The Davie Record DAVIE COUNTY’S OUDEST NEW SPAPER--THE PAPER THE PEOPLE READ mHERE SHALL THE PPVSS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAlNt UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN ' VOLUMN L I MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY* OCTOBER 4 , cgso. NUMBER 1 0 NEWS OF LONG AGO. The Price Of Seen Along Main Street U .S. W omen The Eyes By The Street Rambler. What Was Happening In Da* 000000 OfTheNation vie Before ParkingrMeters Virtue Dr. E. A. Eckerd eating turnip Rev. Walter E. lsenhour. High Point. R 4 Harming Teeth are on And Abbreviated Skirts. salad and cherry pie—Mrs. Harry The word “virtue” has different Murray doing some rainy morn­ 1 he U.S. State Department (Davie Record, Oct. 5 , 1 9 2 7 .) meanings, but I want to think of With Bobby Pins ing shopping—Col. W. C. Mur­ Mocksville seed cotton 8 j£ c. it from that of “ moral excellance” Foi a sane, sound ap­ chison trying to get parking me­ Mrs, T. H. Robertson, of Bixby, and Christianity. It costs some­ BOSTON, Mass.—Dr. S. S. Liv­ praisal of this pivotal ter to swallow penny—Dave Ran was in town Wednesday shopping. thing to be morally and spiritually ingston reports that American wom­ government department kin parting with steel engravings en are causing great damage to Many of onr people are attend­ upright. No one can indulge in their teeth with bobby pins. and its functions of George Washington—Mrs. E. ing the Forsyth county fair in the dulge In sin and wickedness, and at The reason, women roll up their - READ - W. Junker looking at new ship­ Twin-City this week. hair, hold it with one hand and then Pants Not Theoretical the same tiraa be trnly moral, or be holding a bobby pin in the other, DEPARTMENT OF STATE" ment of children’s sweaters—Miss Mr. and Mrs. Harlev Graves and a Christian. Of course it is possi. Claire Wall taking time off for re­ open it with their teeth. A candidate for the Communist a series of six articles Mrs. J. S. Green spent Friday in ble to be moral and nat be a Chris A simple homemade device for party was undergoing an oral ex­ freshments in drug store—Gaither Statesville shopping. tian. Even to be moral one ha* opening bobby pins is to place as amination. Beginning Today . Sanford walking around the town to live nprightlv, manly,'womanly many pins as are needed for the “Comrade," he was asked, “what Prof. and Mrs. E, C. Staton hairdo around the rim of a drink­ carrying walking stick—Ed Latta and truthfully. He cannot stoop would you do if you were left two have moved into their handsome ing glass. With the flat side of the million rubles?” walking up Main street looking to bad talngs and be moral, or be bobby pin facing the inside of the new residence on North Main St. “I would give one million to the sad and lonely—Aged citizen car­ vlrtjous. To have “ moral excell glass, one can pick off each bobby party and keep the other million Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dwiggins pin. already open—a"ri the teeth rying arm load of boys pants down ence” one has to possess a good for myself,’’ he answered. Our County And are the ,proud parents of a fine need not be used. “Very good, and if you had two Main street—Miss Nell Langston character. daughter who arrived at their Dangerous to Tseth houses?” on way to work—Frank Fowler The highest type of virtne comes Besides opening bobby pins with • “I’d give one to the party and Social Security home last week. keep the other myself.” looking at new pair of half soles through Christianity. This type their teeth, many girls are forming Misses Kopelia and Julia Hunt the. dangerous habit of digging be­ “Excellent. Now tell me what Bv W. K. White. Manager. on shoes—Claude Hicks wearing is beautiful influential, uplifting left Thursday for Washington, D. tween their teeth with hairpins, you would do if you had two pairs An important phase of the a- pair of reddish - suspenders—Pink and upbuilding to mcnkind. We bobby nins. common pins and tooth­ of trousers?” ■ C,. where they will enter Walter There was a long pause, and m ended Social Security law—one and W. L. Gaither rambling a- are glad to say that Christian vir­ picks. Some do it to remove food; Reid Hospital for training others, because they are nervous. then the candidate said, “Com­ that went into effect on Sept. I, round town on hot, rainy day— tue can be obtained and lived by rade, I don’t know.” R. A. Neely has moved his fam­ Toothpicks in one form or an­ 1950—is that relating to the W orld Billie Ellis heading toward dental ail who will yield their lives to other have been in use probably for “Why not?” ily from the Mooney bouse on “Well, you see, I have two pairs War II veteran, and to survivors parlor—Billy Sue Brown mailing C hrist. thousands of years. They are trace­ Wilkesboro street to the Dr. Tav- able to A. D. 23. when their use was of trousers.” of both men and women who letters—Richard Foster dispensing Anything that is high in value Ior house on North Main street. first recorded. They were used in served in World War II. cold drinks in drug store—Patrol­ naturally costs something. True the Roman, Grecian and Chinese Not the Cost, But the Upkeep The Winston-Salem tobacco mar­ periods of history. What are the new provisions man Badgett and Sheriff Foster virtne is not an exception. It costs ket opened yesterday. A nnmber Various materials have been uti­ for World War II servicemen? leaving town in a hurry—Irate ci­ one evil companionship, as he has of Davie farmers have already gone lized—gold, silver, ivory, quills and Well, to begin with, they give tizen trying to find janitor to have to keep the company of the best now wood. It was a custom in co­ over with tobacco and many others lonial days for the luxurious host to $160 wage credits for each month court house clock set—Mrs. Sher­ people. It costs him fellowship will go this week. offer his dinner guest an expensive of active service between'lSept. 16, rill Godbey hurrying down Depot with the world and her follies. It gold or silver toothpick after his Roland Haneline was carried 1 0 1940, and July .24, 194J?- Recom- street—Miss Betty Jean Daniel on eosts him flesHty gratifications, and meal. Long’s Sanatorium, Statesville, on Chips Enamel pmation to take/these wage cred­ wav up Main street looking chilly all that would lower him in tntnd, Friday morning where he under, Today toothpicks are usually] its into account will be made, and on cold morning—AIex Tucker heart, soul and spirit. It costs one went an operatien for appendicitis. made of hard wood, such as birch such recomputation is used in all and Stacy Chaffin discussing com* his best efforts and sometimes the or maple. Soft wood is avoided by He is getting along nicely, manufacturers because it tends to cases where it will result in high­ ing events—Bill Ferebee deliver­ scoffs and jeers of-worldly, carnal, Harley Graves has rented the 7- fuzz and splinter, shedding slivers er old-age or survivors insurance ing big load of parcel post pack­ ly-toiuded people. However, it is in the mouth when used. S. Green store building in Sonth payments. ages —Sam Latham reading “Seen worth all that It costs and a thons- Dr. Livingston says the bobby Mocksville, and has opened a fresh pin may add to feminine hair U nlike the 1946 temporary mea­ on Main Street”—Jamie Jones and and times more. stock of groceries, notions, etc. beauty, but they have come to be sure, the new provision is not af­ Betty Dwiggins looking at the serious threats to the dental charm Mr. Green will devote ail his time We pay the price of “ moral ex fected by any compensation or sun—Mrs. Leslie Daniel unpack­ cellence,” spiritual purity, Chris­ of the girl who uses her teeth to to the Corner Cash Grocery. open them. When a girl opens a pension that may be paid bv the ing famous paintings —Man com­ tian virtne by yielding our lives bobby pin with her front teeth, she Mrs. Jack Allison and little Miss Standing in a crowded street car, Veterans Administration. The ing out of drug store carrying bot­ and souls nnto Jesus Christ onr usually chips or breaks off the Agnes Sanford, who arrived homr- a rather buxom woman was vainly only cases where the $160 service- tle of Hadacol—Bobby Hall car­ Savior and living to do His holy biting edge of her teeth. The tooth frotn Long’s Sanatorium, States­ enamel microscopically is made up trying to find a token for carfare. connected wage credits will not rying box around the square— will. We read and heed the Bible, of enamel rods, just like the bricks All her pockets had been tightly ville, last week, are getting along buttoned as a precaution against be given are those in which bene­ Gaither Sanford and Sam Binkley love God supremely, have fellow, that go to make up a brick house. nicely. They are recovering from Once these enamel rods begin to pickpockets, and no little commo­ fits, other than a lump-sum, are walking around in front of San­ appendicitis operations.
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