1886. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUBE. 7473 a great deal of discussion concerning it; but I think its present status The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on the amendment is that it is not in the bill. of the Senator from Kansas. Mr. MANDERSON. I am afraid if offered to the deficiency bill that The amendment as agreed to-. it would be subject to a point of order that will not be raised here. It Ur. ALLISON. I desire to say one word and then offer an additional is offered as an amendment to the sundry ci vii bill. amendment. Mr. ALLISON. I will agree for one to waive the point of order. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Treasurer of the United States Mr. HOAR. Let there be unanimous consent that this amendment wrote me a day or two ago that if the provision with reference to small may stand in relation to the deficiency bill as it now stands in relation silver certificates should prevail the issue and distribution of these cer­ to this bill. tificates would be from the subtreasru·y inNew York, and that it would Mr. HALE. The invariable practice of the Committee on Appropri­ be absolutely necessary to increase to a small extent the clerical force ations is where an amendment is referred to that committee to be con­ t_here. I ask now to offer an amendment increasing the clerical force, sidered in connection with the sundry civil bill it is proper as a defici­ after line 1083, by inserting: ency to consider it on that bill and to consider that it is not subject to For additional clerical force for the assistant treasurer at New York, $6,4.00, the point of order. or so much thereof as may be necessary. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Does the Senator from Nebraska The amendment was agreed to. withdraw his amendment? The amendments were ordered to be engrossed and the bill to be Mr. ALLISON. No point of order shall be made. read a third time. Mr. MANDERSON. I ask unanimous consent that the point of The bill was read the third time, and passed order shall not be made when I offer the amendment to the deficiency bill. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. That is understood. A message from the House of Representatives, by 1\Ir. CLARK, its Mr. DOLPH. I move to amend, on page 50, after line 1211, by in­ Clerk, announced that the House had passed the bill (H. R. 3186) to"de­ serting: clare a forfeiture of lands granted to the New Orleans, Baton Rouge For the establishment of a. salmon hatchery upon the Columbia. River, its trib­ and Vicksburg Railroad Company, to confirm title to certain lands, and utaries, or their branches, and for the current expenses of the same for one year, for other purposes; in which it requested the concurrence of the Sen­ 815,000. ate. The question being put on the amendment, the Chair declared that REPORT OF .A COMMITTEE. the ''noes '' appeared to prevail. · . 1\Ir. HOAR, from. the Committee on Claims, to whom was referred Mr. DOLPH. I call for the yeas and nays. t.he bill (S. 2871) for the relief of Semon, Bache & Co., reported it with­ The yeas and nays were ordered; and the Secretary proceeded to call out amendment. the roll. HOUSE BILL REFERRED. Mr. COLQUITT (when his name was called). I am paired with the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. CHACE]. The bill (H. R. 3186) to declare a forfeiture of L'tnds granted to the Mr. CULLOM (when his name was called). I am paired with the New Or.leans, Baton Rouge and Vicksburg Railroad Company, to con­ Senator from Louisiana [Mr. Eusns]. firm title to certain lands, and for other purposes, was read twice by its The roll-call was concluded. title, and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. Mr. PLUMB {afterhavin~voted in the negative). Iampairedwith DEFICIENCY .APPROPRIATION BILL. the Senator from Alabama LMr. MoRGAN], and withdraw my vote. Mr. McMILLAN. My colleague [Mr. SABIN] is detained from the Mr. HALE. I ask unanimous consent-! suppose there will be no Senate by illness. o~jection-to take up the general deficiency appropriation bill. Mr. KENNA. The Senator from Nevada [Ur. F.Am.] is paired on There beingnoobjection, the Senate, as in Committee of theWnole, pro­ this question with the Senator from_Minnesota [Mr. SABIN]. My col­ ceeded to consider the bill (H. R. 9726) making appropriations to sup­ league [Mr. CAMDEN] is paired with the Senator from Rhode Island ply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending J nne 30, [Mr. ALDRICH]. 1886, and for prior years, and for other purposes. The result was announced-yeas 29, nays 17; as follows: Ur. HALE. I ask that the formal reading of the bill be dispensed with, and that then the amendments of the Committee on Appropria­ YE.AS-29. tions be first acted on as recited in the reading. Blair, Harrison, Manderson, Teller, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair hears no objection t{) that Butler, Hawley, Miller, VanWyck, Call, Hearst, Mitchell of Oreg., Vest, suggestion, and that order is agreed to. Dolph, Hoar, Ransom, Waltliall, Mr. CULLOM. I move that the Senate adjourn. :Evarts, Jones of .Arkaneas, Riddleberger, Wilson of Iowa. Mr. BLAIR. I desire to say to the Senate that on Monday morning )<'rye, Jones of N e>ada, Sawyer, George, tMcMillan, Sewen, I will ask part of the morning hour to attend to pension legislation. Gray, \Ulahone, Spooner, The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Senator from illinois moves that NA"YB-17. tbe Senate adjourn. Allison, Coke, Harris, Sherman, The motion was agreed to; and (at 10 o'clock and 31 minut-es p. m.) ~eck, Dawes, Kenna, Whitthorne. the Senate adjourned until Monday, July 26, 1886, at 11 o'clock a. m. Gibson, McPherson, Bf~burn, Gorman, Maxey, Cockrell, Hale, Platt, ABSENT-30. .Aldrich, Cullom, Mitchell of Pa., Sabin, ~OUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bowen, Edmunds, Morgan, Saulsbury, Brown, Eustis, Morrill, Stanford, SA1.'URDAY, July 24, 1886. Camden, Fair, Palmer, Vance, Cameron, Hampton, Payne, Voorhees The House met atll o'clock a.m. Prayer by Rev. Dr. BULLOCK, of Chace, Jnga.lls, Pike, Wilson or1 Md. Washington, D. C. Colquitt, Jones of Florida, Plumb, Conger, Logan, Pugh, The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. So the amendment was rejected. FURLOUGHS, INTERIOR DEP .ARTim.NT. Mr. PLUMB. On page 60, line 1452, I move to strike out of that ·The SPEAKER laid before the House a communication from the Sec­ paragraph all succeeding the word ''dollars.'' retary of the Interior in reply to a resolution of the House asking for The Chief Clerk read the words proposed to be stricken out, as fol- information in regard to leaves of absence and furlong~ of employes in ~~= . that Department; which was referred to the Select Committee on Re­ All fees collected by registers or receivers, from any source whatever, which form in the Civil Service. would increase their salaries beyond $3,000 each a. year, shaH be covered into the Treasury. LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Mr. PLUMB. I will state brietly in regard to it that this provision By unanimous consent leave of absence was granted as follows: does not work a limitation upon the salaries of receivers. The only To Mr. W .AI~LACE, for three days, on a-ccount of important busi- possible effect of it is to take away from them the fees which are paid ness. l1y contestants in land contests, and which now they use to pay tor To Mr. OwEN, until Tuesday next, on account of sickness. clerk-hire for the doing of the work necessary to carry on the contests. To Mr. O'NEILL, of Pennsylvania, until Monday. In all the land districts of the United States where there are many. To Mr. McKINLEY, for three days, on account of important busi­ contests of entries the work is behind. If this provision remains i.n the ness. bill the contests can not be heard, and they are not only burdensome To Mr. WHITE, of Pennsylvania, for four days, on account of im­ to claimants themselves, but they result in the holding of a very large portant business. amount of public land from settlement and use because of the doubt ENROLLED BILL SIGNED. about the title. Mr. NEECE, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, reported that XVTI-468 7474 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. JULY 24:, they had exrunined and found dnly enr.olled a bill of the following title; on the ·surgeon and was e.xamined,Alnd the ne.xt morning was found beheaded on the railroad track under such circumstances as indicated suicide. when the Speaker signed the same: ~ The claim of the widow was rejected by the Pension Bureau on the gt'Ound A bill (S. 901) to grant to the Astoria and Winnemucca Railroad that the <cause of the death of her husband was in no way connected with his Company the right to construct bridges over navigable waters. military service. · · His wife and family pres.ent pitiable objects for sympathy, but I am unabl {D VETO MESSAGE-MARY ANDERSON. see how they have any claim for 11o pension. GROVER CLEVELAND. Mr. SAWYER, from the Committee on Invalid Pensions, submitted ExECUTIVE JliANSION, June 23,188G. a report from that committee upon the bill (H. R. 7436) granting -a [H. R. 7436. Forty-ninth Congress. first session.] pension to Mary Anderson, vetoed by the President; which was ordered An act to grant a pension to Mary Anderson.
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