March 9, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E331 ARTHUR WINSTON ‘‘EMPLOYEE OF Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to join Los Ange- Mr. Speaker, in recognition of their remarkable THE CENTURY’’ les Metro in saluting Arthur Winston and his achievement, I ask that this honorable body unparalleled work ethic. May Arthur Winston’s join me in honoring Jason McElwain and the HON. DIANE E. WATSON long record of public service serve to inspire Greece Athena High School Basketball Tro- OF CALIFORNIA Americans, young and old, to dedicate their jans. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES energy and intellect for the benefit of the gen- Thursday, March 9, 2006 eral public. f f Ms. WATSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to BRAIN INJURY AWARENESS DAY honor a great American and my constituent, TRIBUTE TO JASON McELWAIN Mr. Arthur Winston. This year Mr. Winston will mark over three quarters of a century as an HON. THOMAS M. REYNOLDS HON. ALLYSON Y. SCHWARTZ employee of the transportation agencies that OF NEW YORK have made Los Angeles County’s buses and OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trains move millions of people a year. In fact, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES since Mr. Winston began his employment with Thursday, March 9, 2006 Thursday, March 9, 2006 the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Trans- Mr. REYNOLDS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise portation Agency’s (Metro) predecessor agen- to recognize an outstanding young man, his Ms. SCHWARTZ of Pennsylvania. Mr. cies in 1924, millions of people have been supportive teammates, and an inspirational Speaker, I am a member of the Brain Injury safely delivered on billions of trips across Los performance on the basketball court. In a mat- Task Force—a group dedicated to drawing at- Angeles County. Arthur can and should be ter of just 4 minutes, Jason McElwain and the tention to this tragic and life-altering impair- proud to have been an important part of the Greece Athena High School Trojans showed ment. I am also proud to represent Nazareth historic growth of mass transit in California’s us all the power of dedication, teamwork, and Hospital, a facility that has provided healthcare 22nd Congressional District, which I proudly perseverance. services to the Philadelphia region for over 60 represent, and throughout the rest of Los An- Jason has always been a steadfast and en- years and a national leader in the acute and geles County. ergetic contributor to the Greece Athena Var- chronic care of stroke. Arthur Winston was born in Okemie, Okla- sity Basketball team in his role as team man- Today, representatives of Nazareth Hospital homa on March 22, 1906 before Oklahoma ager. Although never getting a chance to play, was officially recognized as a state. He and are on Capitol Hill for Brain Injury Awareness Jason placed his heart and soul into helping Day. This important event helps to increase his family moved to Los Angeles in 1918, the team and became an indispensable team- when Arthur was 12. His father found work in awareness for Traumatic Brain Injury, TBI, and mate, day in and day out. the specific challenges facing individuals who the maintenance department for one of Met- Jason also has been challenged everyday have suffered brain injury and their families. ro’s predecessors, the Pacific Electric Railway by autism, a disability that, while difficult, has Company. Arthur attended Jefferson High not undercut Jason’s goals or his involvement As many know, brain injury comes in many School in Southern California, graduating in with the team. In turn, Jason’s teammates, led forms. The two most prevalent brain injuries— 1922. by Coach Jim Johnson, have embraced him stroke and trauma—affect more than 2.2 mil- Arthur Winston was 28 years old when he and believed in him. To them, Jason is not an lion Americans, and these numbers are ex- started his remarkable 72 years of continuous autistic team manager; rather he is simply, pected to grow. TBI has been called ‘‘the sig- work at Metro. If you account for the years he emphatically a teammate. And a passionate nature injury of modem American warfare’’ spent, beginning at age 15, helping his father teammate—Jason never misses practice and due to the unprecedented number of service at the Pacific Electric Railway Company, Ar- is always a helpful supporter at games, dis- men and women who have suffered from head thur has worked a remarkable 76 years for pensing water bottles and advice from the trauma while deployed in Iraq and Afghani- Los Angeles transit agencies. Mr. Winston stan. This reality, coupled with the growing was first employed by Metro’s predecessor team bench dressed in his trademark shirt and tie. number of seniors in the U.S., means that our agency in December 1924 and worked until healthcare system will have to provide for mid-1928. He resumed his employment with That was until February 15, when Coach Johnson told Jason to suit up in the Trojan more and more brain injury patients in the the agency in January of 1934. Amazingly, Ar- coming years. thur has missed only one day of work in 76 uniform for the first time for the last game of years, having taken a day off on the day of his the regular season. Jason’s dedication, his There is currently no cure for individuals wife’s death in 1988. teammates’ support, his coach’s trust, all were with brain injuries. So they must vigilantly In 1996, Arthur Winston received a Con- set to pay off in a most dramatic way. manage their chronic symptoms, often relying gressional Citation from President Clinton as With only 4 minutes remaining in the game, on the care and assistance of their families, ‘‘Employee of the Century.’’ In his more than Jason got the call off the bench. He took the friends and facilities like Nazareth Hospital. seven decades of Metro employment, Arthur floor, and his fellow students went wild. They Nazareth is ahead of the curve—providing has received many honors for his work ethic held up signs. They chanted his nickname, ‘‘J- high-quality education and case management and longevity on the job. In 1997 Metro’s Mac.’’ The cheers and chants would only grow system for brain injury patients based on Board of Directors named the agency’s bus louder as Jason put on a performance that the years of experience of working with patients, operating division in South Central Los Ange- town of Greece will never forget. In his short primary care physicians, nurses, family mem- les (Chesterfield Square) after him. He has but remarkable debut for Greece Athena, bers, and other care givers. Jason made not one, not two, but six 3 point- also appeared on the Oprah Winfrey television Because of their experience, the Depart- show and has appropriately been honored by ers, and finished the game with 20 points. As ment of Defense is considering a partnership a large number of community and civic organi- his final shot swished clean through the net with Nazareth. The DOD recognizes that zations in Los Angeles County. with 2 seconds to play, the raucous fans At the Arthur Winston Division, Arthur is a rushed the court. Coach Johnson, along with Nazareth has a proven education and brain in- service attendant leader, directing a crew of most, was brought to tears. Jason’s team- jury management plan, and believes it might 11 employees who clean, maintain, and refuel mates hoisted him upon their shoulders. A be a system worth applying to military hos- 240 Metro buses before they go out onto city true hero and the true meaning of teamwork pitals and clinics. As a strong supporter of streets. Remarking about his longevity at were discovered that night on the hardwood in public-private sector cooperation, I will be Metro, Arthur had this to say, ‘‘I stayed with Greece. working to advance this shared effort. Metro through all these years because I felt And the Trojans weren’t finished. Two Together, I know we can reduce the emo- comfortable here. After a certain age I decided weeks later, that teamwork propelled the Spar- tional and financial effects of brain injury, and to stay on the job until I’m 100 years old.’’ tans to the very top, as they won their sec- I am honored to represent an organization at Arthur Winston turns 100 on March 22, tional championship. Jason, back in his shirt the forefront of developing new treatments and 2006 and has announced his retirement from and tie, yet never more important a teammate, discoveries. And, I am confident that Nazareth Metro, quite fittingly, on his birthday. In the cheered and assisted from the bench. When Hospital’s first-rate care, which has benefited meantime, Arthur will spend his remaining the championship trophy was presented, so many in my district, will be an asset for days on the job waking up at his usual time, Jason was the first to lift it over his head. DOD as it expands continuing care services 4 a.m., and driving his 1994 Toyota sedan to Jason’s perseverance and his teammates’ for the men and women who have sacrificed work. support serve as a great example to us all. so much for our Nation. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:46 Mar 10, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09MR8.033 E09MRPT1 hmoore on PROD1PC68 with HMREMARKS.
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