CLEMSON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SOUTH CAROLINA ROOM Roundball The Father Father Fisher, a Catholic ■ Clem^on's basketball Tigers priest here, tells staff writer will be home for almost all Ken Agnew about his experi- of their last 11 games. Exec- ences while at the University utive Sports Editor Sam Car- of Southern California at ros tells you what to expect Berkely on page 3. on page 5. StopHe Roars For Clemson University' Volume LX Clemson, S. C, Friday, January 20, 1967 Number 17 Committee Recommends More Grad Teachers By DON O'BRIANT Tiger Staff Writer "More graduate students will be used as teaching 1 CDA Features Singers assistants in the future," reports the Committee for the Improvement of Undergraduate Teaching. And Sam And Dave The committee report states The Serendipity Singers and the duo of Sam and that if class and laboratory work must be achieved. The : sections are to remain at the de- Graduate School should con- : Dave will be featured by the Central Dance Asso- sirable size, at least limited use tinue to have much to say in ':. ciation for Midwinters weekend, January 27 and must be made of graduate this area since the welfare of 28. teaching assistants in many the graduate student is involved areas of the University. as well as that of the under- The Serendipity Singers will present a concert The majority of teaching as- graduate being taught. from 8:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Friday night, sistants now at Clemson are The graduate assistant must used in laboratories, but in- be made to feel that the teach- | January 27 in the University Field House. They creasing numbers are being em- ing which he does is just as ■'■■ are known for "Beans in your Ears" and "The Emphasis ployed as instructors in theory important as his own study and 1 Crooked Little Man." classes. Of the 129 teaching not simply a means to an end. On Saturday night, January 28, Sam and Dave Religion assistants currently on the staff The attitude of the various de- at Clemson, 35 in mathematics, partments can convey this to the will .entertain the troops in the Clemson Dining 9 in English, and 4 in chem- teaching assistant. | Hall from 8:00 p.m. until 12:00 p.m. Over a thousand students and istry are teaching in theory In choosing students to hold townspeople listened to Bobby classes. Sam and Dave will be singing "Hold on, I'm Richardson, former New York teaching assistantships, those The Sub-Committee on Grad- who have an interest in teach- I Coming" and "You Don't Know Like I Know." Yankee, on Sunday night (top ing as a career should be se- left). The crowd dwindled for Bob Richardson uate Teaching Assistants ad- In their first trip to Clemson both groups will vises that certain recommenda- lected as often as possible. Con- Dr. G. K. Schweitzer's speeches tinuation as a teaching assist- (right) in Tillman Hall Mon- tions be followed if graduate be performing for the first weekend of the C. D. A. day through Wednesday assistants are to be used in ant should depend on evidence | dances of second semester. many new areas. of teaching well done and not nights, but many students took Speaks For F. C.A. solely on success as a grad- Admission to tlie Serendipity Singers concert advantage of forums like that The use of graduate teach- uate student. conducted on B-8 by Rev. W. :. will be $2 per person or $3.50 per couple. The ing assistants should never be Teaching assistantships | Saturday night dance will be $3 per couple. C. Treadwell of Greenwood Speaking at the First Baptist conducted on most halls by allowed to grow to the point should be made as attractive (top right), as the university Church in Clemson last Sun- church leaders. Topics from sin where adequate supervision is as research assistantships in sponsored the annual Religious Tickets will be sold in the Dining Hall through day night, former second base- to sex were discussed each sacrificed. Each department order that the better teachers I the noonday meal today by C. D. A. staffers. Emphasis Week. man of the New York Yankees night. should have a plan, approved may be attracted to these po- Bobby Richardson remarked by the dean, for future use of sitions. that "people want only good graduate teaching assistants. Some thought should be times in life, but they have no This plan should include a lim- given to using able teaching Senate News purpose or meaning whatso- Professional iting ratio of graduate teach- assistants at other than the ever. " ers to faculty within the depart- freshman level. The Committee Richardson continued say- Development ment. feels that in order to help the Dr. O.B. Hardison ing, "Therefore, we must re- Graduate students should be entering student bridge the gap Bill Re-defines evaluate ourselves to see just given careful orientation as to between high school and the what God requires of us." the duties, responsibilities, and university, the better teachers Richardson, invited to Clem- Program general aims of the department. should be used at this level. son by the Fellowship of Chris- Such orientation might well in- Provision should be made by Church Night To Speak Here tian Athletes, had opened Re- Clemson University's 10th clude having the student who is the Dean of the Graduate School ligious Emphasis Week with his annual professional develop- inexperienced in teaching ob- for an occasional joint meeting By ED WALDRON the Senate's view of the matter, talk on "A Gift for You." ment program designed to keep of those directing graduate Tiger Staff Writer Sophomore Senator Gordon One of Time Magazine's top ued his studies and in 1950 he serve the course as taught by He continued to explain how industrial personnel in step with one or more faculty members teaching assistants in the var- Legislation calling for the re- Edgin will continue to press ten college professors will be received a Master's degree in "Christ is the free gift." advancements in science, tech- ious departments and a repre- moval of restrictions on Wed- for recognition of the Senate here on campus next Wednes- English. recognized as outstanding As the guest of the F. C. A. nology, and management will teachers. sentative of the Committee to nesday night meetings was in- bill. day. Dr. Hardison then went to the of Clemson, Richardson, who begin May 8th. Improve Undergraduate troduced by Sophomore Sen- In other Senate action, the Dr. O. B. Hardison will pre- University of Wisconsin where is on the national staff of the The program, covering more Close supervision is essential Teaching for exchange of ideas. ator Harry Tinsley during the Recreation and Park Admin- sent a lecture on "Three Kinds he worked as a graduate as- Fellowship of Christian Ath- areas than ever, opens with the but at the same time the teach- This can bring an element of first Senate meeting of second istration Club was officially rec- of Catharsis in Shakespeare" sistant in English and was letes, explained the example first of two color measurement ing assistant should have a uniformity into the program semester. ognized. and will demonstrate his ap- awarded a Ph.D. degree in which the F. C. A. set. seminars May 8-12. The other sense of independence and re- as well as continuity. Previously, the hours from 7 Amendments to the preamble f proach to the teaching art at 1956. In an interview with Richard- one is set for July 31-August sponsibility concerning his Since problems are so dif- to 8:30 p.m. had been reserved and legislative sections of the 4:00 p.m., January 26, in room After serving as an English son, he said, "People, especially 4. Two courses, a graduate teaching. Certain interested fac- ferent in the various depart- for local church meetings alone. student body constitution intro- 108 of the English building. instructor at the University of young people look up to ath- seminar in export trade and fi- ulty members should be as- ments, each will have to apply Following a call from Sena- duced by Senate President John Dr. Hardison is an English Tennessee and at Princeton letes. Members of the FCA try nance, May 15-19, and fiber signed in each department to di- the standards to meet the dif- tor Chuck Whitney for direct Matthews were referred to the professor at the University of University, Dr. Hardison came to display a Christian testi- physics, May 15-26, will pre- rect, observe, and evaluate the ferent requirements. At all times consideration on the measure, appropriate committee. In- North Carolina. He is a Ren- back to Chapel Hill as an as- mony in order to win others miere next spring. graduate assistant teaching. in all departments plans should Tinsley defended his legislation cluded in Matthew's amend- aissance scholar, a con- sistant professor in 1957. to a saving knowledge of Jesus Conducted by the School of Care should be taken to see be made with one aim in mind: by saying, "I see no need for ments was a proposal to rec- temporary poet, and a writer. He received a Fullbright Fel- Christ." Industrial Management and that the teaching assistant is not to make the undergraduate pro- restricting other clubs and or- ognize the Chronicle, Clem- He enrolled at M. I. T. to lowship to study at the Univer- Richardson went on to quote Textile Science, the develop- overloaded. A proper combina- gram at Clemson University as ganizations from meeting on son's variety magazine, as a study biophysics but lost in- sity of Rome and, in 1963, several passages of scripture ment program has enrolled 863 tion of teaching and course strong as possible.
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