Created by: Oryan CR: Creature: PS book: 3e book pg # mini? www.rpglocker.com 1/2 Aarakocra MoF pg 11 1/2 Aasimar PS MM 2 MM 1 pg 209 Y 6 Aasimon, Agathinon PS MM 1 folder 7 Aasimon, Light PS MM 1 folder 9 Aasimon, Deva, Movanic PS MM 1 FF pg 57 12 Aasimon, Deva, Monadic PS MM 1 FF pg 56 14 Aasimon, Deva, Astral PS MM 1 MM 1 pg 11 16 Aasimon, Planetar PS MM 1 MM 1 pg 11 23 Aasimon, Solar PS MM 1 MM 1 pg 12 Y 4 Aballin MoF pg 11 2 Abeil, Vassal MM 2 pg 22 6 Abeil, Soldier MM 2 pg 22 12 Abeil, Queen MM 2 pg 22 7 Aboleth MM 1 pg 8 17 Aboleth, Mage MM 1 pg 8 Y 7 Aboleth, Psionic EPH pg 185 21 Abomination, Chichimec ELH pg 160 22 Abomination, Anaxim ELH pg 158 25 Abomination, Phane ELH pg 166 26 Abomination, Infernal ELH pg 164 30 Abomination, Atropal ELH pg 159 31 Abomination, Dream Larva ELH pg 161 34 Abomination, Phaethon ELH pg 165 36 Abomination, Xixecal ELH pg 167 57 Abomination, Hecatoncheires Vortex Madness ELH pg 162 1 Abrian PS MM 2 FF pg 12 5 Achaierai PS Law MM 1 pg 9 -- Acidborn Monster (template) DuS pg 111 3 Adverspa MM 2 pg 67 12 Aerial Servant Guide to Ethereal folder 4 Aeserpent PS Conflict folder 6 Ahuitzol FF pg 14 4 Alaghi (Beastman) MoF pg 14 1/4 Albatross SW pg 165 -- Aleax (template) PSCS BoED pg 158 8 All-Consuming Hunger Und pg 78 3 Allip MM 1 pg 10 3 Amoebic Crawler DrM #330 pg 32 -- Amphibious Creature (template) SW pg 135 5 Amphisbaena SK pg 62 -- Anarchic Creature (template) PlHB pg 107 20 Ancient Night Twist MM 3 pg 111 15 Angel of Decay LM pg 83 2 Anguillian SW pg 136 39 Animal Lord, (Cat Lord) PS MM 1 ELH pg 305 1/2 Animated Object, Tiny MM 1 pg 13 1 Animated Object, Small MM 1 pg 13 2 Animated Object, Medium MM 1 pg 13 3 Animated Object, Large MM 1 pg 14 5 Animated Object, Huge MM 1 pg 14 7 Animated Object, Gargantuan MM 1 pg 14 10 Animated Object, Colossal MM 1 pg 14 5 Animated Rug of Welcome CAr pg 150 3 Ankheg MM 1 pg 14 Y 9 Ankheg, Chimeric MM 2 pg 207 5 Ankholian Undead DL BoK pg 121 15 Annihilator Und pg 79 5 Ant Lion, Giant SS pg 196 1 Ant, Giant, Worker MM 1 pg 284 2 Ant, Giant, Queen MM 1 pg 284 2 Ant, Giant, Soldier MM 1 pg 284 -- Anthropomorphic Animal (template) SaS pg 214 15 Anzu DrM #329 pg 65 3 Aoa, Droplet FF pg 14 15 Aoa, Sphere FF pg 16 2 Aoskian Hound In the Cage folder 2 Ape MM 1 pg 268 Y 6 Ape, Blood MM 2 pg 32 2 Ape, Cloaked MM 2 pg 46 Created by: Oryan CR: Creature: PS book: 3e book pg # mini? www.rpglocker.com 4 Ape, Fiendish DuM #120 pg 70 4 Ape, Horrid EBCS pg 287 7 Apparition Guide to Ethereal folder -- Arachnoid Creature (template) Und pg 80 4 Aranea MM 1 pg 15 6 Arcadian Avenger MM 5 pg 8 Y 1 Arcadian Pony In the Cage folder 5 Arcane (Mercane) PS MM 2 MotP pg 179 -- Archomental, Evil (template) PS MM 3 folder -- Archomental, Good (template) PS MM 3 folder 2 Archon, Lantern PS Law MM 1 pg 16 4 Archon, Hound PS Law MM 1 pg 16 Y 6 Archon, Justice MM 4 pg 80 8 Archon, Warden PS Law BoED pg 163 9 Archon, Hammer RoS pg 188 9 Archon, Word ToM pg 264 10 Archon, Justice Champion MM 4 pg 81 10 Archon, Sibyllic Guardian CP pg 135 11 Archon, Owl BoED pg 159 11 Archon, Sword PS Law BoED pg 160 Y 14 Archon, Trumpet PS Law MM 1 pg 18 Y 15 Archon, Throne PS Law BoED pg 162 16 Archon, Hound Hero MM 1 pg 17 19 Archon, Tome PS Law folder 3 Armand MM 3 pg 10 7 Armand Warden MM 3 pg 11 3 Arrowhawk, Juvenile MM 1 pg 19 5 Arrowhawk, Adult MM 1 pg 19 8 Arrowhawk, Elder MM 1 pg 19 1 Asabi MoF pg 15 18 Ascendant Councilor EBCS pg 276 4 Ascomoid DuS pg 105 1 Ash Rat MM 2 pg 24 3 Ashen Husk SS pg 137 1/2 Asherati SS pg 139 2 Ashworm SS pg 140 12 Aspect of Asmodeus FC 2we pg 21 27 Aspect of Asmodeus FC 2 pg 155 11 Aspect of Baalzebul FC 2we pg 18 23 Aspect of Baalzebul FC 2 pg 151 12 Aspect of Bahamut DM pg 108 Y 7 Aspect of Baphomet FC 1we pg 1 20 Aspect of Baphomet FC 1 pg 58 9 Aspect of Bel FC 2we pg 2 20 Aspect of Bel FC 2 pg 142 10 Aspect of Belial FC 2we pg 11 21 Aspect of Belial FC 2 pg 146 9 Aspect of Dagon FC 1we pg 4 22 Aspect of Dagon FC 1 pg 59 9 Aspect of Demogorgon FC 1we pg 7 Y 23 Aspect of Demogorgon FC 1 pg 61 Y 10 Aspect of Dispater FC 2we pg 6 21 Aspect of Dispater FC 2 pg 143 9 Aspect of Fierna FC 2we pg 10 7 Aspect of Fraz Urblu FC 1we pg 10 21 Aspect of Fraz Urblu FC 1 pg 63 11 Aspect of Glasya FC 2we pg 16 22 Aspect of Glasya FC 2 pg 150 11 Aspect of Graz'zt (Abyssal Lord) PS Chaos EttDP pg 184 22 Aspect of Graz'zt (Abyssal Lord) PS Chaos FC 1 pg 65 11 Aspect of Hextor MH pg 50 Y 8 Aspect of Juiblex FC 1we pg 12 19 Aspect of Juiblex FC 1 pg 66 11 Aspect of Kord MH pg 50 Y 10 Aspect of Kostchtchie FC 1we pg 14 21 Aspect of Kostchtchie FC 1 pg 68 11 Aspect of Kurtulmak FC 2we pg 5 10 Aspect of Levistus FC 2we pg 13 21 Aspect of Levistus FC 2 pg 148 Created by: Oryan CR: Creature: PS book: 3e book pg # mini? www.rpglocker.com 11 Aspect of Lolth MH pg 51 Y 8 Aspect of Malcanthet FC 1we pg 16 21 Aspect of Malcanthet FC 1 pg 69 10 Aspect of Mammon FC 2we pg 8 21 Aspect of Mammon FC 2 pg 145 11 Aspect of Mephistopheles FC 2we pg 20 24 Aspect of Mephistopheles FC 2 pg 153 12 Aspect of Nerull MH pg 52 8 Aspect of Obox-Ob EttDP pg 186 22 Aspect of Obox-Ob FC 1 pg 71 9 Aspect of Orcus FC 1we pg 19 Y 22 Aspect of Orcus FC 1 pg 73 Y 7 Aspect of Pale Night FC 1we pg 21 21 Aspect of Pale Night FC 1 pg 74 8 Aspect of Pazrael (Pazuzu, Abyssal Lord) PS Chaos FC 1we pg 24 22 Aspect of Pazrael (Pazuzu, Abyssal Lord) PS Chaos FC 1 pg 76 13 Aspect of Sekolah FC 2we pg 15 13 Aspect of Tiamat FC 2we pg 3 Y 10 Aspect of Vecna MH pg 54 Y 10 Aspect of Yeenoghu EttDP pg 188 20 Aspect of Yeenoghu FC 1 pg 78 6 Aspect of Zuggtmoy FC 1we pg 26 21 Aspect of Zuggtmoy FC 1 pg 79 4 Asperi MM 2 pg 25 1/2 Asrai PS Chaos folder 3 Assassin Vine MM 1 pg 20 -- Astral Construct (template) EPH pg 185 1/2 Astral Construct, 1st Level EPH pg 187 1 Astral Construct, 2nd Level EPH pg 187 Y 2 Astral Construct, 3rd Level EPH pg 188 Y 3 Astral Construct, 4th Level EPH pg 188 Y 5 Astral Construct, 5th Level EPH pg 188 Y 7 Astral Construct, 6th Level EPH pg 188 Y 8 Astral Construct, 7th Level EPH pg 188 Y 9 Astral Construct, 8th Level EPH pg 189 10 Astral Construct, 9th Level EPH pg 189 1/2 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 1st Level CP pg 122 1 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 2nd Level CP pg 122 2 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 3rd Level CP pg 122 3 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 4th Level CP pg 122 5 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 5th Level CP pg 122 7 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 6th Level CP pg 122 8 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 7th Level CP pg 122 9 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 8th Level CP pg 122 10 Astral Construct, Agile Loper, 9th Level CP pg 122 1/2 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 1st Level CP pg 122 1 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 2nd Level CP pg 122 2 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 3rd Level CP pg 122 3 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 4th Level CP pg 122 5 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 5th Level CP pg 122 7 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 6th Level CP pg 122 8 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 7th Level CP pg 123 9 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 8th Level CP pg 123 10 Astral Construct, Alabaster Aerial, 9th Level CP pg 123 1/2 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 1st Level CP pg 123 1 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 2nd Level CP pg 123 2 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 3rd Level CP pg 123 3 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 4th Level CP pg 123 5 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 5th Level CP pg 123 7 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 6th Level CP pg 123 8 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 7th Level CP pg 124 9 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 8th Level CP pg 124 10 Astral Construct, Amber Tunneler, 9th Level CP pg 124 1/2 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 1st Level CP pg 124 1 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 2nd Level CP pg 124 2 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 3rd Level CP pg 124 3 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 4th Level CP pg 124 5 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 5th Level CP pg 124 7 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 6th Level CP pg 124 Created by: Oryan CR: Creature: PS book: 3e book pg # mini? www.rpglocker.com 8 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 7th Level CP pg 124 9 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 8th Level CP pg 124 10 Astral Construct, Anathemic Carapace, 9th Level CP pg 125 1/2 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 1st Level CP pg 125 1 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 2nd Level CP pg 125 2 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 3rd Level CP pg 125 3 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 4th Level CP pg 125 5 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 5th Level CP pg 125 7 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 6th Level CP pg 125 8 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 7th Level CP pg 126 9 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 8th Level CP pg 126 10 Astral Construct, Astral Aquan, 9th Level CP pg 126 1/2 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 1st Level CP pg 126 1 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 2nd Level CP pg 126 2 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 3rd Level CP pg 126 3 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 4th Level CP pg 126 5 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 5th Level CP pg 126 7 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 6th Level CP pg 126 8 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 7th Level CP pg 126 9 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 8th Level CP pg 127 10 Astral Construct, Ebony Stinger, 9th Level CP pg 127 1/2 Astral Construct, Emerald Gyre, 1st Level CP pg 127 1 Astral Construct, Emerald Gyre, 2nd Level CP pg 127 2 Astral Construct, Emerald Gyre, 3rd Level CP pg 127 3 Astral Construct, Emerald Gyre, 4th Level CP pg 127 5 Astral Construct, Emerald Gyre, 5th Level CP pg 127 7 Astral Construct, Emerald Gyre, 6th Level CP pg 127 8 Astral Construct, Emerald Gyre, 7th Level CP pg 127
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