Notes 1 Anthropologizing Experiences of Autism 1. In Latour’s work actants can include human and non-human actors such as organizations, objects, and ideas. 3 Recharting Territories, Redefining Roles: The Issue of Relationships 1. I’d like to note here that these moments do not necessarily occur in this order. In fact, often parents experience #3 well before #1 or #2, or perhaps have several #1 experiences before arriving at a final autism diagnosis. The order in which these moments are presented is purely a stylist choice on the part of the author and does not indicate in any way a purported trajec- tory of experience. 2. For a more extensive description of autism diagnostic tools and procedures see Rossi’s 2011 dissertation. 4 Peculiarities and Particularities: The Issue of Bodies 1. Jenny McCarthy is an American actress, game show host, and model. She is also a parent activist who claims that vaccines caused her son’s autism. 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