ACTA UNIVERSITATIS PALACKIANAE OLOMUCENSIS FACULTAS RERUM NATURALIUM GEOGRAPHICA 38 2004 ACTA UNIVERSITATIS PALACKIANAE OLOMUCENSIS FACULTAS RERUM NATURALIUM GEOGRAPHICA 38 COLLECTED REPORTS OF THE NATURAL SCIENCE FACULTY PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY OLOMOUC, CZECH REPUBLIC PALACKÝ UNIVERSITY OLOMOUC 2004 This volume has been submitted to be printed on April 1st, 2004. The authors are responsible for the content and for the translation of the papers. © Vítězslav Bičík, Miroslav Vysoudil 2004 ISBN 80-244-0839-2 ISSN 0231-9365 Geographica 38, 2004 5 OBSAH Faimon, J., Zimák, J., Zajíþek, P., Schwarzová, M., Štelcl, J.: Souþasné destruktivní procesy v jeskyních Moravského krasu ..................................................................................9 FĖukal, M.: Volby ěíšské rady v roce 1907: Gerrymendering v ýechách? .........................15 Chmelová, R., Švecová, T.: Mapování pramenĤ v Modrém dole v Krkonoších ..................27 Jurek, M.: ýeská legislativa ve zneþištČní ovzduší v kontextu nového zákona þ. 86/2002 Sb.........................................................................................................................35 Navrátil, L.: Souþasný stav vybraných lokalit neovulkanitĤ ve stĜední þásti Nízkého Jeseníku...................................................................................................................43 Ptáþek, P.: ZmČny v socioprostorové struktuĜe v Olomouci (ýeská republika) v období transformace po r. 1989.........................................................................................................51 Slouka, L.: Historie a souþasnost ochrany pĜírody na území ýeské republiky.....................61 Smolová, I.: Antropogenní transformace reliéfu v dĤsledku tČžby nerostných surovin v Orlické tabuli (SV ýechy)..................................................................................................69 Stojanov, R.: Environmentální uprchlíci – úvod do problematiky .......................................77 Szczyrba, Z.: Globalizující se maloobchodní prostĜedí mČsta Olomouce (vybrané otázky odvČtvové, územní a spoleþenské transformace) ..................................................................85 Vysoudil, M., Jurek, M.: Teplotní pomČry v Olomouci (stĜední Morava) 1991–2000.........93 Ptáþek, P.: Životní jubileum – doc. RNDr. Stanislava Šprincová, CSc................................99 CONTENTS Faimon, J., Zimák, J., Zajíþek, P., Schwarzová, M., Štelcl, J.: The Study of Recent Destructive Processes in the Moravian Karst Caves (Czech Republic)..................................9 FĖukal, M.: The Imperial Council Elections in 1907: Gerrymandering in Bohemia?..........15 Chmelová, R.: The Mapping of Spring in Modrý dĤl, Krkonoše .........................................27 Jurek, M.: Czech Law in Air Quality Protection in Context of the New Clean Air No. 86/2002 Coll...................................................................................................................35 Navrátil, L.: A Current Condition of the Landscape and the Selected Sites of the Neovolcanic Formations in the Central Part of the Nízký Jeseník Mountains ...........43 6 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium Ptáþek, P.: Changes in Socio-spatial Structure in Olomouc (Czech Republic) During the Transformation Period After 1989 ..................................................................................51 Slouka, L.: The History and the Present of Nature Protection in the Czech Republic .........61 Smolová, I.: Antropogenic Relief Transformations as a Consequence of Extraction of Minerals in the Orlická tabule Plateau (North-eastern Bohemia).....................................69 Stojanov, R.: Environmental Refugees – Introduction .........................................................77 Szczyrba, Z.: Globalized Retail Structures in the City of Olomouc (Selected Issues of Branch, Regional and Social Organization)......................................................................85 Vysoudil, M., Jurek, M.: Air Temperature in the City of Olomouc (Central Moravia) 1991–2000.............................................................................................................................93 Ptáþek, P.: The Anniversary of doc. RNDr. Stanislava Šprincová, CSc..............................99 Geographica 38, 2004 7 Toto þíslo je vČnováno 80. výroþí narození doc. JUDr. Stanislavy Šprincové, CSc., prof. RNDr. JiĜího Machyþka, CSc. a doc. RNDr. Ladislava Zapletala, CSc. This issue is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of birth doc. JUDr. Stanislava Šprincová, CSc., Prof. RNDr. JiĜí Machyþek, CSc., a doc. RNDr. Ladislav Zapletal, CSc. 8 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium Geographica 38, 2004 9 THE STUDY OF RECENT DESTRUCTIVE PROCESSES IN THE MORAVIAN KARST CAVES (CZECH REPUBLIC) J. Faimon1, J. Zimák2, P. Zajíþek3, M. Schwarzová1, J. Štelcl1 1Institute of Geological Sciences, Faculty of Sciences, Masaryk University, KotláĜská 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic – [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected] 2Department of Geology, Natural Science Faculty, Palacký University, Svobody 26, 779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic – [email protected] 3Agency for Nature Conservation and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic, Caves Administration of the Moravian Karst, Svitavská 11-13; 678 01 Blansko, Czech Republic - [email protected] Received: March 1, 2004, accepted April 1, 2004 Abstract Moravian Karst is formed mainly by Middle and Upper Devonian limestones, which are divided into This work tried to decide whether an two formations – the Macocha Fmt. (VavĜinec occasionally observed falling of straw stalactites Lmst., Josefov Lmst., Lažánky Lmst. and in the Moravian Karst caves is caused by a Vilémovice Lmst.) and the LíšeĖ Fmt. (KĜtiny hypothetical chemical corrosion. The straw Lmst., Hády-ěíþka Lmst.). Total thickness of the stalactite wall was found to be formed by three carbonate rocks has been estimated as 500–1000 m. calcite layers. The middle layer (a stalactite The overwhelming majority of caves were formed skeleton) was typically cracked in agreement in the Vilémovice Lmst. The largest cave system in with calcite cleavage. Some impact of chemical the Moravian Karst is the system called the corrosion was positively identified on the outer Amatérská Cave (over 15 km of corridors). At side of straw stalactite walls. Any corrosion of present four caves in the Moravian Karst are open the inner wall of stalactite channel was not to the public – the Punkevní Caves, Sloupsko- explicitly proved. This is consistent with the ŠošĤvské Caves, KateĜinská Cave and Balcarka supersaturation of the majority of monitored Cave. With their unique dripstone decoration, they dripping waters with respect to calcite (SI=0.2 to belong to the most impressive caves in the Central 1.2). However, the finding of unsaturated Europe. Recently, however, some destruction dripping water in the Punkevní Caves (SI=-0.8 processes, in which a falling of straw stalactites to -0.3) did not allow to exclude the chemical dominates, are observed in all caves of the corrosion definitively. The seasonal increase of Moravian Karst. A hypothesis is suggested that cave CO2-concentrations (up to 1 vol. %) was some chemical corrosion reduces the stalactite wall consistent with increasing number of visitors (up at “a stalactite neck”, which leads to stalactite to 28 000 per month in the Punkevní Caves) and destabilization and consequent falling. The goal of with the CO2-production in the soils above caves this work was to decide whether such corrosion (up to 1 vol. % in soil atmosphere in Summer). really operates in the caves. The drop of the cave CO2-concentrations in Fall and Winter roughly corresponds to the decrease 2. METHODS of the soil CO2-concentration, visitor number, and probably also to change in cave ventilation. The straw stalactites collected from the floors of the - Enhanced concentrations of NO3 in the Punkevní Caves, Amatérská Cave, KateĜinská Cave Amatérská Cave (up to 1.2x10-3 mol/l) indicate and Balcarka Cave and their longitudinal and anthropogenic pollution. transverse thin sections were studied under using of binocular microscope and standard polarization KEY WORDS: cave, CO2, corrosion, destruction, microscope, respectively. Selected straw stalactites dripping water, fissures, straw stalactite, were corroded in laboratory by 0.1 mol l-1 HCl supersaturation flowing continuously through the stalactite channel and consecutively studied by former methods. 1. INTRODUCTION Dripping waters in the Punkevní Caves, Balcarka The Moravian Karst is the biggest and the most Cave, and Amatérská Cave were studied during important karst area of the Bohemian Massif. It is year 2003. pH (combined glass electrode, pH-meter located north of Brno, making part of the Drahany WTW pH 330i), calcium (complexometric Highlands area. Its rocks crop out on the area of 94 microtitration, 0.01 mol l-1 EDTA, 10 % KOH, km2 as a belt 3-5 km wide and 25 km long. The calcein), and alkalinity (potenciometric 10 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis Facultas Rerum Naturalium microtitration by 0.005 mol l-1 HCl) were 3. RESULTS determined in cave environment. Sodium, potassium (AAS), chlorides, sulfates (ITP), nitrate, 3.1. Straw stalactite morphology and nitrite (spectrophotometry) were determined in mineralogy laboratory. Speciation was calculated by the The wall of straw stalactite was found to consist of computer code PHREEQC (Parkhurst and Appelo, three layers:
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