> ^G E EIGI^EN \ iHattrl|[^at»r ^tt^nUtQ Iferalli The Westher. PWeeast af U. S. Weather Bureau Nazarene, 4M MUn St, will take The I ^ t llistreaa Club of qwii for hla subject at the meeting to­ Daughtera of liberty No. 135 Will Knofla Seen Fair, eoider tonight. Lqw in up­ About T night "Man'a Bhiptiness and Ood’a hold ita monthly meeting Monday per tea. Sunday doadyUlkety fol- Fullneas.” No meeting will be held evening at 8'VeIock at the home 11,631 lowM by light snow or join late ia Th» Re». H. G. PurtthUer, who tomorrow evening. A cordial wel­ of Mrs. TilUe Lindsay, SB Bdgelr- Manber at Um AMU la conducUitf a aeries of tvanx'eila- come is extended, to the public to ton S t . Law B id d e r Bureau at OrcuOUau day or night. Hlgl^la upper 80s. tie maeUnfi « t th«, Churclf of the attend these meetings. Manche§ter-^A City of Village Charm Sr. andi*5rs. WiUiani Kll- T* loch the Neiy ndon Service On Skywaich Men’s Club, operatedMiy the Salva­ V0L.laXXlV,NO.143 (Twelve pages) MANCHESTER/ CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1955 (Classified AdverttslBg ea'Yaga 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS tion Ariny, will be speakers at the Fred Knofla was the' apparent Stmday evening bervice. at 7:80 in the local citiadel. low bidder yesterday on the con­ struction of a skywatCh atop the I l i ' E Mrs. Josephine Hart andNtlra. police station ‘on E. Middle Tpke. U.S. Entry ADA Hears Mary Horan are co-chaimi|to.'^f with a bid of |3,285. Churchill to the committee of arrangements f ^ the annual Oommunion breakfast knofla said today, he believed of Gibbons Assembly. Catholic he could build the 10-foot by 10- Due fqr^O Blast at Ike Ladies of Columbus, to be held structure within 10 hays after Premiership Soon Sunday, March 27, following the 8 conan^ictlo'n begins. am . Mass in S t James' Church. > was also the ap­ Red Sailors Reservations for the breakfast parent low bidder TTiursday on should be made before Wednesday, the remod^ng of the Hall of Rec­ London, ^arch 19 (/P)-~Growing prospecta of a general March 23, through the co-chair­ ords, underbid twq other builders Washington, March 19 (JP) British election this year sparked fresh report.^ today that Washington, March 19 (/P) men or members of their commit­ who submitted\prlces on the sky- —The United States has de­ Prime Minister'Churchill may step down before the strenuous —A CIO official today ac­ tee. _ ' ' watch project. \ cided to grant asy|um to some campaign begins. Three London newspapers—the pro-Church- cused the admini.stration of The other b id d ^ were William ill Daily Express, the Liberal News^- The Hi-League group is remind­ 20 Russianvseamen who de- offering the states “dp. it Kanehl, 519 Center St., who asked derted their ship after it was Chronicle and the Independent [r ed to be at -the Covenant Congre­ $2,337: and W. G. McNally and Evening Star—all carri^ reports {I yourself kits” in place of conj gational Church tonight at ■eized off Formosa by the Sons, 8 Morse Rd., Who asked \ that the 80-year-oId leader wss,| Sir Winston^s Heir? structive programs to meet 6:15 if they' wish Jo go $2,765. \ Chinese Nationalists. ‘'about" to retire as Prime Minis-jt- national domestic problems. to Springfield, Maas., ‘ to f>resent Knofld’s bid was $315 uMer the Ally, Gen. Brownell, it wiea ter, but remain as a member of “Internationally we are isolat­ Adenauer’s Ratification Smile a program at the Evangelical Cov­ le a r n t ia ready to lift preaent Im- ing ourselves more and more Om issions Pushes $21 enant Church in that city. Juniors $2,500 appropriated by the Board 'Round the CiockChanges with Helen Kingsley's the House of Commons. ' of Dlre^ors from the Capital migraUon barrlera and rule it ia 'B u t both the Ehepress and the from Our friends and our allies,''” will have their regular meeting at tn .the national 1 tercet to admit Chronicle, left open the posstpUity the church at 7 o’clock this eve­ Works Reserve Fund for the proj­ Reuther declared. "On matters TABLE-TOP ect. ' the men. that Churchill might change his ■of high national policy In domes­ ning. The Ruth Society will meet Revealed in Per Student Plywood Finish The action, however, ia virtually mind. tic affairs, the administration's at the home o i Mrs. Pred Hutt. 123 certain to provoke a hot proteat yemwi St., at 7:46 tonight. Mrs. The SkywatCh, which will be 4-WAY WiJNDA-DRESS The Star said cDurChiU already answer again and again haa been ZroB. Ruaaia which haa been de­ let Queen Elizabeth II in on the to offer the atatea ‘do'^lt ypurself’ K. Ejhar Rask will lead the Lenten flnisbed in plywood on the outside manding return of .iht men along Yalta ^otes devotions. -> and sheetrock on the Inside will be secret and that an announcement kita in place of coiiatriictlve na­ State Grant G-E WATER HEATERS Pleated Torso Jumper . Snug Short Jacket . and Spanking White with thdr ahlp. wax expected in “another week or tional .programs.” ’ 7H feet high and located, on the The defectora ara part M a 48- Manchester Loyal Orange Lodge two.” He said "the extent of respon­ Washington, Mafch 19 (ff*) Hartford, March 19 (JP)— . west side of the roof. A Are es' Dickie to make lots of changes . At a little change price. man crew captured ta.H June 23 by Churchill has been thinking and No, 99 will meet this evening at 8 cape >-extension to the roof will sibility recogntzed by the admin­ —The State Dei»rtment of­ Republican legislative leaders ' NaUonaiiat deatroyers a.or g with tidking about retiring for a long istration on one domestic issue o’clock in Orange Hall, and it is permit skywatchers to reach their their'abip, the tanker Tuapae, aa ficials who compileo the Yal­ today rejected Governor Ribi- hoped all members will make an time. But his deep feeling for after another” has been to formu­ A KITCHIN COUNTn post without going through the Crisp Spring Linen-Look Rayon, Washable, K Bailed for Red China. what he regarded as his duty has ta papers said today they re­ p f f ’s proposed cigaret tax effort to be present. police station, and a catwalk will late "sweieping, eye catching” pro­ Will Return Strip always kept him from such a'step. posals, leaving "all or a n>djor jected many documents hut ®*VIS Y o o w V l? reach from the fire escape to the It is understood that the Tuapae increase, as they came' up A divorce was granted in Su­ Crease-Resistant,. Guaranteed ^to Fit! Waated IXMtiag Feace part of the performance, iitclud- stuck scrupulously close to with a program to. hike per WOMCSUMAciT post, to eliminate the need for along with the 38 crewmen who Churchill has repeatedly ex­ perior Court, Hartford, this week walking on the roof. have chosen to stick to their ship Ing the cost,’'’ to the states and available notes on the actual pupil grants about $21 per- to Lorraine from John E. Couni- pressed the hope of crowning his local, communitiea. % Construction of the skywatch will be turned over to Soviet au­ long political career by setting meeting sessions. ' pupil without added taxes. hah, on the grounds of intolerable thorities within a few weeks. In' this connection, Rriither men­ These officials, who worked on cruelty. will permit the resumption of the the stage for “lasting world tioned school and highway aid, T h e new per pupil figure con-/ Ground Observer Corps’ activities The shm and all crewmen ara peace.” the Yalta project for years, made trasts to the $6 increase wanted ^ Here's a G-E Water Heater that now tn diincse NaUonalist cus­ soil conservation, /'unempIo>’ment the statement in response to ques­ Members of the Manchester which were terminated when the Only * 8 ®* For two years he looked' for­ compenaation, and "right-to- the Governor, who said a cigaret ' not only can be installed anywhere tody. tions about criticism . concerning tax increase from 8 to 4-cents a in your kitchen or laundry, but Chapter of the Holy Family Re­ o)d sk3Twatch atop the Odd Fel­ ward to a dramatic meeting with work” legislation. lows Building at the Center was Under an asylum plan now be­ Russia’s leaders aa one way to the factual fullness of the report. pack ia needed to finance it. giges you an,extra work surface, treat League are reminded of the ing devslopad, the cFawmen WUI be Harveab of Coafuslon The 500,000-worcl document was Communion breakfast to be held closed in January. Your whole spring wardrobe in one wonderful dress! achieve Eaaj-W est understanding. Days of .Deliberation too! Plenty of hot water—when you screened rigorously to make cer- . The CIO official said release of made public this wee1< as the Houee Speaker W. ' Sheffield need it! Sunday morning in St. Jam es’ The Odd Fellows Building Assn, the Yalta documents "underscorca Ail your day and evening changes , . , without chang­ Uin no diehard OommunisU and (Contiaued ea Page Two) 8IK ANTHO^fV EDEN American cecord of the wartime Cowles, Farmington Republican, School hall after the .8:30 Mass at had requested the abandonment of aeoirity risks art permitted to en- the tragic ahortcominga of a for­ Yalta conference.
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