I .. ' 4l WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1*, 19M : } - PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT iianrlr^Btfr lEttMting Hfralii Average Daily Net Press Ran For tb« Week EadMl The Weather done t, ISM Foiweaat of D. R. Weather Bareas CiMnre o f thundershower this 12,041 evening, warm, muggy, tonight, lU tTow n laiw HA-70. Fair, hot, humid Fri­ Meeaber o f th« AiHUt day, Ihubdershower In esreMlng, f\ nur«aa of Clr^lkiqUoa High Frtdny In mid SOn. e t Oovciunt Con- Manchester— A City of Village Charm *T*»aU' «h \*'iU h*v« t eot- (Un* tomorrow at U|* pi jufJ rt tJtn homt o( Mr§. VOL. LXXV, NO.^JlT ^ (TW'ENTY-FOLR PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) ’ OarUon, U2'iiipio St. MANCHESTER. CONN„ THURSDAY, JUNE 14. 195* (Claaetned AdrertteliM m M l PRICE FIVE CENTS J. W . HALE’S ' -------— » ^ II Tbmorrow will b« r th« b*rthd»y of th€ Amencin, In a Bank, a Wink y - It U •uagMted that every Xome U.S. to Give and bumneei houe* help to mW^e Kpdwland Shifts, Gets New Meaning Mancheiter a city of ' 4- Mr* John Trotter ii chairman of i A-Sub Data New' York. June 14 (>Pi — A the Eaatern Star Strawberr>’ i *ai8es Ike-8 Hopes Queens bank employe's wink to a woman cashier arriving Faabval and atfl lale tomorrow i for work thIa morning shat­ from 5 p.m. on, in the Maaohtc ' T o Britain tered a holdup atte'mpt by two T ^ p le . A ham dinner will be men already holding nve oth­ •erved in the banquet hall from 'V Of Easing Aid^ Cut WaHhingtnn, June 14 f/P)— er members of the bank staff a to 6:30 p.m. at bay. ______ I The United StAtee haR eigned The cashier. Rose Wing' tk.’ President Lucille Hirth of the an agreernent with Great foot. 2S-year-Old Chinese, |Mth AuxlUary to Anderaon-Shca Post, W'ashingtnn, June 14 (/P)— • hriembera back Intojaeaaion to atart Britain for exchange '6f infor­ to arrive, sSw the bank'*'por­ No. 2046, VFW, and the following voting. i, ter .wink at her aa )»4 was Democratic leader Johnson of George haa taken the leaderahip mation on military atomic en­ are delegates to the Slat annual Texas said today the admin­ opening a demr for, her under Department Encampment, June 15 in a drive to reatohe $500 milllona gines under which the British orderz of the robbers. Given With Cash Sales istration “is in deep trouble” ! of the Houae cutaj or half of the to 17 at the Hotel Sutler, Hart­ \ 4 4 presumably will obtain facts She fled screaming dow n ford: Mary LeDuc, Helen Beebe, in its bid for the Senate to re­ amount lo{^ed from military aa- about the pioneer U.S. atomic the street .-The robbers, hesr- Muriel Auden, Oglore White, Flor­ / store a big part of the House j alatance fimda.' j Ing her, raced from the bsnk, Including the bRIion-dollar. cut powered submarine, the Nau­ Retrial Bid ence Putt. Alternates are Marie ruts in President Eisenhow-1 tilus. jumpetl into s green car and Hale. Gladys Rtdoia, Inee Mahoney, GREEN STAMPS In military aid fiibda, the Houae fled UiCmselves. taking noth­ DOUBLE Thursday, JUNE 14th! or's 14,900,000,000 foreign aid cut a total of $1,104,000,000 from The state Department announc­ Jsanns Wlnsler and Helena Nick­ ed the agreement had been aigned ing. No one was hurt, police erson. Department-President Mary bill. Johnson told a reporter the $4,900,000,000 Eiaenl.ower reported, . yesterday. Preaa officer Uncoln I By Connelly M. Murphy of New London will he had talKed to many Demo-, asked, deapite proteata from bdth The holdup , attempt took Republican and Democratic lead- .White aaid it wiaa,mainly concern­ preside at the meetings which \nll 3 Days Only! cratic Senators and “a sub-' ed with technical matters. place at the Corona branch begin Friday at 1 p.m. .Sunday REGULAR $1.00 era in ‘.hat body. of the Chemical Corn Ex­ Hale's June Towel Sale SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 98e stantial majority of (hem feel Answers (ktming i And Caudle meetings will be held at the Hotel Rmerging from yVaterday'a two change Bapk, 103rd Street I - _ ___ _ ' FIRST Q.CALITV SHEER or SEMI-SERVIC^ m R ENTIRE STOCK OF a rase has not yet been made.” ; cloaed committee aeaaiona. Know- When newsmen p re s e t for in­ Bond. s -To c k i p n o w a t t h e s e l o w , arid Northern Boulevard. WEIGHT FILL FASHIONED *’ x land, ivho frequently dlaagreea formation today on the wording I St. Louis, J,uhe 14 (4>— PRICES FOR REAL QfALITY TOWELS ' of the announcement wMch indi­ 22x44 Cannon Washingtoi., Jijjic 14 (4*)—' with aome aapecta of Riaenhower I Matthew J. Connelly and T; adminiatration foreign policy, told cated a considerable , broadening ^ Piano Pupils Win ,J ■ Cannon "Glen Plaid" , $13.98 Support from Senafe Republi- reportera: z* of ,British-American ' cooperation Ike Supports I Lamar Caudle, high officials n y l o n SHEERS van leader Knowland (Calif) In the atomic field.' White said he in the Truman administra­ "My belief la that a strong case would try to> get answers in the Prizes at Recital N . raised administration h o^ s has been and ia being made that tion, were convicted today by u r k is h o w e l e n s e m b l e BATH course of th^day. A d enauer on with dark seams, aeml-servire self segmk. All nllh \j T Y DRESSES teday for restoring some of would warrant voting more than The agreement was aigned by diyeneral jury of conspiring to The pian6 pupils of Mrs. Flor­ relnfn^ed heel and toe* for extra wear. Slsee «t| the big cut the House made in the Houae had in ita bill." British AhiOassador Sir Roger fix an income tax evasion ence W ood were heard in a recital to II, Pair RKG. »i-28. BATH SIZK. President Eisenhower’s for­ He would not say w.iether he Makins, Chairman Lewis L. German Unity case. thinks the adminiatration case ia Strauta of the U. S. Atoniic Ener­ last night St the Davie Memorial eign aid program.' strong enough to wa-rant an in­ They sat motionless, as tha gy Comimssion (AEC1 and,,depu­ verdict was read. U.S. District Building, Church of the Netarene, RKfi. 69c. HA.Nl) SIZE each $ 1 J . 0 0 Whether a majority of the Sen­ crease of $600 millions, but he did ty assistant Secretary of Slate Washington, June 14* liPi—Presi­ REGULAR 39e say it was strong enough to war­ Jad'ge Rubey M. Hulen set tteir Prizea were awarded to Terry ate Foreign Relationx oommittee C. Burke Elbrick. < dent El.senhower told O rm an sentencing for July 19, the same rant a bill authorizing something Oarocari, Dianna Platt, and C hris-! wmiM approve tt^e J600 million The' technical effect of the new Chancellor K'nnrad Adenaur on day he' will hear motlona which ' minimum increaaci’ urged by the "between the $3,800,000,000 House tine Kilpatrick for high achieve- ] R|>:(;. ,19c. F A C E C L ()T H S Beautiful solid color Cannon hath towels In blue, rose, yellow, I agreement was to amend an agree­ reunification of Germany "to lib­ the defense said it would file for TStru SOIL toiiv socss White Houae wax uncertain aa ment made by the United States a new trial, ment this year. » I For $.1.00 Chairman George (D-Gal called (Continued on Page Two) erate the 17 million Germans" in Those parUcipaUng w-ere: Sally i beige and green. and Britain on..July 21, 1955 "on the east zone. Connelly, 48, White House ap­ INCH DE: peaceful uses qf atomic energy," Chapin, Robert Maran. Dianne | Fine quality cotton with nylon Soft, tiixiirloiix towels In a hew plaid pattern. I'niisiial color Eisenhower, clad In pajamas pointments secretary under form­ the announcement said. « er President Truman, and Caudle, Lee, Fred Adamson, Valerie Wa- heel and tore tor extra wear, combinations In a4 «a. beige, yellowy-blue nnd rose. and sitting up In a chair, received brek, Clifford Pye, Marilyn Phll- PRINT SHEER The agreement then contained 52, former Justice Department White only. Sliee 8!j to IL pr. Faith Healer and Queen i / ^ thia Wording which White was un­ the 80-year old German leader In tax division head, could be sen­ llpa, Sharon Kilpatrick, Donald a dramatic goodbye in the Presl- 3 ’i" ii able to amplify: tenced to five years In prison and Flak, Carole Mlffitt, Bill Adamson, PRINT CRi>ES ^ "The fact of this amendment dent’.s room at Walter Reed Army fined $10,000 e a ^ . Jana Hultman, Janet Cheeseman, REGULAR $1.29 to $1:49 hospital. Is to broaden j the scope within Mrs. Caudle, who has listened BUly Hutchinson, Karen Kilpat­ • SILK and C O H O N ^ With them were Mrs. Eisen­ Million Dollar ^ire on Vniversily Campus Special Sale nXISEOFT PATTERNS OF REGULAR 19c which exchanges may take place to testimony from ths sama*'eeat rick, Joyce Coseo,. Dianne Plett. \ Dutch Papers Deny hower, Secretary of State Dulles, / Firemen pour water on the ruins of Meehaniral Hall on the campus of the University of West In two respect*: in the spectators' section of tfia Karen Dolin, Richard Pish, Chris­ • PRINT CO TTO N , f and an interpreter, Hehry Keller- Virginia at Morgantown after the biilldlnit was deatro.yed by fire.
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