Jlnmb.28. 541 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE EXTRAORDINARY. '. WELLINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1917. Notice as to Men oalled up under the Military Service Aot, 1916, for Service w~th the New Zea),and Expeditionary Force. N pursuance of the provisions of section 10 of the Military Service Act, 1916, I, James Allen, I Minister of Defence for the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby notify that, pursuant to the said Act and pursuant to a warrant issued in that behalf with the authority of the Governor in Council, under sections 8 and 32 of the said Act, on the 5th day of February, 1917, the men whose names, places of abode, and occupations are set forth in the Schedule hereto have been selected by lot from the First Division of the Expeditionary Force Reserve for service with the Nllw Zealand Expeditionary Force; and, in further pursuance of section 10 of the said Act, I do hereby declare that those men are accordingly called up for service with that Force. Dated this 10th day of February, 1917. SCHEDOLE. • Previously volunteered. No. 1 (AUCKLAND) RECRUITING DISTRICT. Bottomley, William, Butcher, Mercer. Bowring, Reginald Claude, Signwriter, 14 Tole St, Ponsonby. Allan, Thomas, Baker, 25 New North Rd, Aucklaud. Braidwood, C., Engine-driver, 4 Short St, Auokia.nd. Allen, Thomas Kay, Rosebank Rd, Avondale, Eden. Brain, William Joseph, Fitter, 8 Sussex St, Grey Lynn. Anderson, Daniel, Engineer, care of Mrs. Warren, Gibraltar Bree, Arthur, Clerk, 24 Lancing Rd, Mount Albert. Crescent, Parnell. Bright, Claude, Seaman, Panmure. Angus, Thomas, Steward, B.S. "Rarawa," Onehunga. Brook, 1{erbert Frank, School-teach,er, Royal Court, Wyn- Ardern, Philip Sydney, University Lecturer, Vincent Rd, yard St, Auckla.nd. Remuera. Bryan, David Moxey, Fruitgrower and Farmer, Clevedon, Ashworth, 1{oward, Clicker, 57 Mackelvie St, Grey Lynn. Bull, 1{enry, Farmer, Manurewa. Baildon, William, Carpenter, 166 Great North Rd, Arch Ilill. Bullen, Charles, Fireman, 88 Richmond Avenue, Grey Lynn. Baird, James Lithgow, Teaoher, 71 Carlton Gore Rd, Auok- Bunkall, William Collinson, juno, Golf Rd, Epsom. land_ Bush, Arthur, Fruitgrower, South, Rd, 1{enderson. ·Banks, Frederick William, Officer Merchant Marine, "Glen­ Butland, Stanley George, Fish-curer, 3 Millais St, Ponsonby. coe," Sea View Rd, Mount Albert. Cain, James, Railway Labourer, Papakura. Barclay, James, Opaheke, Auckland. Calder, Edwin Weston Bell, Mechanic, Akaaka. Plains, Barrett, Alphonso Peter, Carter, Beach, Rd, Point Chevalier. Waiuku. *Barrett, Wilson Leigh, Syphon Attendant, oare of Mrs. Cammock, Alexander, Lift Attendant, 6 Maokey St, Auok. Trewhella., Chamberlain St, Grey Lynn land. Beach, Edward, Fireman, 3 Exeter St, Newton, Eden. Campbell, Alexander 1{ugh, Bootmaker, Sunnyside Rd, Beech, ThomaB William, Driver, 15 Arney St, Newton, Eden. Mount Eden. Berridge, Thomas, Cook, Royal1{otel, Auokland. Campbell, Colin, Farmer, Ardmore, Papakura. Bolton, FranoiB, SaJesman, Newton Rd, Auokland. Carter, Ceoil C., Fisherman, care of J. MoLeod, Observer Bond, Thomas Willia.m, Carpenter, 26 O'Neill St, Ponsonby. Office, Auokland. Boon, Oliver William, Motor-driver, Central Fire-station, Carter, Roderiok Murray, 1Ia.irdresser and TobaoOQnist Auokland. Abbot'ij Rd, Mount Eden. A 542 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 28 Casey, Gilbert S., Traveller, Eden Vale Rd, Mount Eden. Ra.rrls, John, Miner, 7 Pitt St, Auokland. Cater, Claude, Clerk, First Avenue, Kingsland. Rarris, Roy, Tinsmith, St. James St, Auokland. Chaplin, John Charles Alexander, Painter, 22 Summer St, Rayes, William Butler, Carpenter, 60 Mount Eden Rd, Devonport. Auckland. Chcistini, Michael, Mount Albert Rd, Onehunga. Redley, Edwin Thomas, Fruiterer, Mount Eden Rd, Auokland Christopher, Eenry Rans, Engine.driver. 43 Karaka St, Regh. Alfred William, Blackemith, 28 Belgium St, Newton, Newton, Eden. Eden. Churches, Donald Runter, Bricklayer, Belmont Terrace, Eemingway, Oscar Pawson, Share Milker, Waiuku. Remuera. Rill, Stanley Beresford, Grocer's Assistant, oare of Mrs. Clark, Albert Victor, Jockey, care of P. Jones, Morrin St, Renry, Wellington St, Auekland. Ellerslie. Hirst, Henry Langdale, Labourer, care of Miss Courtnev, Clark, Robert, Labourer, 125 Wellington St, Auckland. Donnebrooke, Rowiok. • Clarke, Joshua Robert, Machinist, 6 Basque Rd, Auckland. Rolmes, Ernest, Pipemaker, oare of C. Reilly Bros., Tau. Coates, William John, Farmer, care of Mrs. Gaye, 30 Peter· marunui. borough St, Christohuroh. Roman, Gtlrald, Cellarman, Oooidental Hotel, Auckland. *Cochran, Walter Deans, Farmer, Parakakau, Kaukapakapa. *Hopkins, William Phelps, Solioitor, Pukekohe. Colbeck, Wilfred Roward, Clerk, Willowgrove Farm, Awhitu. Hopkinson, Albert, Storeman, 19 Grosvenor St, Grey Lynn, Colledge, Gtlorge Rarbert, Nightwatchman, care of Mrs. Rorsman, Arthur Frederiok, Dairy.farmer, Waitakere. S. Rill, Luke St, Otahuhu. Roughton, R61 bert Edwin, Farmer, Papakura. Connelly, John Malcolm Forsyth, Indent Agent, 5 Park Rd, Howe, Leslie Riohard, Hardware Dealer, Pukekohe. Newmarket. Hunt, Renry, Farmer, Tamaki West. Cook, Richard, Platelayer, Alfred St, Onehunga. Hunter, John, Dealer, Pukemiro, Jluntly. Cooper, Thomas S. E., Mechanic, 111 Rockland Avenue, Ibbertson, Harry James, Boilermaker, St. John Avenue, Dominion Rd. Epsom. Coulthard, John Eric, Farmer, Orua Bay. Jiggens, Arthur Albert, Saddler, 37 Mulgrave St, Wellington. Cox, William Gtlorge, Farmer, Waiuku. Johnson, Charley, Manme·mixer, :10 Swanson St, Auckland. Craig, William Viotor, Cook, Riverhead. Johnston, Albet; Gardener, Huapai. Dean, Leonard Thomas, Flax·miller and Engine.driver, .Jones, John .James, Maohinist, Roslyn Terrace, Devenport. Mercer. Kane, William Robert, Grocer, Argyle St, RemuE'ra. Dee, Noel Charles, Painter, 8 Ethel St, Mount Albert, Kehoe, Wilfred, Seaman, 80 Seoond Avenue, Kingsland, Deed, Guylott Renry Jackson, Farmer, Otaua, Waiuko. Mount Albert. Delahunty, William, Labourer. Tuakau. Kell, Frederick Charles, Coal·dealer, Summer St, Eden Dempsey, Walter Seelye, Sohool·teacher, Clonbern Rd, Terraoe, Auckland. Remuera. Kelly, James, Painter, 7 Grosvenor St, Grey Lynn. Dibble, William Henry, Engineer, 19 St. Stephen's Rd, Kelly, Joseph, 7 Grosvenor St, Grey Lynn. Parnell. Kent, Norman Clifford, Cutter, 7 St. Albans Rd, Mount Eden. Dickin, Joseph Thomas, Tram·oonductor, Queen's Avenue, Killip, Robert Henry, Brassfounder, Greenwood St, Eden Epsom. Terrace, AUGkland. Dillner, Oscar Rarold, Marine Engineer. s.s. "Whanga.pe." King, Patrick, Clicker, 40 Burnley Terrace, Mount Roskill. oare ofU.S.S. C~mpany, Auckland. Kingston, Cecil H., Wagoner, Mount Eden. Dixon, Renry Alfred, Labourer. Otahuhu. Kirrane, John, Catholic Priest, Waiuko. Dodds. William, Labourer, Anne St. Devonport. Knox, Edward John, Porter, Royal Rotel, Auckland. Doleman, Kenneth, Orchardist, Waimauku. Kyne, Thomas Stephen, Polioe Constable, Police-station, Douglas, Peroy Joseph, Labourer, 11 Grosvenor St, Grey Lynn. , Auokland. Downer, Joseph Inglis, Fisherman. Helensville. Laing, Gtlorge, Engineer, Ellerslie. Downes. William Lawrence, Costley Home. Epsom. Latta, Joseph, Fireman, 12 Rarding St, Auokland. Drury, William, Australia Private 'Rotel, Auckland. Leathart, Richmond Robert, Labourer, Selwyn St, Onehunga. Dunstan, Thomas Henry, Carpenter. 46 Williamson Avenue. Lee, Frederick, Maohinist, 67 Brown St, Ponsonby. Grey Lynn. Lees, Hubert, Farmer, Green Bay, Avondale South, Eden. Edmonds, Albert Fisher, Engineer, Queen St, Northcote. *Lindesay, Cyril Edward Arthur, Clerk, Balfour Rd, Parnell Edwards, Rerbert, Electrical Engineer, 12 Avon St, Auokland. Little, John, Farmer, Waikopua. Ellis, Ma.rtin, Storeman, 8 Disraeli St, Grey Lynn. Lundon, John, Clerk, 48 Grafton Rd, Auckland. Ellis, Robert, Ship's Cook, S.s. "Tarawera," Auokland. Lynoh, John Harold, Seaman, 33 Franklin Rd, Auckland. Emirali, Gtlorge Adam, Master Mariner, 19 Roslyn Terrace, McAdam, James, Farmer, Parakai, Helensville. Devonport. MoBride, Herbert James, Labourer, Kaukapakapa. English, Cecil, Fireman, 12 Manukau Rd, Parnell. McCabe, Walter John, Carter, Gtlorge St, Kingsland. Fallwell, Wynne, Chemist's Assistant, Gladwin Rd, Onehunga. McCamish, Robert Alexander, Pipe.layer, 31 Pompallier Faulkner, Ernest, Fruitgrower, Woodside Avenue, Northcote. Terrace, Ponsonby. Firmstone, Bertie, Constable, Baildon Rd, Grey Lynn. McConnell, Thomas, Farm Labourer, Akaaka, Franklin. Fitz·WilIiam, Fredrick Arthur, Driver, Tuakau, Franklin. McConnochie, Percival, Carpenter, Otahuhu. Foote, William, Labourer, oare of Public Works Department, McFadyen, John William, Postal Clerk, 27 Kowhai St, Mount Waiuko. Albert. Forbes, James, Farmer, Mauku. McFadzean, Arthur John, Timber.grader, 52 Williamson Fowlds, John Fulton, Cashier, Greystone Knowe, Mount Avenue, Grey Lynn. Albert. McFetridge, David Reed, Farmer, Anne St, Devonport. Fox, Frank Rarold, Bottler, III Carlton Gore Rd, Auckland. McGahan, Hugh, Farmer, Onehunga. Frain, Edward Joseph, Milker, Waiuku. McHardy, James Stuart Stillman, Auctioneer, Campbell Rd, Fuller, Claude Henry, Coach· painter, Ruapai, Waitemata. St. Hcliers Bay. Garnant (or Ga.maut), Louis Bernard, care of C. Bailey, McIvor, James, Labourer, Pukekohe. Northoote. McLaren, Hugh, Moulder, Coffey's Hill, Manukau Rd, Garrett, Joseph, Clerk, Brixton Rd, Mount Eden. Onehunga. Gtldye, Rarold Edgar, Butoher, 24 Bradford St, Parnell. McLeod, Roderick Daniel, Clerk, 15 Western Springs Rd, Gilchrist, Bertie Gordon, Labourer, care of Central Boarding. MOrningside. house, Morrinsville. McLiver, Hector Stanley, Signwriter, Vincent St, Auokland. Gilchrist, George, Farmer,
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