DAC' lRERWOOD L... ~Y IWAJALlII II.I. Vol. 13, No. 81210 KWAJALEIN! MARSHALL ISLANDS Frlday, May 9, 1975 Weapons Bill Cut Israeli Government at fault for New Jersey Residents By 16 Per Cent Able to Gamble WASBINGTON(UPI)--The Senate Kissinger's Peace Mission Breakdown NEWARK,New Jersey(UPI)-- In a Armed Servlces Committee-has UNDATED(UPI)--Fcrrner Forelgn HJnlc,ter Abba Eban blamed the serious attempt to compete cut the Defense Department's Israell government today for the breakdown of Secretary of State wlth organlzed crime, the state weapons blll by 16 per cent but Henry A. Klsslnger's Mlddle East mlSSlon. of New Jersey lS settlng up agreed on further development In an lntervlew wlth the ne\lspaper lid' Arlv, Eban sald In Tel its own electronlc numbers rac­ of the Bl bomber, Chalrman Aviv that Prlme }llnlster Ylrzl'ak Rabln and hlS fellow Israell ket. John C. Stennls saId today • negotlators had been unreallstlc to expect Egypt to agree to end On a SlX month trlal basls Included ln the $4.8 blillon the state of war between the twd countrles ln exchange for beglnnlng May 22, New Jersey cut was $1. 3 bllilon In now Israell troop wlthdrawal from the strateglc mountaln passes and residents wlll be able to play unneeded ald for Vletnam and the Abu Rudels 011 flelds 1,-, the Wes tern Slnal Desert. a legal numbers game -- the $1 bililon to covet the expect­ "The negotJatlons under the medlatlon of Dr. Kisslnger began natlon's flrst -- In WhlCh ed lmpact of lnflatlon on ShlP­ on the wrong foot," Eban sald. "The government had unreallstlc lottery gamblers may select bUlldlng. expectatlons that f~ypt ~ould agree to end lts state of war -­ thelr favorlte numbers from Altogether the commlttee somethlng Egypt could not dgree to and thus lt was not posslble cOln-operated machlnes. approved $25 blllion of the at the end of the nec:;otlatlons to reac.h dn agreement." In maklng the announcement admlnlstratlon's $<'9.9 blilion The Klsslnger mlSSlun to achleve an lnterlm Egyptlan-Israell Thursday, Gov. Brendan Bvrne weapons request. settlement ln ::>lnal broKe dOl-m March 22, dnd u.S. <uflclals Bald sald the legal numbers game The committee cut the request later Israel had been lnflexlble dur]ng the talks. '~lll glve the lottery, for for the Bl by $222 mlillon "Even though the flnal verSlon of the agreement was bad the the flrst tlme, the reallstlc back to $726 mlllion. The governnent should have accept~~ It and not forced the negotia­ potentlal to compete wlth the changes ordered thE' Pentagon not tlons to collapse," Eban sald o lilegal numbers racket." to gear up for production yet, "The government wllJ (;Jake d bad mlstake lf lt contlnues to However, skeptlcal lah- en­ but the funds approved allow it say that there lS no change ln ltS posltlon ln connectlon wlth forcement offlclals pOlnted to bUlld a fourth prototype an lnterlm agreement and contlilues to say we have nothlng to say out considerable dlfferences alrcraft. about a flnal, general agreement." between the new game and the Asked lf the action lndlcated The former cablnet member sald the best thlng the government numbers operatlon of organlzed the Bl mlght never go lnto pro­ could do now would be to prepare a plan for an overall Mlddle crlme. duct lon, Stennls sClld, "No, I East peace settlement dnd get the Arabs ln the mood for such They say bookles often make don't thlnk lt lndJcates-the negotlatlons. dally rounds to collect bets Bl wlll be stopped. I thlnk Egyptlan Presldent Anwar Sddat was quoted ln publlshed from their regular customers, lt glves a green light because reports as saylng a reconvened Arab-Israell conference ln Geneva whlle legal gamblers must the fourth prototypE' lS ln there." wlll be the Mlddle East's last hope for peace and that the V1Slt one of the 350 machlnes The Bl was one (f two partl­ Unlted States holds all cards. operated by the state lottery cu12rly controvers]al weapons Sadat sald he wanted Hestern European natlons -- he named commlSSlon. programs ln thls ypar's blil. Brltaln, France or the European Common Market -- to partlclpate Also, the state wlll charge ln the talks for fear that "polarlzatlon" of U.S. and Sovlet a mlnlmum of 50 cents, whlle Unlon vlewpolnts could causp a "freeze" ln negotlatlons. most street corner operatIons Plutonium Should Be In Beirut, Prell'ler RastllG Soll-j foughl: to keep hlS SlX month start at 25 cents, 9nd a fe~ ola goverl1menl: ln power. stlll cost 10 cents The Banned As A Fuel After a 30 mlnUl:e meetlng wlLh PresldenL Sulelmdn FranJleh state also WIll not glve credlt WASHINGTON(UPI)--Reverslng today, he sald. ill dld not submlt my reslgnatlon to Presldent that bookies extend to heavy a staff declslon b~ the now­ Franjleh. " gamblers. defunct Atomlc Enelgy Commlsslon, Solh has announced hlS lntentlon to seek a parllamentary vote The state game wlll payout the Nuclear Regulalory Commisslon of confldence ln an effore to stave off reslgnatlon followlng ln the same way as the parl­ sald Thursday plut('nlum should the reslgnatlon of seven cablnet memoers protestlng the break­ mutuel at a racetrack, wlth be banned as a fuel ln electrlc down of law and order. heavlly backed wlnnlng number3 power generatlon wltil adequate Solh sald he would make a detalled statement before the paylng less. safeguards are devt·loped. 99-member house explalnlng hls government's stand ln recent fight- NRC offlclals pledlcted thelr lng between Palestlnlans dnd Trip to Thai Border an Experience recommendatlon could cause a the rlght-wlng Phalanglst party. delay of up to thrte years in PFNOM PENH(UPI)--The three-day tnp by truck and bus from the orlglnal AEC timetable for Brzhnev A Hitler Phnom Penh to the Thal border was physlcally exhaustlng, but h1~ approvlng plutonlilll as a supple­ an lncredlble experlence because lt gave us a look at a Cambodla ment to the uranlurll fuel now Says Chinese Paper that few outSIders have ever seen. used ln atomlC rea( tors pro­ As we drove out through the Clty lt was a ghost tOlm. OutsHle duclng electrlclty. HONG KONG(UPI)--The Chinese of Le Phnom Hotel, a unlt of Khmer Rouge troops was drIllIng. The new recommelLdatlon drew Communlst party newspaper ASlde fEam them and the few guards tha~ were on duty on the lmmedlate sharp crltlclsm from today descrlbed Sovlet Comr­ streets, lt was a llfeless Clty. No one was on the streets. the Atomlc Industrial Forum, unlst party leader Leonld Those who departed on the flrst convoy reported ma~s destruc­ an lndustry group, WhlCh called Brzhnev as a modern-day HJtJ~r. tlon of property ln stores and homes by the Khmer Rouge. Every­ lt "lronlc and depJorable." Under the leadershlp of t~lng was closed but I dld not see many SIgns of damage or debrls Plutonlum, the ~ tuff from Brezhnev and hls predecessor, Perhaps they had cleaned up the Clty In the week Slnce the flrst WhlCh hydrogen boml,s are made, the late Niklta Khrushchev, refugees left. lS one of the wast" byproducts the Sovlet Unlon has undergone fhere were hundreds of cars and motorblkes left behlnd. They produced by uranium-burnlng an "hlstorlcal retrogresslon" had been collected in speclflc areas by the Khmer Rouge. reactors. It lS c(msldered one that has turned the world's The convoy of trucks departed the capltal ln the early morn­ of the deadllest mdterials on flrst soclallSl: state lnto lng. We dld not take the maln road to the north but lnstead earth, wlth even microscopic '~oclal-lmperlallsm and soclal­ went westward past the deserted alrport, then turned northward partlcles shown In lab tests to fascism," thf' "Deople's Daily on a small Jungle track the Khmer Rouge had used to supply thelr be capable of lndu( lng cancer Newspaper sald ln an edltorlal. troops durlng the siege. In animals. The edltorlal was publlshed The Khmer Rouge troops we passed seemed to take great lnterest There have been proposals ln commemoratlon of the 30th ln us. Women soldlers giggled and some of the men shouted greet­ that plutonlum be t'xtracted annlversary of the defeat of ings. Some people waved In villages in areas that had been from reactor waste~. and recycled Nazl Germany. It was trans­ under control of the Khmer Rouge for some tlme. In one a man as an addltlve that could mltted ln full by the New wlth hldeously deformed features stretch Amerlca's Ilranlum supplies. Chlna News Agency (NCNA). that appeared to be the result Inti Financi,:d R port In a draft environmental "The Soclalist bulwark whlch of a war lnjury hid hls face. DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES lmpact statement l~.sued last year, Hltler troops ln thelr mlillons In the areas recently taken the AEC regulatory staff said were unable to conquer has over by the Khmer Rouge the 30 Industrlals 850.13 up 9.63 the go-ahead should be glven been captured from wlthin by vlllages were deserted, wlth 20 Transports l71.Sl up 1.19 for commerical use of the fuel the Khrushchev-Brezhnev only a few scraggly dogs or 15 Utliltles 77 .90 up 1.53 mixture. It said detailed renegade cllque," the edltorlal chIckens and no people. One 65 Stocks 258.35 up 2.95 methods could be dl~eloped later sald. vlliage we passed through had to guard against tlte theft or "This handful of renegades been burned to the ground. VOLUME 28,440,000 shares loss of plutonium dnd agalnst has accompllshed what Hitler We had our first chance to sabotage at plants using or pro­ wanted but falled to carry out.
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