E340 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 10, 2010 HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS AND RECOGNIZING THE 189TH ANNIVER- Mr. Faulk was a friend to many, and HYPOXIA RESEARCH AND CON- SARY OF GREEK INDEPENDENCE deemed a gracious and hardworking person TROL AMENDMENTS ACT OF 2010 by all who knew him. It is my privilege to SPEECH OF honor Mr. Faulk as a man emblematic of the SPEECH OF HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN true spirit of North Louisiana. He will surely be OF MARYLAND remembered by all as a loving husband and HON. LYNN C. WOOLSEY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES father, a successful businessman and an im- OF CALIFORNIA Tuesday, March 9, 2010 portant part of the Ruston community. Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Madam Speaker, As a me in honoring the late Clarence Faulk. Tuesday, March 9, 2010 lead sponsor of this resolution, I am proud to f stand with my colleagues to commemorate the Ms. WOOLSEY. Madam Speaker, keeping 189th anniversary of Greek independence. We RECOGNIZING THE 2010 AIMPACT our oceans productive and healthy is of vital gather here today not only in recognition of DAY HELD BY THE NATIONAL interest to coastal and inland communities Greece’s proud history, and in appreciation of ASSOCIATION OF CHAIN DRUG across the world. As a Member who rep- the warm friendship our two countries share, STORES resents one of the biologically richest coastal but also to thank the Greek people for stand- Congressional Districts in the county, I rise ing by our side in good times and bad, in HON. PETER J. ROSKAM today in support of H.R. 3650, the Harmful peace and in war. OF ILLINOIS Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Con- The U.S. connection to Greece reaches IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trol Amendments Act, which will take nec- back to the days before the United States was Wednesday, March 10, 2010 essary steps toward maintaining the oceans’ even a country. It is well known that the ecological health. Founding Fathers were well versed in Greek Mr. ROSKAM. Madam Speaker, I rise today Harmful algal bloom (HAB) produces toxins political philosophy and drew on that knowl- to recognize the 2010 @IMPACT Day held by harmful to shellfish, fish, and biomass, which edge in their efforts to lay the political founda- the National Association of Chain Drug Stores affect other organisms along the food chain tion of this Nation. Thomas Jefferson once (NACDS). and pose real dangers to the vitality of all said of Greece that it was ‘‘the first of civilized Founded in 1933, NACDS has worked tire- coastal areas. HAB can also decrease the nations, (and) presented examples of what lessly to promote the positive community im- sunlight entering the water and use up avail- man should be.’’ Indeed, many of the political pact of the chain drug industry. Throughout its able oxygen, creating hypoxia or oxygen de- ideas attributed to the United States today, history, NACDS and its 150 chains and 39,000 pletion. In extremely low oxygen environ- such as freedom of speech and the respect individual pharmacy members have worked to ments, sedentary species perish, mobile spe- for democratic governance can trace their ori- adapt to the changing needs of consumers. cies migrate, and spawning areas are jeopard- gins back to ancient Greece. @IMPACT Day allows community pharmacies ized. If these conditions continue, the hypoxia On this 189th anniversary of Greek inde- to share the numerous benefits of their indus- may become permanent as coastal areas be- pendence, let us all reflect on what we as try. come lined with dead zones in which little ma- Americans owe to Greece for our historical I am delighted to recognize the chain drug rine life can exist. ties, for the role ancient Greece played in the stores nationwide that have a significant pres- ence in my district. Not only do they provide Although algal blooms occur naturally, they shaping of our democracy and for the endur- ing friendship between the peoples of the thousands of quality jobs, but these phar- are exacerbated by human activities, including macies also provide a vital service as part of the runoff from lawns and livestock feedlots, United States and Greece. f the healthcare delivery system of my district. point-source discharge from sewage plants, Madam Speaker and Distinguished Col- and emissions from vehicles. All of these ac- HONORING THE LIFE OF leagues, please join me in recognizing The tivities lead to elevated levels of nutrients and CLARENCE FAULK 2010 @IMPACT Day, the National Association an increase of algal growth. HAB and hypoxia of Chain Drug Stores, and the work these tire- are growing more severe and more prevalent HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER less professionals are doing to provide high in our oceans. OF LOUISIANA quality health services to the public. The Marin and Sonoma coastline in my Dis- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f trict is one of the most biologically productive Wednesday, March 10, 2010 regions in the world. This coastline includes HONORING THE PLUMBERS AND one of only four coastal upwelling zones on Mr. ALEXANDER. Madam Speaker, I rise PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 230 the planet, which make up only 1 percent of today to honor the life and achievements of the ocean but produce 20 percent of its fish. Mr. Clarence E. Faulk, Jr., who passed away HON. BOB FILNER Unfortunately, even this biological hot spot has at his residence on March 5, 2010. OF CALIFORNIA been impacted by algal blooms. As recently as Mr. Faulk was born on January 9, 1909 in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES West Monroe, La., and recently celebrated the last October, northward currents carried a Wednesday, March 10, 2010 large HAB from Point Reyes up the coast to occasion of his 100th birthday. Bodega Bay, harming marine life and irritating In 2003, Mr. Faulk lost his beloved wife of Mr. FILNER. Madam Speaker, for more than swimmers and divers. Increasing our under- 72 years, Louise Benson Page. The couple is 120 years the United Association—the union standing of these events and undertaking new survived by their two sons and daughter, as of plumbers, pipefitters, welders and HVAC efforts to monitor, control, prevent, and miti- well as their 10 grandchildren and seven great technicians—has built the infrastructure of cit- gate them must be a priority. grandchildren. ies and towns across the United States. Having been raised by a family with deep In the 1930s the UA helped pull the country H.R. 3650 would establish a National Harm- roots in publishing, Mr. Faulk was well suited out of the Great Depression as members built ful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Program to de- for a career path loaded with journalism and dams, roads, libraries, schools, public build- velop and coordinate a comprehensive strat- broadcasting endeavors. Mr. Faulk was the ings and housing projects as part of President egy to address HABs and hypoxia. publisher of the Ruston Daily Leader from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. Additionally this legislation will implement re- 1931 to 1962, the owner of radio station During World War II, thousands of UA mem- gional action plans to reduce HABs and hy- KRUS, the first radio station in Ruston, La. bers answered our nation’s call and volun- poxia. from 1947 to 1968. In addition, he served teered for the armed forces. Once completing Madam Speaker, as a cosponsor of H.R. many years as the president of the Louisiana their duty, members returned home and con- 3650, I commend my colleagues on the Press Association and the Louisiana Broad- tinued to build across the country. Science and Technology Committee for their casters Association. In San Diego, UA Local 230 members have hard work on this issue, and I look forward to Outside of this field, Mr. Faulk owned nu- had a hand in building iconic structures such this legislation becoming law. The increasing merous rent homes and commercial buildings as Petco Park, Sharp Memorial Hospital, Pal- type, frequency, location, duration, and sever- in Ruston, and even received the Russ Award omar Medical Center and the new Hilton ity of these dangerous events demonstrate from the Ruston-Lincoln Parish Chamber of Bayfront. how urgently we need to implement solutions Commerce for his efforts in support of his In addition to being a part of building the to these problems. treasured Ruston community. San Diego of today, Local 230 has helped to VerDate Nov 24 2008 05:48 Mar 11, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10MR8.002 E10MRPT1 dcolon on DSK2BSOYB1PROD with REMARKS.
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