Volume 1, No. 2, February 2010, ISSN 1729-8709 Interoperability • Guest Interview Sweden’s Minister for Trade • Developing “ good ” standards © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ Contents Comment Jacob Holmblad, Vice-President (technical management) Standards make the world go around ........................................................................ 1 ISO Focus+ is published 10 times a year (single issues : July-August, World Scene December-January) International events and international standardization ............................................ 2 It is available in English and French. Annual subscription - 98 Swiss Francs Guest Interview Individual copies - 16 Swiss Francs Ewa Björling, Sweden’s Minister for Trade .............................................................. 3 Publisher Special Report ISO Central Secretariat (International Organization for Interoperability .......................................................................................................... 6 Standardization) Failure is not an option ............................................................................................... 8 1, chemin de la Voie-Creuse CH - 1211 Genève 20 A dream… The universal remote console ................................................................ 11 Switzerland The challenging world of screw threads ................................................................... 14 Tel.: +41227490111 Simple solutions for more transparent financial transactions ................................... 16 Fax: +41227333430 E-mail: isofocus+@iso.org Reliable pallets – Carrying world trade on their backs ............................................ 18 Web: www.iso.org What you see is what you get – Getting e-communication right ............................. 20 Standardized standards? – The case of the multiple identifiers ............................... 22 Manager: Roger Frost Facilitating information and documentation systems in changing times ................. 26 Editor: Elizabeth Gasiorowski-Denis Assistant Editor: Maria Lazarte Data quality – The key to interoperability ............................................................... 28 Communication Officer: Sandrine Tranchard Platform for progress – The ISO Concept Database ................................................. 30 Artwork: Pascal Krieger, Pierre Granier, and Alexane Rosa Centre-fold ISO Update: Dominique Chevaux Translation: Translation Services, Interoperability – Does it fit, will it work, and can standards help ? ................. 24-25 ISO Central Secretariat Planet ISO Subscription enquiries: Sonia Rosas Friot News of the ISO system ............................................................................................ 32 ISO Central Secretariat Tel.: +41227490336 CDC Fax: +41227490947 E-mail: [email protected] Consumers focus on financial services ..................................................................... 34 Building confidence in conformity assessment ........................................................ 34 © ISO, 2010. All rights reserved. Standards supporting trade promotion institutions for export success .................... 35 The contents of ISO Focus+ are IT training for developing countries ......................................................................... 36 copyrighted and may not, whether in whole ISO training 2010 ...................................................................................................... 36 or in part, be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any Management Solutions form or by any means, electronic, MSS underpin efforts for safe food supply chains ................................................... 37 mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without written permission of the Editor. Portuguese school gives ISO 9001 top marks ........................................................... 38 The articles in ISO Focus+ express the Standards in Action views of the authors, and do not Lockheed Martin boasts big benefits from STEP .................................................... 41 necessarily reflect the views of ISO or of any of its members. 360° ISSN 1729-8709 Developing “ good ” standards ................................................................................... 43 Printed in Switzerland New Releases Cover photo : Istock, montage : ISO The risk management toolbox .................................................................................. 46 Tackling environmental challenges with the ISO 14000 family .............................. 48 Coming Up 49 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ Comment Standards make the world go around Standards and interoperability are two sides of the same coin. As the enable a large number of cars, parked at saying goes, water seeks its own level. The rationale behind standards almost the same time, to be recharged – whether for products, terminology, symbols or systems – is precise- overnight and be ready the next morn- ing. Making this work requires an ef- ly to make “things fit together”, so that all stakeholders can commu- fective interaction of numerous and nicate and understand each other seamlessly. This principle is the first very different standards. and foremost prerequisite for effective interoperability. Organizations developing Interna- tional Standards are therefore under immense pressure to deliver standards There is an example that standardiz- Many more examples abound. But which can interact to a degree, and in ers like to bring up when talking about the interoperability promoted through ways that have never been seen before. the origins of standards – the stand- standards is disregarded (almost taken This creates opportunities, but also ardization of the stones and bricks that for granted) by users when it is func- dangers for these international organi- were the building-blocks of the first tioning well. Interoperability, in these zations. The opportunities lie in the po- major man-made structures. cases, is considered an inherent prop- tential for closer cooperation between The Egyptians quickly understood erty of the product. leading international organizations to that building pyramids would be im- But were it to fail in an essential area, establish the consistent, coherent so- possible without some form of stand- the interoperability “ disaster ” would hit lutions demanded by the market. The ards for the thousands of workers plac- newspaper and magazine headlines, and dangers are that the organizations may ing thousands of blocks to form their news channels from one corner of the fail to join forces, adopting sectorial impressive structures. Without stand- earth to the other. rather than overall solutions. Certainly, ards, neither the Keops Pyramid, nor Our increasing wealth and the in- standards would still be delivered, but the Lighthouse of Alexandria, would novative developments of the present they would be produced outside the cir- belong to the Seven Wonders of the create needs that call for more effective cle of players best equipped to secure World. interoperability, despite the growing their development. The biblical storytelling of a language complexity of these interactions. The that became many languages to prevent development of today’s products and the Tower of Babel from reaching the systems – requiring both traditional en- sky, illustrates what happens when the gineering and electrotechnical and tele- absence of a common standard leads to technical solutions – makes rather com- a failure of interoperability – progress plicated demands on interoperability. comes to a halt. What we have seen during the past As history progressed, standards 20 to 30 years is only the beginning. were developed to further increase ef- The massive investment in the electric ficiency and reduce costs in response to car that the coming years will see, both industry needs. with respect to research, innovation and Standardization focused on the in- product development, serves as a good dividual needs of specific sectors in a example. technical systems framework. The re- The electric car of the future will sult has been the dissemination of glo- require a completely new approach bally harmonized International Stand- to interoperability, to ensure that this ards promoting the compatibility of a complex vehicle – a computer on four huge variety of products and services. wheels – operates as intended. The logistic sector is a true representa- The electric car will make heavy de- tive of this revolutionizing develop- mands on the supporting infrastructure. ment, with transport as an evident case For example, an intelligent network of Jacob Holmblad of the benefits of interoperability. recharging stations must be provided to ISO Vice-President (technical management) ISO Focus+ February 2010 © ISO Focus+, www.iso.org/isofocus+ 1 World Scene ISO 31000 highlighted at A corrigenda will be published in 2010 World Standards Day 2010 UNECE conference for the International vocabulary of metrol- ogy – Basic and general concepts and as- Accessibility has become a global con- ISO Secretary-General Rob Steele ad- sociated terms (VIM). cern for the design of products services dressed the United Nations Economic Com- Both events took place in late 2009. and environments. ISO, the International mission for Europe (UNECE) conference on Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and risk assessment and management in Geneva, Big Bang recreated the International Telecommunication Un- Switzerland, in November 2009. The event ion (ITU) have
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