Jacksonville State University Juried Student Art Exhibition at I Hammond Hall Gallery February 10,2000 www.jsu.edu/chanticleer Volume 48, Issue 18 1 ..P!!. .- ..d 1 WORLD NEWS I A human rights group has / reported that last year's NATO / bombing campaign in / Yugoslavia killed about 500 INAUGURATED ; civilians in 90 separate incidents. While the number of incidents was much higher than NATO has JSU's Dr. Bill officially acknowledged, the Meehan sworn in Yugoslav government denounced the report on Monday, saying after seven months that NATO caused many more as eleventh president civilian deaths. President Bill Clinton sent his BY Dave Sharp $1.84 trillion fiscal 2001 budget Editor proposal up to Capitol Hill on Monday, saying, "Federal "JSU has left its mark on me for deficits are last century's news." three decades," said Dr. Bill The blueprint, the president's Meehan in his inaugural address. eighth and last, would use the "It has been one of the three most pojected federal budget surplus important facets of my life in addi- to eliminate the national debt by tion to my faith and my family." 2013, while increasing domestic Jacksonville State University spending on health care, educa- tion and military programs. inaugurated Dr. William A. Meehan The U.S. market for Internet as its eleventh president Monday in appliances is entering a period of front of a crowd of almost 4,000 at rapid takeoff, and the new JSU's Pete Mathews Coliseum. devices are expected to surpass The group included JSU faculty, consumer personal computer staff and students, JSU's Board of shipments in 2002, a leading Trustees, elected officials repre- technology market research firm senting local govenunent, delegates said on Monday. Internet appli- from other universities, members of ances are easy-to-use, lower cost the Jacksonville community and, of devices designed solely for course, friends and family of Dr. accessing the Internet. They do Meehan. not typically have hard disk dri- Meehan, who has been in office ves or some of the functions of since July 1, 1999, has kept it no more costly but harder to use secret that he plans to continue personal computers. keeping JSU 'on the map.' He has A Frenchman who became the first person to have both hands said time and again how, through transplanted told journalists on the leadership and passion of his Monday he felt fine, could move faculty and staff, JSU can continue his fingers a bit and looked for- to be a "great" university. ward to caressing his two chil- The investiture ceremony began dren with his new hands. Denis with music provided by the JSU Chatelier, a painter who lost both Jazz Band, Chamber Winds and hands in &accident four years Chamber Trumpets leading into the ago, still had his hands in ban- processional of Board members, dages as he addressed a news faculty and administration. conference with surgeon Jean- The "Presenting of the Colors" Michel Dubernard. were then marched precisely to the center stage by members of the JSU ROTC Honor Guard. INSIDE "The National Anthem*' was per- *NEWS* formed by JSU alum Teresa Meehan inducted as eleventh president Stricklin. Dr. Wayne Stevens gave *REDHERRING* the Invocation of the ceremony. Brothers h a busy week ahead And JSU's A Capella Choir per- *TOWN CRIER* formed a chorale titled "Exsultate Love stinks Deo." .WEEK IN SPORTS. JSU's Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Dr. apologies for his absence with JSU faculty heads the sea of faces that were present at Meehan's Inauguration. photograph by Gamecock Baseball begins with fwo wins stew latham - "' %.=a, *m--, A "FC-^----L -7 %>g%i A nkf:,:-, .&%sa$t*~*:~i~siiaWcTm*m3r~9f+tiii~ ,- . Page 2 Februarv 10.2000 THE CHANTICLEER Announcements The Campus Crime Docket is never, and will never be, edited unless an incident report involves a minor. Clubs And Organizations kenis in the ~arn@s Crime Docket are obtained from inci- Aloha Xi Delta of Public Health. more;nfoAation, call 782-5432. deat and arrest reports at the JSU Police Department. Congratulations to Dr. Meehan on your inauguration. Good luck Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honor SQciety will award national scholarships -3SU students have the right to view these public records. to Our basketball team this week. Delta Chi, thanks for a fun mixer this spring. Five graduate and 27 undergraduate awards at (or up to) $2000 K any information is incorrect, please contact us at 782- last week. Chapter Awards last week: Sister of the Week-Lawren and & u&.rgra&ate awards of $lOOO.-JSU chapter members shouldcon- 5701 or call the JSU Police Department at 782-5050. Tucker, New Member of the Week-Genn~Tomasch; Beary Best tact Rufus Kinney for applications. The deadline for applications is Feb. 23. Bear Award- Amy Church. This week's awards: Sister of the JSu stdentMode' Arab kgue hok sale: We Will have a used book L - Week-Miranda KilIingsworth; New Member of the Week-Gennl Tomasch; Beary &st B~~ ~~~d.Emily ~~~l~~,support ~~~d- sale February 1 - 11 in the front lobby of Curtiss Hall. A variety of used books Kellilyn Johnson. [ will be available at 50 cents for hardcover books and 25 cats for paperback I criminal mischief in the old Jacksonville High School Ibooks. Funds raised from the sale will be used to defray part of the costs of Gymnasium. We wish the baseball team good luck on their first game rnemh Darticbating in this vear's Model Arab Leame event. I 1 & " I = 244k Grindley Cunen, of Jacksanvilk, Ma., reported Saturday. Congratulations $0 all our new -bens-kmanda Jditadat Exhibition at H-ond Hall Gzlery.Gallery Hours: Blalock, Cheyenne Creasy, Lesley Catlett, Kelly Mullendore. We mlsch#f Monday-Friday, 8:30 am. to 4 p.m. criminal occurring at the Tntem~ona1House. love you! Congratdations to Deidra Tidwell and the rest of the 2-5-W: Mfred Eugene Groce, 20, of Jacksonville, Ah., Peer Counselors. Also to April Warhmst andchr~styRamsden and JacksonviHe University's mysi& Education and I Recreation club WPEW will be hosting the annual Just Jump 2000, f was arrested on charges of carrying a pistd withcmt a per- the rest of the Rho Chi's. Good luck to Kim Mullendom and all in - I Jump I mit mamhg on heyAvenue. '%to the Woods." Good Luck to amber Gonzales on Miss 1 Rope for Heart event on Feb. 11 at 4:30 p.m. at Pete Mathews I I Friendly and to Deidra Tidwell on MISSJax State. Sister Awards: Coliseum. We need people to jump to help support the American Heart Scholar-Gimy Wyatt; Positwe Panda-Leslie Daniels; Sister- Association's research and "Heart Power9' program. Corne enjoy the fun Maady Holland. and win geat prizes? For more information contact Julie at 782-3260 or -Lt&&z& Cassie at831-55 16. Thank you again to Alpha Omicron Pi for having the all soron- 2000: zj, mixer. We had a great time! Good job to the Julia Bishop! For May Term ENGLISH 4W484G--CURRENT Keep up the good work! Congratulations to Mary Beth Edwards NEWYOaK 'lxmATRE Dr. Stew?n wwtmland ART * and Rothe McCIendun on -getting - Rho Chi. We fove you, and we NEW Yo= ART MUMJMS by Mr. carter Oskrbind. The .COUTS~ 'optimizing' the new know you'll do a great job! A-ds fm hs6. &c member Iwill he a tow and study of New York City, one of the nation's main the- I of week A~~erson,aaimmman of .fie week: and triD 1 atre art centers. The highlight'2 " of the course will be the four-davd A I you need... M;trJ?3eth Edwards. Sister the week: Ka* "T to New York City. Included are seats to four Broadway shows and vis- Award: Becca Murphy, Twisted Turtles: MxyBeth Edwards, its to art museums and galleries. Approximate cost of the trip, lodging Brooke Simmons, and Rebecca Washington. Q& (double occupancy), and tickets is $1295. JSU tuition must be paid in club ti^^ ~~~d~~.~~h~~15. at 7 D.~. in room addition for course credit. Students may receive three hours English 327 ~toieCenter. k.-plrillip E KW~~;dl pss.eit a program Ielective credit, either undergraduate or graduate, and three hours under- I entrtled Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel Murders. Au are graduate art credit. The courses may count toward general elective cred- invited to attend For more information, contact Dr. Llewell~nI it also. knv students who are interested in the tri~must sign- up- with Dr. I Cook,-.. 782-5613,- room 316, Stone Center. I Whitton o; Mr. Osterbind by Feb. 15,2000 anbay $595. The balance I NAALY can be paid in two installments, prior to the trip, on or before March 15 Ye will have our 'Soul' Food Banquet Thursday, Feb. 17, 630 p.m. at Leone Cole Auditorium. ($350.00) and on or before April 15 ($350.00), so that advance reserva- I tions can be made. Call 782-5661 (Osterbind) or 782-5414 (Whitton) for ( Don't forget to vote today on Mr. and Miss Jax State and Mr. and 1 further information. I Miss Friendly!! Good luck to all the sororities in intramural bas- ketball playoffs this week. Congra~lationsto Allison Eason and I- The Chanticleer Staff encourages, or rather thrives, on reader feedback. I Keith Etheredge on their engagem! (Kei&, it's about timer) Congratulations to Dr. Meehan on his inauguration' We know you will do an excellent job representing JSU. Panhellenic/NPHC/IFC photo shoot will be at 1:45 February 15th, if you are needed you will be notified.
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