MOE TWELVE THE LIMA NEWS DECEMBER 20 11 I' I'l i'W'' 10-DAY RECESS TO START GRAND, PETIT "Family Hour Features STEPS PLANNED FUNNY BUSINESS IT'S ONLY FALL WEDNESDAY FOR PUPILS BUT CHRISTMAS School children of Lima can WILL BE WHITE place their textbooks in their JURY PANELS Christmas Program Dec. 20 TO CURB EXODUS closets Wednesday nijrht and de- The board of HtraU'icy of (he vote their attentions to Chrislmnn weather bureau announced Sun- toys for 10 days, before class bell* ARE SELECTED OF FARM LABOR day a continuulion of the beckon them back to the road to Jack Benny To Make First Appearance On Army winter (hat has visited this area knowledge. When classes conclude Wednes- Camp Series Opening In East for (In: past tliri-c weeks. In day, students will be meeting for Names Are Drawn From Wheel Ohio Production May Fall short "more snow." the last time of the year. Sessions Down Unless Trend Is A while Christmas is prac- will resume a^ain on Jan. 4, For Duty In Allen-co Gladys Swarlhout will be heard in selections from Victor tically assured with (he prospect Halted, Officials Say of conl in ueil cold weather. Court Herbert's "Babes in Toy-land" and in the Bach-Gounod 3leanwliilc a communique is- "Are Maria" on a, special pro-Christmas "Family Hour" sued from the calendar bureau (By The Associated Prc»i) Platter Chatter Gr»nd and petit jurors were Deems Taylor and Al Goodman's orchestra, and office of almanacs flatly drawn Saturday morning in torn- progra* » m with •> ' COLUMBUS, O., Due. 19—An denied (he presence of winter, By MARY PORTER won pleas court" . i Dec»-•. 20tt r. (WAB/ 11 r t fiy-*C 5r* p.. m.)\ exodus of labor from Ohio's | and said Unit, the season begins WE BUY OLD r~r-—r=r-^n The names of ihe 25 grand Jack Benny and gang make i farms, already threatening to I JJcc. 22. R K G 0 i; 1) K ! > JH^Bt 1 jurors, of which 35 will be se- Ttleinplinj: to decide whether REGARDLESS their first appearance at an Amcrk..,n theatre, will make one make serious inroads on 1013] or not winter is here, John Q. OF C 0 i\ D I- lected at the next grand jury ses- eastern Army camp on Dec. -0, of her rare radio appearances sion whenever that date is deter- when they visit Ft. Dcvens, Mass., production, may be curbed by Citizen brushed the white s(uff TJON. ANY- Dec. 20, at !> ]>. in., over WABC provisions of the recently-invoked from hi<< porch and said: THING J3 U T mined, are: to entertain the soldiers and on "Kadio Header's Digest" when Sam Wilgus, Spencerville: Glen manpower act, Elmer F. Kruse, "Ur-r-r-r." COLUMB I A S broadcast their weekly program she is heard in a tiue romantic State Agricultural Adjustment AND E D 1- Mayberry, Columbus Grove, Route from that point (WEAK, 7 p. m.) blory of the American West. 2; Pearl M. Vertner, Beaverdam; Benny, Mary Livingstone, Roches- Administration chairman said S O N S. 1 P Dr. Charles Courboin, eminent today. YOU HAVE Martha E. Mahoney, 1108 N. ter, et al are in the east on a tour organist and composer, will de- STUDENT NURSES Union-st; Amelia R. Baird, R. R. of Army camps along the eastern Ohio Stale university farm ex- 50 OR MORE 4, Lima; Vernon Yoakam, R. R. vote his program of Dec. -0, to a perts at Uie same time predicted WE'LL CALL seaboard. It is not known at of Christmas favorites WILL GET THEIR 2, Bluffton; S B. Turner, R. R. 1, j prcsent ,how Jong. the lour will be production next year would run FOR T H E M Harrod; J. W. Edward?, Gomer; * fe . (YVEAF, 8:05 a. m.). below ]941! if the present loss of CAPS SUNDAY AT YOUR HOME. PHONE Geo. A. Swallow. 2113,i S. Union- Reaching once again to the Pa- Eddie Johnston, first drummer essential farm labor continued. 4-7801. 6t; Frank Hayes, Spencerville; cific coast and to the nearby At- and xylophonist of the "Musical Kruso pointed out, 1ho, that to The largest class in the history It's a novelty for Maestro Tony C. C. Arnold, Lafayette; Ruth lantic shores for its latest pair Steelmakers" orchestra, w h o r of Memorial hospital's nurses Pastor. HEY MABEL! backed of aspirants for operatic honors. maintain a high production lo\ el Hammon. Columbus Grove, Route helped organize the group back general cooperation of the. public training school, will hold its oap- by SOFT HEARTED. By the 2; Blanche C. Barton, 601 Har- "Metropolitan Opera Auditions of in 19:!0, will be guest artist on pins exercises Sunday at the Kp- way do vou have Tony's MAS- the Air"' will present a young so- would be needed badly next year. "I can't stand the crash of glass, so I'm using a hot water rison-av; Geo. Leist, 1028 Brice- the Wheeling Steelmakers show, It will Ije necessary to utilize worth Methodist church with Rev. SACHUSETTS? Or for some- ave; Glen R. Reese, 998 S. prano from Hollywood, and a ten- Dec. 20, at 5:30 p. in., over W.I/. bottle!" Harold F. Stodtlard. of the First thing fast and furious try his West-st; or from New York City on Dec. school ciiildren and older per- FLAG WAVER. Phil Spitalny and his all-girl sons not finployablo in industry, Baptist church as the speaker. Agnes C. Repp, 1125 Brice-av; j 20, at 6:30 p. m.. over WJZ. They orchestra and choir of the "Hour allow old age pensioners to work Capping of the class of -11 mem- BEST SELLERS: WHEN THE Lelia May Stewart. 228 N. Cole- j will be Virginia Card and Richard lie said, to cultivate and haiTCfct BRAKEMAN DIES LIGHTS GO ON AGAIN by of Charm" will entertain 150 chil- crops to help fill the breadbasket on farms "10 the maximum of bers will be conducted by JMiss 6t; Adda Ellen Brown, 617 Pros-1 Tucker. dren evacuated from war-torn their capacity without equivalent Mabel L. Knebler and Miss Xaomi Vaughn Monroe. Dick Todd or pect-av: Stanley W. Peltier, R. R. Helen Hayes, first laclv of the of the nation and armed forces. IN ATTEMPT TO Shep Fields, WHITE X.MAS by Europe, in a Christinas party "The manpower act will go a sacrifice of pension income;;" plan Beery, of the hospital staff. 2, Delphos; Dale Davidson, 409 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 during the AVEAF broadcast Dec. for maximum production with a Members of the class are Velora Freddy Martin. THERE ARE JsV Main-st, Bluffton; Chas. L. ' Eastern War Time P.M.—Subtract Oni long way, if we continue to get AVERT WRECK Hour 1or 20, at 10 p. m. minimum use of labor; make Agler, Dorothy Anderson, Imo- SUCH THINGS bv Tommy Kramer, 436 S. Kenihvorth-av;; CWT., 2 Hr«. tor MWT. the cooperation of selective serv- every effort to maintain the sup- Dorsey and JUKE-BOX SAT- Helen D. MacDonald, 1522 Lake-i (Changes in programs os listed tine tc The voices of happy children ice boards, in keeping essential (l.imn Xew« lliirciin) pone Anspach, Barbara Aslibrook, URDAY NIGHT by Glenn corrections by networks wade too who have escaped from many of 1 ply of labor-saving equipment; Harriett Artz, Xorma Bondley, wood-av; Mark Leatherman, R. iate to incorporate.) labor on" our farms, ' said Kruse. KENTON, Dec. 19—Leland Wil- -Miller. PRAISE THE LORD by R. 1, Harrod; L. H. Bierly, La- 12:30— Emma Otero In a Concert— nbc the lands now under the Nazi "Jt's our Iiope and belief that it form county farm labor commit- Zoa Breitigam, June Castor, Mary e c 1 d 1 t o )0 lor tees to meet farm labor problems liams, 25, of Huntington, Ind., a Kay Kyser. fayetle; Betty Pugh, 322 W. S'P,.^' -^5 * . .?. ! :_. .l . heel will be heard over WJZ on will solve the growing problem Kathryn Coats, Wilma Coile, Speaking of Miller, try his " Spring-st; Salt JUike Tabernacle's Choir— cbs Dec. 20, at G:05 p. m., when they locally wherever possible. brakeman on the Erie railroad, Joanne Cusac, Mary Davis, Pa- Irving Caesar & Safety Sonics—mbs of a labor shortage." was killed about 12:10 p. m. Sat- suner arrangement of STAR The names of the petit jurors. 12:45—bettors to .My Son Serifs—nibs are entertained on the program A survey nf farm labor condi- AAA Chairman Kruse also an- tricia Dearbaugh, Mary Dershem, DUST. All instrumental, no •who will be summoned 12 at a 1:00—Kobert St. John on People—nbc "Britain to America." originating nounced that crop production pay- urday when he was believed to Bonnie DeWitt. Eileen Ellorbrock, Horace Hoidt's Review; News—blu tions, made by tbe university for i have attempted to avert a. tram vocal. And it's good! To real- time when the occasion arises, The Church of the Air Sermons—clis in London. "The Children's Christ- the state agricultural war board, I ments on corn, wheat, potatoes Viola Evans, Peggy Joy Fruchey. ly get in the Xmas spirit, you are: Reviewing Stand (from records)—nilia mas" will be the title of the and tobacco would be lower in wreck. Florence George, Grace Gluss, mu«t have Miller's JINGLE 1:15—Labor For Victory Talks—nbc showed: The mishap occurred just south- Calvin E.
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