THE CHRONICLE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1987 8 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL 83. NO, 45 Alumni discuss hi-tech's impact By BRENDAN MARTIN are aesthetic judgments," he said. "Good Four distinguished alumni spoke on technology is almost always artistically "Science, Technology and the Arts" to a attractive, and this trend will continue to crowd of about 150 in Page Auditorium bring science and art together." Friday. The four speakers — Lewis Price, a '55 graduate, a novelist and Branscomb, Reynolds Price, William James B. Duke Professor of English, nar­ Styron, and David Gergen — presented rowed the subject of the discussion to his their opinions on the advantages and det­ own experiences in writing on a computer. riments of technological progress as re­ Price said he "was never able to use any lated to their work and personal lives. tool but a pen ... until as recently as Branscomb, the former chief scientist 1983," when he received a word processor for IBM and a member of the class of '45, as a gift. Since then he said he has writ­ provided an encouraging view of the rela­ ten "three to four times as much as I tionship between the arts and science, would have written in the same amount of saying "both are creative endeavors call­ time." ing for flights of imagination, insights Price mainly credited his increased TODD HORST/THE CHRONICLE that you can't articulate, and the joy of productivity to this "mysterious new tool Tailback Stanley Monk dives over Georgia Tech defensemen during Duke's 48- discovery of new, often private knowl­ .. [which] gives me more than I've had 14 rout of the Yellow Jackets. edge." really since I was a child learning to He said that only in recent years with write, in the sense that my work is a very the aid of computers have scientists been high, dignified, honorable and worthy able to address the complexity of the nat­ kind of play." Football breaks October jinx; ural world, "not being content with a sim­ While Price's encounter with technol­ ple proto-natural world that never was," ogy was beneficial to his writing career, but rather asking questions such as "Why Styron, the other writer on the panel and do puffs of smoke, clouds in the sky, foam a member ofthe class of '47, warned about Slayden directs aerial attack on the sea take on such similar yet varied the numbing effects of technology and appearances?" mass culture by telling about his adoles­ By DEAN BROWN "Steve Slayden was tremendous today," Branscomb used Leonardo da Vinci as cent preoccupation with the "concoctions Charlie Brown and his friends from said Duke coach Steve Spurrier. ". .. He's an example of a man who integrated the ofthe Hollywood dream industry." Peanuts never found the Great Pumpkin, making a lot better decisions. He's not inherent beauties of art and science in as­ He said, "If it is at all of any conse­ but the 30,800 at Wallace Wade Stadium running out of the pocket so much. Basi- king such questions. He said scientists quence that I became a writer, then that Saturday would argue that his Halloween cally, he just has a better understanding today try to strike much the same bal­ spirit was alive and well in the persona of of what we're trying to do with the ball." ance. "Our ideas of perfection in science See PANEL on page 9 • Duke quarterback Steve Slayden. Saturday's Halloween victory came just Instead of encountering a mythical in time to salvage the Blue Devils' chan- jack-o-lantern the homecoming crowd saw ces for a respectable season. The win, Slayden effortlessly pick apart the Geor- which upped Duke's record to 4-4 overall gia Tech defense en route to a 48-14 Blue and 1-3 in the ACC, made a winning sea- Institute of the Arts to introduce Devil victory that broke a four-game los- son a more likely possiblitity while keep­ ing streak and gave Slayden and the ing Duke's slim bowl hopes alive, other Duke seniors their first and only ca- Slayden wasn't the only one who had an proposal for certificate program reer victory in October. outstanding performance Saturday. Ten Slayden set an Atlantic Coast Confer- different Duke receivers caught passes, ence record with six touchdown tosses Leading the way was tailback Roger By DAVECHEN order to broaden their knowledge of the while completing 31-of-50 passes for 396 Boone who took advantage of linebackers The Institute of the Arts will submit a arts. yards, a career-high mark. Slayden's ac- playing deep by finding enough gaps in proposal later this semester to the curric­ Work on the proposal began last spring complishments were tremendous, but the Yellow Jacket coverage to snare 12 ulum committee of the Undergraduate after a committee discussion on "what there was something that he didn't do passes, one short of a team record, for 169 Faculty Council of the Arts and Sciences seems to me to be a need at this univer­ which was also significant. For the first yards. (UFCAS) to establish a certification sity among undergraduates," Cerveris time this season, Slayden avoided throw- Wide receiver Clarkston Hines was also program in the arts. The certificate would said. "I perceived it as a need that some ing an interception. Since he was benched magnificent as he grabbed six passes for recognize academic work in the arts by students I am aware of are serious about against Clemson, Slayden has had only 81 yards and three touchdowns. The three non-arts majors, according to Michael the arts. There seemed to be something one pass out of 92 picked off after throw- touchdown receptions tied a Duke record Cerveris, director ofthe institute. lacking in the curriculum." ing 11 interceptions in his first 159 at- last equalled by Doug Green against The certificate is "the closest thing to a The program is "meant for people who tempts minor the university has," said Benjamin have a serious interest in the arts but for See FOOTBALL on page 1 of SPORTSWRAP • Edwards, executive secretary of the whom [the artsl is not their primary aca­ Dean's Council for the Arts. Currently the demic focus," he said. "A lot of students University offers certification for work in for whom the arts have a lot of personal film and video, genetics, human develop­ intensity are not electing the arts as a ment, Judaic studies, neurosciences, major." primatology, women's studies and sci­ The program would add to the insti­ ence, technology and human values. tute's academic offerings while taking ad­ The certificate in the arts program vantage of other features ofthe institute, would require students to participate in particularly the Artists in Residence one "core experience" at the institute and program, Cerveris said. enroll in five or six other arts courses, The Institute of the Arts already ad­ Cerveris said. Students would be required ministers the dance program and offers to participate in "common experiences" interdisciplinary courses in art and art with other art students and to limit the history, drama, English and music courses they take in each department, in See CERTIFICATE on page 11 • Inside Weather Coloring Candidates: Professor Tricked: Better brush your teeth James David Barber not only grades well after that candy smorgasbord yes­ papers and exams, he also grades and terday. Enjoy cavities under partly JIM FLOWERS THE CHRONICLE analyzes the many people now running sunny skies in the mid-70s today, be­ Having a ball for president. See page 4 to find out coming more cloudy tomorrow. Unless, Charlena Hicks, a patient at Duke Hospital, enjoys the tricks and treats of a why Bush is not a "wimp," and more. of course, you just got rocks. furry friend, Engineering sophomore Rob Nasland, left, and Cowboy Sean Faherty, a Trinity sophomore, right. THE CHRONICLE MONL , NOVEMBERS, 1987 World & National Newsfile U.S. wants meetings with Iran Xiaoping ends tenure: Deng By ELAINE SCIOUNO Iranian oil, made clear Saturday it would Xiaoping retired in triumph from the N.Y. Times News Service not do so. The administration has also de­ Central Committee of China's Commu­ WASHINGTON — The United States cided not to ease controls on exports of nist Party. The first Chinese Commu­ has asked Iran for face-to-face meetings high technology to China because Beijing nist leader to voluntarily surrender for several months but has been rebuffed, was selling Silkworm missiles and other power, he swept with him other senior according to Reagan administration offi­ arms to Tehran. hard-line party members, many of cials. The administration is concerned that whom opposed him. "We are prepared for a structured, au­ Iran might react to American military ac­ thoritative dialogue with the Iranian gov­ tions in the gulf and the new trade bar­ Telling case in court: A female ernment at a responsible level," Edward riers by taking steps that in turn would undocumented worker from Mexico is Djerejian, senior deputy assistant secre­ require further steps by Washington. at the center of a Federal case in Cali­ tary of state for Near Eastern and South The administration has conveyed its fornia that is expected to determine Asian affairs, said in an interview. willingness to talk by sending written whether undocumented aliens waiting "We think direct communication be­ messages to Tehran through the Swiss, to be "legalized" are protected against tween the U.S. and Iran would be a step who represent American interests there, Dr.
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