Senior Men Named ;V. To Honor Organization By namnaminging Dennis Buth,Buth. Steve 'mf Hughes,Hiifrhoc BobShieids,RrkKci.1^1.1^ LeeI _______ Thomp­ DOBrdBoard of DlrectorsDirectors of the cCAC, a t son and Steve Amos as the 1967 He is President of the Presl- Honor Men, the organization now dw ts Council, and was Rush totals 240. Chairman for Beta Theta Pi and has also served on SGA. W' Members were inltiatedSatur- Shields is president of SGA day morning in the CAC Shocker He was class president his so- 1 f Rm. The Honor Five were intro> *8 president duced at the intermission of the o f the WSU chapter o f Delta Sig- Sergio M e n d e z and Brasil '66 *^**^Thu Kappa A I [^ as concert. well as being the national stu­ dent president of the society. Maintaining a 3.9 grade poL Shields has a 3.7 grade point in average. Dasketball and cross country wMle at WSU, He was a United Thompson was National Junior States Youth Ambassador to the College Debate Champion while gnjundbreaWng ceremonies for attending Hutchlnsmi Junior Col- lege. He was a Community *8 a member of Gold Key. American Intern and is currently Amos, Senior Class Presi- vice-president of the WSU chapter of Delta Sigma Rho- a grade point average of 3.0. He Is a member of the Thu Kappa Alpha. He is trea- w ra debating out of tomi. were also selected. They were fwt present because they surer of the SGA. Photo by Virgil Stinson Student Group Plans The Sunflower 'Negro Male ’ Panel Students Anonymous will present committee. Students Anonymous ® psnel discussion on a recent in the tradition o f its academic article by Walter C. Bailey, Ph.D. VOL. LXXn NO. 14 WICHITA STATE UNIVERSITY focus, feels that only in free and ^iology associate, “ The New open discussion can the realities Negro Male; Fact or Fiction?,” In of our society be realized and Rm. 209-210 in the CAC on Thurs- day, at 2:30 p.m. thus, have addeid the discussions to their program of free tutorial ser­ Bonfire Burns, Tri Delta Wins vice which begins immediately after TTie original article presented mid-terms, according to the or­ a new theory about the evolution ganizations spokesman. of the Negro male in the United States. Has his image changed? Is Overall, Queen Crowned there a new male coming over the Nearly 1,000 students waded horizon as the traditional per­ PorNassDS Pictures rally “ an even bigger successthan ^rough the muck and mire of the Following the burning of an ef­ ception of the Negro male fades last year’," according to Pat Al- figy of the Thlsa Hurricane, Dr. into the twilight of yesteryear? football practice Held Fridby night len, bonfire committee chairman. Friday will be the last date ^ 30-degree weather to make the Noah Allen, director of athletics for students to have their Par­ Pep Council-sponsored bonfire and Linwood Sexton, former WSU Among the panelists will be the nassus Yearbook pictures re­ anchor, Dr.BallAv. Margaret Mull- The WSU Band turned out in grid star, gave short pep talks . taken. Only those who are pre­ Wn, sociology assistant professor force around 7 p.m. at Falrmount The rapidly dwindling, half-fro­ sently holding receipts for their Park and began snaking Its way and Dr. David Herman, head of the picture and have not had them zen crowd joined In singing the psychology department. Students north on Vassar past the frater­ taken, must have them taken at Wichita State Alma Mater and fol­ will also be on the panel and the nities, north on Yale, and through lowed the band off the field to the this time. panel will be open toquestlons, dis­ sorority row to the practice field strains of “ Hail Wichita.” behind Grace Wilkie. The rally cussion and comments from the floor. The pictures will be taken gained momentum as the beind. act­ Gamma Phi Daylene Huxman Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 ing as a “ Pied Piper," gathered a was crowned Homecoming Queen. p.m. at the Rorabaugh & Mill- flock of followers with its enthus­ First and second runners-up The next panel discussion will sap Studios, 2906 E. Central. iastic rendition of WSU's tight were DG Phyllis Hollander and be on the WSU human relations scmgs. International Club's candidate. Usha Menon. A mountain of wood, carehiUy New Fair Housing Ordinance stacked on the practice field, pro­ Overall display honors went to ved to be a formldible challei^e Delta Delta Delta. Winning the to the torchbearers John Eckman fraternity and Independent divis­ ions were Beta Theta PI and Will Be Discussed Today and Rick Wheeler. After trying in By TOM MOVEYMOVMY _____ _ ... ' vain to set the woodpile afire for Engineering Council. Delta Gam­ pus yesterday will be presented nearly 15 minutes. Red Parsons, ma, Sigma Phi Epsilon and New- Staff Wrltar to the commission, campus security officer, came to mto Center tocrf^ second places. ^ ordinance "I have reason to believe the prohibiting discrimination be­ their aid with several gallons of Homecoming parade honors commission will pass the or­ cause of race, color, reli^on, gasoline. The rally was beginning were given to Delta Delta Delta. dinance,” Woodard told TheSun- to break up just as the tire was Sigma Phi Epsilon and Inde­ rational origin or ancestry in the sal^ rental, lease or other flower. He said, however, that DAYLINE NUXMAN getting a good start. pendent Students. he expects “ strong opposition t i^ s fe r of housing accommoda­ tions, ’ will be adopted or re­ to the bill. There's possibly one commissioner who will vote jected by the city commission to­ day. against It," he said. The proposed fair housing or­ “ I don't think the opponents dinance was drafted by Wichita’ s have any rational arguments that first Negro City Commissioner. stand up against the bilL” said Woodard. A. Price Woodard, Jr. Mayor Clarence Vollmer in­ Woodard’s proj)osal carries a dicated support of a stronger •>500 penalty for persons found fair housing ordinance last year, guilty of housing discrimination even though he votedagainstsuch and would make it a misdemeanor an ordinance. Commissioners for personstomisrepresent their Don Enoch and Walt Keeler have l^ing or selling intentions on said they will not comment on the basis of discrimination. the ordinance prior to the public hearing. Commissioner William Woodard’s original proposal carried a stiffer penalty of a Anderson has Indicated a philo­ fine of up to $500, and-or six sophical opposition to fair hous­ ing laws. months imprisonment. “ Some of the commissioners objected to Woodard’s most formldible op- the prison provision," said (msltira will probably come from Woodard In justification of its the Wichita Board of Realtors. removal. "They don’t know wliy t'ley’re opposed to it (falrhousingVhem- About 35 proponents and op­ selves,” Woodard commented. ponents of the bill are scheduled “ The National Real Estate Board to {g)eak at a public hearing in just flat said *no’ to any type of commission chambers this integration five or six years nu>niing.The hearing is slated to a go," he continued. begin at 9:30 a.m. and will con­ Enforcement of Woodard’s slx- clude at noon. page ordinance, if adopted by the in addition, a petition support­ commission, would be delegated ANOIEHT f ir e t r u c e -» » • Itiwy fitatt in Hie I98T Homeeeming Parade. pho,o by Ron WUsol ing Woodard’ s proposal which to a five-man Fair Housing was circulated on the WSU cam­ Board. Creation of the board is Included in the proposal. Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives il 2 : The Sanflower Tuesday, Nevember T, 1817 i 67 HOMECOMING c d a< in W' 19 ;p« Ibe bi Sc ca to d€ d(f r dl< gl< U\ re ini an nu f n St2 an' ba p r ’ *Ii )la Jic va »< he .it01 1 •la iM la> le o« ho 1 0 . ar ( VU He ef tu> rhj nd igBa [or la ou First Place Fraternity - Beta Engineering Council Wins Independent Honors Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives • Tuit<«y, Wytmhtr 7, 1987 TN Simriewer IN RETROSPECT PHOTOS BY RON WILSON AND VIRGIL STINSTON m • Newman Club Takes Second Winning Second Is Delta Gamma Sorority Wichita State University Libraries, Special Collections and University Archives J ? c . The Suirflowtr TuMtfay, Ntvtmbtr I, 1967 Guest Comments Editorial ^Creative Nonsense’ Releives Tensions Kditnr’s I'cKloy'H rommi'nlalor cm !•'«• ^ T h e P i But I w orry about w orriers, and 1 just think that ress’ Pow er lh<*r(MTnld J o u Ih t I. I'hl).. linivrrHily Chaplain al playing with a balloon for an hour or two might help. m Nrwman C«*nlc*r. Anyone* mnv Nubenit artioloH «)n an) Hubjrrt. We work too hard. We worry too much. We have Tensions mount at home, at school, at work, forgotten how to laugh at ourselves and with others. in the city, in the world. Our ownpersonal committ­ We don’t know how to relax. 11118 is what sends us ments are so many and pressing, with classes and to tranquillizers, to LSD, to the booby hatch. study and work, that we feel the pressure of too much They Called It A Concert. to do and too little time in which to do it. Added to In the secular city each man is god. F o r if there these, we are bombarded on every side, thanks to our is no God in his heavens, then each man is god.
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