Captain Smith's Memorial Tablet to Pocahontas in St. George's ents & Hotter, who were in charge life this, in history and in legend, Church, Gravesend, England. of the work, laughed when he was is one of our country's proudest told of the skeleton and remarked Historical possessions. jocularly, "Why, here is Pocahon- In spite of doubt expressed by some historians that Poca- tas." Mr. Tucker, a friend of Mr. Hotter, was a dabbler in In man- phrenology, and to him Mr. Hotter presented the find. Mr. -. hontas actually saved the life of Captain Smith the I ,A .- . '.; ner described in the legend, there is no doubt at all that she Tucker, as soon as he had made a casual examination, de- ;..;.' '. was the loveliest, tenderest, most Intelligent and greatest of cided that the skull was that of an Indian, and forthwith he all native American Indian princesses. Her father, the great took it to London and called on a famous archaeologist. Powhatan, lives In the history of Colonial times as the ablest "It is the skull of a woman," said this man, "and she was and most noble of all the celebrated rulers of confederated undoubtedly an Indian woman." Indian tribes. His personal demeanor, his customs and his Without the least hint of where the skull came from the court were, in fact, little short of regal. All these attributes expert went on to demonstrate the reasons of his belief, and his favorite daughter, Pocahontas, inherited and adorned with even went so far as to add a very decided opinion that the her beauty and ber fine personality. original owner of the skull in question must have been pos- Until she met, and loved, Captain John Smith, her pros- sessed of rather more than the average pects were those of a princess royal, beloved by a whole share of brain power and character. nation barbarous, but still a great and powerful nation. In Forthwith Mr. Tucker hied him home to Captain John own natural right no royal princess ever bad better Gravesend and quietly went to making her further excavations at the spot where Smith as prospects of a useful and happy life. "Admiral of . But the mingling of the white and the colored races has the skeleton was unearthed, hoping to always proved disastrous to the latter. The very superiority And other things that might give some New England." direction to definite clue to the identity of the dead of Pocahontas caused her aspirations in that woman. Careful, bring the greater and swifter misfortune upon her. The detailed search within gallant whom she loved and saved did a radius of several feet brought to light brave and soldier various articles, including several nails, not love her. He treated her with the utmost consideration; some away England forgot her. bits of iridescent glass or pearl, a but went to and thin tile backed with Roman cement, a Then came the second misfortune of this unhappy prin- small piece of gold wire woven Into an cess. Another gallant English officer in that same Virginia ornamental pattern, to which was at' regiment fell deeply ia love with her. She could not love tached a strand of straight black hair. him as she had loved the other. But the spell of the domi- They are such articles as- - would prob- nating white race had seized upon her fine mind and heart. In ably have been buried with Pocahontas. Life April, 1614, she formally espoused the Christian faith and All these circumstances point very 9ocahontas Saving the of Captain John Smith- - From the Familiar Old Painting. was married to the English officer, John Rolfe. strongly to the probability tuat the a ele-to- n following are the known essential facts about Pocahontas is that of Pocahontas herself, de- and her descendants: spite the doubt cast on its identity by The Princess Pocahontas was daughter of Powhatan, those who claim St. George'e chancel as Werowance (chief mystery man) and ruler of all the Indian her place of burial.. IVfcaf theStarsFore-tel- tribes of the Potomac region. Canon Gedge, the rector of St. George's l Pocahontas (born about 1595) is supposed to have been thinks It probable that the skeleton Is nineten years old when, in 1614, she married John Rolfe, that of the Indian princess, who holds first secretary of the Colony of Virginia. She died in Eng- for November land in 1617, leaving one child, a son named Thomas. Poythress, being Thomas Rolfe married Jane the issue HQ one child, a daughter named Jane. November lunation forms a triangle with Jane Rolfe married, in 1676, Robert Boiling, the first of Jupiter and Saturn, the latter elevated at his name in Virginia, who had come to the Colony as a boy T the Important angle of the figure, and the of fourteen. He was twenty-nin- e years old at the time of luminaries afflicted by Mars. his marriage. He was a son of John and Mary Boiling, of Tower street, London. Disorder ramifies through various channels of Jane (Rolfe) Boiling died within a year after her mar- the body politic, and widespread dissensions per riage, leaving one child, a son named John. vado both national and local Issuob, with a re- John Boiling lived and died at Cobbs, on the Appomatox, actionary spirit in eloctlon results. In New York below Petersburg. He left one son and five daughters. the new Constitution falls of endorsement in many This son's great grandson, Archibald Boiling, was the of Uh essential features, and the woman suffrage father of William Holcomb Boiling. Question Is very probably fated to rejection. Mrs. Gait, the President's fiancee, is a daughter of Wil- Mars rises with place of the August eclipse In liam Holcomh Boiling. the quarterly chart, preceding the election, and The new discoveries about Pocahontas above referred to many of the portents there hinted at will be In will be seen to bear out in quite a marvellous manner the evidence in the present period. This will be existing records of her death and burial in England the com- especially noted near the 10th, with Mars square pletion of the tragedy of her life which has all the inevit-ableneB- S Sun exactly on that point: Frightful accidents of the tragic plays of the old Greek dramatists. on land and pea, fires and explosions, strikes and Two years after her marriage to John Rolfe Pocahontas 2 casualties in war munition factories, earthquake t. ' ,n tit . - went to England with her husband.
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