Guantanamo Gazette Vol. 45 -- No. 28 --U.S. Navy's only shore-based daily newspaper -- Monday, February 13, 1989 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission clarifies its position on complaint process regarding harassment By BETTYE P. MARTIN nation complaint procedure is to determine person. form, for inclusion in the investigative file. Deputy EEO Officer whether, in fact, discrimination has oc- Preliminary to the counselor's inter- The Deputy Equal Employment Op- curred so that remedial action can be taken view with the official, the latter must be portunity Officer (DEEOO) who oversees Consistent with applicable laws and as appropriate. Investigations and hearings advised that he or she has been named or the processing of the complaint keeps the regulations, it is the Equal Employment in discrimination complaint cases are es- identified by a potential complainant, must ADO informed of the progress of the Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) pol- sentially fact-finding processes which have be informed of the nature of any allegations investigation in approximately the same icy that federal agencies create and main- as their purpose the development and re- made, and must be advised of the right to manner as in which thecomplainantis kept tain a positive environment for use of the cording of evidence on which an informal have representation present during the informed. complaint process by aggrieved persons and impartial decision can be based. interview to provide advise on how to Hearing and for protection of complainants and Complaints are filed "against" agen- respond to any questions the counselor may The ADO would normally be expected witnesses from retaliation or harassment cies, not "against" individuals. Individuals ask. to have personal knowledge of facts bear- based on their participation in the process. are named as witnesses who have some This right of representation, if so de- ing on the complaint, and his or her testi- While there is no requirement that a knowledge of the facts of the complaint. sired, continues throughout the complaint mony at a hearing, if one is conducted, complaint of discrimination include identi- The following guidance is provided with process. What is of particular importance would ordinarily be considered necessary fication of an "alleged discriminating offi- respect to the participation of "ADOs" in here is that one's alleged involvement with by the parties to the complaint. The pres- cial" (ADO), complainants often identify the various identified stages of the com- a complaint must not be construed as an ence of the ADO and his or her representa- individual(s) responsible for the alleged plaint process. indictment of discrimination, nor does it tive at a hearing will be limited to the time discrimination. Because agencies must Counseling (pre-Complaint Stage) give such individual unlimited rights to the official appears as a witness. The consider taking disciplinary action against When at the informal counseling stage, complaint files. representative's role at a hearing is limited individuals who are found to have illegally an aggrieved person or applicant has named Investigation to advising the ADO on how to respond to discriminated, it isEEOC's position that in or otherwise identified an individual as An ADO, whether identified at the time questions. the interest of fairness, persons named as being responsible for an alleged act of a formal complaint is filed or during the It is essential to the integrity of the ADOs should be affordeda significant role discrimination, the EEO counselor must course of the investigation, must be given complaint system that complainants, their in the complaint process, and that such can solicit the views of that ADO unless the the right to respond to any and all allega- representatives, and witnesses be free from be accomplished without undermining the counselor otherwise obtains and provides tions made against him or her. The ADO restraint, interference, coercion, discrimi- integrity of that process. information which exonerates the official must be given full opportunity to state the nation, or reprisal at any stage of the The principal purpose of the discrimi- to the clear satisfaction of the aggrieved facts as he or she sees them, in affidavit complaint process. CCPO announces policy on Renewal Agreement Travel CONUS hire employees considering months for employees signing a renewal of the initial tour, up to 90 days, to permit An employee may travel alone or be ac- Renewal Agreement Travel in conjunction agreement to serve an additional tour at the scheduling of leave to accommodate slack companied by dependents. Dependents with a 24-month tour extension should same or another post. periods, school vacations, other personal or may travel unaccompanied but cannot keep in mind that the entitlement is for use For example, an employee may take job related reasons acceptable to and ap- perform round trip travel under renewal between the date of completion of one renewal travel during the 23rd or 24th proved by the command. agreement authority if the employee con- agreementandprior to serving another tour month of present tour in order to have 24 For example, if the employee's first cerned does not perform authorized re- of duty, according to the Consolidated months remaining in the employee's ex- tour ends April 1989, the employee wishes newal agreement travel. Unaccompanied Civilian Personnel Office. tended tour upon return from renewal to wait until school is out in June to take dependents will notbe alloweddelayed use The tour of duty under a renewal agree- travel. Employees are reminded that home renewal travel. The employee may extend of renewal agreement authority beyond six ment begins on the date the employee leave cannot be used until an employee has his or her first tour up to 90 days(27-month months after the date the employee begins reports for duty at the overseas duty station completed 24 months of continuous service tour) and execute a 24-month extension such travel, except for special provisions following his or her completion of renewal overseas unless the employee is eligible whereby upon his or her return from re- authorized for teachers. agreement travel. The tour of 24 months based on a previous overseas tour. newal travel, a new 24-month tour begins. For more information on the Renewal may be administratively reduced by two An employee may request an extension Travel in family units is not required. Travel Agreement, contact CCPO. Leeward Point Fire Protection Division sponsors Safe Kid's Day February 17 By JOSN LISA M. ENLOE the day's scheduled activities beginning at firefighters use, according to Baez. 8 a.m. at the Fleet Training Group audito- After the tour, the children will join the The President of the United States has rium. NAS Fire Protection Division team and declared the week of February 12-17 as ABH2 Glenn Baez, chief fire inspector, watch as the firefighters demonstrate bat- National Safe Kids Week, and the Naval will give a brief introduction on fire pre- tling a real fire at the pit area. Air Station Fire Protection Division is vention and then the children will watch a The children will then be given the joining in by sponsoring a Safe Kid's Day, film demonstrating the hazards of a fire and opportunity to ask questions. February 17. how to escape a burning building. The 6th graders of the W. T. Sampson All the children will take the 10 a.m. The day's activities will end with the Elementary school and children on the ferry to the Leeward side. There will be an students from W. T. Sampson Elementary Leeward side who are in 6th grade or open house, and the children can take a tour school taking the 1 p.m. ferry back to younger, will be invited to participate in of a fire station and see the equipment Windward. February is National Children's Dental Health Month By EVELYN D. HARRIS molars play a role. - Avoid "baby-bottle tooth-decay syn- AFIS Correspondent Greater awareness of the importance of drome." Putting a baby to bed with a bottle of dental hygiene is also a factor. He said that the milk or juice may result in rampant decay and February 1989 marks the 41st National success of the Dependent Dental Program loss of baby teeth. This can lead to toothaches Children's Dental Health Month. The Ameri- allows military dental facilities to focus on a and infection and even cause problems in can Dental Association sponsors the annual program to increase that awareness during eating and talking. There may be problems observance and is using the slogan, "A this month. when the permanent teeth come in with no Healthy Smile Shows Your Style." Here are some dental health tips from baby teeth to guide them, which means ex- According to the American Dental Asso- McDavid and the American Dental Associa- pensive orthodontic treatment to correct the ciation, four out of 10 children today have tion: resulting misaligned teeth. never had tooth decay. By contrast, in 1945, - Parents should take children to a den- - Discourage your children from eating before fluoride was added to most communi- tist by the age of 12 months. This allows the too many sugary snacks. ties' drinking water, almost every child did. dentist to detect potential problems when - If a pregnant woman takes the antibi- Navy Capt. Tom McDavid, special assis- they can more easily be corrected and helps otic tetracycline, her baby's teeth may come tant for dental affairs to the assistant secretary the child develop a positive attitude toward in stained. Therefore, if you think you may be of defense for health affairs, said that in addi- dental care. pregnant, tell your doctor. Tetracycline may tion to fluoride, other advances such as the - Parents need to help children brush still be the drug of choice, but let your doctor use of sealants on children's permanent their teeth until they're about 5 years old.
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