Return from the dead .Page 2 Greek relations page 3 Hi-flyin' Lewis page TCU DAILY SKIFF Friday, January 29, 1988 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX 85th Year, No. 66 Deadline today for fall RA applications orientation session Feb. 3 at 7p.m. or how well they work with groups of By Diane Wooldridge " After Saturday, we look at every- Kerner, RA for Clark Hall. the questions they ask you. It's uni- Feb. 4 at 3 p.m. in nxmi 205 of the people. thing to see who is passed on to round "The interview process prepares que for each person." Staff Writer Student Center, Olson said. Discus- Afterwards, a 15-minute inten u\\ two," Olsen said. you for interviews in the future," Ker- "I try to make applicants as com- Applications for Resident Assis- sions will consist of job expectations, is planned with individual applicants, Hound two will occur in the middle ner said, "1 liked it. It was formal but fortable as possible," Olson said. tants are due today for students want- benefits, qualifications and the selec- one hall director, two KAs, and a of February Wanda Olson will con- it was casual, too." ing employment in residence halls tion process. neutral resident from various halls. duct the interviews. "Usually people dread interviews Letters will be sent out during the next semester, said Wanda Olson, On Feb. 6, applicants will go Olson said. KAs will be available "There are so many benefits to but it was enjoyable actually," said second week in March to inform Resi- coordinator for resident living. through an interview process which throughout the day to answer any spe- being an RA. RAs are in closer contact Michele Hartmann, RA for Colby dent Assistants of their employment, Applicants will go through an will involve group exercises to see cific questions applicants mav have. with the university," said Michael Hall. "There's no standard answer for Olson said. Sign theft Collision ends not just a prank golfer's season Tom Mortimer, Paul's boyfriend, By Randy Hargrove said firemen first notified him of the Staff Writer accident. Mortimer said he arrived at Police investigate A TCI* women's golf team member the hospital within 30 minutes. felonious escapade was reported in stable condition "I didn't know what had happened Thursday at Harris-Methodist. Fort to her at first," Mortimer said. "I Worth, after suffering a season ending thought she might have been para- By Lucy Calvert injury in an auto accident earlier in lyzed. We found out about 10 p.m. Staff Writer the week. that she was in good shape, all things When the cats are away, the mice Kelly Paul, a redshirt freshman on being considered. I don't know who will play the Lady Frogs' golf team suffered a was more scared, me or her." At least the "cats" in the Campus broken pelvis Tuesday afternoon Paul said she doesn't remember all Police office did not hear the "mice" when the Datsun 300zx she was driv- the details from the incident. who stole the sign from police head- ing collided with another car at the "I kept dreaming I was in an acci- quarters earlier this week. 2500 Block of Oak Hill Circle near dent." Paul said. "I woke up in the Police Chief Oscar Stewart said he TCU. ambulance and my hips hurt so bad. does not know exactly when the sign Police reports stated that as Paul's Barbara Paul, Kelly's mother, said was stolen, only that its absence was vehicle was turning south onto Oak she first found out about the accident "brought to vivid light" by Skiff advis- Hill Circle at approximately 3 p.m.. it around 5 p.m. er Mark Witherspoon Wednesday collided with TCt' student Doug "I was really shocked," Barbara afternoon Schwartz's northbound 911 Porsche Paul said. "My main thoughts were Stewart said he has no suspects, but Carre ra. getting up here (from Austin), and because the sign is worth between According to police reports. l>oth praying it wasn't real serious. They $100 and $300, its departure from its vehicles suffered substantial damage. didn't know the extent of her injuries home on the front of the building con- Schwartz suffered no injuries that at that point." stitutes | felony. required hospitalization, but he said Barbara Paul expressed relict that I don't know who stole it or why. he was sore and had a stiff neck as a the accident did not turn out any Maybe it's just some sick person," he result of the accident. He said a com- worse than it did. said. panion in the car with him also Buf- "Everyone who's seen the car has Stewart said both the Fort Worth fered no injuries other than soreness said they can't believe anyone lived and Campus Police departments are and stiffness. through that," Barbara Paul said. "1 investigating the incident. "She pulled out in front of me, and think she'll recover pretty well from In the meantime, a work order re- the only thing I could do was put on this. She has a good attitude." quest for a new sign has been sent to the brakes, Schwartz said. Paul said d<xtors have told her she The accident cut short a golf season the physical plant. which had seen Kelly Paul rotating in "We are definitely nof paying a ran- should recover fully from the accident and out of the No. 5 position for TCU. som for it," Stewart said. and that she could be out of the hos- Stewart said lack of a sign could pital in seven days and back in class Women's Coif Coach Kristi Arney pose a safety problem for someone within two weeks. said Kelly was just beginning to blos- who needs to find the building in an Paul, who said she is feeling better, som for the Ladv Frogs. emergency. said her thoughts right now are cen- Arney said she has no doubt Kelly Once the sign returns, though, it tered on walking again. Paul would recover from the mishap. will IM- carefully guarded. "The doctor seems to think I'll heal "She's tough," Arney said. " She's "I don't go out and check my sign TCU Daily Skiff / Rob Bobbins pretty fast," Paul said "It all depends got a lot of support from her family every day," Stewart said, "but I will No sign of it- Campus Police Chief Oscar Stewart and officer Connie Villela inspect the area on me. Right now I cant sit up." and the team'' now!" TCU shrubbery, lighting Man hurt remain safety concerns in crane residents tear that someone could Stewart said everyone needs to By Kathy Fuller accident hide in the large shrubs outside the take an active part in patrolling the Staff Writer hall's door, but she hasn't received a area, which lias been estimated at 243 The security, concerns of students specific complaint-only concern. acres. By Melinda Hartman living on campus have been sparked "The light shines through the "Having a campus that is open at Staff Writer by the shattering of a Waits Hall door Ixith ends invites itself to unwanted bushes during the day. but at night Part of a crane fell on a worker at on Jan 22. visitors." Stewart said. Students, staff there is simply a mass blurb." she the construction site next to Milton Security has certainly become a and faculty need "to be on the watch," said. "Anyone could get up in then Daniel Hall Thursday, breaking his hot issue here on campus," said Cathy he said "The more suspicious acts and hide " left leg in two places, said Oscar Ste- Smallev. I sophomore resident assis- and [H-ople reported, the easier it is to wart, chief of campus police. tant lor Waits Hall "The lighting !«• AlMnit 30 to 40 suspicious people stop unnecessary crime." tween the surrounding areas of the are reported each month, TCI' Cam- Concerning the shrubbery and J.C. Dill, the crane operator, was girls' dorrns is really bad When you pus Police Chief Oscar Stewart said other landscaping on campus, Ste- disassembling the crane when a pin walk out the door into the dark, it's Only alxnit three or four of the reports wart said maintenance workers trim fell out causing part of the crane to fall n ,ill\ my, especially since several are ol people who are on the campus the hushes on a routine basis on him, Stewart said. of the dorms have driveways from the without permission he said "The workers scurry the bushes Kon Wertz, owner of the crane, street straight up to the door." "Usually most of the people re- from the ground up, which allows the said "the cables were not properly Smallev, who is just one of the ported to us art- simply maintenance patrolling officer to see in the bush attached and caused the txxmi to fall approximately 3,000 on-campus resi- men that are not in uniform, proles better," he said on the operator." dents, said the thought of being so sors or other innocent walkers Btf Stewart said the campus did have a After 20 minutes. Dill was taken by accessible really spooks a lot of wart said "Hut that's good. That's problem concerning the large shrub- ambulance to All Saints Hospital people." proof the TCI (oinmuuity is doing TCU Daily Skiff ' V1KK* I Dix<m where he had surgery on his leg, Smallev said she has heard a lot of their joh-t>eiug the eves and ears of Sec LANDSCAPISC, Page 2 A growing problem - Shannon McClour, enters Colby Hall.
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