Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 1987 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy QUEENSLAND Parliamentary Debates [HANSARD] lEegtsIattue Assembly FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTY-FIFTH PARLIAMENT Appointed to moot AT BRISBANE ON THE SEVENTEENTH DAY OF FEBRUARY, IN THE THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II, IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1987 TUESDAY, 17 FEBRUARY 1987 OPENING OF PARLIAMENT Pursuant to the Proclamation by His Excellency the Governor, dated 29 January 1987, appointing Parliament to meet this day for the dispatch of business, the House met at 11 a.m. in the Legislative Assembly Chamber. The Clerk read the Proclamation. COMMISSION TO OPEN PARLIAMENT The Clerk acquainted the House that His Excellency the Governor, not being able conveniently to be present in person this day, had been pleased to cause a Commission to be issued under the public seal of the State, appointing the Honourable Sir Joh Bjelke- Petersen, the Honourable William Angus Manson Gunn and the Honourable Russell James Hinze, Commissioners in order to the opening and holding of this session of Parliament. 74590—1 17 February 1987 Return of Writs The Commissioners so appointed being seated on the dais, and the Clerk having read the Commission— THE SENIOR (;:OMMISSIONER (Honourable Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen—Baram­ bah) said: Honourable members, we have it in command from His Excellency the Governor to let you know that as soon as the members of the Legislative Assembly have been sworn, the causes of this Parliament being called together will be declared to you: And it being necessary that a Speaker be first chosen, it is His Excellency's pleasure that you proceed to the election of one of your number to be your Speaker, and that you present such person so chosen to His Excellency the Governor, at such time and place as His Excellency shall appoint. The Premier and Treasurer thereupon produced a Commission under the public seal of the State empowering him, the Honourable Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, the Honourable William Angus Manson Gunn and the Honourable Russell James Hinze, or any one or more of them, to administer to all or any members or member of the House the oath or affirmation of allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen, which Commission was then read to the House by the Clerk. RETURN OF WRITS The Clerk informed the House that the writs for the various electoral districts had been returned to him, severally endorsed as follows— "Albert: "Caboolture: "Ivan James Gibbs "Kenneth William Hayward "Archerfleld: "Cairns: "Heinrich Palaszczuk "Keith Ernest De Lacy "Ashgrove: "Callide: "Alan Frederick Sherlock "Diane Elizabeth McCauley "Aspley: "Carnarvon: "Beryce Ann Nelson "Peter Richard McKechnie "Auburn: "Chatsworth: "Neville John Harper "Terence Michael Mackenroth "Balonne: "Condamine: "Donald McConnell Neal "Brian George Littleproud "Barambah: "Cook: "Johannes Bjelke-Petersen "Robert William Scott "Barron River: "Cooroora: "Martin James Tenni "Gordon Leslie Simpson "Bowen: "Cunningham: "Kenneth William Smyth "Jannion Anthony ElUott "Brisbane Central: "Currumbin: "Brian John Davis "Leo Francis Gately "Broadsound: "Everton: "Denis Grenville Hinton "Glen Richard Milliner "Bulimba: "Fassifern: "Ronald Thomas McLean "Kevin Rowson Lingard "Bundaberg: "Flinders: "Clement Bernard Campbell "Robert Carl Katter "Burdekin: "Glass House: "Mark David Stoneman "Lyle Edward Newton "Burnett: "Greenslopes: "Douglas John Slack "Leisha Teresa Harvey Return of Writs 17 February 1987 "Gregory: "Nudgee: "William Hamline Glasson "Kenneth Hamilton Vaughan "Gympie: "Nundah: "Leonard William Stephan "William Edward Knox "Hinchinbrook: "Peak Downs: "Edward Charles Row "Vincent Patrick Lester "Ipswich: "Pine Rivers: "David John Hamill "Yvonne Ann Chapman "Ipswich West: "Port Curtis: "David Francis Underwood "William George Prest "Isis: "Redcliffe: "Lionel William Powell "Terence Anthony White "Landsborough: "Redlands: "Michael John Ahem "Paul John Clauson "Lockyer "Rockhampton: "Andrew Anthony FitzGerald "Paul Joseph Braddy "Logan: "Rockhampton North: "Wayne Keith Goss "Leslie John Yewdale "Lytton: "Roma: "Thomas James Bums "Theo Russell Cooper "Mackay: "Salisbury: "Edmund Denis Casey "Leonard Arthur Ardill "Manly: "Sandgate: "Eric Frank Shaw "Neville George Warburton "Mansfleld: "Sherwood: "Craig Arden Sherrin "John Angus Mackenzie Innes "Maryborough: "Somerset: "Gilbert Alison "William Angus Manson Gunn "Merthyr: "South Brisbane: "Donald Frederick Lane "Anne Marie Warner "Mirani: "South Coast: "James Henry Randell "Russell James Hinze "Moggill: "Southport: "William Daniel Lickiss "Douglas Bemard Jennings "Mount Coot-tha: "Springwood: "Lyle Thomas Schuntner "Huan Donald John Eraser "Mount Gravatt: "Stafford: "Ian Thomas Henderson "Terence Joseph Gygar "Mount Isa: "Surfers Paradise: "Peter Francis Beard "Robert Edward Borbidge "Mourilyan: "Tablelands: "Andrew George Eaton "Thomas John George Gilmore "Mulgrave: "Thuringowa: "Max Richard Menzel "Kenneth Victor McElligott "Murmmba: "Toowong: "Deane McMillan Wells "Denver Edward Beanland "Nerang: "Toowoomba North: "Thomas Simpson Hynd "Alexander Carpendale McPhie "Nicklin: "Toowoomba South: "Brian Douglas Austin "Clive John Berghofer 17 February 1987 Members Sworn 'Townsville: "Whitsunday: "Tony Anthpny Burreket "Geoffrey Hugh Muntz "Windsor: 'Townsville East: "Patrick Comben "Geoffrey Norman Smith "Wolston: 'Warrego: "Robert James Gibbs "Howard William Thomas Hobbs "Woodridge: 'Warwick: "William Theodore D'Arcy "Desmond James Booth "Yeronga: "Norman Edward Lee" MEMBERS SWORN The Commissioners, who with other members of the Ministry had been swom in before His Excellency on 11 and 17 Febmary 1987 and subscribed the roll, then administered the oath or affirmation of allegiance to the following other members, who thereupon also subscribed the roll— Alison, Gilbert, Esquire Ardill, Leonard Arthur, Esquire Beanland, Denver Edward, Esquire Beard, Peter Francis, Esquire Berghofer, Clive John, Esquire Booth, Desmond James, Esquire Borbidge, Robert Edward, Esquire Braddy, Paul Joseph, Esquire Bums, Thomas James, Esquire Burreket, Tony Anthony, Esquire Campbell, Clement Bernard, Esquire Casey, Edmund Denis, Esquire Comben, Patrick, Esquire Cooper, Theo Russell, Esquire D'Arcy, William Theodore, Esquire Davis, Brian John, Esquire De Lacy, Keith Emest, Esquire Eaton, Andrew George, Esquire Elliott, Jannion Anthony, Esquire FitzGerald, Andrew Anthony, Esquire Eraser, Huan Donald John, Esquire Gately, Leo Francis, Esquire Gibbs, Robert James, Esquire Gilmore, Thomas John George, Esquire Goss, Wayne Keith, Esquire Gygar, Terence Joseph, Esquire Hamill, David John, Esquire Harvey, Mrs Leisha Teresa Hayward, Kenneth William, Esquire Henderson, Ian Thomas, Esquire Election of Speaker 17 February 1987 5 Hinton, Denis Grenville, Esquire Hobbs, Howard William Thomas, Esquire Hynd, Thomas Simpson, Esquire Innes, John Angus Mackenzie, Esquire Jennings, Douglas Bemard, Esquire Knox, Sir William Edward, The Honourable Lee, Norman Edward, The Honourable Lickiss, William Daniel, The Honourable Lingard, Kevin Rowson, Esquire Littleproud, Brian George, Esquire McCauley, Mrs Diane Elizabeth McElligott, Kenneth Victor, Esquire Mackenroth, Terence Michael, Esquire McLean, Ronald Thomas, Esquire McPhie, Alexander Carpendale, Esquire Menzel, Max Richard, Esquire MiUiner, Glen Richard, Esquire Nelson, Mrs Beryce Ann Newton, Lyell Edward, Esquire Palaszczuk, Heinrich, Esquire Prest, William George, Esquire Randell, James Henry, Esquire Row, Edward Charles, Esquire Schuntner, Lyle Thomas, Esquire Scott, Robert William, Esquire Shaw, Eric Frank, Esquire Sherlock, Alan Frederick, Esquire Sherrin, Craig Arden, Esquire Simpson, Gordon Leslie, Esquire Slack, Douglas John, Esquire Smith, Geoffrey Norman, Esquire Smyth, Kenneth William, Esquire Stephan, Leonard William, Esquire Stoneman, Mark David, Esquire Underwood, David Francis, Esquire Vaughan, Kenneth Hamilton, Esquire Warburton, Neville George, Esquire Warner, Ms Anne Marie Wells, Deane McMillan, Esquire White, Terence Anthony, Esquire Yewdale, Leslie John, Esquire ELECTION OF SPEAKER Hon. Sir JOH BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah—Premier and Treasurer) (11.50 a.m.): I move— "That Mr Kevin Rowson Lingard do take the chair of the House as Speaker." 6 17 February 1987 Election of Speaker As honourable members know, it is necessary for one of our number to be elected as Speaker of the House. The person that we, the members of the Legislative Asseinbly, select as our Speaker must have considerable ability. He is required to have an exceptional knowledge of pariiamentary procedures. He must have proven administrative capabilities, because he is required not only to preside over the sittings of the House but also to exercise control over the entire parliamentary complex. In moving the nomination of the member for Fassifem as Speaker of the House, let me say that I believe that Mr Lingard has all the qualities needed to fill this most important office. The member for Fassifem was elected to this Parliament in October 1983, after a very distinguished career in the field of education, a career which in 1974 saw him become, at the age of 31 years, the youngest person ever appointed as a high school principal in Queensland. His academic achievements include the attainment of the degrees of Bachelor of Educational Studies, Bachelor of Arts and Associate of Education, majoring in history and poUtical studies. I am confident that, as a result of the parliamentary experience
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