. 19(5 • f or .. =Year CloudY. 200 Good Morning IOWA: Partly cloucly today with : the eve. Iowa City lj&b~ rain or snow. :0 at • Iowa City's Morning N.w~pap.r H FIVE CENTS TIIIAI80ClATiED paSS8 lOW A CIT Y, lOW A TUESDAY, JANUAltY 8, 1946 AP w.. r;PBOTO VOLUME xxn NUMBER 88 lIS !ary, mer_ lorne 1 ln rcles I .. ==-.:::: , .. (Z hi Id 1-4,200'See Wilkinsons, -,---~--.;....;....:...'....:...!-'-' -~ Dan'nerlead Iowa 10 Loop Win • American Soldiers Bv GUS SCHRADER - Parts .of Six-Year~Old Kidnap Daily Iowan Spor1a Editor Protest Slowdown Iowa look another succe . 'fnl stcp toward defense of its Big Ten Litle last night. Victim Found in (hicagoSeWer In Demo,biHzation . Thc llawkcyes hook off a scrappy first half rally by their Wis­ consin vi 'itors, turned 011 true ehampionship form and finished witb a 57-50 deci ion in tllcir econd conference start. A crowd ,CaICAGO (AP)-The severcd hcad and,parts of tllC body of GI'I-in Pacific, U. S. of 14,200 dclighted . pcctators watched the victory, Iowa's eighth lix·y~r-old Suzanne Degnan, who was kidnaped from her bcd for Stage Mass Meetings; in tllO ficldhouse thiR season. tl(l,OOO ransom carly yesterday, WCI'C found last night in ,'epaJ"ate Hurrying the Hawks along down the victOl'Y tl'llil were the two M)IfCrs ncar hoI' home any a priest. notified the p!lrel1t. 'of her Demand Investigation towering WiUtinsori brot lters and Iowa City's ljrilJiant one-hand dealh without telling the distraught ,mothcr or thc decapitation. sltot t'xpert, fOI'ward Dave Danner. The kidnapcr had warned that harm would come to the pretty MANILA (AP)-American Clllyton Wilkinson was tlle game's scoring star with 22 points; golden-haired girl if police were notified of the abduction, but listed soldiers vocifen,>usly pro­ Herb played hi~ typical all-Alnerican floor game; al1d Dave be­ Polite Oaptain Sullivan said he was rca~(]llably convinccd a "sad-, tested the new demobilization ·carne tho c~'owd 's pet with a sparkling dead-eye Dick basket per­ i$jjc fool-motivated by both lust and money" was, the kiUnup- slowdown at a mass meeting Mon­ forlTJllnce. staler.. .. ' . day night, I\nd demapded a con- Iowa didn't cll joy Its uSlIal lead uutil llist night's game was It m my behef tbat the IlCad was placcd 111 tlle catch basm be-' gress'on I investi- tion but mili- throe minutes oW. Then the scoring duet of Clllyt IInu Danller fore daybreak, probably not long _ 1 a ,.a, started with two buckets by the tall center and another by Davc alter the child was kIdnaped," he tar.y Roliee said they spent the r~- to give the Hawks an 8-6 edge after Dick Jves and Herb had pjd, • J. Byrnes Assures mainder of the- night in relative * * * .dropped in opening free throws. ' The head was found first and quiet. - .,,------------.. But Wisconsin's Badgers hung Pta~~r. or the lorso a short while CO, ng'ress Fin'al (;".. y Demo~sU-ati~g sel-viceinen pre- BOXSCORE I tightly on the heels of the Hawks '" JG dicted a renewal of their protests .--.-----------.... and trailed only 13-10 with 5 min- I ...... ' (57) WI •• (Gel utes gone. Then the one-two bas- SUllivan based his belief on the Of At . Kid . upon the arrival of Ii senate sub- I,lL pI I, II pI /lI~ the pa~~eway. containing . co~mittee ilw.estigating · p~stwar lves. f • . •• 2 1 2 Cook. ! .. 8 I l ket punch ot the Dave-Clayt ma­ Omit nowe ge . Danner, I .. 8 1 2 Menzel. 1 .. 3 4 5 chine hit steadily again and l.ow8, tbecalch-p~srn rn ~hlCh the head. , . ' '.' " bilse~ .. <\n~ , , s~rplus~s. ' • The com;- Wlcr .. I ... I 3 I Nicholl. c... 0 3 4 C. c 8 6 4 Smith. /I , •.. 0 5 2 ~.19upd IS h~avlly traveled by " '" ' ''~ "_ _. _ '.' '. .' mH1{e i,s e~pect~d Jan. 12 . .. Wllk'n. climbed to a 27-15 margin with she H, Wllk·n. g I 2 5 Rippe. , . .. 5 1 5 minules left in the half. ... 11 the ri1i\kmen j'anilors and residents WAl;)Hh,GTON (AP) -Secle~ . "'.. ' old' .... ' 1 t·· .. h' · d ·t d g ... I 2 3 Mathew•• II . 0 0 I ,'-'-t B ' d 1"1 d ' . .. ~'S flIg op Po!lels. ' . t {.stat ue r& le.<> . -a e Gl1z·.kl. g ". 0 I 0 ruw, I , .. ,. 0 I 2 time the Badgers were being pro- o(-tlje neighborhood in the 'day- ary .o .· ~ yrncs gave e a\ e · " f I . 1"00 ';' afld' , Ji&lithours. as~u~''1DCC~ lasl ni.~ht that co'l.1~res,s a < orma. r~.u n . "er:n , I ~J! a ~~J~~.h ·1I c:: ~ g g pelled along mainly on lhe strength ' . ' . , Will have , thc IIDal-' eay on" any co~gr~lOn~l . J1~v~t\g~tlon , of the I' ""0 ..,,,111. g •• . 0 0 0 of guard Tom Rippe's timely pokes. Cor:oners A, L. BrodIe saId a move .to turn over Unl~ ' States' delI}qbilizatI9n :. s~owdown. : . Rodge",. f . I 0 0 B t th d d Bad Kllchen. c .. 0 I 0 D e ogge ger pace fresbly , la~ndered , he~vy wh.lte atomic energy ~owledge to thb ::r'9. p,n a.ccom.pa~lmen\ Of bOQs, 1 , quickened then and sensational ~ltn}art,~cks. bag, W!t~ the In- p(Qjected Ul1 ' Nations atomic ' T/4 Uuold ·Schlffnn ,of ltachester, f CLAYTON WILKINSON att.empts .()iit!to hiS ·bioiher· Herb, 28: Oontesting for Pcsses- 1'01als . ,. H 13 n r.lal. , .. ,. , 17 In za ited Missed Free Throws: lowa- lvcs. Dah­ Bobby Cook joined Rippe in a Jtlals U,S:. famtly VISIble, had commisison. ' _ ; ':N." Y., : re~d a statement ' wbith' he ' sion'- of ' the b~1I is Badg~r clutter ·wa:li~I1g:6D~nie of ihe lip are Badger ~b Cook, ncr (2) . C. Wilkinson. J7o.tol. t3 1. H . net-swishing parade illat dldn't ~n foUnd IJ~ 11:e basement. 0/ ,an J'he slalcment ~wi ,iss'ued at" thel·and' a" c?D1i:nltle'\! ~fi f\lul" athers ob: 22, Tom Rippe and Bob Smlth'," fO. • Staff· Phot0Jl'apller). • Wllkln.on (41 . Wls<:!m sln- Cook . MC"'el g (31. Neimlilh. RIz%I. NIcholl. Rippe, stop till a. pretty dangerous scare aparl~cnt bUlldm. in the vlcml~y sl<\teJ clepa'!\l'TIen~ 'just afleL' Byr~cs tained ,aur0g. .'the, d~y .. f;t..on; 'Gen"l .' .• ,., .... • * * * had been tossed Inlo the Hawks ~ere Ihe head was found and that and \.Opliidt;1's 'wno 'wiU assi&l him W. : ~. S~er, comm~nd,1Dg army .' . I .. ~.. ' .. :.... I " * * * and their 14,200 supporters. I~ha. d be~ tu:ned over to the po- at" ~f:ie' U'ri{ted . ~~tion~ assembly f,?~c,s . ih.. _ the:. ,:""s~rn " Pa,cific: V'e'l En roll m-enl GermllM' PrfM't'ad . "! f Cook, who bas averaged 15.4 lice. BrodIe saId lhe bag was large meeling Ope,ning in'Lo'ildon Tnu'rs- after f-' 'crowd of 3,OQO had . ~H~ ., '/ _. ""~ . points in eight Wisconsin games to !\Iough not ~nJy to carry the head, d~y Jett,fi'o!h thJ nati6n'al all'l?or1. mar~l'}ed on,. S~ye~'s_ ,Ileacl.quarters .'.' , .': J '. De' th'f ' .. ~'30 ; OOO ' OOO date, hit three times from far out ~tthe ,entlrc bOdy.. Thll. .party· tooK q~t ~t4:l!) p. m: thlS:mo~~ing. ,· ..:., ..... " T' B~ . r. b;'I"! .~ ,. Qr·. t, t and the Badgers closed the gap to While police rounded up four (C . ~. T:) 'in the face' of' rainy. J}.s he ~a~ . ~xpJail1ed . dt~IJy to '0' eDou ed' ': . '~ '.,. '. i' , < • a mere 30-27 gap at halftime. pepons ro~ question lng, Includ- I wenth.er i.n lIie "Sapred Cow,'~ fpur- th~ .. rcd~mit~, "Sf>:er's ( wrilt~n , f ' Slavs Testifies NaZI · Cook and Rippe continued their ~~ ;n:::mi ~ aparimel~ mo'ttked . transport. pl<!l1e' USUill.lY- 5tatement 'spip,lh~ army'was doing -.'to'.. : • ,, ' ..... ':' valiant efforts in the second half, 0:5'St a oer t e e~:a reserved fOT Pr~sldent' Truman, its. bes ,~ to ' get men horrie and 'had • ..), • . •. " ;r,re helped by accurate Exner Menzel. ~~,!'.. ,.... borerlrfirued anSd ~!Irt- ~calher had held . up their ' slart reduced' t.h.e streng. tl1 in the ~ , MO;'e Ulan 1,500 World War. II NU'ERNBERG ~ (AP)-Hermann Bu~ by now t!le Hawks had grown 1Nl.... ..... '''''- sInce 10 a. m. ern Pacific command by two- . ;. I" ': ., • .....11 parents their !lauglll.er O,bviol.!Sly disturbed by reports thirds' in iour mon.ths. , veterans will be enrolled in the Goel'illJ growletl cu~seJl YCjSterday ac customed to a championship stride and met each, Badger bucket ~ dead but dld nol ull the from London that some Uniled univer ~ ity during the second /lem- lit . II pr~~'cution ,:",j. t~ess ~ho told * * * wlth al least one of their own. ~r ~het manno~ :r i d~atl~h Slates delegates to the UNO assem-' HONOLULU ' (AP)-The Navy ester opening Feb. 4, according to the lnternali.ohai IJ).ilitl\ry tribunal Danner looped In a one-handel' Dc e PInes, ;SCOI' c r n ~ l e bly did not believe thc Moscow News service paper on Guam WiUiam D, Coder, direclor of vct~ ' tl\at' the German .purpost in at­ from the side, Clayt rang the bell li:'~a1~~m~Ui~l: O~~I~C~ J~~~; il~n 11'0vide~ a~equ~t~ safe~u~rdS said that a totul 'of ui,ooo enlisted erans'servicc.
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